Defending Liberalism

Jr, Harvey C. Mansfield

"Defending Liberalism" LYNDON JOHNSON'S death on the day before the peace settlement in Vietnam was announced gave...

...With this understanding, which does not have to be sophisticated in most, a liberal citizen will found his opinions on the separateness of human beings, and accept that there are others outside himself who have rights and to whom he has duties...
...Women's liberation is liberation by women, but also from womanhood...
...Liberalism The Alternative April 1974 7 gave a courtly welcome to feminism, and with reason, because feminism was based on the sexual distinction and recognized the separateness of human beings...
...Such extraneous commentary is used for all kinds of pertinent political activities, including the praising of a constituent on the birthday of his dog...
...Now they need not abase themselves before radical critics of the war or before liberal defectors who claimed to be "right from the first...
...But also, the indirect administration of various interests by involving "the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operations of government" can be foregone...
...It is the expression of power without object, not appetite at all, but a generalized anger in defense of an impossible, imhuman common body...
...Or, they have a The Alternative April 1974 5 similar motive, each working at the interest, especially the property interest, which will best prevent the creation of a common motive...
...Self-expression is now becoming accepted in the practice of liberal society...
...To profess the ':liberated self," radicals do not make a frontal attack on liberal politics, or on the American Constitution...
...But as the President outlined his major legislative goals for the coming year the eyes of Congress still focused on Watergate...
...But the conference also served to highlight that an unanimity of opinion vis-a-vis the body politic and political strategy for the upcoming elections does not exist, even among conservatives...
...They do not rule the society but they administer it, using permissive tolerance as the means of dissipating nonliberal opposition...
...35:23.35 For those interested in the "vital" statistics of the first session of the Ninety-third Congress, the Commerce Clearing House's Congressional Index reported the following: The House of Representatives was in session for 175 days, for a total of 790 hours...
...but contrary to the fears of liberals, reason can rule society without politics...
...As we saw, Madison defined the whole endangered by faction as "the permanent and aggregate interests of the community...
...Ashbrook, however, was able to catch the prevailing sentiment well when he quoted John Greenleaf Whittier: '~When faith is lost, when honor dies, the man is dead...
...It was a chance befitting the course of events, for Nixon's policy has rescued Johnson's, and with it Johnson's supporters, the liberal Democrats whom he inherited...
...Even if each body were satisfied in its separate appetites, it is implied, a man with self-love would be angry if his separateness were not recognized with appropriate distinctions of respect and prestige...
...To a degree, this lack of spirit on the part of liberals is merely silly complacency, but to a greater degree, it reveals the nature of liberalism as originally propounded...
...In some demonstrations radicals have used obscenity as a kind of gesture in defiance of liberal society...
...Liberals, however, are tolerant, and to show their tolerance they favor a large and various society in which all groups, even enemies, are encouraged to take an interest...
...Liberal politics solves the problem of reason and self-love, when it does, by solving it again and again, not once and for all...
...Agreement so attained gives liberal society its own sense of being a whole while recognizing, tolerating, or even purging its partisan humors...
...These causes, to repeat, are selflove and diverse faculties, and they come tegether in property... also has the nobler purpose of uniting mankind by inspiring the advance of science...
...there is admiration in the phrase...
...Sponsored by the American Conservative Union and Young Americans for Freedom, the 1974 Conservative Political Action Conference offered a packed agenda, covering everything from precinct organization, youth campaigns, campaign finance and reform, issue development, campaign media, campaign management, to the role of the party in the campaign...
...Precisely because we can be confident that reason can rule society without government, we need no longer stop or even hesitate at the supposed boundaries of unreason...
...But the system of administered tolerance does not work by itself in any context of opinions or with any cast of characters...
...The self-expression of women's liberation is an assertion of manliness liberated from the male body, and to demonstrate one's liberation from both female and male, it would be necessary to engage (not indulge: it would be a duty) in sexual activity, precisely where men and women have been imprisoned most in their sexual roles...
...Precisely because no justification exists for self-defense against rivals and enemies, we can loose our anger at the restraints, justifiably called "repression," which remain...
...Speaking about women's liberation is not easy because it is natural to take the part of one's own gender...
...Why do liberals have so much trouble defending themselves...
...As for partisan spirit, one may suggest a moderate, retrospective anger at the angry, as it is rather late for a liberal backlash against their radical enemies...
...Tho~ who had the wisdom or dignity to go "all the way with LBJ"--in many cases further than LBJ himself went----can now return to being liberals as distinguished from radicals or radical-liberals...
...On the other hand it does seem a rather expensive escapade to introduce that many pieces of legislation in light of the fact that the Senate passed only 726 bills, and the House passed even less, 717...
...To support able politicians, certain fundamental opinions hostile to the radical doctrine of self-expression are also required...
...If liberal institutions could guarantee a solution, men would be such that liberal institutions would not be needed...
...Liberals can feel their own community and learn to assert it in self-defense by recalling that liberalism was a revolutionary doctrine, and by turning from the system of liberty now established to liberalism in its phase of liberation...
...Impeachment The question of impeachment has also reached new heights...
...In the persuasion of interests, reason is the instrument and free speech its guaranteed right...
...A majority faction, Madison says, must be obstructed by preventing the existence of the same passion or interest in the majority, which is the purpose of delegating government to "fit characters" meeting apart from the majority...
...If you're interested in knowing how much the senators and congressmen earned, the Commerce Clearing House broke down their $42,500 annual salaries, beth per diem and in terms of an hourly salary...
...Chance made us with separate bodies only so that we could have fun rubbing them against each other...
...Obscenity takes the verbal form of pornography so that it can have ~redeeming social value," and women's liberation is placated with quotas...
...Indeed they understand their anger as reason, and therefore free speech not as persuasion but as giving vent to indignation...
...Liberalism is not against fun, but it does not hold this opinion...
...10 goes on to show how government can control the effects of faction, especially majority faction...
...Of the legislation that passed 244 enactments were signed by President Nixon, and one bill (the war powers measure) became law through Congress' override of a veto...
...Our senators met on 184 days, or 1,084 hours...
...Thus "repressive tolerance," despite its cloying hospitality and its bland disclaimers today, had a partisan bite when first brought forth...
...The radical doctrine of self-expression, implying the facile, though destructive, creation of a common body of human beings, stands in plain opposition to these opinions...
...For nonliberals are first allowed the oppertunity of purging .their partisan humors and then offered the temptation of developing an interest in public talk and private gain...
...This is not to say that liberalism supports free speech for the sole purpose of uniting men in societies by persuading them to their self-interest...
...10, then, radicalism sees no problem in the connection between reason and self-love...
...Sex is an appetite, but an uncalculated appetite, hence available for use by anger (also uncalculated) as in obscenity, for example...
...The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man," Madison concludes...
...Liberals today are not likely to take this requirement for granted, for they sense quite correctly that their leaders have been outgeneraled by Richard Nixon...
...Federalist No...
...Since the liberated self does not respect the necessary separateness of human beings in their separate bodies, its self-interest is appetite only, with no recognition of human defensiveness and anger...
...Who will mind the home...
...That doctrine is drawn from Marx and Nietzsche, Marx supplying its wish to make man whole again and Nietzsche furnishing the partisan bite of willful mastery...
...10 (written by James Madison) we find clear and authoritative thoughts on liberal society as a whole and partisanship within it...
...The activities of the self can become "expression," an outward release of energy over the fallen constraints of embarrassment, respect, and awe...
...At this point of culmination, women's liberation borrows not only from adolescent masculinity but also, surreptitionsly and with outward signs of abhorrence, from the movement of sexual liberation, to get unisex and polymorphous perversity...
...This struggle forces men apart by making them aware of their separate bodies and responsive to separate and competing needs...
...On the contrary, they work by recreating and then resolving the problem for whose solution they were originally instituted...
...Contrary to the radical analysis, liberal society requires successful politics in which competent politicians act imaginatively and speak skillfully to produce a ruling majority...
...He will regard the making of a whole community not as a matter of course, but as requiring care in construction and preservation...
...The committee was initially prone to vindicative partisan attacks, because of the liberal Democrats who control 8 The Alternative April 1974... speech is all reason in theory, and in practice all anger...
...and the former will be objects to which the latter will attach themselves...
...The A L TERNs4 TIVE Est...
...When those institutions work well, they bring about agreement by consent and through persuasion...
...Majority faction may be controlled by delegating government to representatives and by extending the sphere of society to "take in a greater variety of parties and interests...
...Inspired with this doctrine, the liberal can know himself and defend himself against the enemies of the radicals...
...Liberalism as an "ism" implies a body of doctrine, a more or less consistent whole more or less closed to doctrines inconsistent with itself...
...If he is reflective, he--or she---will wonder why the separateness of human beings is unchangeable and what this implies about the power of human beings...
...Individual pleasures remain, including the pleasures of separate bodies interacting, but they are a matter of choice among delights because no individual pleasure subtracts from another, either for oneself or for others... currently studying whether or not Nixon ought to be impeached and, in the process, will attempt to determine what constitutes an impeachable offense...
...What is the difference between liberal self-interest and radical self-expression...
...Tolerance need not be rejected because it can be made militant--that is, subversive and liberating...
...Let us turn from the "liberalism" of today's partisan rhetoric, which is opposed to "conservatism," and "radicalism" to the liberalism of America's founders which comprises all three positions or parts of them...
...for senators it was $230...
...1924 VOLUME 7 NUMBER 7 Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr...
...It must be that manliness is not essentially male, as indicated in the asserted fact that independence in the very crude sense of capacity for sexual satisfaction by oneself is possible for a woman as well as a man...
...With less reason, liberals now give nervous hospitality to the varieties of radical self-expression...
...Repressive tolerance" exposes to liberals the unheard-of fact that in a liberal society liberals somehow come out on top...
...When combined, such citizens are defined by the author as a faction, which is a number of citizens, whether a minority or a majority, actuated by passion or interest against the rights of others or "the permanent and aggregate interests of the community...
...This means that in making the connection between self-love and reason they must never forget the difference...
...At the rate of $209 per page for the Congressional Record, Congress' fiscal restraint is less than praiseworthy...
...On the way we have seen that liberalism does after all have an understanding of itself as a whole in the work of liberal politics...
...They are angry at anger, and therefore more angry than the angry --because those who compete in the "rat~ race" of liberal society cannot win merely by getting angry, but those who believe they care nothing for success have no reason to restrain their anger...
...As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other...
...The competitive struggle still carried on in this fat society has lost any connection to need, and men go through the paces of enterprise and employment pretending that their lives depend on success, while knowing that they do not...
...The right of conscience is also used as the right to make a public spectacle by radicals who would have a hard job defining "conscience" as anything more than angry opinion...
...There is a feminine body but not a feminine self, because the self (as we have seen) has the power of overcoming the separateness of bodies, including the sexual distinction...
...Such an agreement holds better than a mere aggregate of interests because it is tested by opposition while it is made, and men stick to positions they have defined in partisan dispute...
...Majority faction is more difficult to control in a popular government than minority faction, becanse majority faction looks like the republican principle of majority rule, whereas minority faction must work against the genins of republican government...
...The business of liberal politicians is to connect them...
...Liberal society not only thrives on variety, but requires it for survival...
...It is as if the right of free speech were the right to be angry in public...
...In its laborious efforts Congress filled 32,325 pages of that award-winning perlustration we have so often talked about-the Congressional Record Given an estimate of 1,500 words per page, the total word output would be 65 million or, as the Commerce Clearing House reports, 233,000 words for each new public act...
...Among liberals, the phrase has currency as the name of a conservative policy mistakenly followed by some liberals today, for which a policy of greater petrolssiveness could readily be substituted...
...To defend oneself it is necessary to recognize the enemy, and thus to have defined oneself against the enemy...
...Political Action Conference The weekend of January 25 saw a congregation of conservatives in Washington, D.C., the likes of which had not been seen for at least a decade...
...For radicals self-interest is all appetite in theory, and in practice all anger...
...Despite their accusations against liberals, radicals present themselves as friendly to liberals, or rather the more consistent (because original) liberals...
...Still, doubts linger...
...10, is the control of faction, for in the free society produced by a popular government, the question immediately arises of what to do about those citizens who abuse freedom to the detriment of others or of society as a whole...
...Since society--liberal capitalist society, it will be admitted~now produces an abundance sufficient to make "the struggle for existence" seem a dramatic phrase for a forgotten condition, the necessity of struggle has been eliminated, and the excuse for repression has been made obsolete...
...In the liberal system, self-love is calculated as self-interest, and reason stands for the interest of the whole...
...The psychology of The Federalist is of course much less visible than its politics-the reverse of radicalism but it seems to propose that the angry passions of self-love be contained with the principle of self-interest...
...This method of curing factions is also rejected, but with reasoning that reveals the fundamental difficulty liberalism has in defending itself...
...And does not unisex bear a resemblance to masculine sex, after all, in its selfishness as well as in its independence...
...But it is evident that liberalism, if it is a whole, is a whole that is afraid to be a whole--and therefore has difficulty in rousing partisans to its defense...
...But they must do so with the appalling recognition that Richard Nixon made it possible...
...In both cases the practice is the consequence of the theory...
...Although men zealensly dispute over different opinions on religion or government, or attach themselves to ambitions or exciting men, "the most common and durable source of factions" has been property in its different degrees and kinds...
...It is an assertion, but of what...
...But such is not the case...
...I have not attempted to examine the doctrine here, but only to show some of its consequences and its hostility to liberalism...
...But that is not what Marcuse meant, and that is not what radicalism asks or requires of liberals...
...Men mistreat women when they consider women "sexual objects" in the sense of means to another's pleasure, but men achieve what tenderness and fidelity they are capable of when they consider women as sexual objects in the sense of ends to whose happiness one may be devoted...
...On the way to being liberated is liberation...
...But to make free speech and self-interest identical, it is necessary to change them...
...The problem of a free society, according to Federalist No...
...Its premi ~ is that selfishness is caused by the struggle for existence...
...Whether '~one y e a r . . , is enough" still remains to be seen...
...For self-love is as adamant in its defensiveness as reason is unbending and high-minded...
...Based on the number of days the House and Senate convened, the '~daily salary" for congressmen was $240...
...This obligation is not cancelled by Watergate...
...those feelings and activities which have been considered feminine up to now have merely been imposed on women...
...They do advocate "power to the people," claiming that under liberalism the people suffer from a sense of powerlessness...
...It is associated with an appetite but it cannot be satisfied with any goods but those which are by their nature scarce, such as honors...
...Thus unisex is not even masculine sex in the better sense...
...and its sameness is distributive rather than collective...
...To do this they must be acquainted with both the low and the high in human nature and must have a sense of how the one can be raised and the other lowered to make (so far as possible) a community of free men...
...Protection of these faculties is the first object of government, and since diverse faculties produce different degrees and kinds of property--and property influences opinions-society will be divided into different interests and parties...
...Under liberal constitutionalism, therefore, political institutions have the double function of stating differences and bringing about agreement...
...but at the same time it turns ambition to the bourgeois desire for property, away from the pseudoaristocratic love of victory and command...
...This movement is based on the opinion that no feeling or activity is essentially feminine...
...Of the first cure, there are again two methods: abolishing liberty, which is immediately dismissed as a remedy worse than the disease, and "giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests...
...To encourage the desire for property allows something to ambition, but different degrees and kinds of property translate success into terms in which one man's victory is not so clearly another man's defeat as in politics...
...Liberal institutions are an aid to this continuing selution, no doubt an indispensable aid, but they do not guarantee a solution merely by being instituted... is only made more painful...
...There were also a number of panel sessions, on everything from d~tente and Red trade to the women's movement and equal rights...
...Old-fashioned feminism promoted the feminine, instead of denying it...
...We can be liberated from the administered system of liberty by acting as if we were already liberated...
...By any standard the 1974 Conservative Political Action Conference has to be considered a success...
...It cannot assert the rights of the womanhood from which it is trying to escape, and to claim the rights of manliness would be joining the class of oppressors and admitting that they were right...
...As compared to Federalist No...
...Thns we see that the sameness which was said to be impossible to produce without destroying liberty must indeed be prevented from coming into existence and operation, in order to secure Jiberty...
...As we have seen, politics is recognized as important only if the connection between reason and self-love is understood as a problem for men...
...Liberal society is a society of interest groups, with the consequence that there is no interest group for liberalism...
...This administered tolerance lacks the ceremony of a formal embrace and the warmth of an informal hug, but to call it "repressive" would seem to be an act of aggression following from downright revulsion...
...This remark returns us to contemporary radicalism because we are reminded of its indifference to liberal political institutions and of its hostility to the difficult process of gaining consent...
...Recently the Supreme Court has accepted in some degree the self-expression of burning the flag or a draft card as instances of "free speech," although burning is not speaking and the purpose was not to persuade but to "demonstrate" and to '~protest...
...Adding interests to make an "aggregate" is successful when the purpose is to add to one's interests, but when under attack, one may leave the aggregate rather than defend it...
...Free society is overdue, and we can begin to live it now...
...partly by the process of administered tolerance that radicals describe, partly by simple inattention from the liberals...
...this would be, or run the risk of becoming, the majority faction that Madison sought to avoid...
...But are these his enemies...
...But this complaint sounds very different from Madison's political concern for factions adverse to the rights of others and to the interests of the community...
...Defending Liberalism LYNDON JOHNSON'S death on the day before the peace settlement in Vietnam was announced gave Richard Nixon the opportunity, while making the announcement, of vindicating Johnson against his critics...
...But the possibility of ~'now" unites them with the belief that, in principle at least, the future can be seized and lived in the present...
...Madison argues simply and cogently: "As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed...
...Of the 32,325 pages in the Congressional Record for 1973, 8,325 were devoted to the so-called extraneous commentary...
...Yet it remains true that liberalism must defend itself as a whole, and hence collectively...
...Repressive tolerance" having the purpose or effect of keeping liberal society liberal is no longer necessary, and the liberal pretension of allowing men to live as they like can now be realized...
...Now it is to liberals so circumstanced, divided in interest and united only in tolerance, feeling guilty when defending themselves against nonliberals and feeling uneasy when they do not, that radicalism makes its appeal...
...A showdown vote over whether or not Nixon should resign was avoided during one panel when the M.C., Dan Joy (an aide to Congressman John Ashbrook [R-Ohio]), headed off the vote by calling it "inappropriate...
...The House Judiciary Committee, under the chairmanship of Peter Redino (D-N.J...
...But when each belly is satisfied, the self is apparently liberated from concern with its own separate body and becomes capable of acting as if it shared a common body with other members of the class, the society, or mankind...
...But the most expressive demonstrativeness has been saved for the matter of sex...
...On]y unnecessary repression maintains these silly and harmful habits based on self-delusion and self-repression...
...The answer depends on whether "the liberated self" is indeed a liberal or a wholesome doctrine...
...Self-interest allows for the dif6 The Alternative April 1974 ferences demanded by men's self-love, and so does not presume that the satisfied self is ready to amalgamate with others in a common body...
...and liberal society is managed by a government whose principles and practices recignize and respect the character and strength of human nature...
...We see immediately that the notion of self-expression combines free speech and self-interest not by connecting them but by equating them: self-expression is the free expression of one's self-interest...
...and majority faction can be prevented from concerting together in the extended sphere of a large republic taking in a variety of parties and interests...
...Society can be ruled by reason, as was the hope of liberal tolerance...
...Self-interest or group interests, being divided from each other, cannot supply either the motive or the instrument of self-defense, since self-defense is not effectual except when all defend themselves together and spiritedly...
...In a large republic it is less probable that a majority will have "a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens," but this is because citizens are less likely to have a common motive at all...
...asked Aristotle of a similar proposal (for a different purpose) made by a friend of his...
...Evidently, it represents or constitutes the expression of the unliberated self in the act of liberating itself...
...Apparently, the latent cure for faction, as well as the latent causes, is sown in the nature of man...
...Clearly the danger of faction refers to the struggle for superfluities...
...Radicalism has attempted to recover this original aggressiveness for itself and for the purpose or with the effect of attracting liberals, not with blandishments but with a shocking reminder to make them believe that contemporary radicals are the original liberals revived...
...Not only does reason not nile in the guise of a ruling opinion supposedly unreasonable...
...What appeared to be a warm reception on national television was, in fact, a partisan show...
...The resulting agreement is typically by majority vote rather than unanimous, and by a coalition that mixes interest and principle rather than by either interest or principle alone...
...Radicals take umbrage not at those individuals with whom they may compote, but at the system of competition as a whole...
...President Nixon came before the Congress to deliver his State of the Union message...
...Two methods of cure are proposed for factions: removing the causes and controlling the effects...
...Self-love" seems to be a name for ambition understood generally as one's competitive sense or spirit of self-defense...
...RRadicalism supplies an understanding of the whole to liberalism by its analysis of liberal society as a whole, epitomized in the phrase of Herbert Marcuse, "repressive tolerance...
...And still, with rare exception, no one ever really knows what the legislation passed truly means...
...Different property interests arise from diverse faculties as applied to selflove, not from a scramble to supply one's needs...
...A difference does exist between hard and soft radicals as to the necessity of a transition, the former asserting that the experience of alienation builds militancy, and the latter wondering why not now...
...Each panel was made up of %Vho's who in American Conservatism," the notable exception being the absence of our own distinguished editor and domestic beer advisor RET...
...Because of human nature, then, society has no sameness of opinion, passion, or interest...
...The evenings were highlighted with banquet speakers like Governor Ronald Reagan and Senator James Buckley (C-R-N.Y...
...Still, angry self-expression about sex is most visible today in the so-called movement (not interest group) of women's liberation...
...The hourly rate for senators would be $46 and for congressmen $53...
...It is this struggle, according to radicalism, which turns men against each other and forces men to calculate means of overcoming other men and to conspire in secret against them...
...Such a volume of legislation might not seem surprising, considering the "many urgent problems" confronting the nation...
...Radicalism offers a view of liberal society as a whole which may be grasped and then defended as the true liberalism against the confused so-called liberals...
...So reason promotes the interest of society and that of mankind in the separate vocations of politicians on the one hand, and scientists and intellectuals on the other...
...Ecraser l'infame...
...Even the American Civil Liberties Union, which might seem to be such a group, defends not liberals but the enemies of liberalism, in the spirit (though not the letter) of the maxim attributed to Voltaire that "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it...
...The reason why tolerzmce can now be unlimited and become liberating is that the ~'struggle for existence" no longer need continue...
...The self, indeed, would best reveal its power when it liberates itself from the weakness of female body--a weakness that must have some basis in fact if all the oppression hitherto has been male rather than female...
...Republicans, cabinet members, and members of the diplomatic corps applauded loudly while most Democrats refrained from even perfunctory applause...
...The best explanation of that liberalism is to be found in the papers of The Federalist, and in No...
...They do this, to be sure, not by direct appeal to liberal philosophers and statesmen, but with the apparently liberal doctrine of the liberated self...
...Modern legislation"--for the necessity of bowing to human nature so understood has only recently been discovered "involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operations of government...
...From this argument it becomes evident that liberalism has a reasonable fear of being or becoming a whole...
...Liberal tolerance once had organized religion for its enemy, and liberal philosophers like Milton and I_~ke made it clear that liberal tolerance was not for the intolerant, not for the clerics who would not tolerate liberalism...
...To be sure, liberal hospitality in the system of administered tolerance tends to transform expression into speech and interest...
...but they begin with the need to gain consent from men who have the right to withhold it...
...During the first session of the Ninetythird Congress 17,528 bills were introduced, at an approximate cost of $1,500 per introduction...
...Liberal tolerance itself is raised to the radical extremes of excitation, provocation, and shock...
...Self-interest is thus more open to persuasion on behalf of "the permanent and aggregate interests of the community" than is political ambition, because unlike ambition, self-interest can be calculated as if men shared a common body (as we have seen): what is good for me can be good for you...
...Indeed, to expect this is the beginning of wisdom on the subject, as opposed to that vestigial gentlemanliness which opens doors for angry women and acquiesces in everything they demand...
...The consequence is not the redirection of ambition to property and the taming of anger by appetite, as with liberalism, but the redirection of anger...
...said the same Voltaire who is quoted otherwise by the ACLU...
...It is now possible for reason to cease its calculating, conspiratorial promotion of self-interest and come out into the open...
...Letter from a Whig f by C. Bascom Slemp "One Year of ff/atergate Is Enough" C~vVAsHINGTON)--It was that time of year again...
...To this he adds %he diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate" as an insuperable obstacle to uniform interests...
...Radicalism will supply both the whole and the partisanship that liberalism needs...
...For according to radicalism, tolerance is possible altogether without limitations on the activities of the self...
...Yet these kinds of vocations are connected by their interest in a whole, and the American founders followed both...

Vol. 7 • April 1974 • No. 7

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