Prettiness in Politics
Moscow, John
"Prettiness in Politics" John Lindsay Prettiness in Politics John O VER THE YEARS he has been in public office John V. Lindsay has been called many names, ranging from the unprintable to the idolatrous. He has had...
...There are serious political advantages to having a beautiful President, aside from the important domestic lift in morale that Lindsay's beautiful profile would bring every evening...
...Apart from the advantages of having a beautiful President, we could be sure that a Lindsay administration would have good taste and style...
...20036 The Alternative April 1972 3...
...Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C...
...504 for two trial issues: ROUGH BEAST Dept A, 1522 Conn...
...ROUGH BEAST is: Politics without ideology _9 Social commentary _9 Committed to the truth _9 The organ of family, community, the permanent values in life _9 "The most original journal of ideas on the American scene in recent years," according to Prof...
...As Mayor of New York his selections were the worst since Caligula made his horse Consul in the decadence of the Roman Empire...
...As for economics, surely John Lindsay's credentials here are exemplary...
...Given Mafia inheritance patters, and the passage of time, "'Tony" Scotto, who is Anastasia's son-in-law, now is chief crook on the waterfront...
...Women already rule countries in difficult trouble spots like India, Ceylon -- important for its naval bases in the Indian Ocean -- and Israel...
...With that background, in his successful endeavor to outdo Caligula, he appointed Mr...
...More important, he'learned that appointees had to be expert in their line of work...
...We will not have to smart under the knowledge that our President admires football heroes...
...Lindsay claims that he did not know that Mr...
...To back him as President John Lindsay would undoubtedly appoint a marvelous cabinet...
...No sooner did Lindsay give Marcus one of the top ten jobs in the city than Marcus made a crooked contract with a mafioso contractor...
...Whereas currently we complain about how much money various departments spend, we will not complain when Lindsay is President, because we will not know...
...John Lindsay has a special strength as a presidential candidate that would serve him well, for a while, as presiden t. He has chutzpah -- a very special kind of nerve... one is better qualified to lead a change in national style than John Lindsay...
...Lindsay would never have a background investigation made...
...As must be obvious to everyone, women are playing an ever more prominent role in world affairs...
...I had trouble walking, because there had been a snowstorm a week earlier, and the snow had not been cleared from in front of City Hall...
...Chutzpah is the quality shown by the man who, having been convicted of murdering his wife and Children, pleads for mercy on the grounds that he is a widower, and childless...
...I had gone down to City Hall with a friend to see if we could go into the museum in City Hall, but it was closed, for security reasons...
...Clearly such games Moscow as tennis, without the old-fashioned body contact implicit in such grubby games as football, ,are far more in line with our noble image...
...John Lindsay is the prettiest candidate to receive serious attention in the Presidential races in a long, long time...
...We could be assured of having pictures of nothing but exceptionally attractive cabinet officers, together with their beautiful boss, on the television picture tube in the evenings...
...John Lindsay runs best by claiming as his special strength his greatest weaknesses...
...It will surely help our national position to have a beautiful President talking with the women leaders of such countries...
...Robert Nisbet...
...Not merely does Lindsay come up with unbalanced budgets -- as other presidential candidates have done - - but he has hidden current expenses away in the capital construction budget...
...Obviously we would have a beautiful administration...
...Anthony Scotto to a position on the New York Waterfront Commission...
...One of the most attractive of the Lindsay Cabinet appointees was James Marcus -- a good tennis player, and phony who was in debt to the Mafia...
...We were all amazed by the poor background investigations President Nixon had made on his defeated Supreme Court nominees...
...although they lack the natural beauty .that is his, they too have the style that goes with working in Madison Avenue public relations ~ind advertising firms...
...It was established a quarter of a century ago to fight corruption and thefts on the waterfront, as they were threatening to strangle the entire Port of New York...
...More to the point, with Lindsay as President we will be able to remedy the balance of payments problem...
...In an age where budget deficits are popular John Lindsay has shown himself a master of the unbalanced budget...
...He has had massive public exposure as the most glamorous Mayor of the nation's most glamorous city...
...In the interests of fair play and honest journalism it behooves us to examine the Lindsay record to see what makes this man such a uniquely ~ candidate for the nation's highest office...
...I remember, in January of 1970, walking through City Hall Park in New York on the day the Mayor was being inaugurated the second time...
...Lindsay learned from the furor resulting from the Marcus investigation that background investigations were necessary...
...he is currently running for President of these United States...
...These are the Lindsay strengths: now for his weaknesses...
...His staff are very much like him in that regard...
...Since he has so many weaknesses, he makes the most extravagant of claims, and few people believe that the Hitler-Stalin technique of the "'Big Lie" is still in use today...
...Kosygin is hardly any competition...
...the courageous Mayor will undoubtedly close it...
...John Lindsay is above such things...
...At that time the chief crook was a man named Albert Anastasia...
...We would not have to suffer the agonies that many of us went through when it was revealed that Lyndon Johnson liked barbecues -- so gross and gooey...
...Thus New Yorkers have learned that job training programs and school books are capital expenditures, like bridges and schools...
...That would be a great improvement over current pictures of the dead in Vietnam, or depressing economic graphs...
...We will, instead, be able to rest assured that JVL, as his aides affectionately refer to him, will seek a revival of lawn tennis as the national sport...
...It makes some of the New Yorkers nostalgic for the good old days of the 1930s...
...I went back six months later, but courageous Mayor Lindsay had closed that museum to the ptiblic...
...I am not sure how he knows, as he has never tried to govern New York, but who am I to doubt him...
...The last I heard of the Mayor's courage he had installed bullet proof glass in City Hall, in addition to the many policemen on duty, the fact that City Hall is now closed to the public, and the existence of a burglaralarm system...
...Everyone who wants to visit the White House should hurry up and visit there before John Lindsay takes office...
...It is merely a question of taste, but questions of taste are sometimes important...
...With Lindeay as President the United States will not only lead the world in the size of the governmental deficit, it will have the most imaginative budgets anywhere...
...Although John Lindsay has a poor record as Mayor, it is because, as he will undoubtedly be willing to tell you, New York City is absolutely ungovernable...
...Lindsay will simply ask the United Nations for aid, showing them that if other nations did not ship their goods here we would not have a balance of payments problem...
...On the basis of his record we can see what sort of administration we would have were John Lindsay President...
...Anthony Scotto and Tony Scotto were the same person, but it certainly thrilled the hearts of the honest longshoremen to know that their Tony was going to regulate their behavior...
...The Waterfront Commission is a special group in New York...
...If the United States wants to prove to the rest of the world that we are not a rough, tough bunch of barbarians we will have to project a more elegant image...
Vol. 5 • April 1972 • No. 7