
"Correspondence" actually mechanical - - this concept can be directly applied to the post-brainwashing Alex, and also to the collectivist society in which he lives. The dividing line between organism and...

...Sincerely yours, X. Mordecai Kaplan Cloremont Men's College The Florida Primary A Note from the Provinces J e r r y Gerde Prediction One: _9 Wallace - 41% Prediction Two: 'Lindsay - 21% Prediction Three: Jackson - 19% Prediction Four: Muskie - 14% Down here in the Provinces, things are a-happening...
...The earth is quite massive, and, since it is rotating, possesses quite a goodly amount of available energy so stop the earth...
...Of course, allowing for human frailty, it would be difficult to stop the earth as effectively as He did, for an imperfect job would result, most probably, in the general displacement of the continents into space, with the resultant great inconvenience to the inhabitants of the same...
...Although I suppose it would be asking you heathens o little bit much to expect you to know of the event which I am about to relate, a cautious perusal of the same would be beneficial...
...Wallace's 41% will cement his position as a contender, and will set a pattern that will see him arrive in Miami Beach with a substantial commitment of Democratic delegates (whose ultimate disposition may provide the greatest real drama for that convention and Party...
...The showings by the other candidates should be only moderately surprising, and of little immediate effect on their respective candidacies...
...b) the older...
...God stopped the sun for three hours, or six hours, or something like that...
...Indeed, it is a clockwork universe, for there appears to be no aspect of society that does not suppress the individual and his freedom...
...Perhaps this twist, left unexplained in both book and movie, is meant to cast a ray of hope on what, deslJite its faults, must surely be one of the most terrifying visions of the future since the work of Huxley and Orwell...
...Things are indeed a-happening down here in the Provinces...
...The problem of tapping this power is easily solved, since it would be fairly easy to boost magnets into orbit, and, as everyone knows, the earth, a rotating magnet in its own right, would cause on electric current of magnificent proportions to be generated...
...Of course, most of the energy would have to be stored up, in order to provide adequate air-conditioning services once we reach our destination...
...Having devoted most of my leisure time to intimate conversations with the Deity, I can only say that we are both extremely, displeased with the way humanity is polluting the world with waste heat, noxious chemicals, and sex...
...This would be very convenient for those engaged in agricuffure, sunbathing, or other daytime activities...
...Hence: Chisolm - 2% : Humphrey - 2% : McGovern - 0.4% : Hartke - 0.l% The shocker...Lindsay...will draw his constituency from predictable sources: (a) the young...
...Were the earth stopped, it is obvious that One side would continuously face the sun, and, I suppose, the other would not...
...He is perhaps the nadir of human existence - - but, like all humanity, appears to have a saving grace, in this case a devotion to Beethoven...
...I suppose that if we really needed power in the meantime, we undue leakage in the storage batteries), we could boost magnets into solar orbit and harness the energy generated if we slow the earth's orbital motion enough to cause it to fall into the sun...
...Young people who love Lindsay's verbal dreams, senior citizens who are not affected by his pro-busing stand, and black voters caught by his catchy phraseology - - all will offer support that should together total 21~ of Florida's 3,000,000 plus voters...
...The greatest crisis now facing mankind is the problem of generating sufficient electrical power for his sinful needs, and,.as we ore at the moment ruled by a kind and just God about to condemn us all to eternal torment in adamantine chains and penal fire, as the saying goes, for 16using up his favorite planet, it would be prudent to~ other sources of power than fossil fuels and/or nuclear energy... we must assume that God stopped the earth, thus setting a sort of precedent, a deus ex mmchi, u, if you will...
...Imagine --selling _9 "cold water" and "'new mandates" at...
...Florida voters are preparing to dispense both "'cold water" and 'new mandates" to Democratic Presidential aspirants on March 14th, 1972...
...Jackson's third place finish will keep him viable in the horserace, but will be the result of g curious constituency...
...Also, from a political standpoint, it would prove most amusing to leave our atheistic Communistic fellowmen in perpetual darkness...
...And Sunshine State voters, on the other hand, will shock the experts and blow Lindsay's smoldering flame into a full fire by giving him 21% of the vote - - a second place finish...
...To present a forceful display rOf savagery was Burgess' intent, of course, but the boxoffice interpretation of Kubrick tends to replace content with flashing lights and gaudy colors - - and, when coupled with the mediocre acting of Alex and h is droogs, sometimes produces scenes, like the opening at the milk-bar, that should have been left on the cuttingroom floor...
...As we now know (it had apparently slipped God's mind at the time) that it is not the sun that moves, it is the earth (first demonstrated by Archimedes...
...Of course, this method would not provide an eternal source of power, but, as I have been informed, the world may expect the return of Christ on October 3L 1996 at 8:05 GMT, I shall really not care if it proves insufficient for further needs beyond that point...
...they'll do it by giving him just 14% of the total vote - - putting him in fourth place...
...The dividing line between organism and mechanism seems to be free wiIl, a doctrine which runs like a thread throughout the movie - - but, to my mind, Alex is as will-less a monstrosity before the treatment as after...
...How stupid it is for mankind to seek to find new sources of energy when for 3245 years the answer has been easily apparent...
...So i t should take about five or six days to completely stop the earth...
...The movie itself, utifortunately, is also a clockwork orange, for it suffers from the elaborate plasticity and heavyhanded technology with which Kubrick tries to do justice to Anthony Burgess' brilliant novel...
...Alex and his gang walk through the urban rubble of a decadent age which, with its moral decay and its attack on individual freedom and integrity, bears more than a fleeting resemblance to our own...
...The total disregard for human dignity and the sanctity of life, the absence of any civilized restraints, that characterize the rule of the barbarian have seldom been so chillingly portrayed...
...The same infantile fascination with James Bond gimmickry and philosophical pretentiousness that so marred 2001 is present here, but even more hoked up, with sparkling sadism and glittering pornography...
...Yet we can forgive Mr...
...On the other hand, the clark side would be perfect for astronomers, photograpic development, and other activities of the nocturnal persuasion, which good taste prohibits me to do more than allude to...
...Kubrick his tawdry settings, his occasional lapses in taste, for there are so many moments when everything comes together and we have a frightening, powerfully moralistic tale...
...Pre- and postbrainwashing, Alex and his world are debased caricatures of humanity ; nightmare products of a decaying and dehumanizing technocracy...
...Jackson's pro-defense position has won the respect of many white Floridians - - and, in many non-urban counties, black Floridians are being led to Jackson as part of a county-by-county effort to defeat Wallace by "'blocking" the black vote behind the one candidate who is considered able to draw well against Wallace...
...Not only is this an extremely natural method of generating almost unlimited amounts of electrical power, but some of the side effects of this action are even more appealing...
...The delinquent product of some future counterculture, Alex is degeneracy epitomized as he takes pleasure only in the most brutalized forms of techno-sensuality...
...and (c) the black...
...On that date, Sunshine State voters are going to turn "'thumbs down" with Roman imperiousness to Muskie's national candidacy...
...the same time to those Yankee politicians ! [ ] The A l t e r n a t i v e A p r i l 1972 21...
...the resulting electricity could be returned to the surface of the earth through the use of storage batteries...
...Kevin S. Olson CORRESPONDENCE k " ':' To The Editor: The problem of being a Christian in these days of heathenish activity is not lessened by one's being a scientist, which, in this case, one is...

Vol. 5 • April 1972 • No. 7

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