The Continuing Crisis

The Continuing Crisis Letter from a Whig:

...18 Kevin S.* Olson on A Clockwork Orange...
...Interesting" is not really the word to describe the essay, the title of which is "On Making the Future Safe for Mankind...
...Edgar Snow died, as did the poet, Marianne Moore, and Joe Hernandez, known to millions as "the Voice of Santa Anita...
...Unfortunately, as a theorist, he seems compelled to make outlandish conclusions from sound analysis...
...15 Jerry Gerde: A Note from the Provinces...
...I am not convinced that one is so much better off spending his Saturday evening down at the poolhall, rather than with the tube and "Saturday Night at the Movies...
...Bhutto Ferdri Bish were trampled to death by a herd of drunken elephants...
...Angela Davis was released on bail and the House passed and sent to the Senate a bill repealing some dated laws proscribing traffic in Chinese coolies...
...It was not until the Chicago fire marshall arrived that the show ended, but by then Miss Craft had brazenly scandalized the pick of Chicago's virtue patrol...
...He adds majestically "'I am not one of those who believe that the Luddites were wholly wrong...
...outrageous" would be more like it...
...I simply demur from accepting his bombshells regarding the cause of man's woes...
...The extent of the success of the student-power movement is a measure of the weakness of academic professionalism...
...CoPyriqht.The Alternalive Magazine 1972 r The Continuing Crisis _9 In Egypt youthful idealists are demanding immediate war with Israel, while in New Jersey, state education commissioner, Carl L. Morburger, is ordering the Newark school board to "desist" from flying the Black Nationalist flag in Newark schools...
...If you were to rely on the title you would think that Mishan is probably a devotee of Ralph Nader, that paranoid crusader who spends much of his time telling Congressional committees where it's at...
...Bilboro C. Fauce of Brooklyn was nabbed in a larcenous act...
...Carl Percheid, the world's oldest motorcycle policeman, retired at the age of seventy, having exhausted eleven motorcycles in his forty-seven,year career...
...In the Summer, 1971 issue of The Public Interest, a journal identified with those who long have been on the Left, a most interesting essay written by E. J. Mishan appeared...
...Editor-in-Chief: R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...Men of the Right have been making this point for years...
...But if Mishan sees himself with Mr...
...Yet, though freedom to do one's own thing does seem to be flourishing in some areas of America, the Bill of Rights was shown to be a hollow thing indeed when Ralph Ginzburg - - one of the few men in recent American history to actually be convicted of obscenity - - began a three-year sentence in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Federal Penitentiary...
...Local elephants have been going berserk after eating overripe fermenting lruit...
...13 REVIEWS ,,, i i Douglas W. Cooper on Communist China, 1949-1968...
...CONTINUING CRISIS (continued from page 2) Longshoremen,s strike indicated that the pay board was doing about as well as expected...
...John P. East on The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition...
...It's just that every time he locates a problem he also finds a machine which ought to be smashed...
...Student Power....4 Peter P. Witonski: A Memo to the Ripon Society...
...10 George Charles RocheIII: In the Public Interest...
...eThe ecology crusade continues...
...Sixteen thousand Frenchmen perished from road accidents in 1971...
...The masS, electronic media has done its part in corrupting the language but in the process it has brought distant historical events into the living room...
...Back in the States, Assistant President H.R...
...To him, an imperfect car is to be reo called and the failure blamed on some greedy businessman who did it all intentionally while pursuing profit...
...Lawrence Wise's albino snake...
...To him, the actual problem is the industrial mechanism i~self...
...A college should allow and even encourage controversy and research on current social and political issues, but if it allows its resources to be used as an instrument to further the political ends of any group, then the college, by committing itself to definite political beliefs, negates a vital condition for free intellectual inquiry, which is the ideologically neutral environment so necessary for open and fruitful discussions on controversial issues...
...9 Crime continues to be a problem...
...11, Box 360, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, Continental U ,S.A...
...But now the Weavers and Kirks have been joined by a strong voice from what has traditionally been the domain of liberalism, the serious and literate establishment intellectual...
...But, if such professional incompetents exist, as indeed they do, then all the more reason for not allowing non-professional incompetents to share professional power...
...Nader, then a little restudying is in order...
...The demand for student power is essentially irrational, as it is the demand for ignorance to preside over knowledge...
...In conclusion, I give one argument against student power, which I call "The Argument from Professional Relevancy...
...Second, those who read -- always a few in number -probably continue to do so, and not always Time or Life...
...In his enthusiasm to condemn that which is a product of technology he gladly puts intellectual blinders on to prevent his seeing that the automobile, albeit in altered form, meant a revolution in delivery of such non-plentiful items as fresh fruit in the cities and seafood in the boondocks...
...21 Current Wisdom: by Assorted Jackasses...
...Abandoning all restraint, Miss Nude America, Valerie Craft, cavorted wantonly on a Chicago stage before an agape but legally impotent audience of Chicago police...
...I am in no way advocating infallibility, as it is all too obvious that a goodly number of 'professionals,' both in and out of academia, are incompetents...
...Air pollution threatens the ski necked turn of Long Island, and in the British Parliament Labor Party MP William Hamilton has warned that the Royal family seems "to breed like rabbits...
...There is much in the Mishan essay which is wise and, in my opinion, quite correct...
...John D. King, M.D.: In Defense of the Sawbone...
...This is not how Mishan sees it at all...
...o Attorney General Mitchell resigned to direct Mr...
...Without go'rag so far as to contend that the source of all our problems is the intellectual attitudes which go to make up secular liberalism, it might be suggested to Mishan that he take into account those attitudes...
...The settlement of the West Coast (continued on page 11) 2 The Alternative April 1972 tarianism, have given way to more fundamental criticisms that the materialism, upon which the experiments and adventures of the New Deal and New Frontier were founded, was bankrupt and incomplete...
...He notes, that the automobile has caused cities thousands of miles apart to appear strikingly similar, and hence boring...
...Therefore, since undergraduates lack professional status, they should not share the professional prerogatives of the faculty...
...Nader is a technocrat who sees himself in the role of bringing perfection to the existing industrial mechanism...
...This remarkable essayist contends that we are "'living on the brink of annihilation...
...What it all amounted to, he contended, was that Samuelson's economics required the worship of the Gross National Product, with the best of all possible worlds being the experience of seeing it grow and grow and grow...
...Publisher: Baron Von Kannon and the Saturday Evening Club Managing Editor: Joseph A. Morris Circulation Manager: Ronald E. Burr Senior Editors: Terry Krieger William Kristol [ ] Rev...
...He challenged .the dual doctrines as representing blind faith in Time and a superficial utopianism based on the power and destiny of economic development...
...George Nathan Associates: David Brudnoy Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr...
...Relevancy" to these students means action, not insight...
...And the Berrigan brothers, an American peace group, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize...
...No, not _9 'interesting...
...20 Published remarkably without regard to race, Color, creed, or (most redundantly of all) national origin - - the question of sex is still in committee...
...Indiana University's David Hoffman finally did break the world record for the longest recorded indoor shower...
...He is correct...
...While the two might be temporary allies, they really have nothing in common...
...In a word, Mishan hates factories...
...To support the contention he pofnts out that the world's greatest cities are subject to "'the choking din and the endless movement of motorizea traffic...
...e The drive to keep America beautiful received a digitalis when comedienne Phyllis Diller got a $4,000 nose job, and Senator Proxmire had his face lifted...
...The fiery Irish Stateswoman, Bernadette Devlin, punched Home Secretary Reginald Maudling during a debate in Parliament...
...When the Richard Weavers and Russell Kirks entertained the critique, there was hardly a ripple -- because it is known in intellectual circles that from the Right one is destined to get the "'anti-intellectualism" of which Hofstadter duly warned...
...Mishan's problem is one of cause...
...Such things are not unimportant, even if not primary...
...It would be a mistake to convey the impression that Mishan's critical effort is not worthwhile...
...William Ruckelshaus of the Environmental Protection Agency was criticized in the Senate for "not doing enough" or for doing it with the wrong sort-of people...
...As he carefully works toward a sober point he abruptly changes direction and with apparent pleasure blows you off your chair with such statements as: "'I once wrote that the invention of the automobile was one of the greatest disasters to have befallen mankind...
...Pete Hamill, the New York Post columnist...
...It was the third reported rampage in the last two weeks, and many more cases are suspected to go unreported...
...As a man of letters he laments the increasing sloppiness in language, and as an educator he argues that our loss of true education is disastrous...
...15 The Bootblack Stand" Letters from Hamill and Geyelin...
...Nixon's re-election bid...
...And twelve pigtailed macque monkeys were lost by the Penn Central railroad somewhere between New York and Washington, D.C...
...And in Vietnam, President Thieu grumbled about a slight he had received from Secretary of State Rogers...
...6 Dan Joy: Palmists and Scholarship...
...In such a scheme of things the Bureau of Labor Statistics becomes the barometer indicating society's health...
...Plus they're all fascists anyway...
...To return to Richard Weaver, he wrote the Mishan article more than two decades ago -- but did it from the view that it is man's inclination toward false notions and incorrect ideas which has led us to the monumental crisis in Western life~ a crisis which Mishan perceives, even if with misplaced emphasis...
...17 David Brudnoy on The American Theatre, 1969-1970...
...I would think him correct in his support for the conclusion, but one must be more than a little skeptical of the conclusion itself...
...MANUFACTURING NEWSPAPERS Tuner Division Semi-Conductor Division Broadcast Equipment Division Air Trimmer Division Magnetic Tape Division Bloomington Courier Tribune Lawrence County Topics Greencastle Banner-Graphk (Morning and Evening) Morgan County Gazette RADIO WTTS-Bloomingtun WTTV-Bloamingtan WATl-lndinnapolis WPTH-FM-Ft...
...12 R. Frederick Docksai: You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore...
...At Peking Airport a dapper Chou En-lai led a welcoming committee which - - much to the surprise of American news commentators -- was composed of few women and fewer blacks...
...Whatever the problem, industrialism did it -- "'It 'is my conviction that the continued pursuit of economic growth by the 'advanced' nations is itself almost wholly responsible for the crisis...
...And in San Francisco, Sgt...
...9 According to the New China News Service that big dinosaur fossile found in east China in 1964 has definitely been identified as a species of the duck-billed dinosaur that lived 100,000 years ago...
...Now sporting a toupe Georgia's Lt...
...Jefferson Davis C: H. Simonds [ ] Roger D. Tyrrell Contributors: John Avey [ ] Paul Bernstein Frank W. Blatchford III [ ] Barry Burr David Friedman [ ] Jerry Gerde [ ] Lynn German Sandy Houlle [ ] Wayne Johnson [ ] John Kelley John Moscow [ ] Gary North [ ] Mark Souder John Sundt [ ] David Tudor Sir Arthur Wellesley [ ] Timothy Wheeler Alien Contributors: Eric Brodin [ ] Judy Tyrrell Art: Eric Lohnaas ~ Sandy Weeder The Alternative was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic beer in McSorley's Old Ale House, Originally Published on restroom walls, only since 1967 has it come under purview of the Saturday Evening Club which publishes it from October through June...
...9 From Moscow comes word that the Soviet establishment is having its troubles -- this time with ideologically slovenly artists and drunken ice skaters in Gorky Park...
...He concludes that the Doomsday prophets are right, probably understating the case, and further, "the forebodings of the past may after all soon be vindicated...
...The drift of our intellectual world under the dominance of secular liberalism has been more crucial to our contemporary unease than the machine, per se...
...Edward A. Hacker: Professionalism vs...
...Relevant courses, to these students, are workshops for implementing techniques of social and political reform, and that which is not immediately useful in furthering their goals, such as the traditional college curriculum, is condemned as irrelevant...
...Doug Cooper John R. Coyne, Jr...
...2 Letter from a Whig: George F: Will...
...The Tulsa Zoo is reportedly interested in Mr...
...Wayne TELEVISION WTTV-Bloomingtan, Indianapolis WPTA-Roanoke The Alternative April 1972 23...
...I figure he is more correct than not...
...First, one can appreciate both...
...e A professorship in peace studies is to be established at Colgate University...
...Maddox is beautiful, and Szlvardo Silva E. Souza has designed a thirty-nine story vertical, laigh-rise cemetery for downtown Rio De Janeiro -- the first of its kind...
...5 Tom Milstein: What ls Socialism and Will It Work...
...The argument is: ~ Decisions concerning requirements for professional qualifications, training in or for a profession, and professional judgments on colleagues should only be made by those in the profession...
...Randolph Wells informed police that three men forcibly entered his Oildale, California home, bound him, throttled him and attempted to make him eat a live, two-fo0t snake...
...CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS i i The Continuing Crisis...
...So intense has his enthusiasm for a more beautiful landscape become that the Wisconsin Solon has also announced that he is undergoing a painful hair transplant...
...My answer to this argument is that if "relevancy" means that which aids in implementing a specific cause or ideology, then the college curricula should be irrelevant...
...a weakness, which if not corrected, will destroy the educational efficacy of American colleges...
...Subscriptions cost $4.00, and all correspondence (manuscripts, subscriptions, threatening letters, federal grants, etc...
...Nixon is receiving some competition from Congressman John Ashbrook and another fellow...
...I have had time since to reflect on this statement and to revise my judgment to the effect that the automobile is the greatest disaster to have befallen mankind...
...Mishan's critique is close to total and his rhetoric as severe as it could be without drifting into screams and diatribes...
...HACKER (continued from page 4) standing...
...At George Washington University two coeds were raped within one-half hour and two Oregon State University girls were similarly treated, while a third was stabbed to death in her dormitory...
...The outdoor record was established by a four-year-old orangutan in Central Borneo during the famous rainy season of 1956...
...On February 10 Mr...
...9 On February 21 President Nixon departed Washington for a one-week stay in Red China where he pursued peace...
...should be sent to The Alternative, c-o The Establishment, R.R...
...19 Correspondence: Letters from Kaplan and McGuinness...
...Richard Weaver, writing in Ideas Have Consequences, suggested that the doctrines of economic growth and Progress, so dominant in our intellectual and political affairs, were the cause "of much that had gone wrong...
...He resisted, and twenty dollars were stolen from his billfold...
...Capital punishment was described as unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court, and in Lagos, Nigeria the Army executed six shoplifters...
...Some critics make the mistake of suggesting that polar opposites are television or a book...
...I do not contend that the Detroit worker on the line really has an interesting worklife, but then again, whoever supposed that the poor chap who earned his way pulling a barge down the Erie Can'al relished his labor either...
...Toyota recalled several thousand defective autos and it was in Dingle Dghem India that Mr...
...3 Dr...
...22 ARTICLES John Moscow: John Lindsay -- Prettiness in Politics...
...and Mrs...
...continued on page 23) The Alternative April 1972 11 CONTINUING CRISIS (continued from page 11) His first challenge comes in New Hampshire where Mr...
...The principle upon which the premise of my argument is based is that professional matters should be decided by professionals, the presupposition being that the professional is an expert and, hence, there is a greater probability that his decision on professional matters will be sounder than a layman's...
...It was later discovered that for months he has been pilfering women's underwear from Brooklyn laundromats, dying it green and sending it to Mr...
...9 On February 4, the sixth round of the strategic arms limitation talks (SALT) concluded...
...Haldeman, attracted similar reactions from Democrats for what they construed as an objurgative remark about them...

Vol. 5 • April 1972 • No. 7

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