You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore

Docksai, R. Frederick

"You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore" Congress on Medical Quackery, Chicago. Quite a number of doctors did use krebiozen, the great majority of them on only one or two patients, which is significant in itself since these...

...Let us say only: 'Western Civilization has been contracting;' and speak of 'the contraction of the West.' " Once again, some may...
...3) Nelson's description of his Socialism, " bring under legislative control the formal structure of the whole national productive force," has a flaw so basic that it is often forgotten by the tiller of high thoughts: Who is to run the formal structure...
...In this way, as in a few others, Hegel was the conservative and not the radical Utopian...
...Stevan Durovic skipped the country, in fact, under indictment for income tax evasion to the tune of more than $900,000...
...It is only if he openly declares his hypothesis to be a proven and established law in tlie face of "'recalcitrant facts" that he earns the obloquy of his colleagues-especially so when human lives are at stake...
...Instead, if they can make it to the top, and they eventually do, they are provided with fewer but better roads of exploitation...
...Perhaps our efforts may prove in the end futile, though we are comforted by the historical truth that all successful efforts primarily appear such...
...Only the fresh-brewed article was considered effective, by the way, and instant coffee was found to lack cancer-controlling properties (W.S...
...But we must never forget the primal foundation Of our beliefs...
...But as my wise, philosophical grandfather use(] to counsel Wagner freaks during his day, ~Er will was er will, aber die Welt ist nicht still...
...Jose Ortega y Gasser (1932) p ETROLEUM JELLY for chafed minds...
...However, weeping over tomorrow's impending woe or reading Spengler or stripping our philosophical garments that we may better popularize ourselves with a student community which in itself is too often leaderless and opinionless, are poor substitutes foi" what the Sharon Statement embodies essentially: lhe Affirmation, the Irrevocable Stand without which civilizalion must decline...
...rary might equally be the case...
...e . e . cummings maids, peasants and Frenchmen...
...We run for office or urge our betters to do so...
...R. Fredrick Docksa~ is working for his M A. in International Affairs at New York University Graduate School under Dr...
...By the way, the reader is invited to compare any orthodox medical journal with any "'health food" publication, to see which presents detailed and specific evidence and which doesn't...
...True, freight trains can make tremendously painful dents...
...Brent Nelson's call for a 'radical conservatism,' supposing that we may revise ourselves for the modern era of some 'Imperial Rule' by the Spenglerian democrats...
...He who makes unsupported claims just because he is richly supplied with faith has abandoned the scientific method and fully deserves the professional ostracism that will be his lot... musl be apprehended as an organism...
...To quote in full what was quoted only in part in Brenl Nelson's article, Frederick said, in his work on the theory of government, "The monarch is not the absolute master but only the first servant of the state...
...We can approximate our 'paradigm of essences.' But to write as particularly as Spengler does and draw the conclusion that civilization is doomed...
...I know that our aim is not to patronize the whole studenl community, and I prtty that we are incapable of forgetting...
...Usually, and at least inevitably, it is not the idealistic Brent Nelson...
...Hegel was not only (or should I say merely) a social critic but a brilliant historian: He was too familiar with the complex and too often inexplicable landscape of history to draw te!eological laws which contained neatly packaged directional signals and a forseeable goal...
...Thus, he probably would have thought little of Chambers...
...I am glad to oblige, because though I share Mr...
...Note that I said transformat ion, not decline...
...I would ask people not to be so simpleminded as to think of Spengler immediately after the decadence of Europe or the West is mentioned...
...Nelson's concern, I do not fashion his despair...
...When YAF's Sharon Statement was written in 1960, it was written in earnest, written in broad strokes in the hope that young eonservat ives of each succeeding generation would never forget...
...It may be of some significance that nearly all words referring to quantitative decrease have a negative feel when applied to human beings or society...
...There are similar confusions with words like 'ebb,' 'breakup,' 'waning,' 'withering,' 'decay,' 'crumbling,' 'collapse' and so on...
...As to the AMA's monopoly power, how is it that the public has such a wide choice among the healing arts and that upon feeling poorly, one may take himself to an osteopath, a chiropractor, a naturopath, a Christian Science reader, or the closest Zen den or health food store...
...But that's another subject...
...In our curiously superstitious age, a surprising number of people are willing to believe they are being covertly malnourished and poisoned by the supermarket, but there is very little, if any, evidence to support such ideas...
...Frank N. Trager...
...2) Ideology is not merely a phase nor is it dead...
...Brent Nelson, though impervious to YAF's growth as an organization over the years, thinks that we are not aiming 1o patronize the whole student community and is afraid that we are incapable of forgetting...
...In the Gerson case, the AMA's sinister power extended to the successful intimidation of the world's foremost book publishers, an awesome achievement without question...
...The AMA has never had the right to license doctors in any state...
...So did Ortega...
...Using the state as an example for analysis, Hegel observes, "By listing attributes, etc., no progress can be made in assessing the nature of the state...
...It is the Charles Foster Kane or the Salvadore Allende...
...Yet, such errors of conservatism in medicine are born of a valuable precept: primum non nocere...
...The Alternative has permitted itself to be used in a shabby cause indeed...
...Scientists," he asserts, "need confidence in their theories, even in the face of recalcitrant facts," and that "faith in an intuition" is basic to scientific advances...
...For, as Chambers implored, the ultimate role of the conservative as the defender of civilization is to stand before the fat, ugly freight train of history and yell, Stop...
...Whittaker Chambers identified this after his conversion from communism, an identification which for his intellectual person was the ultimate tragedy: that Christianity was once the West'sAffirmat ion, and with its withering the West was left with a void, Will this void be filled with Spengler's vision of an Imperial State...
...He helped institute equitable criminal procedures, but he also helped institute formal discrimination against Jews...
...The problem posed is whether or not the West has the will to survive and whether or not the West will once again subscribe to an affirmative creed which, alone, can be the only effective barrier to the West's total contraction and resulting transformation...
...Skinner and Herbert Marcuse have many differences...
...We stand before the voters and talk about the weather rather than the selling of the T.V.A...
...The charge of excessive caution can sometimes be made to stick...
...He disliked the very German literature Spengler had fantasies about, and he declared Goethe and Lessing to be vulgar...
...A revealing look at the krebiozen promotion is provided by G.D...
...Stoddard in "Krebiozen": The Great Cancer Mystery, Beacon Press, 1955...
...Regarding the socio-political aspects of organized medicine, the foolishness of the article is again full measure and running over... Congress on Medical Quackery, Chicago...
...This judgment by Ortega was reserved for Oswald Spengler and every other intellectual contemporary who, because of vanity and despair, chose Ultimate Theories and other exciting but inadequate formulas to explain the direction of hislory...
...It merely changes clothes with each new generation of vain, imperfect people...
...Great men are not immune to great errors in judgment...
...It does seem like a hell of a way to run a monopoly...
...Rebuttal to Nelson You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore R. Fredrick Docksai There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the decadence of Europe...
...The AMA is losing members now, perhaps chiefly because of its penchant for appeasing those who make political hay out of moaning about the health crisis in America...
...Conjecture, hypothesis or speculation are what might have been intended...
...Furthermore, the Prussian King was not defending socialism of any flavor...
...Doctors and other scientists do, of course, make mistakes...
...Hegel knew it...
...In the less analytical realm, this is not to say that as real people living in a real world we do not strive to buy time (i.e., maneuver between the interstices, to borrow from Chambers...
...Logically, the con...
...I am convinced !hat St...
...that is, to say, "I am the first servant of my slate...
...The only difference, essentially speaking, between the Prussian's Socialism and Spengler's "Italian corporatism" is that instead of being operated by crooked Germans it is operated by crooked Italians...
...Oswald Spengler, B.F...
...The problem is best stated as follows: "It is not self-evident that in shrinking quantitatively the West is morally deteriorating...
...However, to the Marxian command of Proceed!, any... point to such phenomena as the rise of democracy and the invention of hard whiskey as manifestations of our demise is intellectually sloppy...
...They are both used to testlty on behalf of every cause, exploited by The Alternative April 1972 13 every carrier of Ideology...
...Another interesting sidelight is the wealth amassed by Ivy and the Durovics during krebiozen's heyday...
...4) Finally, and most importantly, the problem of Spengler...
...Max Gerson, whose claim was to cure tuberculosis and cancer by dietary and other means...
...It just is not big enough...
...North's gullability, which is a very Mariana Trench, leads him to tout the even more bizarre teachings of Dr...
...19r Quite a number of doctors did use krebiozen, the great majority of them on only one or two patients, which is significant in itself since these doctors were at liberty to have continued using the material on additional cancer patients for years had they so desired...
...To wit: It is always the belief thal our generation is the philosophical' and liberal' generation, while the preceding harvest had the ideologues...
...First, there are some corrections to be made...
...In the article, we are left with the impression that although Spain is religiously fanatical and England is a silly little place for capitalistic Vikings, at least we have Prussia to salivate over...
...Such fare is reserved for barGreat American Series "The hellless hell of compulsory beaven-on-earth emphatically isn't my pail of blueberries...
...One of his other measures for treatment of cancer, for some reason omitted from North's medical expose, was copious enemas of coffee...
...Before his book, everyone was talking of this matter, and as is well known, the success ol his book was due to the 1act that the suspicion was already existing in people's minds, in ways and for reasons most lueterogeneous...
...resistance less than an equal and opposite force will prove in the end futile for sure...
...In the final analysis, it is his Total Negation, his grand Promethian NO which boldly defies everything the West was, is or can be in any mere liberal sense...
...He was a good militarist, an efficient administrator and he played a mean flute...
...As every wouldbe Germanophile oughl to know, a Prussian king would never be so crass as to use the personal form, Ich...
...Above all, do no harm...
...Author's Query I am preparing a manuscript for the new intellectual journal, Ms., and am interested in any information relating to my thesis, Breasts: The Female Inconvenience...
...In truth, however, Ideological people merely get married and have Ideological children -- usually...
...The public may be thankful that doctors recall this maxim as often as they do...
...Of course, life is ever causing problems for the living...
...That problem, our problem, cannot be answered as a mere political or economic one (e.g...
...The problem Marx poses us, as remnants of the West, has little to do with petty bickering over the meaning of class or the price of horseshoes...
...To say that the West is declining -- politically, socially and morally' -- carts more fatalistic baggage and determinism than an honest analysis would allow...
...I say used, because King Frederick is tQ Germans what, proverbially, Thomas Jefferson is to Americans...
...Talk what you will, Mr...
...not appreciate the importance of the distinctions drawn between decline and contraction...
...Even the most elementary concepts of scientific thinking get squashed in North's anti-establishment tirade...
...But when James Burnham drew it, he did so recognizing a characteristic of our limes which has been as well recorded as Ortega, Hegel or Polybius during their own episodes of the Continuing Crisis...
...Far worse than any of this is the enticement of people to false and disastrous hopes in an hour of real danger...
...But let us try to be Neutral...
...Intuition is by definition devoid of conscious reasoning and has no valid application to science...
...These notions are an amalgam of nonsense and nonsequitur...
...I will not detail my low opinio n of the currently fashionable food fads and will he content to remark that they are very poorly documented...
...The irony of most of today's public health flaps is that they are so often concerned with far-fetched dangers to health, such as the supersonic transport, DDT and soda pop cyclamate...
...or Perhaps!, as the neo-Spenglerian counsels us to do is sophisticated but ludicrous...
...His favorite hobbies were war and leisure...
...Balderdash ! Not only was King Frederick not a prospect for the Spenglerite, but he was a product of the Enlightenment...
...Anecdotes and measurements will be appreciated...
...Thomas' definition of 'mental reservation" was a farsighted gift to Twentieth Century politicians who wished to avoid direct lies...
...Saying, as Nelson does, that Frederick the Great articulated the 'ideal' of the candlestick-maker's socialism is revisionism at its seediest...
...The editor of America's most important magazine has asked me to comment of Brent Nelson's review of Spengler's Selected Essays...
...Ross, The Climate is Hope, Prentice-Hall, 1965...
...Standing before the onslaught and yelling, Wait...
...Furthermore, an investigator may pursue whatever lawful research his fancy may inspire and do unsuccessful experiments by the hundred, with no worse penalties than the wrath of his billpayers or the private derision of his friends...
...Those who are crooks and "l~astards" in a purely or partially compet it ive market economy do not experience moral transformations under socialism...
...How is it that in 40 out of the 50 states, M.D.'s are not even compelled to belong to the AMA...
...He wished simply to leave us with a personal, literary legacy which would defend and promote his preferred form of government, 'enlightened despotism.' Though this may appear a meager criticism, it is important in the context of the Nelson article...
...But as for likenesses, they'succeeded in misreading Hegel and using his historical method to do what Hegel would never do: draw an incontrovertible assumption te.g., the West is on a steady road of decline) and use it to construct our incontrovertible conclusion...
...What's more, he was probably one of the better German kings...
...1) In his article, Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Grosse) is once again used unfairly...
...One might as well try to understand the nature of God by listing his attributes...
...Brent Nelson appears to think little of conservatives who do not read the polls...
...Prussia, where good ole King Frederick leads us in pursuit of the philosopher's socialism - - or, as Brent Nelson prefers to describe it, "radical conservatism...
...Preparation of the _9 curative vegetable and fruit juices was so exacting and difficult that Gerson helped out by offering for sale to his customers a special juicer for $150...
...Nelson, of "rights" guaranteed under beatific, futuristic Spenglerian Socialism...
...Maxmillia Fanigboat Department of Female Phonics Smith College 14 The A l t e r n a t i v e April 1972...
...Yes, we can intuit a general direct ion of present history...

Vol. 5 • April 1972 • No. 7

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