Bravings From the Barnyard
Jackasses, Assorted
g ACLU REPORT, "THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION AND THE PRESS" Report from a group of American Freedom Fighters regarding yet another U.S. atrocity: There are some who say freedom of the press is...
...Hell, man, I'm just trying to hold my gut in...
...There are some who say it is lost already...
...Women should be in the movement as a whole...
...there will be different forms of activity, "different strokes for different folks," but that it fits together...
...This comes together into an objective movement that's real andbeautiful...
...However, there are gems to be found if you can afford to wait...
...Professor Harriet Van Horne evinces 0roof that even the most awesome intellects are capable of fresh, spunky insights into our Dark Age: We are experiencing a tyranny over the mind of man that is virtually without precedent in modern times...
...Once when he was being questioned seriously by some young fans about his art as an actor, he said, "'People think I have an interesting walk - - like John Wayne...
...THE NEW YORK TIMES That very same newspaper which recently secured "the people's right to know" reports a current in the news which may have eluded your sniffings: Among the churches with military stockholdings, according to the report on religious investment practices, are those that never have been vocal critics of the Viet Nam War and of the growing militarism in the United States...
...Read on and judge for yourself: The recent rumpus over the use and abuse of "'background" news cannot be intelligibly discussed without reference to the toilet s!tuation aboard Air Force One....Most of the people who travel on the President's plane ride in the staff compartment between his private quarters and the rear section...
...Mere rank, it must be understood, does not admit anybody on the plane to the President's territory...
...What we have to figure out is how to work in our own particular ways...
...THE NEW YORK POST Harriet Van Horne, recorded live at the New York State Mental Hospital: We are losing our freedoms...
...Women are surplus labor...
...22 The A l t e r n a t i v e ; March, 1972...
...This means that Cabinet officers and staff assistants of high and low degree must either exert remarkable control or confront the pool reporters at some point during all but the shortest flights...
...What I want to get into is the whole question of contradictions... those two things...
...FREE OUR SISTERS (A PAMPHLET OF REVOLUTION) Another scholarly crusader for female idealism shows how vividly the Marxist perspective can elucidate the most baffling injustices and transform what could have been turgid prose into eloquence of a high order...
...THE NATION The intelligent Nation asks one of those questions that have troubled men's minds down through the ages: How has it come to pass that the Cochiti high desert is now envisioned with retired couples driving golf carts to the shuffleboard courts...
...Oh, Yahweh, that I might have a box seat for this glorious revolution...
...ADC mothers are going to be into their own thing...
...that all nations need, and if they want to get some control over the sudden diplomacy and capricious demands of the Nixon Administration, owe America their opposition on the China question...
...Imperialism affects u s . . . THE HARVARD CRIMSON John K. Fairbank, noted scholar and master of moral wizardry, reports on the marvelous justice of history at work in the august parliament of nations: The American defeat (in the U.N...
...paid "their debt" to America: "Accordingly, the members of the United Nations, if they really want to have a representative U.N...
...We are losing them more rapidly, more insidiously during these Nixon years than at any time since the First World War...
...He was a radio writer, among other things, when he first went to Hollywood, and he often converses like a writer today - - at other times he sounds more like a convict...
...THE NEW REPUBLIC That high-grade political analysis we have come to expect from The New Republic reveals Senator Muskie's fatal flaw: We waited so long for Senator Muskie's formal confession of candidacy that when it came we found we'd lost our appetite....We must confess aL~o to having been distracted throughout the TV talk by the senator's left index finger, as it repeatedly rubbed the thumb of the hand that gripped the arm rest of a borrowed wing chair, set in that empty room in a Maine summer house that had been opened for the big occasion...
...And how does it happen that Art Linkletter's picture covers billboards near Pagosa Springs, Colo., that Chet Hantley's picture covers billboards near Bozeman, Mont., and that both are selling land with all the dignity of frontier snake doctors ? THE NEW YORK TIMES James Reston A selfless statement of lunacy spotted in the esteemed Times of New York one day before the sagacious nations of the U.N...
...Famed journalist, Mr...
...Earl Wilson, has written a penetrating new study, Thc Show Business Nobody Knows, which abounds with fascinating vignettes such as the following, which show not only the intellectual side of Hollywood culture but its wit and brilliance to boot: Mitchum is a gifted conversationalist, though his close friends say he sometimes soars on great flights of oratory that they cannot follow...
...Hee hoe hoe...
...emphasis added) SHAKE'IT FOR THE WORLD BY SEYMOUR KRIM, HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD When an elegant intellectual's daydreams turn to barroom brawls, no good can come of it...
...Featuring incomparably sensitive indepth reporting, the illustrious New Republic always informs its readers of those recondite matters which might appear trivial or nonsensical to less aware writers but which compose the chemistry of momentous events, as every practitioner of the New Journalism knows...
...It was as if all impulse, spontaneity and anxiety had been compressed in that gnawing gesture...
...The question for us is, what are we going to do about it...
...The only difference between me and other actors is that I've spent more time in j a i l , " he once said...
...It is unreal after 20 years to assume that Nationalist China represents the mainland... is what we deserve after 20 years of unrealism...
...I think our strategy right now is to...
...Stay off the hard stuff, Seymour: We need a r t that screams, roars, vomits, rages, goes mad, murders, rapes, commits every bloody and obscene act that it can to express only a shred of the human emotions that lie prisoner beneath the sanitary tiles here in Adman's Utopia...
...The only facility (toilet) available to them is opposite the space in the rear section where a press pool of five reporters and three photographers are seated...
...In other words, students are going to work one way, working-class women another way...
...When we go out and look for a job, We know that we're discriminated against...
...atrocity: There are some who say freedom of the press is now in the greatest degree of danger of being lost in America...
Vol. 5 • March 1972 • No. 6