The Bootblack Stand: Letters to Plunkitt

Muskie, Senator & McGovern, Senator

The Alternative November, 1971 25 The Bootblack Stand Dr. George Washington Plunkitt, our prize-winning political analyst, has just completed a penetrating study of the last Congolese election....

...Are you unfamiliar with the history of the two-party system...
...In New York, where welfare recipients must now collect their checks in person, twenty per cent were too afflicted to claim their checks...
...Any politician who tells the truth in public is bound to arouse the suspicions of the American electorate...
...Look magazine was terminally ill...
...GWP CONTINUING CRISIS (continued from page 2) otherwise sat tight...
...GWP Dear Mr...
...As to how you can repair the damage, I am not really sure...
...C) 1966 by Richard Sutphen...
...From Blackburn, England came an international challenge by Mr...
...Twenty-nine hostages were saved, thirtythree prisoners perished, more escaped...
...Bobby Seale and Mr...
...How can I repair the damage...
...And Saigon's Chief of Police asserted that the reason his constabulary had attacked the 14 September church meeting between anti-war and antigovernment Vietnamese and Senator McGovern was that the gathering was aswarm with Viet Cong agents... can be purchased in all bookstores...
...A New Demand Response System...
...Why do they always have to result to name calling and ad hominus arguments...
...By replying that "in my judgment such a ticket was not electable in the present climate of political opinion," I set off an uproar...
...Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Company...
...Are you a mooncalf...
...While in New York, Mr...
...At any rate I was standing before this group and from the back row a gentleman of color asked if a ticket composed of me (a Pole) and a black man could win the Presidency...
...Twenty-eight of the prisoners' demands were acquiescedto, citizens' negotiators Mr...
...Were you overcome with the jimjams...
...Or maybe I am beginning to take too seriously those references to my rugged features as "Lincolnesque...
...One prison guard died, and three prisoners were murdered, apparently by their fellows...
...Have you never read my book, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall...
...Surely you realize that no truly sincere politician ever answered a question honestly...
...But do not fear, no one is going to hurt your chances now...
...My son wants to challenge you to a game of jacks...
...It is titled Escape...
...Published in August, it focuses on the unique position of minority groups in the Congolese electoral process...
...Plunkitt: Like why is it that everytime I try to go to church or something a bunch of Neo-McCarthyites claim I am associating with COMMUNISTS, you know...
...Kunstler, the Rt...
...Or perhaps he just wants to hurt your chances of becoming President of all the people...
...Perhaps I am simply not up to presidential caliber...
...Afterwards the New YorkTimes asked the rhetorical question, "Should Governor Rockefeller have talked with the enraged prisoners...
...Now, the distinguished Dr...
...Plunkitt: Last month a dreadful experience befell me as I attempted to kick off my presidential bid amongst the underprivileged...
...My guess is that the Chief of Saigon's Police is either antireligious or he had had a bad night at the baths...
...What gets into people...
...Meanwhile New York's penal and governmental authorities scurried about trying to respond to what is called the worst prison disturbance in American history...
...While answering questions from a group of colored people in California, ! inadvertently gave an honest reply...
...Fire every bright boy in your office...
...More good news comes from Yippie newlyweds, Abbie and Anita Hoffman, who have named their new child amerika...
...Welfare reform was urged by the Nation's Governors, but not everyone agreed on what that meant...
...He will also lecture on the protest movement...
...Maybe he takes the public statements you make in America more seriously than we do...
...And the place was a church...
...Informed sources considered it a cheap shot at (continued on page 27) From The Mad Old Ads, Richard Sutphen...
...Nathan F. Leopold, the ex-kidnapper passed away...
...Tom Wicker were allowed to talk with prisoners and to hold press conferences, and reinforcements were summoned while authorities waited ninety-six hours...
...Hoover informed me of your recent trip to South Vietnam, and Mr...
...and mentioned that Mr...
...Real freaky...
...eThe citadel of Roman Catholic scholarship in Hollywood, California, Immaculate Heart College, has hired Mr...
...Yours for a better World, Senator George McGovern Dear Senator McGovern: My, how good it is to hear from you...
...11, Box 360, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, Continental U.S.A...
...Frankly I am not very certain why a church meeting full of antigovernment and antiwar forces in South Vietnam would have any Communist agents in i t at all...
...Very sincerely yours, Senator Edmund Muskie Dear Senator Muskie: How can you ask me, an advisor to American statesmen, such a simpleminded question...
...Address all correspondence to The Bootblack Stand, The Establishment, R.R...
...Perhaps it would be shrewdest of you to tell the truth, yet again - - you could make it your special gimmick...
...Harry Riding who defied anyone in the world to surpass him in eating hot mustard...
...And Fidel Castro, the Cuban reformer, ended the agreement with Amerika whereby 250,000 Cuban spies have been allowed to return to Amerika...
...eWelfare was in the news as Governors Rockefeller and Reagan criticized mismanagement of state and federal programs...
...Justice Hugo L. Black announced his retirement on 17 September and died on the 24th...
...I mean that while on my recent fact finding tour of South Vietnam I was merely doing a little heavy rapping with a few antigovernment and antiwar idealists and the racist pigs tried to bust the place, you know what I mean...
...John Dunne thought he should have...
...U. Thant said he would not run for another term as Secretary General...
...Nikita Krushchev, the Russian ex-politician, and Mr...
...eLittle controversy stirred when the Indiana University Journalism Department's survey found that nearly twice as many editorial writers for daily newspapers claim to be Democrats as claim to be Republicans...
...Herman Badillo, a Mr...
...Helms even shff,~ed me a few pictures of you at that church meeting...
...Explain to the nation what you really meant when you said a Negro could not get elected as .your running mate, that is, the American people would never elect a Negro who ran on a ticket with a Pole...
...This is obviously an instance of slovenly staff work...
...The story was reported somewhat differently by the less biased national media...
...On 13 September authorities delivered an ultimatum, it was rejected and twentyseven state troopers led by correctional guards attacked the 1000 prisoners...
...How embarrassing...
...Plunkitt has agreed to, through this column, advise American statesmen in this time of" troubles...
...You surely would not find any Communists at an antiwar or antigovernment meeting in North Vietnam, though" a few police might drop in...
...Tom Hayden of the celebrated Chicago Seven to teach a political science course on Vietnam...
...Dear Mr...
...On the 23rd Justice Harlan retired...
...William Kuntsler, Mr...
...Arthur Eve and a Mr...
...Next time you're in the neighborhood, stop by...

Vol. 5 • November 1971 • No. 2

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