Regnery, Alfred S.

noTe fRoM THe PublIsHeR Come Cruise With Us by alfred s. Regnery A s the Democrats were sweeping up their litter at Denver’s Invesco Field, John McCain stole the bounce that the angry... living in the vice president’s house in Washington, well, then, we’ll just have to drop by the governor’s mansion in Juneau to pay our respects to Mrs...
...alfred s. Regnery is publisher of The American Spectator and author of the new book Upstream: The Ascendance of American Conservatism (Threshold/ Simon & Schuster...
...And if, God forbid, old Senator Blowhard (D-Del...
...Palin as a vice presidential pick, in a piece post­ed last February on our website at
...Both gentlemen, of course, are regular contributors to our publication...
...Written by Thomas Cheplick, one of our astute young writers, the article was read aloud, in full, by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show, and Mr...
...noTe fRoM THe PublIsHeR Come Cruise With Us by alfred s. Regnery A s the Democrats were sweeping up their litter at Denver’s Invesco Field, John McCain stole the bounce that the angry young men running the Obama campaign expected in the polls with his announcement that Alaska’s charming young governor would be his running mate...
...We guarantee you will be with the friendli­est crowd imaginable, and will leave having made some best friends for a lifetime...
...We will stop and wander through old mining and port towns nestled along the Pacific shores, fish for salmon, take a ski plane ride or poke through antique shops and see massive glaciers (which, to Al Gore’s chagrin, 6 THe aMeRIcan sPecTaToR ocTobeR 2008 have been shrinking since the early 18th century...
...In addition to yours truly and R. Emmett Tyrrell, among others, you’ll hear from (and be able to have long and private con­versations with) Steve Moore, founder of the Club for Growth and now chief economic writer for the Wall Street Journal editorial page, and Grover Norquist, founder and head of Americans for Tax Reform and one of Washington’s most astute and engaging political analysts...
...But even better than that, you will be treated, in between the entertainment and the scenery, to the most astute political and economic analysis available northwest of the Beltway—not to mention some of the best humor...
...The Spectator was, of course, the first to suggest Mrs...
...McCain was quick to realize the perils that politicians face when they fail to follow the advice of The American Spectator...
...Mavericks and conservatives were at once stunned and pleased by the news, and we at the magazine were even more delighted—so much so that we decided it was our duty to lead an excursion of loyal Spectator readers and friends north to the 49th state to pay tribute to the vice president and new leader of our cause, and see for ourselves the mid-summer wonders that Sarah Palin left behind So we are asking you, our devoted friends and readers, to join us for the vacation of a lifetime, cruising on the Seven Seas Mariner, a six-star ship, through Alaska’s Inside Passage, past some of the most beautiful and unspoiled scenery anywhere on earth, while watching whales, porpoises, seals, bears, moose, and those few caribou who have sur­vived the unpleasantness emanating from either the oil pipelines or Governor Palin’s hair trigger...
...Can you imagine a better way to spend the last week of June than on a six-star ship in an atmo­sphere that is nothing less than a virtual living American Spectator...
...In between stops you will dine and drink with Spectator writers, dance the evening away in the fantail bar, bask in the hot tub, or just settle into a cozy corner with a good book (and we’d be happy to recommend several...

Vol. 41 • October 2008 • No. 8

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