
coRResPondence cover to cover Congratulations on an excellent July/August issue, which contained much food for thought. I’ve already read it cover to cover. Being a...

...Sommers for her detailed account of these two important feminists, and heartily agree that we need to reclaim them for the women’s movement...
...After 9/11, we now know that there is no longer any such thing as a “harmless” airliner...
...This same quote could also be used to imply that there might be even worse alternatives, such as: the loss of the USS Vincennes through having misidentified a hostile fighter as a harmless airliner...
...In my world you buy insurance to protect your assets against catastrophic loss, not to provide health care...
...Oh, wait a minute, that’s why the government has to force us to do it...
...By the way, could we define “insurance policy...
...Although McCain hails cap-and-trade as free markets at work, it is merely another way for government to intrude in and diminish our lives...
...Why don’t I just keep the money and not go to the doctor on my own...
...In 1609, the Venetian poet Lucrezia Marinella responded to a popular anti-female tract, The Defects of Women, with her own essay, La Nobilità et l’Eccellenze delle Donne (“On the Nobility and Excellence of Women...
...His article was great (“Learning to Care about Health Care,” TAS, July/August 2008...
...aNNE g. BURNs Cos Cob, Connecticut Kudos to Christina Hoff Sommers for her beautiful and balanced piece on “Forgotten Feminism...
...As an organization of Italian American educators, we were naturally proud to see Camille Paglia mentioned...
...If you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself you should say: ‘He obviously does not know me very well, since there are so many other faults he could have mentioned.’” James Bowman resented being called a mental defective, preferring to have been accurately portrayed as a snobbish denouncer of the dangers of comic books and their subject matter spreading into other media, in this case motion pictures...
...I first heard the above Epictetus quote delivered by a lawyer who overheard me and my friend having a discussion about the potential charges faced by William C. Rogers, III, the captain of the Aegis missile cruiser Vincennes in the aftermath of its having mistakenly shot down an Iranian Airbus airliner in July 1988, with the loss of all 290 passengers and crew...
...But did you know that the deepest European roots of feminism were largely Italian as well...
...Klein cites a state mandate for acupuncture...
...I’ve already read it cover to cover...
...Few politicians have a Code of Honor but Tom Bethell seems to condemn him for it (“McCain Again,” TAS, July/August 2008...
...Providing health care is a cost to be eliminated if possible...
...I read Bethell’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Science and he did a fine job on it but lost his compass on this one...
...Businesses have customers, governments have supplicants...
...How did we get to the point of nationalizing health care without anyone ever defining it...
...So I am most grateful to Ms...
...During the Renaissance, Isabella D’Este, the Marchioness of Mantua, embodied the very concept of a superwoman: scholar, linguist, dancer, musician, and skilled politician...
...Better still would be no effort to reduce “greenhouse gas” emissions...
...The climate changes that we have seen over the past century show close correlation with variations in solar activity, but none to atmospheric carbon dioxide increases...
...PaUL kELLY Delta, Colorado self-effacement After reading James Bowman’s latestConservativeTastescolumn, “In Defense of Snobbery,” in your July/August 2008 issue, I was reminded of a quote from the Roman Stoic philosopher, Epictetus (ca...
...It was just that one more article on health care pushed me over the edge and sparked this diatribe...
...In both those systems I am actually paying someone out of pocket to come up with more effective ways to restrict my access to health care...
...In a sane system where I buy insurance to cover real loss and pay my own moderate medical bills, providing health care is the sole source of income for the health care industry, and being intelligent folks they get very efficient at it...
...How many of the folks in the CNN poll understand what will happen if we withdraw from Iraq prior to ensuring that Iraq is able to defend itself?… I admire Sen...
...ROBERT c. WHiTTEN Cupertino, California needle Point This is not a criticism of Philip Klein...
...It invariably disarmed the opposition...
...But I cannot bear babbling and chattering women, glowing with drunkenness and wine, whose words harm not only our sex but even more themselves...
...Doctors provide health care...
...I do not consider acupuncture a valid part of health care and cannot imagine how having the state force me to buy a policy covering something I would never use can possibly reduce my costs...
...BiLL DaL cERRO National President Italic Institute of America Floral Park, New York Mccain cap While the candidacy of Captain John McCain has many attractions (“Captain McCain,” by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., TAS, July/ August 2008), the good senator’s strong support of “cap-and-trade” as a way of reducing carbon dioxide emissions is not one of them...
...Energy independence should be our goal, not the chimera of controlling climate change...
...Such models are severely limited by 8 THe aMeRIcan sPecTaToR sePTeMbeR 2008 coRResPondence inability to model clouds and precipitation and cannot even predict the present climate...
...My problem with this whole issue can be expressed simply...
...When insurance companies or governments provide my health care, the sole source of income is either premiums or taxes...
...And in 1488, Laura Cereta of Brescia, the highly educated daughter of an engineer/physician father, might have been referring to today’s egomaniacal feminist leaders when she wrote: “I might have forgiven those pathetic men, whose patient insanity I lash with unleashed tongue...
...ROBERT B. EvaNs Stowe, Vermont sePTeMbeR 2008 THe aMeRIcan sPecTaToR 9...
...The only “evidence” put forward by the advocates of carbon dioxide limitation comes from predictions by very limited and unreliable computer models of atmospheric circulation...
...He certainly understands that war is unpopular and that we Americans have short memories...
...The 14th-century writer Christine de Pinzan, Italian by birth, scandalized her adopted country of France with her ground-breaking attack on male chauvinism, Le Livre de la Cite des Dames” (“The Book of the City of Ladies...
...As for Hannah More, I recall only some passing references in two 19th-century children’s books— An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott and What Katy Did at School by Susan M. Coolidge— both of which dismissed her as a dry old preachy moralist...
...And that’s why socialism never works...
...cURTiss MOONEY Vancouver, Washington code Hearted John McCain has to be admired for his willingness to stand up and be counted on the Iraq war...
...Cap-and-trade are guaranteed to wreak havoc on the economy even as rent-seekers (e.g., energy companies like Duke Energy) employ political connections to fleece the public...
...Never mind...
...We should also make use of the contri butions of the late Pope John Paul II, who celebrated the “feminine genius” in many of his writings, especially the encyclical “On the Dignity of Women...
...Sooo, why would anyone buy insurance to cover it...
...Being a “conservative feminist,” I especially appreciated the article by Christina Hoff Sommers (“Feminism and Freedom...
...As a longtime member of Feminists for Life of America, I was well aware that the views of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and other 19th-century feminists on the subject of abortion (which they called “child murder,” “a crying evil,” “the dreadful deed,” and “the ultimate exploitation of women”) have been consigned to the memory hole by the women’s libbers...
...55–135 A.D...
...thank you for doing your part to awaken her...
...He asks how many folks in the House Majority leader’s (Boehner) district understand what an earmark is...
...McCain for stating “I would rather lose the election than the war...
...It’s also encouraging to read of the “powerful resurgence” of conservative feminism in Islamic societies, whose women rightly resent and reject the notion of “liberation” in the form of easy divorce and “reproductive health” (read: contraception and abortion, often coerced) pushed at them by the population-control crowd... doesn’t have to...
...The lawyer said he had often used that very quote when an abusive opposing counsel or an unsympathetic judge made an unflattering (or even downright insulting) personal remark...
...Direct taxation, bad an idea as it is, would be much better...
...coRResPondence cover to cover Congratulations on an excellent July/August issue, which contained much food for thought...
...How could you ever run up a catastrophic acupuncture bill that would threaten your family’s solvency...
...You see, even if I thought acupuncture was a valid medical procedure, I would never buy an insurance policy to cover it...
...As I have shown in the May/ June issue of the California Political Review, no convincing observational evidence of global warming by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases exists...
...Conservative feminism is a sleeping giant...
...We need more politicians with a Code of Honor...
...However, I’d never heard anything much about Frances Willard...

Vol. 41 • September 2008 • No. 7

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