THOMAS KENEFICK: The Sheriff's Son

Doerner, Paul Kengor and Patricia Clark

The Sheriff’s Son Reviewed by Thomas kenefick a college professor and daughter of Judge Clark who provides many of the details of the Judge’s personal history. The key to understanding...

...At the same time, the Judge maintained his b o o k s I n R e v I e W As we are in the midst of perhaps the longest campaign for the presidency in U.S...
...It’s difficult to come up with any other Reaganaut of whom former President Jimmy Carter could say, “Under somewhat difficult circumstances, Bill Clark knew how to make friends—even with Democrats...
...After passing the bar, he specialized in a real estate practice combined with his own ranching interests...
...Free to Browse Ea page where I can see the RSS feeds fro u s v ’ e T m s e i o t s r fi very t s day p w s h N en e t i v ib ope . n c o my . w h eb e r br I ow e ser e , t m m p y my favorite blogs—information junkie that I am, there are about 25 of them at the moment (I add or subtract them periodically..., 272 pages, $24.95) re-titled 2.0...
...Sunstein shows little awareness that the dominance of the general-interest intermediaries he has in mind—mass media outlets that large majorities of the citizenry were exposed to—was a historical curiosity of the 20th century that had never been seen before and will, in all likelihood, never be seen again...
...Justice Clark grew up on the family ranch with parents who showed a strong interest in local government and community activism...
...In Dixon, Illinois, in 1922, the 11-year-old was reading a book that recounted the adventures of Sheriff Clark and told his mother “he wanted to be like that man, like Fair Play Bob...
...had been in control, the whole Iran-Contra mess Sunstein believes that “general-interest interwould never have happened...
...Sunstein is worried about the “echo chambers” and “information cocoons” that the proliferation of individual choice may allow...
...Clark continued intermittently advising Reagan and took on various diplomatic missions for him, but over the last two decades he has largely limited his activities to his family, ranching, and private philanthropy, all very much in the context of his Catholic faith...
...Clark was also fortunate in being basic thesis remains the same: largely out of the circle of the Iran-Contra debacle The Internet provides each individual with the abilthat marked the low point of Reagan’s second term...
...Although this book will not be the last biography of a major Reagan-era political player, no other adviser was as close to Reagan in temperament, faith, and political philosophy—and no one was a closer friend to this famously distant man...
...I am proud to have been one of them...
...At his Catholic high school, where he played football and was named salutatorian of his class, he received a strong Catholic formation that formed the bedrock of his deep piety and strong ethics...
...The early chapters are dedicated to his ancestry and early life...
...T h t e o l i d i t c a n e f o k r a l C h t i w , r e w o p f o s l e v e h i h va g rio l us rivalries tha t are inevitab t le at su n ch g itself icted would by N be cho threatened as Negrop by nt the in “Daily 1995— Me” a pre t is y democrac fre professor la o of he booK gives dispassionate insights into the mare...
...The key to understanding this book is the introduction, which also explains why we have heard so little of this truly remarkable man since his departure from Washington...
...Ignatius Press of San Francisco (Pope Benedict XVI’s U.S...
...On his father’s side, the Judge came from Irish-Catholic ancestors who took part in the massive mid-19th century immigration set off by the Irish potato famine...
...After the 1980 election, the Judge followed Reagan to the White House, taking on positions as chief of staff, national security adviser, and finally secretary of the interior...
...the previous tenant of my house never bothered to cancel his subscription, and they’re still coming even though I’ve lived here for months...
...Without them, we are in danger of becoming a polarized and fragmented citizenry...
...publisher) has issued a book that transports us to those halcyon days of a conservative revolution, a Cold War that was heated only to result in the fall of the Iron Curtain, up-to-then unprecedented economic prosperity—and a scandal known as Iran-Contra...
...The Judge and the governor would later become both friends and partners in politics and governance...
...Against considerable internal opposition, Clark backed Reagan’s determination to win the Cold War by any legitimate and moral means...
...When he was no longer needed, he returned to California and dedicated himself to his family, his ranch, and philanthropic causes, including many charitable and educational philanthropies related to the Catholic Church...
...Later Reagan appointed him to the California Supreme Court, where Judge Clark wrote many minority opinions in response to an increasingly liberal judiciary...
...The Sheriff’s Son Reviewed by Thomas kenefick a college professor and daughter of Judge Clark who provides many of the details of the Judge’s personal history...
...Some of the candid photos of the two together in the book express their relationship better than words...
...Finally, the Judge was the most self-effacing and agreeable of Reagan’s advisers...
...The Founding Fathers lived in a polarized and fragmented media environment dominated by 8 4 T H e a M e R I c a n s P e c T a T o R f e b R U a R Y 2 0 0 8 John Tabin is a frequent contributor to The American Spectator online at
...tted com that , the University - , as mediator and broker and sometimes being a party personalized media along the to these rivalries...
...The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald Reagan’s Top Hand is coauthored by Paul Kengor, a professor The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald Reagan’s Top Hand By Paul Kengor and Patricia Clark Doerner at Grove City College with a strong interest (ignatius press, 378 pages, $27.95) in conservative politics and religion, and Patricia Clark Doerner, Washington contacts and has made himself available for counsel as necessary...
...history, many people are nostalgically remembering the presidency of Ronald Reagan, already generally regarded as one of the most successful in history...
...f e b R U a R Y 2 0 0 8 T H e a M e R I c a n s P e c T a T o R 8 3 b o o k s I n R e v I e W evolved into a political relationship as Clark became part of the new governor’s inner advisory council...
...He spent a short time in the seminary, but soon discerned that he was called to live out his faith as a married man...
...however, gating sites...
...At first I would read them, but now I throw them in the trash immediately...
...He enjoyed Against considerable internal opposition, Clark backed Reagan’s determination to win the Cold War by any legitimate and moral means...
...There was no thought of remaining inside the Beltway to cash in as a lobbyist...
...In the 1960s, Judge Clark became acquainted with California gubernatorial candidate Ronald Reagan and struck up a friendship with him that Thomas kenefick is an occasional writer from the Washington, D.C...
...His Reviewed by John Tabin mediaries” serve important functions by promoting shared experiences and forcing people to encounter views and topics they would not have sought out...
...ity to build his own media environment, and this is a Observers quoted in this book believe that if Clark bad thing...
...Meanwhile, every few days I pick up a local newspaper at the edge of my driveway...
...Chicag In his 200 w 1 book, Republic...
...He was involved in all of the important decisions of the Reagan administration’s first term, particularly those dealing with national security and the conduct of the red-hot Cold War...
...Edmund Morris recorded that he was “so private, quiet and unflamboyant that Defense Secretary and long-time aide Cap Weinberger said, ‘he was one of the most influential people in Washington, enormously important to Reagan’s goals and success, as governor and then as president, but you’d never hear that from Bill or even know it in the way he acted.’” Simply put, Judge Clark was not interested in promoting himself but rather in serving the citizens of the United States and the Reagan presidency...
...ranch life, hunting, and one summer patrolling on horseback 60,000 acres that his father leased...
...Sunstein’s latest is his approach was perhaps not much different from a revised edition of that volume, Lincoln’s handling of his own “Team of Rivals” during the Civil War...
...This, it would seem, is Cass Sunstein’s 2.0 By Cass R. Sunstein (prinCeton univ...
...After some decades in Wisconsin, the family eventually crossed the country to California, where the Judge’s grandfather, Robert Emmett Clark, settled in Ventura County...
...Bob Clark served as a lawman in the still-wild West for 40 years, compiling a colorful but honorable record that inspired a young boy named Ronald Reagan...
...To some, Reagan’s general unwill- lines of Netvibes, Google Reader, ingness to chastise or remove some his bickering and other customizable aggreadvisers and aides was seen as a weakness...

Vol. 41 • February 2008 • No. 1

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