Wonderfully Awful What a magnificent treatment of the cultural decline of Europe and thebleaknessthefutureholdsforus ("The Storks Are Landing," Daniel Johnson,TAS,March2007).Weno longer seem...
...Hussein told AP was at best wildly exaggerated, at worst completelyfalse...
...Daniel Johnson should be required reading.Notonlybytheleftistsbutneocons too...
...That'showI thinkofit.Don'tforgetthesadness...
...I threw the magazine down in frustration...
...After reading his whining for years,BenStein's"StoriesFromthe Desert"hasfinallyforcedmetoput downthemagazineandpickupmy keyboard...
...Relief from your guilt complex is only eleven pages away...
...Wonderfully Awful What a magnificent treatment of the cultural decline of Europe and thebleaknessthefutureholdsforus ("The Storks Are Landing," Daniel Johnson,TAS,March2007).Weno longer seem willing to defend our greatnessagainsttheradicalleftnor against the Islamofascists...
...Pardon myflightoffancy,butthoselagoon waters have seldom had a morescintillating intellect cast upon them...
...And clearlyDisneybecameaninsufferable bore in his later years...
...Her writings are usually more interesting than what she's writingabout,inthiscaseabiographyofWaltDisneybyNealGabler...
...In fact, I hope the President has had a chance to read and ponderDan'sthoughts...
...Joseph A. Harriss has been there and obviously loves the city...
...Right off he reminds the reader of Mary McCarthy's excellent book on the subject, Venice Observed...
...Subsequent investigation confirmed that Jamil Hussein is a person, even if the name is a pseudonym.AtripbybloggersMichelle Malkin and Bryan Preston to Iraq, however, revealed that much of what Mr...
...While I would agree that AP's tone in the Jamil Hussein affair was dismissive, if not condescending, the response byMr.Daniszewskialsomissedthe point...
...Berendt's book comes up shortforanumberofreasons.Harriss closes the review with a wonderfulsummationofVenicebyJan Morris: "It is a gnarled but gorgeous city, the whole scene seems to shimmer, with pinkness, with age, with self-satisfaction, with sadness,withdelight...
...Perhaps even offended...
...Oversized egos, watch out...
...Maybe he could read Brian Wesbury's columns to understand why the misery of high taxes and large governmentsisnotagoodthing.In the very same issue where he complainsthattaxesaren'thighenough, government isn't big enough, and thepeopleoftheU.S.A.(richpeople especially)aren'tmiserableenoughhecouldhavereadtheexcellentreview by James Srodes of Alan Reynolds's Income and Wealth...
...The editors could not have picked a better reviewer for John Berendt's recent book on Venice...
...RALPH MACKIEWICZ HarrisonTownship,Michigan Missing the Point I enjoyed James Taranto's column onthepressanditscoverageofthe war in Iraq ("Tit for Tet," TAS, February 2007...
...LAWRENCE CHISHOLM LostCity,WestVirginiaC O R R E S P O N D E N C E 8 T H E A M E R I C A N S P E C T A T O R A P R I L 2 0 0 7...
...What really upsets me is that Ben Stein apparently does not even bother to read the very magazine for which he is a contributor...
...That's Hollywoodforyou!Itexcelsinthe almightydiminutionoftalent...
...C'mon Ben, read...
...I then picked it right back up,straightenedoutthepages,and readtherestofitwithenthusiasm...
...RICHARD L. DINARDO Stafford,Virginia A World Turned Upside Down Regarding M. Stanton Evans's "Faith of Our Fathers" (TAS, February2007),itispossiblyhumorous and at least ironic that a Constitutionthatwassetuptoprotectreligion from government is today interpreted as protecting governmentfromreligion...
...Florence King--well, what's not to like...
...JAMES ALLENSWORTH Arcata,California Ben and Taxes Before I tell you about what I read in the February 2007 issue that I strongly disagree with, I must first make it clear that I do not want to cancel my subscription...
...DAVID FrontRoyal,Virginia Happy Sad Reading two book reviews in the Februaryissueremindsmeofwhy I've been a devoted fan of The American Spectator all these years...
...Yes, I was upset...
Vol. 40 • April 2007 • No. 3