Judicious Picks Former Solicitor General Ted Olsonisprovingtobethebiggest "get" for "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani.ThefactthatOlsonhas officially signed on as Giuliani's judicial adviser has...
...Adding cachet to Rudy's efforts is the addition of Bill Simon of California, who has the kind of conservative credentials with social conservatives that Giuliani has to build up over the next few months...
...Barack Obamaaversionofa profile of Sen...
...Jeb Bush staffers and supporters and Florida Republicans based in D.C., senior Mitt Romneyaidesessentiallydemanded the support of those in attendance who otherwise would face being left out in the cold if Romney succeeds in his presidential quest...
...John Breaux has been mentioned as a potential primary challenger to Blanco...
...This, of course, is code word for "shilling for Rep...
...Gore's wishful thinking is that while Clinton and Obama are running to the left on the issue of Iraq, they are not fully running to the left on other issues...
...It was a very aggressive presentation," said one attendee, who came away impressed...
...Al can fill that slot if he wants to...
...Jindal's remarkable poll numbers are one reason that former Sen...
...AccordingtothememosenttoAP staffersannouncingFournier's return:"Longerrange,Ronwill driveanewcoveragefocuson accountabilityandgoverning...
...Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, who had criticized "coercive protest...
...Henry Waxmanandthecongressional show trials he has launched against the Bush administration...
...Given the rare honor of offering a student speech at her Wellesley commencement, she startled the faculty and parents-and thrilled many of her classmates--with a rambling rebuke to the day's main speaker, the black Republican Sen...
...In most polls, Jindal is viewed as the favorite in the race...
...Judicious Picks Former Solicitor General Ted Olsonisprovingtobethebiggest "get" for "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani.ThefactthatOlsonhas officially signed on as Giuliani's judicial adviser has eased a number of concerns among social and judicial conservatives that the socially moderate Giuliani will stick to the Reagan/Dubya judges track...
...The big loser in Giuliani's good fortune: Mitt Romney, who in an initial recruitment pitch to some judicial conservatives has been arguing that he will be more reliable in picking judges than John McCain.Ifnothingelse,Rudycan now say that Olson will help him be more reliable than Romney and McCain combined...
...They guaranteed victory in the Florida primary, which is saying something...
...Hard Sell At a late February private meeting in Washington of "nonaligned" former Gov...
...Blanco Slate Republicans looking for victories to help salve the losses of 2006 are focusing this year'smoney and attention on the gubernatorial races in Kentucky and Mississippi, where incumbent GOPers Ernie Fletcher and Haley Barbour, respectively, are seeking re-election...
...But this time, we aren't going to let her get away with it...
...When running head to head with Jindal, Breaux wins.O NT H EP R O W L A P R I L 2 0 0 7 T H E A M E R I C A N S P E C T A T O R 1 3 AVAILABLE WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLD MARCH 20, 2007...
...Romney isn't just talking the talk...
...Now she's trying to do it again...
...Oversight Hack Legendarypoliticalreporter Ron Fournier,who dumpedtheAssociated Pressforadot.comproject thatfailedtoproducemuch buzz,isbackatAPasitspolitical editor.Butheapparentlyhasother 1 2 T H E A M E R I C A N S P E C T A T O R A P R I L 2 0 0 7 O NT H EP R O W L projectshe'llbeworkingon...
...Kathleen Blanco is expected to be challenged by Rep...
...If thingsarelookingbetterfroma securityperspective,thenpeoplelikeHillaryandObamaareouton alimbthatAlcancomeinand beginsawingoff,"saysaformer fundraiserwhohasnotyetcommittedtoacandidate...
...More Wellesley Waywardness In early March, members of the Congressional Black Caucus received via e-mail from supporters of the presidential campaign of Sen...
...Given the media he's gotten in the past few months, he can do it...
...Running Hot ThereisincreasingtalkthatformerVicePresidentAlGorehas askedclosepoliticaladvisersto beginmappingoutastrategyfor himtoentertheDemocraticpresidentialraceaslateasJuneorJuly of2007,particularlyifissuesrelatedtoIraqbegintobeappearturningtheRepublicans'way...
...Hillary Rodham, who spoke up for the "indispensable task of criticizing and constructive protest," got her picture in Life magazine...
...All the polling that Gore and others have seen in the past few weeks is that there is room in the race for a far-left candidate...
...He's apparently putting his money out there too: In late February, the Romney campaign began making TV and radio buys in at least six different states, including, Iowa, Florida, and South Carolina...
...Bobby Jindal...
...But the big race is considered to be in Louisiana, where incumbent Democrat Gov...
...Apparently Senator Clinton got her political start attacking prominent African-American politicians," says an aide to a Black Caucus member...
...Hillary Rodham Clintonthathadrecently appeared in Newsweek.Highlighted in the e-mailed material was this paragraph: Later that month [Rodham Clinton] became nationally known...
...That primary may be one of the earliest in the electoral calendar, and the results could change the direction of the campaign for at least one of the big three candidates...
Vol. 40 • April 2007 • No. 3