Jackasses, Assorted
CURRENT WISDOM From the Internet Even the al-Gore intelligentsia weighs in, and our editor actually admires a well-played ukulele: Dear Mr. R. Emmett Tyrrell, Memphis,...
...nuclear weapons policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary, and dreadfully dangerous...
...The Great Books Series Professor Eric Lott of the University of Virginia's English Department endorses the hopeful theories of post-Marxist theoretician, Ernesto Laclau, pursuant to capturing the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination for a true progressive, possibly Monica Lewinsky: Its most important move is to argue that the only acceptable political notion of the universal-and therefore of the organizational imperative-is that of the empty signifier, not a present, given, or essential fullness waiting for troops but an impossible ideal whose very emptiness and lack create a pluralized, difference-based competition on the part of various particularisms in a democratic social-symbolic field to assume the position of the universal organization...
...I am actually glad that you have this impression of Rock music...
...I want it clearly stated that by ingesting the feeble conservative American notion, not only are you clearly a very stupid person, but you harm the rest of the country with your bizarrely stupid outlook...
...She's a pure snake-oil salesman...
...You don't deserve to know about the incredible music being made today, and your ridiculous assertion that Rock and Roll is dead only highlights the fact that you and the other right-wing shills out there are so very out of touch...
...During the past five years the United States has abandoned many of the nuclear arms control agreements negotiated since the administration of Dwight Eisenhower...
...And he saw his subpoena as a prime example of government oppressing the little guy...
...There are cigarette burns in some funny places...
...Eat a gun, go away, and death to your piece of sh[--], anti-american party...
...He's been a presence at the White House over the past five years, stopping by no fewer than five times to counsel George W. Bush...
...You've been laying down for two dollars all your life...
...Go home and take abath...
...The kids are taught all about battles of Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Lexington, and Concord...
...January 28,1986) MAY 2OO6 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR 73...
...He made that kind of language part ofhis concert routine for several months, to the evident enjoyment of his new rightwing following...
...F[---] you, stupid...
...March 20-26, 2006) Inspirational readingfrom one ofHol13nvood's leading cigarette smokers: Hollywood activist SEAN PENN has a plastic doll of conservative US columnist ANN COULTER that he likes to abuse when angry...
...R. Emmett Tyrrell, Memphis, TN Sir, your idiotic stance on american culture are simply incorrect and stink of the dour influence of the current neo nazi republican party...
...He then stuffed two dollar bills in her drink, saying, "Here's two dollars, baby, that's what you're used to...
...If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the Earth were taken away, there could be no life...
...And he takes out his frustrations with Coulter, who is a best-selling author, lawyer and television pundit, on the Barbielike doll...
...You know what that means, don't you...
...From The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual, by Eric Lott...
...It didn't gall him as much as he had thought it would," reported columnist Earl Wilson...
...But there is another side to George, less tolerant, ferociously partisan and intimately connected to wealthy organizations that wish explicitly to inject their politics into the universities-a side better known by Beltway Republicans and right-wing Christian activists than on the long green lawns of Princeton...
...If all the winged creatures were taken from the Earth, there could be no life...
...But they know little or nothing about Gandhi, King, Dorothy Day, Tolstoy, Jeanette Rankin, Jesus, St...
...You're nothingbut a two-dollar cunt...
...We romanticize the militarists: George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Davy Crockett, Patton...
...She doesn't believe a word she says...
...In an interview with The New Yorker magazine, Penn reveals, "We violate her...
...It raises a lot of questions...
...March 22, 2006) World Entertainment News Network Another sage Hollywood&n, this time Charlie (my nerves are shoo Sheen, makes an invaluable contribution to human knowledge: Actor Charlie Sheen refuses to accept the official explanation behind the terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001, and believes the U.S...
...Sinatra became a Reagan Republican...
...Now he embraced the right-wing populism that defined the principal oppressor of the little guy as big government...
...If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the Earth, there could be no life...
...EASTMAN Orlando (March 20, 2006) Courtesy of Dr...
...The force ofviolence has failed...
...James R. Fisher, longtime AmSpec subscriber...
...You really should try to avoid writing on subjects you don't know anything about, Mr...
...government covered up what really happened...
...I mean, I never agree with what you write, but the fact that you are completely speaking from your ass on this subject is painfully obvious...
...Francis of Assisi, Jane Addams, Daniel Berrigan, or the triumphs of non-violence from the salt march in India to the successful resistance of the Danes to the Nazis...
...March 31,1986) USA Today Professor Colman McCarthy, journalist and adjunct professor of the "politics of non-violence" atAmerican University, renders another hypna9ogic arpeggio to hispupils: McCARTHY: I tell them they have been cheated in school...
...I begin by explaining that it is OK to believe in force as a way to solve a problem or conflict-the force of justice, force of love, force of sharing wealth, and the force of organized non-violent resistance...
...March 13, 2006) From the Internet The aesthete who is our editor in chief tenders a few dour thoughts on the passd condition of rock and roll (see page 71) and here is the gratitude he gets: Dear R. Emmett Tyrrell, Norman, OK Rock and Roll is dead, R.I.R huh...
...But if all the human beings were taken away, life on Earth would flourish...
...His turn to the right coincided with a deepened contempt for women and his most offensive public behavior ever...
...Conspiracy theorist Sheen claims New York City's Twin Towers fell as the result of a "controlled demolition...
...When I read that column of yours, I laaaaughed and laughed and laughed...
...His old politics of standing up for the little guy had been altered...
...We masterfully educate our kids in the history of war: Caesar's wars, Napoleonic wars, civil wars, World Wars I and II, preparation for World War III...
...Basic Books, 260 pages, $26] From the Archives Timeless Tosh From Current Wisdoms Past (May 1986): New Republic An aestheteplots thepolitical evolution of another neoconservative: Always a public man, Sinatra explained the shift in his political thinking in a New York Times Op-Ed piece he wrote just after he appeared before the [House crime] committee...
...Talking on US radio program "The Mex Jones Show" on the GGN network, he said, "It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box-cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent oftheir targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory...
...This change in policies has sent uncertain signals to other countries, including North Korea and Iran, and may encourage technologically capable nations to choose the nuclear option...
...March 29, 2006) Orlando Sentinel In the Correspondence section of a sun-drenched gazette, an environmentalist of poetic gifts presents the constructive side of nuclear annihilation: Ah, humanity If all the green things that grow were taken from the Earth, there could be no life...
...March 27, 2006) The Nation Professor Bobert George of Princeton University's flames Madison Program fully exposed on The Nation's police blotter: Most of all, George is known around campus as a nice guywhose attendance at High Holiday services with his Jewish wife embodies the personal qualities that have endeared him to the Princeton community...
...The Oscar-winner actor has hated Coulter ever since she blacklisted his director father LEO PENN in her book TREASON...
...Last year former defense secretary Robert McNamara summed up 72 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 2006 CUR RENT WlS DOM his concerns in Foreign Policy magazine: "I would characterize current U.S...
...March 20, 2006) Washington Post The anile Jimmy Carter hauls in Robert McNamara to make a duet of that old Democratic standby, "Blame America First...
...At a pre-inaugural party in 1973, he shouted at Washington Post columnist Maxine Chesire, "Get away from me, you scum...
...Fighting with those kinds of effective forces is the essence of pacifism...
Vol. 39 • May 2006 • No. 4