Jackasses, Assorted
CURRENT WISDOM New York Press Alan Cabal, perhaps hoping to recommend himself as a speechwriter for Dr. Howard Dean, fashions a paragraph of polemical prose sure to make every loyal Republican an...
...I've seen a lot of footage of Bundy...
...Once again the government of the United States is determined to destroy the village in order to save it, whether the villagers like it or not...
...The state of California is in thrall to an actor of marginal talents, and a Republican administration in Washington is devoted to self-perpetuation...
...Howard Dean, fashions a paragraph of polemical prose sure to make every loyal Republican an opponent of capital punishment: Lately, I've been amusing myself by alerting friends and acquaintances to the striking resemblance between George W. Bush and Ted Bundy...
...Kathy Boudin, upon being sprung from the hoosegow, might renew her career as bank robber, cop killer, and progressive, as excogitated by the inimitable Anna Quindlen, Pulitzer laureate: 64 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR NOVEMBER 2003 CURRENT WISDOM In the ways that seem to matter to her, the world is remarkably unchanged since Kathy Boudin essentially left it in 1970...
...fresh from a two-week visit to China, said Monday that Chinese ethical standards are higher than those in the United States and, if adopted, could save this nation from destruction...
...When cornered by his inquisitors in the matter of Monica Lewinsky he could have just said he didn't fuck her, which would have spared him (and us) months of ridiculous hairsplitting about whether oral sex is sex or manual sex is sex or semen on a dress is sex or cigar sex is sex, or whatever...
...One bailer makes his bodyguards spell out in plain language to potential one-night-stands what the night's activities will entail...
...Naturally this has led me to fantasize about a treason trial, and how wonderful it would be to see Bush in an electric chair...
...I think his policies rank him among the worst presidents in U.S...
...Sliming Clinton was a sure road to fame and fortune on the right, and many an ambitious young right-wing hitman—like David Brock, who has since made full confession—took that golden opportunity After all this time and all those millions of dollars wasted, no one has ever proved that the Clintons did a single thing wrong...
...The gestures, the facial expressions, the tone of voice and inflection, especially when telling some blatant lie—they're identical...
...I'll bet he would whine and cry, just liked Bundy did...
...NBA players, like rock stars, have lots of groupies, and it isn't unusual to find plenty of action after the game...
...December 21, 1975 [April 1976 issue]) NOVEMBER 2003 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR 65...
...September 29, 2003) Newsweek Why 1960s revolutionary Ms...
...Cue in the echo chamber...
...Martin's Press, 245 pages, $24.95) Charleston Gazette (Charleston, West Virginia) Engage columnist Molly Ivins' moral compass sweats and sweats: For eight long years, this country was a zoo of Clinton-haters...
...August 19, 1975 [February 1976 issue]) The New York Times Proof of the vegetant condition of culture in liberated Saigon, the Vienna of Indochina...
...October 23, 2003) Atlanta Journal-Constitution Professor Ted Turner again playing his Chicken Little routine: "If I had to predict, the way things are going, I'd say the chances are about 50-50 that humanity will be extinct or nearly extinct within 50 years," Turner said...
...His favorite answer to the question of nepotism—"I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies"—conveys the laughable implication that his birth bestowed more disadvantage than advantage...
...They'd make millions...
...If Clinton had just put his faith in the F-word he could have retained his ascendancy over the press...
...He reminds me of a certain type I knew in high school...
...And, while I'm tempted to leave it at that, the truth is that I hate him for less substantive reasons, too...
...Weapons of Mass destruction, disease, I mean this global warming is scaring the living daylights out of me...
...I hate the inequitable way he has come to his economic and political achievements and his utter lack of humility (disguised behind transparently false modesty) at having done so...
...1: Let your crew approach the woman first, to size her up...
...There is even a nasty little quagmire of a war, one that many believe was ill-conceived from the very beginning...
...If only Beethoven had lived to see it!: More than 100 songs and other musical works have been composed in Saigon since the South Vietnamese capital was taken over by Communist-led forces April 30, according to a North Vietnamese broadcast...
...But there are also rules of conduct off the court, and players usually swap the do's and don'ts over dinner after a game...
...There is still a chasm between rich and poor, white and black...
...September 29, 2003) New York Review of Books nvo-penny novelist Larry McMurtry turns spinmeister for the politically savvy NYRB, political manual for the Post-Marxist intelligentsia: The question of sexually charged (or, it may be, uncharged) speech in our political culture is a delicate one, especially so in the matter of the F-word—fuck—long since ubiquitous in private discourse but rarely employed by American politicians, not even by the easily unbuttoned Bill Clinton...
...October 13, 2003) From the Archives Timeless tosh from Current Wisdoms past: Chicago Tribune Pedagogical ruminations of a United States senator fresh from the exotic Orient: Senator Percy (R., Ill...
...There, I said it...
...October 1, 2003) New Republic Journalism in the confessional mode from the youthful Jonathan Chait, whose passion for accuracy runs limp when his frenzies subside—the attached coda declaring that The American Spectator paid "sources" has been refuted ex cathedra and with benevolence aforethought rather frequently: I hate President George W. Bush...
...It goes beyond the merely physical...
...Joe Conason glimpses Utopia: Among the right's most cherished dogmas is that when it comes to economics, conservatives alone understand "how the world works"—and are thus uniquely qualified to run the world efficiently...
...I'd pay to see that...
...Rule No...
...from Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth by Joe Conason, Thomas Dunne Books, St...
...Adhering to this simple romantic creed, they are capable of deflecting unwelcome intrusions of reality as blithely as any cult member...
...September 25, 2003) Newsweek Jock etiquette that the illustrious Kobe Bryant could not have learned dining alone, as reported by hip-hopped Newsweek as a public service: In fact, Kobe may have missed out on some valuable career advice he'd never get from Jerry West...
...The American Spectator's "Arkansas Project," whichused every conceivable method—including paying sources—to dig up dirt from Clinton's past...
...If she hesitates, she's turned away...
...And much like a cult, they tend to prescribe the same set of true-believer solutions for almost any human problem: big tax cuts for the top brackets and the abolition of almost all government regulation...
...Any idiot with a big mouth and a conspiracy theory could get a hearing on radio talk shows, "Christian" broadcasts and nutty Internet sites...
...People with transparent motives, people paid by tabloid magazines, people with known mental problems, ancient Clinton enemies with notorious racist pasts—all were given hearings, credence and air time...
...Environmental concerns have a habit of giving way to the profit motive...
...Time Warner could put it on pay-per-view...
...September 8, 2003) The Great Books Series The gloomy Mr...
Vol. 36 • November 2003 • No. 6