Jackasses, Assorted
Dodge Ball and the Damned NERVE.COM Award-winning writer Mr. Gerald Hannon courageously decides to keep his day job, even if journalism is only the world's second oldest profession: Fact is, I...
...It would truly be helpful to simply quit determining a person's worth by their externals...
...First they take the kids' cigarettes, then their dodge balls...
...33, No...
...Other offenders that share the not-so-flattering spotlight include Duck, Duck, Goose and Red Rover...
...Incidentally, having quit Planned Parenthood owing to its fuddy-duddyism, the Rev...
...However, the one particular issue, Vol...
...I had—I have—sex with men for money...
...I'm also a frequently published journalist who has won three National Magazine Awards...
...February 5, 2001) BALTIMORE SUN Addressing an agog conventicle of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Mr.Julian Bond describes the present Administration just before boarding his flying saucer and heading for home: Instead of uniting us, the new administration almost daily separates and divides...
...Gerald Hannon courageously decides to keep his day job, even if journalism is only the world's second oldest profession: Fact is, I had become a prostitute...
...It is a sunny shamelessness...
...Why does it matter what she looks like...
...Perhaps there is nothing new under the sun, but I feel part of a new social phenomenon: whores with attitude, men and women who choose this profession, men and women who have perfected that most ingratiating of personality traits—shame-lessness...
...Barbara as deposited in the alien purlieus of PL...
...Now, I finally understand why we are on opposite sides on the basic issues of our faith...
...It would, naturally, because most intelligent African Americans have the sense to be Democrats and be liberal...
...If Ricky Martin goes on national television to confirm that George W. is the spawn of Satan then I will perform with him...
...A whore...
...They selected nominees from the Taliban wing of American politics, appeased the wretched appetites of the extreme right wing, and chose Cabinet officials whose devotion to the Confederacy is nearly canine in its uncritical affection...
...Third she was described as attractive and a woman with charm... now a leading light in the growing movement for noninvasive sex: As a committed liberal and ordained minister in the PCUSA, I have never read your magazine...
...I turned and read the article and was appalled at the description given...
...February 21, 2001) WASHINGTON POST Mr...
...Dodge ball is one of those games that encourages aggression and the strong picking on the weak," said Mr...
...6, caught my eye because of the article on an African-American woman named Condoleeza Rice...
...February 23, 2001) THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR ¦ April 2001 97...
...Otherwise no deal...
...Williams [chairman of the Health and Physical Education Department at Eastern Connecticut State University] dubs dodge ball as the worst remnant of games that a new breed of physical education teachers and health educators say provide little in the way of fitness conditioning and inappropriately use people as targets...
...Vincent Schiraldi makes a curious criticism of our tax dollars at work: The 1990s were a punishing decade for America, with nearly as many people added to our prisons and jails as in America's entire history prior to 1990.These policies were particularly devastating to the black community, as one in three young African-American males was put under criminal justice control and states shifted funds from higher education to prisons...
...I faithfully toss it into the trash each time it comes...
...How does her marital status contribute to her skills and talents...
...Will condoms be next...
...Fittingly, the number of adults and juveniles locked up in America topped the 2 million mark at the decade's end...
...Second, she was labeled as black (not even Black), rather than African American...
...But it is a shamelessness untarnished by insolence, by the bravado of those who suspect they are in fact quite as trashy as everyone thinks they are...
...First, she was described as single...
...February 18, 2001) WASHINGTON TIMES The Kultursmog's final analysis of Campaign 2000 as iterated by one of the smog's lesser smokestacks, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe: You know this: If Katherine Harris, jeb Bush, jim Baker and the Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results, Al Gore would be president, George Bush would be back in Austin, and John Ashcroft would be home reading Southern Partisan magazine (February 6, 2001) W0RLDP0P.COM In answering an inquiry as to whether he will perform with crooner Ricky Martin, techno-musician Moby reveals a return to spiritual values: I would consider doing something with Ricky Martin if, and only if, he publicly apologises for performing at George W's inauguration and if he confirms that when he danced next to George W. Bush at the inauguration he could smell brimstone and that George W Bush is in fact the spawn of Satan...
...January/February 2001) EDUCATION WEEK Will it never end...
...February 22, 2001) THE PRESBYTERIAN LAYMAN An important bull from the Rev...
Vol. 34 • April 2001 • No. 3