Correspondence: Queen Mum, Dads &c.

C O R R E S P O N D E N C E Queen Mother My wife Rosemary and I read John Corry's article "Wedding in Maseru" (TAS, July/August 2ooo) with intense interest, finding it indeed a happy tale from...

...You were frustrated by the impeachment process, weren't you...
...More urgent from a public policy standpoint, however, are the violations of basic constitutional rights he faces when hauled into what is without question the most intrusive and authoritarian arm of government today: family court...
...3. Return this form to us at the address listed below...
...A decade ago, William E Buckley, Jr...
...I would have done some things differently," Bakaly answered...
...I have first-hand experience working with an AmeriCorps member...
...Whatever the ease, it seems likely that many of the president's allies--not to mention the White House itself--would be more than happy to see Bakaly hang...
...Quality subsidy publisher accepting manuscripts...
...We see the inevitable results in the attempt by the Justice Department to usurp the civil authority of municipal governments across the nation by the use of consent decrees governing fire actions of police departments...
...You wanted to send a message through Mr...
...Other defenders of the president, such as House Judiciary Committee Democratic Counsel Julian Epstein, also criticized the Bakaly prosecution, as did the New York Times and the Washington Post editorial pages...
...As a Columbus Police Officer, I can guarantee you that Lee has an agenda...
...Children are thus turned into not only emotional but financial trophies, prizes carrying a rich cash reward...
...1-800-695-9599 ALICE IN WASHINGTON...
...On the one hand, they talk about how AmeriCorps members are "heroes" because they work for supposedly-below-market wages...
...1 0 S ep t e m b r r 2 o o o _9 The American Spectator Aside from the hand-drawings and handcrafts my daughters have given me over the years, CathyYoung's too brief and yet comprehensive article is the best Father's Day present I have ever received...
...Veep Creep Grover Norqnist's summary ("A Veep in Our Future," TAS, June 2ooo) of the career of Teddy Roosevelt, making him the progenitor of the welfare state and the cause of the Bolshevik Revolution, Hitler's Germany, and both World Wars all in just two paragraphs, was a wonderful diatribe and a timely warning on how not to pick VPs...
...According to Mr...
...Bovard cited, after taking into account those who left because of "compelling personal reasons," such as illness or a "significant" educational or professional opportunity...
...Meanwhile I have strong support for my position on San Marino...
...But I must take issue with Mr...
...Those who do support AmeriCorps feel the same way, but rather than dwelling on its problems, look for ways of improving it...
...At the first break, he headed for the bank of cameras and microphones set up outside the courthouse, where he offered more words in support of Bakaly...
...j j $405--3 inch (maximum 3...
...1. Please write your new address in the space provided...
...Griffith asked...
...Perhaps Davis, Epstein, and the editorial writers are sincere...
...Meticulous, frank and affordable...
...It's strangely funny that gutsy little Columbus, Ohio, has a better appreciation of this than such major metropolitan forces as Pittsburgh and Los Angeles...
...Buckley's term) is not something government ought to do...
...Box 655, Mt...
...TAS Address Changes Made Easy...
...If Mr...
...An Outrage On the morning the trial began, Lanny Davis, perhaps the president's most energetic defender during the Lewinsky scandal, showed up to watch the proceedings...
...Earn magnificent income...
...Ironclad confidentiality, free post-payment consultation...
...Bovard indicate what he thinks should be done with the program, especially in a few months, when President Clinton's strong support of it will be a matter for history, not a political fact-of-life...
...It would be a wonderful soundbite, a sure winner whenever the subject came up...
...He writes with the biting, sarcastic, stick-it-to-the-liberals wit and common sense that epitomize what TAS has been about for 3o-plus years...
...As Marvin Olasky says, we suffer from "compassion fatigue," and in the process go back to our comfortable homes and try to forget the whole thing, while hopefully making a pile of money along the way--and I'm as guilty as the next person...
...unfortunately this time one of his statements is faulty: Lesotho is not the only country in the world wholly within another's borders...
...On reading Mr...
...And while he (like I) would have preferred a program rather different from AmeriCorps, he understood that a properly governed country would look for ways to encourage young men and women to help people who need help...
...BECCA NELSON Custodial step-morn via the Interact Cathy Young's groundbreaking article describes vividly the cultural quandary faced by today's conscientious father...
...She was actually a VISTA, hired by a Minnesota state university, to manage the &neriCorps-funded program at that institution...
...2. Attach the mailing label from your most recent issue...
...Puns and poems and exotic beasts under the Bim, under the Bo, under the Bimbo Tree...
...Among those present was her son, Prince David Letsie, a fine, retiring, young fellow, with a mind of his own...
...J J .Pre-payment by check, money order, VISA, Master J J Card, orAmerican Express is required for all ads...
...If you prefer that your name not be rented, please check here...
...Fortunately for me, I didn't have to endure her presence as much as I should have, for she often would "disappear" from work for a week or two at a time...
...Bill and the Boomers and Bill's Beamish Bride...
...Lenkowsky's invocation of the quit rates is typical of the self-delusion of AmeriCorps defenders...
...Editing, rewriting, critiquing, researching...
...He then tried to explain that, after all the controversies and accusations against Starr's office during the Lewinsky scandal, independent counsel prosecutors were extraordinarily sensitive to the issue of what was and wasn't secret grand jury material...
...Everyone in Maseru said she had been after him to do that for years...
...I don't think there's a way for me to tell you the emphasis on grand jury information" in the office, Bakaly said...
...Optional lead generation...
...several have achieved 7-figure annual incomes with the Dot.corn Company with a global vision...
...Give him a raise...
...SIX/SEVEN FIGURE ANNUAL POTENTIAL in libertarian home-based business...
...It's unfortunate that Mr...
...On the other hand, it's not surprising-since the board members are nothing more than lap dogs...
...Perhaps there is some explanation for this omission...
...However, Mr...
...NAME WITHHELD BY REQUEST Alaska Steyn H i t His Mark Mark Steyn's comparison between crimeridden gun-controlled England and a relatively crime-bereft gun-permissive United States could be the best-ever real world assessment of the unintended consequences of relentless gun legislation ("In the Absence of Guns," TAS, June zooo... this instance, he so "blows away" anti-gun misinformation, it seems downright foolish as an American not to responsibly own a firearm...
...Also, he condenses the origins and politics of the Mountain Kingdom into a most readable and understandable form, bringing us up to date on the total picture...
...Learn more...
...i I I i Enclosed is: $ for insertions, i i Chargemy:~VlSA ~MasterCaaM ~AmEx ] J Card #: J Jj Expiration Date: I I j Signature: J | Ad Classification: I i I I Name: I | Address: J Jj City: | I j State: Zip: _ _ | | Phone: I J Send ad copy, payment and this form to: J J The American Spectator J J Atm: Classified Department J P.O...
...He suggested that Bakaly was motivated by polities, that what he really wanted to do was to get the president, and that the article was part of that effort...
...The person that separated Elian from his father was his father...
...Surely South African President Thabo Mbeki has sent the ox following the wedding of King Letsie III and his lovely bride, Ms...
...Later, Roberts asked, "Were you familiar with any public discourse regarding the indictability of the president...
...Trouble is, for a resident in strict MOVING...
...And then there would be one last irony: the fact that Start started the leaks investigation himself, only to see it backfire, leading the independent counsel to quickly abandon his high-profile spokesman...
...If you didn't want the reporter to have any information, you can say, 'No comment' or not meet with them, can't you...
...Wouldn't it be delicious to be able to say this: "After the entire Lewinsky investigation, after millions of dollars and months of grand jury testimony, the only person found guilty of lying under oath was Ken Starr's own spokesman...
...His father never took any steps to provide a home for him until ordered to do so by Fidel Castro...
...Were you the source of information that prosecutors were urging Kenneth Starr to indict...
...He was, he said, angry at the charges against Bakaly...
...So when he denied giving out "non-public" information, Bakaly said, he meant information covered by Rule 6(e...
...Yes," Bakaly answered, and the defense offered up several articles--in Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and others--that discussed just that...
...After Roberts finished, prosecutor Griffith began cross-examination...
...The ties of civilization bind us closely indeed...
...C O R R E S P O N D E N C E Queen Mother My wife Rosemary and I read John Corry's article "Wedding in Maseru" (TAS, July/August 2ooo) with intense interest, finding it indeed a happy tale from troubled Africa...
...Is national service worth keeping or not...
...L T . JEFFREY L. PULS Columbus, Ohio AS the nation inches ever closer to executive branch tyranny through the clever, well practiced, and sinister machinations of the Clinton administration, a timid Congress which seems to have lost its moorings is unwilling and unable to check the executive branch excesses such as those described in your article on Bill Lann Lee...
...DICK SHEPPARD Jersey City, New Jersey I've been a TAS subscriber for about 15 years...
...Among those powers is the right of the people to police themselves without coercive federal intervention...
...His continued service in the Justice Department is clearly in violation of the law, a violation aided and abetted by congressional members both Democrat and Republican unwilling to demand accountability, of the executive...
...285--2 inch...
...Cardinal Richelieu did not manage to rule France during the reign of Louis XlV ("Fit to Be Tied," by Marina Malenic, TAS, June zooo...
...Among them there was a great number of the Croatian mercenaries who remained in the service of the French king...
...The nagging issue that still hits me is that we all talk about the need for private charities as the core of the solution, but I would bet that there aren't many Republican congressional staffers or American Spectator employees out there as Big Brothers or helping with literacy efforts operated by a local church...
...Real inventiveness was essential to respond properly to the high mucky-mucks in Washington trying to find numbers to feed to Mr...
...Family courts and the entire divorcecustody industry constitute a highly dangerous sector of unaccountable government power in urgent need of review and reform...
...She spent the majority of her day at the office eating junk food, checking her pager, calling her friends, and complaining about her problems...
...Van Natta that the [Senate] trial doesn't end things, didn't you...
...She was clearly a detriment to the organization and was instrumental in creating a divisive and extremely unpleasant office atmosphere...
...As this story goes to press, Judge Johnson has yet to make her decision...
...Maybe it would do further damage to the image of the Starr investigation...
...The traditional outfit of those Croats aroused interest because of the pichlresque scarves tied around their necks in a very specific manner...
...LESLIE LENKOWSKY Professor of Philanthropic Studies and Public Policy Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana ]ames Bovard replies: It's curious to see a letter from a member of the board of directors of the Corporation of National Service that could have been written by the AmeriCorps press office...
...Whatever the case, don't call it justice...
...Several years ago, I worked at a local literacy organization...
...DUANE OVEN Maple Grove, Minnesota I read James Bovard's article with great interest...
...Bovard has the take approximately right: The organization is, for the most part, the undereducated equivalent of the Legal Services Corporation...
...The stories our daughter told each evening, a combination of higher education silliness and earnest, self-righteous "economic democracy saving the world" sophomorism, had to be treated as gallows humor--it was necessary to ignore any political outrage or expect any common sense with regard to financial management or we would have become apoplectic in short order...
...Bovard never explains why, notwithstanding the various problems he enumerates, AmeriCorps now has considerable bipartisan support, not only in Congress (where, among others, conservatives like Senators Conrad Burns and Michael DeWine, as well as Representative Chip Pickering, back it) but also among the nation's governors (including John Engler and Marc Racicot, who just joined me on the Corporation's board...
...One picky detail: It was not Robert but William Howard Taft who became president in 19o8...
...The private life of the non-custodial parent-his movements, finances, even his conversations, and above all his relationship with his children--is then subject to scrutiny and control by the court with virtually no regard for constitutional protections of privacy and due process of law...
...AF Shaker,
...Time earning a living or caring for his children, for example, serve equally well as derelictions of paternal duty available as justifications to a judge determined to separate him from his children and keep him away on pain of incarceration...
...Perhaps it would make the White House happy...
...taxpayers' expense...
...of Philosophy is a natural for the Current Wisdom department (Correspondence, TAS, July/August zooo...
...The judge has already denied a variety of defense motions to drop the case, and, at times in the courtroom, she all but coached prosecutors when they did not ask questions precisely as she would have liked...
...If it were up to me, I would have fired this individual...
...Bovard's examination has given him some ideas for doing so, I--and many others--would be glad to hear them...
...DIANNA DEELEY San Francisco Bay Area A charming anecdote from Ms...
...1 OK start-up...
...Proven System...
...AmeriCorps' sham statistics on quit rates are of a piece with what federal job training programs have used for decades...
...DAVE HICKEY San Jose, California National Service As one of the Republican members of the board that oversees the Corporation on National Service, I was interested to read James Bovard's article on AmeriCorps ("AmeriCorps: Salvation Via Hand-Holding," TAS, July/August aooo...
...The million dollar question on a recent "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" was, Which is the only country in the world surrounded by another country?-and the answer was Lesotho...
...Elderberry Press, (541) 459-6043...
...Many of the problems he described were old news, a few were not, and some were simply incorrect...
...I liked the straightforward discussion laying responsibility (as opposed to casting blaine) at the feet of those responsible for the deplorable situation fathers face...
...I do not think San Marino (pop.: 26,000) is really a country, and as I said in the article, I don't think the Vatican is, either...
...Average people are earning 5-10K per month...
...We conservatives purport to be foursquare in favor of volunteerism--Bill Buckley wrote a recent book in which one year universal national service was a (Continued on page 77) TheAmerican Spectator _9 September 2000 l 1 "No...
...Nor does Mr...
...Resume to NCF, Box 527, Oakton, VA 22124...
...Does nuclear waste Cause Dwarfism...
...New authors welcomed...
...850)654-7727, x7265...
...Socialist bloodsuckers...
...RICHARD L. LEED Ithaca, New York Kent Totalitarian State The letter of Ed Kent from CUNY Dept...
...RICHARD ANDREWS Evanston, Illinois Marina Malenic replies: Richelieu was indeed available in 1636, but it's true that the Sun King hadn't even made his entrance into the royal nursery...
...Not MLM...
...Lenkowsky made comments at the meeting that indicated he had little or no familiarity with the Inspector General reports on AmeriCorps problems that he, as a board member, is regularly sent...
...Thank you so much for putting the spotlight on this situation...
...If he had had a second look at the map of the Italian Peninsula, he would have found there not only the Vatican, but also the Republic of San Marino entirely enveloped by its mighty neighbor...
...I think it's a g-- damned outrage7 Davis took a seat in the courtroom and began to nod off as testimony got under way...
...516 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001 I 1 I CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM I J Rates: $3.15 per word (10 word minimum) J I I j C l a s s i f i e d d i s p l a y a d s : 1 column J jj wide (2-1/4") by length desired to put- j chase: $150--1 inch...
...As I worked for the USAID-funded Lesotho Agricultural Policy Support Program during 1989-1993, my wife followed her wide interests into taking on a gardening project at the Maseru School for the Blind, supported by her A&M Garden Club of College Station and the American Embassy...
...Thank you, Spectator and CathyYoung...
...Box 549 J Arlington,Virginia 22216-0549 | J Call John Funk with questions at: I I ' (703) 243-3733 EXT...
...Once the court has taken control of the children (usually at the mere request of the parent expecting custody), the way is open for a virtual feeding frenzy in which everything the non-custodial parent possesses is doled out not only to the custodial parent, but also to an entourage of lawyers, psychotherapists, and other judicial courtiers...
...Elian was born more than two years after his parents were divorced...
...soil, on Fidel's orders, and ]t U.S...
...Morris, IL 61054-8084 1-800-524-3469 IMPORTANT: Allow six Iveek~ fol address change CI Renew my subscription for one year (ten issues--S34.95) CI Payment enclosed Bill me later CI At various times TAS rents its subscriber lists to other organizations...
...Boykin that Lesotho's very own Queen Mum is alive and well, and pleased that King Letsie has gotten married...
...Correspondence (Continued from page z~) central theme, and only those with inherited money can do such a thing without a stipend...
...Griffith continued...
...Make your manuscript dreams published reality...
...Family courts expand their power by removing children from fathers (and sometimes mothers) who have done nothing legally wrong and who have given no agreement to a divorce...
...I attended a board of directors public meeting last September and was amazed at how little interest the directors showed in the specifics of AmeriCorps programs--and how much they indulged themselves with "Big Picture" bombast...
...Corry's fine article, we looked for some mention of the Queen Mother, once the "mother of the nation," but found none...
...Coming from a board member who doesn't seem particularly troubled by any of those problems, this is farcical...
...In his book La Grande Historie de la Cravate (F]amarion, Paris, 1994), Franr Chaile documents the encounter in question: Around the year 1636, some six thousand soldiers and knights came to Paris to give their support to Louis XIII and Richelieu...
...Elian never lived with his father until Reno's goons staged their Gestapo-type raid and sequestered him in the Communist "reeducation" camp Reno established for Fidel on U.S...
...I hope I'm not blamed when the movie version does the same...
...J j (Other restrictions may apply...
...What was Bakaly's motive for talking with Van Natta...
...We feel so strongly that we have been unjustly targeted, each officer of this r,8oo officer department has agreed to pay $z 5 a month to set up a fund to fight this suit...
...Mail to: Subscriber Service P.O...
...Or does he feel that fostering "republican citizenship" (to use Mr...
...j [ Special Discount Offer: J i Pre-pay for 3 ads and get a 4t_hh ad free...
...Perhaps it would vindicate the judge's sense of honor...
...Fiction/nonfiction, political/academic...
...Steyn's revealing commentary is always warmly welcomed in the Spectator...
...Bakaly looked on, impassively, seemingly resigned to what was happening...
...After the Continuing Crisis, his column is where I turn before reading anything else...
...So whoever the Croatian ban may have come to talk to, it wasn't Richelieu...
...236 0009 J The American Spectator _9 September 2000 79...
...Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, juvenile, religious, etc...
...It is perhaps theoretically possible that she will find Bakaly not guilty, but most observers would have to say that appears unlikely...
...Richelieu died before the Sun King was out of the nursery...
...on p. 33...
...These programs are fraught with civil liberties dangers of their own, because they presuppose and perpetuate precisely the myths Young exposes and use them to justify coercive state intervention against parents... HELP WANTED ASSISTANT EDITOR for conservative monthly covering race and immigration from majority view point...
...BOOKS INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER SEEKING politically incorrect fiction/nonfiction...
...For free 32-page illustrated booklet H-80, write to: Vantage Press, Inc...
...That figure compares favorably to the completion rate of students at most colleges...
...By this definition, no boondoggle could exist--since almost every boondoggle slops benefits to politicians of both parties...
...These professionals then have a strong voice in the reappointment and promotion of the accommodating judge...
...Both the safest and most effective remedy to the crisis of fatherhood is not more state intrusion into the family and the private sphere of life but the old-fashioned one of enforcing the Constitution...
...Write to: Pentland Press, Inc., DepL AS, 5122 Bur Oak Circle, Raleigh, NC'27612 or call: 1-800-948-2786 PUBLISH YOUR BOOK Leading subsidy book publisher seeks manuscripts...
...I don't recall exac@ when Mark Steyn came aboard as a regular contributor, but month after month his Culture Vulture pieces are one of the best features TAS has to offer...
...We can arrange the editing, design, promotion, warehousing and distribution of your book...
...In any case, my colleagues on the board and I are committed to doing all we can to get any problems resolved and prevent future occurrences...
...COMMUNIST VAMPIRES stalk the night...
...By focusing exclusively on the cultural dimension and "attitudes" to the neglect of constitutional rights, we may leave the impression that the remedy lies in the kind of social engineering and government programs to "promote" fatherhood into which legislatures are now rushing with headlong abandon...
...According to the General Accounting Office, the drop-out rate from AmeriCorps is closer to 3o percent than the 5 o percent Mr...
...In the The American Spectator _9 September ~ooo 77 future, I will turn down any job where an AmeriCorps member is placed...
...Lenkowsky, a former official in the Reagan administration and former head of the Hudson Institute, has apparently no interest in how AmeriCorps promotes food stamp recruitment, gay rights, and dubious child abuse accusations while squandering money like a drunken sailor...
...That's all there is to it...
...However baleful and extended the man and his influence, unless the ban proposed to consult a medium, Richelieu simply wasn't available...
...Our daughter lived for the year on $8,ooo only because we were delighted to have her back in her old room, handed her an automobile, and kept the refrigerator full...
...He clearly equates the effort to give Elian a chance to live in freedom (for which his mother died) to the behavior of totalitarian dictatorships ("the only states that separate parents from kids...
...In divorce court the no-win predicament Young describes becomes a Kafkaesque inquisition into private life where everything a father does in his own home is not only wrong but subject to criminal penalties...
...Around the year 165o , during the reign of Louis XIV, it was accepted in France, above all in court which was always fond of military ornaments, and the fashion innovation "a la croate," the expression which soon entered in the root of the French word eravate... WEB SITES AVIATION ART by Robert Karr...
...SKALA Denver, Colorado (P.S.: I am not a Cuban-American...
...Part of my duties were to help develop our AmeriCorps member...
...Griffith said...
...College Station, Texas It was a real fun-and-relax to read "Wedding in Maseru...
...Tou do that at severe risk to yourself and the office," Bakaly responded...
...TED M. ZucK Pentwater, Michigan John Corry replies: I am happy to tell Mr...
...We pay taxes so that the left can send grant money to their politicized youthful enthusiasts to go out and campaign for leftist causes...
...It seems I accidentally conflated the Louis's--which actually made for a better story...
...Especially amusing were the attempts to provide objective measures, for activity levels every two weeks, and for "outcomes effectiveness" on a quarterly basis...
...If I tried to give her a project, she would growl at me and then haphazardly do the project at her leisure...
...wrote, "national service, like gravity, is something we could accustom ourselves to and grow to love...
...We will continue to pay until this issue is resolved...
...There was even some talk that the Justice Department really didn't want to bring the case, but had been prevailed upon by the judge (see "Reluctant Prosecutors...
...1-800-432-0018 Ext...
...Fax 328-8658...
...How to avoid...
...I was focusing on grand jury information," Bakaly continued, "and that did not come from our off• But Griffith pushed on...
...A guilty verdict would put the last, strange, finishing touch on this exceedingly sad case...
...This is Bill Clinton's spokesman coming to support Ken Starr's spokesman," Davis said as he walked into the courthouse...
...Dad's Day Has Passed Re: "The Sadness of the American Father" by Cathy Young (TAS, June 2ooo): This was a fantastic article...
...Order at
...STEPHEN BASKERVILLE Department of Political Science Howard Uni~,ersity Washington, D.C...
...Where are the pits...
...In a few months, a new president will have to answer that question...
...Karabo Mots'oeneng...
...On the other hand, when someone quits AmeriCorps to take a better paying job, they claim this proves the program launches people to better things...
...It is my impression that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the people...
...On learning that the day was our 43rd wedding anniversary, the Queen offered a toast to us...
...Alice herself in a cameo...
...In the organized system, politicized as it is, and rife as it is with waste and fraud, I've also seen the earnest, honest efforts, and caring for kids who have had no chance or guidance based on family background...
...Or anywhere else...
...This elegant "Croatian style" immediately conquered 78 S e p t e m b e r 2 o o o - The American Spectator the French, who were delighted by this clothing item, which had been, till then, completely unknown in Europe...
...The new accessory was accepted as the symbol of culture and elegance... m u BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR...
...Lenkowsky, the fact that AmeriCorps receives bipartisan support proves the program is damn near immaculate...
...EDWARD BORGES-SILVA Canby, Oregon Louis, Louis I'm sure you've already gotten a mail-truck full of squeals of historical pain from people who read all (but all) of Dumas's Three Musketeers books, but I thought I'd send nly comment in any case...
...Name: (Please Print) Address: City: State: Zip: Date of change: VCAFRMj gun control New Jersey, is it worth the effort...
...He claims that"dwelling" on AmeriCorps' problems is not helpful...
...Steyn's essay is convincing enough to ponder a decision to arm in a new light...
...Wofford so that he could declare triumphs in time for budget hearings...
...BILL THOMPSON Tampa, Florida Hello, Columbus I wan~ to comp]iment Michael Catanzaro for an excellent article on Bill Lann Lee ("Bill Lann Let's Big Victory," TAS, June zooo...
...And then he left, never to return...
...Writing and computer experience desirable but will train promising beginner...
...I always love John Corry's writing...
...PentIand Press, Inc...
...Just be sure to allow six weeks for your change to take effect...
...After a week on the job, it was more than clear to me that she had no interest in improving her situation or developing job skills...
...It was during a luncheon with the then Queen, Mamohato Bereng Seeiso, at her summer home at Matsieng on June 3o, 1989, held for us and the American ambassador and his wife, that the Queen suggested the School for the Blind's unkempt vegetable garden as the ideal site for my wife's intended project...
...More AmeriCorps I read James Bovard's July/August article on AmeriCorps with great interest, since our daughter, to fill in a year between undergraduate and graduate studies, completed a stint as the only Republican-leaning person associated with that organization...

Vol. 33 • September 2000 • No. 7

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