CORRESPONDENCE Getting the Picture As usual this month I was very happy to receive my new issue of The AmericanSpectator. The difference this month (October) was the unexpected surprise of finally...
...If I didn't know already that The American Spectator was a professional magazine I would have sworn that it was written by junior high students...
...808)325-7707 ASIAN BEAUTIES...
...Call or write now for our complimentary guide to this award-winning system...
...It was being talked up on all the radio shows but no one would print it...
...Address: The American Spectator, P.O...
...Morristown, New Jersey Holier Than Thou Grover G. Norquist curiously accuses Human Rights Watch of an insufficient commitment to human rights because of our position on the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act pending in Congress ("Something Old and New," TAS, November 1997...
...Yep, two dead and guess whose name is first on the list...
...The thread that holds these conflicting scientific views together, of course, is that massive taxes and government controls on human behavior must be imposed to thwart the disaster, whatever it might turn out to be...
...Marinello studies the candidates better than he did my letter...
...2-3 Ed Hamilton Books p. 71 F.L.A.M.E...
...The left wants to believe that conservative strength is unnatural and therefore temporary, and some conservatives refuse to believe that any success can be achieved unless they are in charge...
...In an effort to measure attitudes toward career choices, I gave each class a questionnaire in which I asked them to rank inorder of preference io or 20 listed professions/occupations...
...Because he is finding it difficult to locate a campaign adviser, you recommend me...
...I never stated or insinuated TAS was an enemy...
...The article states that the plaintiff's lawyer was from "the San Francisco-based firm, Littler, Mendelson, specializing in employment litigation...
...By Brock's own admission, Hatch falls into the second category...
...Color photos...
...And it produces a rich, natural sound quality comparable to audio systems costing thousands of dollars...
...One gleefully thinks of Peter Jennings ducking for cover after getting off one of these phrases...
...He won the Connecticut primary on the flat tax, but was flattened in New York when he could not defend it against the wiles of Boy Clinton and Pat Moynihan...
...counterparts, and may still be...
...In an effort to measure attitudes toward career choices, I gave each class a questionnaire in which I asked them to rank inorder of preference io or 20 listed professions/occupations...
...JOHN R. SACKER Major, USAF (Ret...
...They just bitch...
...Because it is so broadly and vaguely written, it creates a huge aura of uncertainty surrounding the employment of people with disabilities or potential disabilities...
...RUSSELL C. BINGLEY via the Internet I found your web site while watching a news show on NBC...
...Lewis Foundation p. 57 Classifieds pp...
...Send age, interests...
...Only regular USA long distance applies (10c/min...
...My name is number one on the list of the two killed...
...Marinello twice labeled me a liberal and once an extremist...
...Is Mr...
...110 Pacific, #208-JX, San Francisco, CA 94111...
...Sebring, Florida Pin Up of the Month The marvel of Miss Florence King's writing should be acknowledged, preferably with a gold medal to whoever comes closes to emulating her...
...Ideological zealotry is no excuse for glaring errors that would give a 16-year-old a failing grade in high school journalism...
...Frankly, he was my kind of politician...
...Since we have yet to establish employment quotas for the disabled, a shrewd employer simply avoids hiring anyone who might trigger this bottomless pit of legal demands...
...These untrue facts have caused damage to our Firm...
...Maybe he should try it himself, and I have the newspaper story to prove it—banner headlines and all, dated Sunday, December 14, 1947, concerning "S.F...
...Does he draw this conclusion from our suggestion that the bill live up to its title by addressing all forms of religious persecution rather than simply the persecution of Christians...
...It would also cure his smirking problem...
...Not true...
...The student body was made up, in large part, of down-to-earth Anglo-Saxon lads and gals with close ties to farming and fishing...
...Why this low regard...
...He was no liberal, and even the Republicans in the Senate respected him... Correspondence (Continued from page 12) Hatch's allusion to "his own experiences with religious bigotry as a Mormon" merely illustrates the senator's inability to grasp the importance of what Burke called the "circumstances" that surround legislation...
...counterparts, and may still be...
...Second, you state that Secretary Cuomo has held "almost every press conference" in New York...
...Out here in the hinterlands, we Nebraskans, both Democrats and Republicans, agree on one thing: those Comhuskers are Number 1. -BUD HUGHES Elkhorn, Nebraska Two Sides to Every Issue I have received my second issue of an one-year subscription to The American Spectator...
...In the 1930 Paramount movie, Morocco, Marlene Dietrich in a man's black tuxedo, top hat, and white tie swoops during a night club act to kiss an incidental woman at ringside—on the mouth...
...ALFRED B. WRIGHT Buffalo, New York Done That Mark Steyn correctly ridicules the latest storm over a "conservative crack-up" ("Mayflower Misery," TAS, November 1997...
...Somehow I doubt it...
...Hatch's staff, and that, Mr...
...Senator Hatch also deserves the criticism leveled at him by National Review...
...Free Details, Photos...
...That night-club kiss caused little comment in 1930 from a public perhaps less naive than is today's...
...He fails to note that we have been all through this before...
...Singles, Box 310-AMS, Allardt, TN 38504...
...Exciting Tours...
...Free Color Photo Brochure...
...Frankly, he was my kind of politician...
...I wrote the senator shortly after the '94 election asking if now that he'd be chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, could we expect real hearings into governmental abuses by the ATF, FBI, etc., as displayed at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and many other locations...
...Call 473441-1030...
...Brock uses the term "conservative activist" as a pejorative five times in his article, plus a militarizing reference to "conservative attackers...
...It is amusing to imagine that there is the most five years ago many of the activist-scientists who today pound away that the earth is turning into a simmering soup pot were then whining that we were headed toward an ice age... Alan Grant ed., Contemporary American Politics (1995...
...Michelangelo strongly resisted his being commissioned by Pope Julius II to fresco the Sistine Chapel...
...There were two very important allegations in his letter I would like to respond to...
...You can give your own opinion where it counts, but give it respectfully, so I can give the magazine to a liberal when I am through reading it and persuade him of his ways, rather than the trash man...
...It is not the strong language I wonder at—after all, I am a loyal subscriber to The American Spectator —but rather at the leftish penumbra these verbal emanations generate over the seemingly conservative message of the article...
...fair, plain talking, and aboveboard...
...These sensors when activated will trigger machine guns aimed at the anchor...
...He mentioned Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey but has he forgotten our ex-senator, Jim Exon...
...ROBIN BOULT WOODFORD Brentwood, Tennessee Advertiser Index Advertiser Page # American Spectator Online p. 45 Blackstone Audio Books p. 41 Bose Corporation p. 11 Byron & Poole p. 6 (-Span p. 47 C.S...
...The articles that I have read are full of innuendo just like the liberal press...
...First, you state falsely that Secretary Cuomo is locating HUD's new enforcement office to New York City to stren en himself politically...
...They just bitch...
...By the way, Mr...
...That night-club kiss caused little comment in 1930 from a public perhaps less naive than is today's...
...Standing on Ceremony Although I'm certain that Paula Moore's thoroughly hysterical missive in response to your Wienermobile defense will engender numerous replies (Correspondence, TAS, December 1997), I am find myself mysteriously compelled to ask the question: If the pigs were slaughtered ceremoniously (as opposed to "unceremoniously"), would I then be allowed to enjoy my hot dog in peace...
...I should have never doubted them because I knew that as a conservative magazine I would find the usual childish content, as I have found in just about every other conservative magazine and or talk show host...
...Brock knows quite well that the bill was intended to provide tax-funded, government-sanctioned propaganda for homosexuals...
...The Prowler replies: Mr...
...A simple fact check would have shown you that the enforcement office is being set up in Washington...
...Romance, life-mates...
...JAMES MULVENON Resident Consultant RAND Santa Monica, California Going for the Cold John Corry's excellent article ("Global Warmers," TAS, November 1997) neatly summarized the science and politics of global warming...
...Ask about FedEva delivery service...
...One of my course offerings was entitled, "Organizational Behavior," or motivation at the work place...
...After the 1992 elections, there was a burst of articles, including John Judis on the left and Paul Gottfried on the right, predicting a crack-up... PRO-LIFE JEWISH BABE seeks intelligent, nonsmoking, 30-something soul mate, over 5'11, for love, marriage and kids...
...Not true...
...Why this low regard...
...If this is true, then just getting past the Big 2000 without succumbing to superheated enviro-millenialist rhetoric may be the most important act that will take the hot air out of their sails...
...I will make up my own mind (what I really resent in the liberal press is the idea that they, the elite, are to educate the reader and do their thinking for them, as if the readers are to stupid to do so themselves...
...The complete system measures just 10.5"H x 18"W x 6.5"D yet features a compact disc player, an AM/FM radio, built-in speakers, a handy remote control, and our patented acoustic waveguide speaker technology...
...I will make up my own mind (what I really resent in the liberal press is the idea that they, the elite, are to educate the reader and do their thinking for them, as if the readers are to stupid to do so themselves...
...If I didn't know already that The American Spectator was a professional magazine I would have sworn that it was written by junior high students...
...One gleefully thinks of Peter Jennings ducking for cover after getting off one of these phrases...
...Walter R. Mears writes that his "'hacks at Associated Press' check their facts first" and says TAS should "try it some time" (Correspondence, TAS, November 1997...
...Littler Mendelson is the largest firm in the country representing employers in employment law...
...In his article one meets "Beltway [horrors!] conservatives," "ideologues," and "creatures of the rigidly doctrinaire New Right" who use "vitriolic rhetoric," take the "low road" of attacking Reno's integrity, exert "right-wing pressure" in their "conservative insurrection," and exercise "political intimidation" through "pressure groups and a network of right-wing radio shows...
...There should be a qualifier...
...Amazing results...
...She kissed an actress on TV—on the mouth...
...As fast as Canada gets...
...Explanations of a crack-up continually change, but their motivations remain the same... Alan Grant ed., Contemporary American Politics (1995...
...TONI MONTI Phoenix, Arizona Our Fault Your September 1997 issue has a book review by Matthew Scully which contains false and defamatory statements regarding Littler Mendelson...
...How about this one...
...SUNSHINE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE, Box 5500-HE, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-5500...
...DUDE WANNISKI President Polyconomics, Inc...
...The real consequence of Hatch's ill-considered bumblings could be the slander and legal persecution of, say a Mormon couple who refuses to hire a homosexual to work at their day-care center...
...Yep, two dead and guess whose name is first on the list...
...He was no liberal, and even the Republicans in the Senate respected him...
...These sensors when activated will trigger machine guns aimed at the anchor...
...Most journalists, trained to manipulate words rather than understand reality, fall into this group...
...RICHARD THESING Managing Shareholder Littler Mendelson San Francisco, California Matthew Scully replies: My apologies to Mr...
...ROBIN BOULT WOODFORD Brentwood, Tennessee Advertiser Index Advertiser Page # American Spectator Online p. 45 Blackstone Audio Books p. 41 Bose Corporation p. 11 Byron & Poole p. 6 (-Span p. 47 C.S...
...No one will be her equal...
...These allegations have been repeated in other newspaper articles and by our adversaries and competitors...
...Egner needs a course in remedial reading...
...FT, Out Buildings...
...If it would nearly decimate our economy and standard of living (especiallythat of the poor) just to roll back greenhouse gas levels to 1990 (1970...
...Perhaps the style conveys the more trustworthy message...
...Egner now conceding that his boss was rolled by the senator...
...A more plausible explanation is that we are in the midst of a new creed of millenialists, a generation that rejected apocalyptic millenialist prophecies founded on religious texts and traditions but desperately needs to construct one of its own...
...I would much rather have read two more pages of Ben Stein than any amount of information by or about Jeffrey Bernard...
...Did AP check the facts...
...Established 1984...
...p. 70 Select Comfort Direct Corporation p. 31 World Affairs Television p. 79 To learn more about the benefits of advertising in The American Spectator, contact: John Funk, Associate Publisher—Advertising...
...1704-319-2013 and 1-212-796-3332...
...By the way, I am what many people would call a conservative, but it's institutions like yours and the many way-out talk show people that give real conservatives a bad name...
...In fact, in Washington state, where I live, we vote tomorrow on an initiative that would impose just that on the state's large Mormon population...
...It is a conservative magazine, which is why I got it not only to be informed, but to aid the conservative cause...
...I do not need that...
...Perhaps, since it concerns the brother of one of his constituents, Senator Hatch will look into the apparent murder of Mr...
...18+ NICE SINGLES with Christian values wish to meet others...
...74 January r 9 9 8 • The American Spectator Boxer (pro-choice) beating the crap out of each other...
...I was referring to the Republican Party, and while he says he wrote with tongue in cheek, I thought I was being facetious and most readers would understand...
...Cuomo held four formal press conferences in 1997, three of them, as Mr...
...RUSSELL C. BINGLEY via the Internet I found your web site while watching a news show on NBC...
...72-73 Conservative Book Club pp...
...But I still don't do mayors...
...Very Accessible, 1900 SQ...
...During that period, the Canadian press print, radio, and TV were head and shoulders above their U.S...
...So we're ready to prove it...
...Asian Penpals, Box 25193, Woodbury, MN 55125...
...WILLIAM SHEELEY Phoenix, ArizonaLow Grade As a former journalist, I was appalled to see your reckless disregard for the truth in the work of fiction you published on HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (On the Prowl, TAS, December 1997...
...Box 549, Arlington, VA 22216-0549...
...Just imagine the disappearance of Chris Matthews (Panetta's guide dog), Tim Russert (Moynihan's booze boy), George Stephanopoulos (Clinton's chief liar) and Pat Buchanan (kooky and spooky...
...If you scoured the gutters of London, a more ignorant, depraved, and besotted creature than Bernard could scarcely be found...
...Established 1984...
...TAWL, Box 937(AX), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-0937...
...The Journalist was dead last...
...p. 63 Haverhills pp...
...It's too bad that you waste space for such garbage as the section Enemy of the Week...
...Apple Jr...
...p. 63 Haverhills pp...
...Color photos...
...MIKE PERRY Seattle, Washington After reading David Brock's piece I found myself rethinking my position on the senator from Utah...
...fair, plain talking, and aboveboard...
...That is, if we know for certain that global warming is bad, then isn't it virtually certain that global cooling would be better...
...By the way, Sal, when you call me a husker, please capitalize Husker...
...Perhaps he should subscribe to a pro-Democrat magazine and he might discover that not all Democrats or even Missouri Democrats are liberals...
...Standing on Ceremony Although I'm certain that Paula Moore's thoroughly hysterical missive in response to your Wienermobile defense will engender numerous replies (Correspondence, TAS, December 1997), I am find myself mysteriously compelled to ask the question: If the pigs were slaughtered ceremoniously (as opposed to "unceremoniously"), would I then be allowed to enjoy my hot dog in peace...
...After the 1992 elections, there was a burst of articles, including John Judis on the left and Paul Gottfried on the right, predicting a crack-up...
...5. It should be against the law for the media, both print and television, to hire politicians or their former employees as a political reporters or commentators...
...Meet and Mingle on the Nation's Premier Partyline and Voicepersonals...
...But that was fifty years ago and maybe they weren't as careful then as now...
...I will get the issue in the mail, glance through it and toss it is the trash largely unread...
...TAWL, Box 937(AX), Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-0937...
...I do not need that...
...P. 9 New Oxford Review p. 51 Nuclear Energy Institute P. 5 Quotesmith Corporation p. 49 Regnery Publishing p. 13 Sarkes Tarzian Inc...
...I am not happy with the magazine...
...For example, they use "right-wing press" and "ultra-conservative" to the exclusion of their opposites...
...Lowest Prices...
...His performance on yesterday's (October z6) "Fox News Sunday" was of someone with no intention of tackling the abuses of power, corruption, and sleaze of this current government...
...There are others too numerous to mention...
...Upon completion of the ceiling he signed it "Michelangelo, Sculptor," to remind Julius of what he considered to be his true vocation...
...It would also cure his smirking problem...
...One of my course offerings was entitled, "Organizational Behavior," or motivation at the work place...
...Address: The American Spectator, P.O...
...Sebring, Florida Pin Up of the Month The marvel of Miss Florence King's writing should be acknowledged, preferably with a gold medal to whoever comes closes to emulating her...
...levels, imagine what would be required to engineer a real planetary chill...
...Note that under this latter rubric the activists can still claim to be right even if they're proved wrong...
...The first are "concrete" thinkers...
...The article goes on to state, "Littler, Mendelson heads back to 'Frisco with a third or more of the $26.6 million...
...That's a laugh...
...Wrong again...
...By the way, Mr...
...The students' answers were much the same: "All those guys do is talk...
...A Wasted Life" was a waste of space in TAS...
...Liberal sot R.W...
...Please change the physical format to catch the readers eye, like the World magazine, and tell it straight without the innuendo and the caricatures...
...I was quite surprised with the results the first time...
...I refuted their claims in my chapter, "The Right After Reagan: Crack-up or Comeback...
...Conservatives can be optimistic...
...Name (Please Print) Address City State Zip Daytime Telephone Evening Telephone Mail to: Bose Corporation, Dept...
...Michelangelo strongly resisted his being commissioned by Pope Julius II to fresco the Sistine Chapel...
...Exciting Tours...
...Brock, is unpardonable...
...P.0 Box 4821, Sanford, FL 32772A...
...The articles that I have read are full of innuendo just like the liberal press...
...Yet, this seems highly unlikely as a scientific proposition...
...The media love polls...
...I actually did spend a great many hours with Jerry on the telephone and even a few days with him in Boston, in betweenhis visits with Harvard Keynesians...
...Daniel Patrick Moynihan wasn't going to allow it...
...The third and rarest group are the "abstract wise...
...Our graduates fanned out across Canada and gave a good account of themselves on the fast track...
...Ideological zealotry is no excuse for glaring errors that would give a 16-year-old a failing grade in high school journalism...
...110 Pacific, #208-JX, San Francisco, CA 94111...
...Only regular USA long distance applies (10c/min...
...Keep up the good work and you will soon bring us all down...
...Marinello twice labeled me a liberal and once an extremist...
...The media love polls...
...Lowest Prices...
...In fact, the research was funded by the Ford Foundation, and had no financial links whatsoever to any of RAND's traditional government clients, much less the Clinton administration...
...Second, you state that Secretary Cuomo has held "almost every press conference" in New York...
...I was referring to the Republican Party, and while he says he wrote with tongue in cheek, I thought I was being facetious and most readers would understand...
...In almost a year in office, Mr...
...PERSONALS Sincere, Christian PHILIPPINE LADIES seeking love...
...At the time, I was not especially committed to anyone, having decided that President George "Read my lips, no new taxes" was not going to get re-elected...
...Is Mr...
...The Cuomo item didn't say the HUD secretary had relocated his enforcement office in New York...
...I look forward to seeing David Bonior (pro-life) and Barbara The American Spectator • January 1998 73 Boxer (pro-choice) beating the crap out of each other...
...In Congress these are the people who get little glory sponsoring legislation so narrowly focused that it solves a specific problem without creating an array of far-greater ones...
...Box 549, Arlington, VA 22216-0549...
...Upland Big Game Hunting...
...Reputable, Filipina operated...
...We know that's hard to believe...
...NIGEL ASHFORD Department of Politics Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent, England This Bud's for You Since Sal has two letters in the Correspondence section of TAS to my one, perhaps you will allow me a final word...
...Explanations of a crack-up continually change, but their motivations remain the same...
...His voting record of litmus-test issues remains good...
...Fishing on 2 Private Lakes...
...808)325-7707 ASIAN BEAUTIES...
...Brock's language deserves some comment... PRO-LIFE JEWISH BABE seeks intelligent, nonsmoking, 30-something soul mate, over 5'11, for love, marriage and kids...
...2. All reporters should have shock collars, fitted and installed, that will deliver a lethal dose of electricity if said reporter hugs, kisses or puts his arm around a politician...
...comes to mind here reporting on Boy Clinton's taste for red wine...
...The left wants to believe that conservative strength is unnatural and therefore temporary, and some conservatives refuse to believe that any success can be achieved unless they are in charge...
...comes to mind here reporting on Boy Clinton's taste for red wine...
...Paul's Cathedral, not Westminster Abbey...
...I never stated or insinuated TAS was an enemy...
...They avoid abstractions, bringing practical solutions to real-life problems...
...I will get the issue in the mail, glance through it and toss it is the trash largely unread...
...They just ask damn fool questions...
...As it happens, I don't do mayors, chiefly because they do not have monetary policies and cannot put their jurisdictions on a gold standard or eliminate the capital gains tax...
...I argued that these factors were much exaggerated, neglected many positive developments, or were signs of strength, not weakness...
...But that was fifty years ago and maybe they weren't as careful then as now...
...I had never heard of Bernard before reading Marc Carnegie's article, and having done so, I say "Thank God...
...The Cuomo item didn't say the HUD secretary had relocated his enforcement office in New York...
...Asian Penpals, Box 25193, Woodbury, MN 55125...
...Box 549, Arlington, VA 22216-0549...
...NIGEL ASHFORD Department of Politics Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent, England This Bud's for You Since Sal has two letters in the Correspondence section of TAS to my one, perhaps you will allow me a final word...
...I'm 8o years old now, hale and hardy, no thanks to AP or its hacks...
...DAVID M. EGNER HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary Public Affairs Washington, D.C...
...74 January r 9 9 8 • The American Spectator Hacked to Death Mr...
...So I had to visit your site to see for myself if the things on this news show that they said your magazine had in its contents were true...
...But he fails to point out Hatch's real problem, that he hasn't "grown" enough intellectually to understand the harm...
...They never do anything on their own...
...Conservatives can be optimistic...
...72-73 Conservative Book Club pp...
...The difference this month (October) was the unexpected surprise of finally getting to actually see a copy of the photo that was taken of Bill & Hillary on the beach...
...His voting record of litmus-test issues remains good...
...Moments later, I remembered that former FDA chief David Kessler is a product of Sen...
...A simple fact check would have shown you that the enforcement office is being set up in Washington...
...The real consequence of Hatch's ill-considered bumblings could be the slander and legal persecution of, say a Mormon couple who refuses to hire a homosexual to work at their day-care center...
...You can give your own opinion where it counts, but give it respectfully, so I can give the magazine to a liberal when I am through reading it and persuade him of his ways, rather than the trash man...
...Apple Jr...
...Please change the physical format to catch the readers eye, like the World magazine, and tell it straight without the innuendo and the caricatures...
...61 & 65 Lear Financial p. 25 Liberty Fund Inc...
...I look forward to seeing David Bonior (pro-life) and Barbara The American Spectator • January 1998 73 REAL ESTATE 1260 ACRE PRIVATE RETREAT - Bird Watching, Dove, Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant...
...Brock, is unpardonable...
...I argued that these factors were much exaggerated, neglected many positive developments, or were signs of strength, not weakness...
...Meet and Mingle on the Nation's Premier Partyline and Voicepersonals...
...How about this one...
...They act so smart-ass, and really know nothing... one point he fled Rome, only to be brought back...
...5. It should be against the law for the media, both print and television, to hire politicians or their former employees as a political reporters or commentators...
...Just imagine the disappearance of Chris Matthews (Panetta's guide dog), Tim Russert (Moynihan's booze boy), George Stephanopoulos (Clinton's chief liar) and Pat Buchanan (kooky and spooky...
...Because, like the system itself, it is available directly from Bose...
...This alltoo-numerous group supports broadly worded, seemingly benevolent legislation with little sense of the harm it does in the real world...
...Evidently not...
...Thesing and to Littler, Mendelson for the egregious error...
...Second are "abstract fools...
...RAND is an independent, non-profit research center that helps improve public policy through research and analysis, and its publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of its research sponsors...
...Cuomo made one trip to make announcements in upstate New York and held two press conferences in New York City...
...R. VOLLMAR Roseville, California Those Were the Days An actress has announced she is homosexual...
...Please immediately publish a retraction and correction of this serious error...
...Daniel Patrick Moynihan wasn't going to allow it...
...The student body was made up, in large part, of down-to-earth Anglo-Saxon lads and gals with close ties to farming and fishing...
...DAVIES WAKEFIELD Rensselaer, Indiana Flushback I enjoyed Mark Steyn's "Flush with Shame" (TAS, October 1997), but he could have taken a further dig at Kohler for crediting the artwork in their toilet ad to "Michelangelo, Painter...
...King also tells us that Diana had no brain...
...Singles, Box 310-AMS, Allardt, TN 38504...
...I fantasize about Mary McGrory hugging Harold Ickes at the Thompson hearings and going up in a puff of smoke...
...Free Color Photo Brochure...
...that this would be done for the lowest to the highest perpetrator, up to and including Janet Reno and Bill Clinton for Waco—the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building would still be standing,168 helpless people would still be alive, our downtown would not be scarred, and our great governor would still be unknown outside the state...
...If past performance is any indicator, however, I doubt it...
...Group chat, bulletin boards, 1 on 1 & more...
...DONALD E. NEMETZ San Miguel de Allende, Mexico On top of John Cony's, I have a few more suggestions to help out our hopelessly biased press: i. No print reporter should be allowed to dine at the White House and then use that event as a basis for a story...
...In the 1970's and 8o's I was a professor of business at a small university on Prince Edward Island, in Maritime Canada...
...Trentadue at the Federal Prisoner Transfer Center here...
...Group chat, bulletin boards, 1 on 1 & more...
...Another interesting wrinkle follows if one contemplates the implications of global warming science...
...The poor crippled loonybird of politics lacks a left wing in the language of the liberals, and there are no ultra-liberals in the leftist lexicon...
...Someone at the Spectator who has a sense of humor (almost anyone but Pleszczynski) recalls that in 1992 Governor Moonbeam did call me and ask my counsel as he sought the presidential nomination on the Democratic side...
...R. VOLLMAR Roseville, California Those Were the Days An actress has announced she is homosexual...
...Reputable, Filipina operated... ORIENTAL LADIES desire love/marriage...
...Cuomo held four formal press conferences in 1997, three of them, as Mr...
...There were two very important allegations in his letter I would like to respond to... said he was trying to force such a move through his budget, and Sen...
...That's a laugh...
...I should have never doubted them because I knew that as a conservative magazine I would find the usual childish content, as I have found in just about every other conservative magazine and or talk show host...
...Moments later, I remembered that former FDA chief David Kessler is a product of Sen...
...It is a conservative magazine, which is why I got it not only to be informed, but to aid the conservative cause...
...When Edmund Burke foresaw the bloody consequences of the French Revolution, he showed this group's unique ability to understand the consequences when a vague abstraction is applied, willy-nilly, to society...
...When people "think politically," they usually fall into one of three groups...
...MICHAEL BURT via the Internet The American Spectator • January 1998 75 Hacked to Death Mr...
...1704-319-2013 and 1-212-796-3332... said he was trying to force such a move through his budget, and Sen...
...The problem I have with Senator Hatch is the way he joined the politically correct governmental policy of ignoring the Constitution he swore to uphold and defend...
...The article refers to the "Seinfeld case" in which a Milwaukee jury awarded $26.6 million to an employee fired from his job for recounting a "Seinfeld" episode to a female worker...
...He fails to note that we have been all through this before...
...Note and photo appreciated...
...What perplexes me is why TAS decided to enlighten us about this boorish, vulgar reprobate...
...Better sound through reseatch als, which seems to be a singularly nasty compilation of slanderous gossip, tells us about Diana's alleged reaction when somebody apparently stood on the train of her wedding dress "as she mounted the steps of Westminster Abbey...
...Liberal sot R.W...
...Norquist's apparent opposition to these strong human rights positions suggests that he might more appropriately point his accusatory finger in the mirror...
...KENNETH ROTH Executive Director Human Rights Watch New York, New York 10 January 1998 • The American Spectator Read By, But Not Completed For In his October 1997 article, "China's 22nd Province," Kenneth Timmerman referred to my RAND monograph on Chinese military commerce in the United States as "completed for the [Clinton] administration...
...ALFRED B. WRIGHT Buffalo, New York Done That Mark Steyn correctly ridicules the latest storm over a "conservative crack-up" ("Mayflower Misery," TAS, November 1997...
...Just how cold do the global warmers believe it ought to be, anyway...
...But he fails to point out Hatch's real problem, that he hasn't "grown" enough intellectually to understand the harm...
...P.0 Box 4821, Sanford, FL 32772A...
...Perhaps it's true that over recorded human history global temperatures were never better than they happened to be sometime earlier in this century...
...Instead we got more whitewash and not only are no transgressors punished, but they are rewarded, witness E. Michael Kehoe's being permitted to retire...
...Egner does concede, in New York...
...I am not happy with the magazine...
...Reply to: Box FM, do TAS Classifieds, P.O...
...Another example is "hate crimes" legislation supported by Hatch and opposed by the (abstract wise) Helms...
...JEFF JARVIS Cedar Park, Texas Dead Last John Corry's Presswatch, "No More Big Shots" (TAS, October 1997), on the lack-ofcredibility project sponsored by the big shot journalists was music to these tired old ears...
...Romance, life-mates...
...Call 473441-1030...
...Secondly, Mr...
...Walter R. Mears writes that his "'hacks at Associated Press' check their facts first" and says TAS should "try it some time" (Correspondence, TAS, November 1997...
...2-3 Ed Hamilton Books p. 71 F.L.A.M.E...
...Very Accessible, 1900 SQ...
...Lewis Foundation p. 57 Classifieds pp...
...The list included Journalist, along with Physician, Lawyer, Engineer, Civil Servant, Fisherman, Farmer, Politician, and the like...
...Brock is right when he points out that, despite his many years in D.C., Hatch hasn't "grown" into a beltway liberal...
...Egner does concede, in New York...
...They never do anything on their own...
...To this day, I think—although I admit we will never know for certain—that if Senator Hatch would have publicly announced right after that election that the first order of business of the Judiciary Committee would be to hold these hearings and see to the punishment to the fullest extent of the law any and all parties participating in these unconstitutional abuses of power...
...So I had to visit your site to see for myself if the things on this news show that they said your magazine had in its contents were true...
...I hope Mr...
...SUNSHINE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE, Box 5500-HE, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-5500...
...MICHAEL BURT via the Internet The American Spectator • January 1998 75...
...JOHN R. SACKER Major, USAF (Ret...
...PERSONALS Sincere, Christian PHILIPPINE LADIES seeking love...
...She kissed an actress on TV—on the mouth...
...Call today, 1-800-898-BOSE, ext...
...Free Photobrochure...
...Marinello studies the candidates better than he did my letter...
...During that period, the Canadian press print, radio, and TV were head and shoulders above their U.S...
...FT, Out Buildings...
...RICHARD L. LEED Ithaca, New York I appreciated David Brock's "The Real Orrin Hatch" and assume it to be a fair assessment of the moderate senator...
...Send age, interests...
...DONALD E. NEMETZ San Miguel de Allende, Mexico On top of John Cony's, I have a few more suggestions to help out our hopelessly biased press: i. No print reporter should be allowed to dine at the White House and then use that event as a basis for a story...
...RICHARD H. IRISH Edmond, OklahomaDavid Brock's article on Orrin Hatch missed the senator's basic failing—one that has little to do with the senator's political inclinations...
...Free Photobrochure...
...The Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't, as Brock claims, provide "civil rights protection for the nation's physically and mentally handicapped...
...Cony did not dwell on is how the advocates subtly changed the terms of debate from mere global warming to global climate change...
...As fast as Canada gets...
...DAVIES WAKEFIELD Rensselaer, Indiana Flushback I enjoyed Mark Steyn's "Flush with Shame" (TAS, October 1997), but he could have taken a further dig at Kohler for crediting the artwork in their toilet ad to "Michelangelo, Painter...
...MIKE PERRY Seattle, Washington After reading David Brock's piece I found myself rethinking my position on the senator from Utah...
...He learned a lot about tax reform and went on to become the first to champion a flat tax in a national campaign...
...3. Special sensing devices should be installed at all network news shows to listen for the words gridlock, partisan bickering, hard right extremists, hate crimes, global warming, and snail darter...
...Conversely, the term "activist" is a favorite of conservatives when they criticize liberals...
...The Journalist was dead last...
...Phone: 703-2433733, ext...
...One aspect of this debate that Mr...
...Exciting Tours...
...816)9421668... Classifieds --- line www...
...61 & 65 Lear Financial p. 25 Liberty Fund Inc...
...Somehow I doubt it...
...HILBORN Professor Emeritus of History University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario Hatch Keys Orrin Hatch is a most honorable man who deserves the praise given him by David Brock ("The Real Orrin Hatch," TAS, November 1997... one point he fled Rome, only to be brought back...
...Perhaps he should subscribe to a pro-Democrat magazine and he might discover that not all Democrats or even Missouri Democrats are liberals...
...I take no sides in evaluating this complex man, but I do think Mr...
...What I need are all the facts...
...What I need are all the facts...
...Our graduates fanned out across Canada and gave a good account of themselves on the fast track...
...My article was written before, but sustained by, the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994...
...Out here in the hinterlands, we Nebraskans, both Democrats and Republicans, agree on one thing: those Comhuskers are Number 1. -BUD HUGHES Elkhorn, Nebraska Two Sides to Every Issue I have received my second issue of an one-year subscription to The American Spectator...
...Well anyway, I know one letter won't change anything here but I had to give you my opinion...
...There are others too numerous to mention...
...Upon completion of the ceiling he signed it "Michelangelo, Sculptor," to remind Julius of what he considered to be his true vocation...
...DAVID M. EGNER HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary Public Affairs Washington, D.C...
...Well anyway, I know one letter won't change anything here but I had to give you my opinion...
...Note and photo appreciated...
...Cuomo made one trip to make announcements in upstate New York and held two press conferences in New York City...
...RICHARD B. BELZER Alexandria, Virginia Train Station Florence King's admiring review (TAS, November 1997) of Kitty Kelley's The Royunlikely of coalitions in the making between those who desire to restore the social virtues of the 1950's and those who want to reduce CO2 levels in the upper atmosphere to Eisenhowerian levels...
...Still, it was an experience, and I continue to have a warm spot in my heart for Jerry...
...But the Bose® Acoustic Wave® music system is definitely an overachiever...
...p. 70 Select Comfort Direct Corporation p. 31 World Affairs Television p. 79 To learn more about the benefits of advertising in The American Spectator, contact: John Funk, Associate Publisher—Advertising... ORIENTAL LADIES desire love/marriage...
...Keep up the good work and you will soon bring us all down...
...I fantasize about Mary McGrory hugging Harold Ickes at the Thompson hearings and going up in a puff of smoke...
...4. Any news show that features two Republicans on either side of an issue fighting each other over an issue like NAFTA or abortion, should be required by law to put two Democrats on opposite ends of an issue on the same program...
...I hope Mr...
...JAMES PERRY San Bruno, California Flattery In your 3oth anniversary issue, my name cropped up in an item about former California Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown running for mayor of Oakland (On the Prowl, TAS, December 1997...
...Box 549, Arlington, VA 22216-0549...
...The list included Journalist, along with Physician, Lawyer, Engineer, Civil Servant, Fisherman, Farmer, Politician, and the like...
...My mistake arose from a careless reading of a report in the July 28 Time, which quotes an attorney from the firm commenting on the Miller Brewing case...
...Did AP check the facts...
...I should have known I could count on TAS to get the job done...
...Phone: 703-2433733, ext...
...Reply to: Box FM, do TAS Classifieds, P.O...
...In almost a year in office, Mr...
...In fact, in Washington state, where I live, we vote tomorrow on an initiative that would impose just that on the state's large Mormon population...
...My name is number one on the list of the two killed...
...It is therefore jarring to see these terms used by a conservative like Brock defending a conservative politician in the conservative Spectator...
...The students' answers were much the same: "All those guys do is talk...
...Though he has a few blind spots, some of Rush Limbaugh's success lies in his ability to translate ideas from this area into the more concrete world of his listeners...
...Upland Big Game Hunting...
...Wrong again...
...Continued on page 73) 12 January 1998 • The American Spectator REAL ESTATE 1260 ACRE PRIVATE RETREAT - Bird Watching, Dove, Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant...
...By the way, I am what many people would call a conservative, but it's institutions like yours and the many way-out talk show people that give real conservatives a bad name...
...4. Any news show that features two Republicans on either side of an issue fighting each other over an issue like NAFTA or abortion, should be required by law to put two Democrats on opposite ends of an issue on the same program...
...He mentioned Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey but has he forgotten our ex-senator, Jim Exon...
...If the magazine does not change, I will look around for another conservative magazine ten months from now...
...By the way, Sal, when you call me a husker, please capitalize Husker...
...Bernard was not particularly conservative, and, so far as I can tell, his most notable achievement was to scribble a tabloid column regarding individuals even more reprehensible than himself...
...The Prowler replies: Mr...
...I'm 8o years old now, hale and hardy, no thanks to AP or its hacks...
...Brock is right when he points out that, despite his many years in D.C., Hatch hasn't "grown" into a beltway liberal...
...If global warming poses such a great threat to the survival of the planet, then it must be true that the climatologically optimum global temperature pattern is no warmer (and perhaps substantially cooler) than what we experienced when Ike puttered about the White House...
...Exciting Tours...
...In the 1970's and 8o's I was a professor of business at a small university on Prince Edward Island, in Maritime Canada...
...I'm sure that, unlike the reviewer, she did have brain enough to know where that famous wedding took place—in St...
...3. Special sensing devices should be installed at all network news shows to listen for the words gridlock, partisan bickering, hard right extremists, hate crimes, global warming, and snail darter...
...P. 9 New Oxford Review p. 51 Nuclear Energy Institute P. 5 Quotesmith Corporation p. 49 Regnery Publishing p. 13 Sarkes Tarzian Inc...
...We are jarred again: Mr...
...No medal should be awarded the awardee unless he produces a descriptive gem at least approaching Miss King's trenchant pinning of Pamela Churchill Harriman on the wall as "horizontally unchallenged" (TAS, October 1997...
...JEFF JARVIS Cedar Park, Texas Dead Last John Corry's Presswatch, "No More Big Shots" (TAS, October 1997), on the lack-ofcredibility project sponsored by the big shot journalists was music to these tired old ears...
...I was quite surprised with the results the first time... Correspondence (Continued from page 12) Hatch's allusion to "his own experiences with religious bigotry as a Mormon" merely illustrates the senator's inability to grasp the importance of what Burke called the "circumstances" that surround legislation... Classifieds --- line www...
...Or perhaps it was our suggestion that the bill exempt from the new, unfair summary asylum procedures not only victims of religious persecution but victims of all forms of persecution...
...It has the same deadly dull physical format as has National Review (which I rarely read...
...Evidently not...
...P.I.C., Box 461873-AS, L.A., CA 90046...
...It has the same deadly dull physical format as has National Review (which I rarely read...
...No one will be her equal...
...Fishing on 2 Private Lakes...
...Egner needs a course in remedial reading...
...Typical of this was a senator who claimed that when Congress passed OSHA, it banned all workplace injuries—an attitude that would win him ridicule in any factory in the land...
...In the dozen or so subsequent runs, he never got out of the cellar...
...Maybe he should try it himself, and I have the newspaper story to prove it—banner headlines and all, dated Sunday, December 14, 1947, concerning "S.F...
...It's too bad that you waste space for such garbage as the section Enemy of the Week...
...Only New York City has a capital gains tax, but I wouldn't advise Rudy Giuliani even if he had a monetary policy...
...Free Details, Photos...
...In the dozen or so subsequent runs, he never got out of the cellar...
...First, you state falsely that Secretary Cuomo is locating HUD's new enforcement office to New York City to stren en himself politically...
...Or was it our recommendation that the bill move beyond such rare or isolated forms of religious persecution as slavery or crucifixion to address the types of persecution most commonly suffered by religious believers worldwide—restrictions on proselytizing, religious education, church construction, and religious gatherings...
...Egner now conceding that his boss was rolled by the senator...
...In the 1930 Paramount movie, Morocco, Marlene Dietrich in a man's black tuxedo, top hat, and white tie swoops during a night club act to kiss an incidental woman at ringside—on the mouth...
...This is important because twentyIt may be small...
...Then they predicted a crackup due to disagreement over the issue agenda, the decline of conservative organizations, the takeover of the Republicans by the Christian Right, a hostile public opinion, and the lack of a clear leader...
...They just ask damn fool questions...
...It does not represent plaintiffs and did not represent the plaintiff in the "Seinfeld case...
...Amazing results...
...FREE magazine...
...There should be a qualifier...
...Hatch's staff, and that, Mr...
...FREE magazine...
...There are certain words and phrases that are typically used by people on the left to describe their opponents on the right...
...They act so smart-ass, and really know nothing...
...2. All reporters should have shock collars, fitted and installed, that will deliver a lethal dose of electricity if said reporter hugs, kisses or puts his arm around a politician...
...Maybe it was our proposal that the bill add new sanctions to the defense of religious freedom rather than largely restating sanctions that already exist in U.S...
...WILLIAM SHEELEY Phoenix, ArizonaLow Grade As a former journalist, I was appalled to see your reckless disregard for the truth in the work of fiction you published on HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (On the Prowl, TAS, December 1997...
...If the magazine does not change, I will look around for another conservative magazine ten months from now...
...Letter From San Bruno I was amazed that the November 1997 TAS devoted two and a third pages to a certain loathsome old reptile named Jeffrey Bernard...
...No medal should be awarded the awardee unless he produces a descriptive gem at least approaching Miss King's trenchant pinning of Pamela Churchill Harriman on the wall as "horizontally unchallenged" (TAS, October 1997...
...Secondly, Mr...
...I refuted their claims in my chapter, "The Right After Reagan: Crack-up or Comeback...
...18+ NICE SINGLES with Christian values wish to meet others...
...CDD-A2583, Ilse Mountain, Framingham, MA 01701-9168...
...My article was written before, but sustained by, the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994...
...P.I.C., Box 461873-AS, L.A., CA 90046...
...Then they predicted a crackup due to disagreement over the issue agenda, the decline of conservative organizations, the takeover of the Republicans by the Christian Right, a hostile public opinion, and the lack of a clear leader...
Vol. 31 • January 1998 • No. 1