Kelley, John
T H E Published remarkably without regard to race, color, creed, or (most redundantly of all) national origin. Editor in Chief, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Publishers, The Saturday Evening Club...
...But wait...
...The cherished "decentralization" and "participatory democracy" which they yearn for will not be approximated by destroying the present system — if they could pull it off...
...Is there any hope of getting these kids back...
...Subscriptions cost $10.00, and all correspondence (manuscripts, subscriptions, threatening letters, federal grants, etc...
...and recently, 1954 — Homer A. Tomlinson (1964) Theocratic Party Presidential Candidate) crovmed himself "King of All the Nations of M a n " at a ceremony held at the Andrew Johnson memorial in Greenville, Tennessee...
...Farley: I wouldn't worry about them...
...Publishers, The Saturday Evening Club Managing Editor, Jefferson Davis Business Manager, Baron von Kannon Senior Editors, Hon...
...Yea, verily, in sooth, we seek the truth...
...Quite clearly by itself it can not bring down this civilization...
...George Nathan D John Kelley Associates, Jameson G. Campaigne, Jr...
...the interested reader may have other more exigent matters for his neighborhood commode... improve it must be the chief goal of our lives and labors...
...M a y b e it's a misdemeanor, if y o u will...
...108 ff...
...They catne from all over the United States...
...A n enlightened bogus clairvoyant would recognize the veracity of m y list of Right and Center totalitarians, but perhaps he views with lingering incredulity m y charge that Herbert Marcuse ad nauseum would harm the hair of a gerbil, ravish a nun, or make nutty putty out of the multiversity...
...It can turn them into honest fools...
...With their rejection of the future, the N e w Left and previous romantic totalitarian fantasies share a supreme confidence in their righteousness...
...The truth is that the incorrigible N e w Left is merely th'e latest in a long line of reactionary romantic movements which stretch from Peter the Hermit's trans-European ass rides across the centuries to Joannie Phonie's often-plucked G-string...
...If we resist the totalitarian leftists today, shortly their frustrated impulses will lead to their o w n self-destruction: a perverse self-flagellation in which they take secret delight...
...Farley: W h y , of course...
...H e was certain that the only language the opponent could understand was that of force...
...Emotionally fixated at the age of temper tantrums, the N e w Left will use any means at hand to achieve either of their two possible goals: self-annihilation or total dominance...
...That is only a difference of degree...
...H e was ready to accept personal responsibility for a people's failure to meet their obligations to mankind...
...This same note of supreme self-confidence and a feeling for the "shame" of disinterested academic study was well expressed by Paul de Lagarde, a predecessor of another romantic totalitarian fantasy... the center (Huey Long, Vance Hartke, George Wallace...
...National Socialism: Shame on the m a n who, while his neighbor's house is ablaze, pursues learned studies about the nature of fire, instead of extinguishing the fire...
...Consequently, as Bruno Bettelheim cogently has written, the campus revolutionaries, anarchists, and nihilists "are so much more dangerous because they can point to success after success of their disrupting tactics...
...but rather it will be achieved by the coming electro-chemical revolution in communications and transportation...
...Trumbo's ulcerated attempt to charge the innocent Right with his o w n neo-Jacobinic totalitarianism, (clearly a case of psychological transference) is prescient exemplum of the N e w Left's current antics...
...As a direct consequence of this Armageddon complex, the ever so noble N e w Left is prepared to employ realpolitik which Cesare and Lucretia Borgia might have envied...
...1824 — Lord Byron foimd the Greeks revolting and consimimated his death wish...
...On the campus and in the street ritualistic liberaldumb often caves in to leftist demands, voiced in the name of greater freedom, on the assumption that any demand couched in such terms can not be denied the insurgents, less the old left be accused of stagnating or of losing its revolutionary vigor...
...M a n y of these people went out there to Chicago for the expressed purpose of breaking u p that convention...
...More recent studies by Edwin N. Barker, Milton Rokeach, Fred J. Greenstein, John P. Kirscht and Ronald C. Dillehay have thoroughly discredited the view that any ideological position has a monopoly on authoritarian "true believers...
...T H E Published remarkably without regard to race, color, creed, or (most redundantly of all) national origin...
...I see where this fellow Hayden, a leader of the Chicago demonstrators — I see where he's been arrested and put on probation for a year...
...In their Speed-ravaged minds every jocular gas-station p u m p jockey becomes a spy for the military-industrial complex...
...Mole Hole, Kulchur, Big Table and Intercourse ad nauseum collectively inform us that until they can A C - D C do-it, do-it, do-it in the Capitol Rotunda — why imtil then America will not be free...
...In m y opinion there was some Communistic influence in back of it...
...I have very definite views o n this and it annoys the life out of m e . Tyrrell: At the Democratic Convention, those demonstrating in the streets showed an utter alienation from the American political system...
...Never in m y life have I felt so (Continued on Page 13...
...1766 — Malthus worked his way into the world and immediately ceased his labors, thus confirming his own theory...
...Today, as Daniel J. Boorstin noted, the "tsnraimy of the minority", once given its head, m a y cause considerable mayhem, due to the many communicationtransportation nexuses of a post-industrial society...
...there's something w r o n g with them...
...M u c h of this anomie results from ritualistic liberaldumb's acquiescence before minor pressure...
...Clearly it is their rejection of the technological import of an impending future...
...The adage that means determine ends is as applicable to today's N e w Left as it was to the Bolsheviks in 1917...
...every friendly gesture, a Judas signal to the fuzz...
...In the time-space continuum which separates these two asymptotic deviates, this flat earth has suffered under the uncomprehending social hysteria of a nearly infinite number of similar movements: 1524 — the German peasants found themselves revolting: 1645 — Crowds protested the destruction of swine pens in the inner city of Leipzig...
...All civilized m a n awaits the transfiguration...
...Left have pinned the ideological montage "totalitarian-fascist-authoritarian" on the Right...
...The N e w Left's failure to understand this fundamental historical reality is indicative of the anti-intellectualism endemic to this movement...
...The parallel of the contemporary U. S. to Weimar Germany comes easily to mind...
...The N e w Left's efforts are bound to fail...
...For damning words on Herbie, see his own prose...
...It is this acquiescence in perfidity that has agonized the average American and swollen the ranks of that totalitarian cretin, George Corley Wallace...
...It is probable that today's social anomie is at an all time high...
...It can turn them into sanctimonious fools...
...As Ronald Berman has noted, "the threat of violence from the new left is about as material as from the ineffably ridiculous Minute Men...
...and on the Left (Jerry Rubin, T o m Hayden, Herbert Marcuse, Stokely Carmichael, Carl Ogelsby, Staughton Lynd, Mario Savio, Howard Zinn, Savonarola, William Lloyd Garrison ad nauseum, sic...
...Those kind of fellows are...
...What threat to our social order m a y we anticipate from the N e w Left...
...Originally published on restroom walls, only since 1967 has it come under purview of the Saturday Evening Club which publishes it from September through June...
...The N e w Radicals will march, just as they marched into Mississippi, Sproul Hall, and the urban slums of the North...
...C. H. Simmonds D Dan C. Pflum Contributors, Gregg F. Shull D Jerry Gerde Judy Mathews O Brian Dye Mary Qwaint D Sir Arthur Wellesley Staughton Lynd D Steamboat Anthony Comstock D SqxmiREL T. Agnew Alien Contributors, A l a n Somers, M . D . Special Effects, D. Peyton McQuillen The Alternative was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic beer in McSorley's Old Ale House...
...Succinctly put, it just ain't so — a "lamentable" fact in which most liberals have acquiesced with the greatest of regret...
...Only the most myopic ditch digger, however, could fail to notice the similarities between the N e w Left's activities and Hitler's Munich Putsch and the Spartacists Rebellion...
...The methodology of this pioneer study in social psychological quackery shortly came under highly critical examination... A Critique of Pure Tolerance, Boston, 1966, pp...
...eii (Continued from Page 2) Method of "The Authoritarian Personality", Glencoe, 111., 1954...
...What is the truth...
...H o w accurate is this slur...
...Yet there is hope for America...
...While by itself it can not destroy this society, it can and already has seriously strained the fragile threads which maintain the always frail social fabric...
...Continued on Page 5) Newfield eulogizes the N e w Left's pristine virtue...
...Moeller V a n D e n Bruck In a 1965 emission of The Nation (specifically September 20 for all interested masochists) that everdilettante draft dodger Dalton Trumbo harangued the American conservative core as a composition of "the moimtain dwellers, the Scythians, m e n with hard eyes and emaciated spirits and terrible hungers, bigots, prophesiers, killers and night-prowlers...
...Thus the English Luddites in 1811 went on a machine-breaking rampage...
...They will continue to challenge the gods because they are cursed with the passion of Ahab and the innocence of Billy Budd...
...Pure theology is worth nothing...
...H e was willing to risk war if that were the price for setting the world in order...
...Instead I hope to demonstrate the essential contiguous character of all historical romantic totalitarian fantasies, and briefly note that the N e w Left's "will to power" will brook any means, regardless how egregious, which they perceive as bringing the millenium just a little closer...
...Alas, dear readers, you leave m e no choice but to present graphically for your perusal the nadirstench that reaches skyward from the N e w Left's collective bodily orifices...
...While engaging in the most brutal of acts, they pontifically declare entire America fascist...
...N o major social revolutions, be they those of 1789, 1848, 1917 or 1949 have ever carried through their promised reforms...
...Confirmed in their moral rectitude, they see themselves in a Zoroastrian struggle in which any weapon, deceit or ploy m a y be legitimately used against their collective Ahriman: American society...
...Masochists at heart, perverse by nature, and consummately nefarious, the gods have reserved a special place for these social deviates — in the cast of thousands for the annual performance of the Moussorgsky bacchanal "Night on Bald Moimtain... the "I'm just a number" N e w Leftists take fire axes to a computer at Sir George William University — reenacting the ancient drama by which the forces of reaction fight off the future they do not understand...} The Authoritarian Personality, which found a high positive correlation betwen anti-semitism, authoritarianism, and political economic conservatism...
...Therefore I shall not tire the reader with a description of the progressive perambulations of this foul organism's encystment in the body politik...
...Recently the N e w Left has manifested the ssmiptoms of an advanced stage of social paranoia...
...N o w , you see, they came there for the expressed purpose of breaking u p the convention and Daley didn't permit them to do so...
...A n d m a n y of the delegates — the M c C a r t h y and the Kennedy delegates . . . N o w I've been a delegate to the convention since 1924...'s world is basically evil and immoral...
...T h e sensible kids c o m e back...
...every profferred hand, a booby trap...
...Unable to see that the technology which they so abhor soon brings them a new life, far superior to their previous, they strike out against the symbol of the age...
...should he sent to The Alternative, R. R. 11, Box 360, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, Continental U. S. A. T O B A R E T H E W I T N E S S A N D T H E T R U T H C O N T E N T S A SPLENDID AMERICAN: James A. Farley / CHARTING THE COURSE OF THE N E W LEFT by John Kelley 2 REVIEWS by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr 6 A CONVERSATION WITH IRVING KRISTOL 7 THE NEW LEFT: A DISEASEFOR OUR TIME by George Nathan 8 G k a / U l n f tli^ Go44Me> o^ t U e A e i a £ e ^ t by John Kelley The great danger of idealism lies in the fact that it turns m e n into fools...
...Stemming from the R e d Decade, when the American Liberal community gladly supped with the international Commimist conspiracy under the tavern sign of the Popular Front, this view received "scientific" support from the 1950 A d o m o et...
...But I shall not belabor the point...
...Traditionally the old and the new...
...Truman Newberry Rev...
...N o b o d y should be permitted to violate the law, and if they violate the law they should be expected to be treated as criminals, because that's what they are...
...What have all these movements in common...
...dear readers...
...For the past several years all N e w Leftists fearfully have cringed in their hovels for seven days in M a y , there awaiting the final military apocaljnpse...
...The fact that the analogy is now stale does not negate its essential value...
...A characteristic candidly acknowledged by Jack Newfield, elder N e w Leftist, in his panegyric, A Prophetic Minority, 1966...
...daily during this trying ordeal they test their drinking water (you didn't expect bathing water, did you...
...O n campuses they invoke disorders, destroy property, suppress free speech, impede free movemnt, and engage in insiu:rection, all in the name of creating a more democratic society...
...r#»^^^v»v»#^ fs»v»^-#vr^^^^s»^^#^^^#s»-#^^^^<^###^s»#-#^^#'#'»'#^ »^^#^^#vr^#^#sr^#s»<^'#^vr^^^^^^vrr.r^^^s#.r^ IfarUg Continued from Page 3) Tyrrell: There should be a distinction between violating the law and...
...Studies in the Scope and (Continued on Page 4) *1Ue Mew...
...Suffice it to say that there have been, and are today, totalitarians on the Right (Hitler, Sheldon, Rockwell, Depugh...
...For the intellectual voyeurs and necrophiliacs I suggest they look into Richard Christie and Marie Jahoda's autopsy...
...One is immediately reminded of Avery O. Cravens' 1959 description of the 19th Century abolitionist: Bearing letters of marque from God, his patience exhausted by delay...
...for traces of sodium pentathol, the only drug they fear to take, lest it reveal their moral likeness to Dorian Gray...
...The decisive point is that because of all this idealism, and through the extravagant, everyday invocation of the highest ideals, reality m a y perish...
Vol. 2 • May 1969 • No. 5