CORRESPONDENCE Prowl On In fingering my wife, Elizabeth Vandivier, and me for writing Primary Colors, you got a few things right and a few things very wrong (On the Prowl, TAS, March 1996). Where...
...Stone believes he owns, and I feared my letter might come back with four-letter words scrawled across it in unconventional spelling...
...Hidden inside (just pull them out...
...The postponement of General Chi's visit was announced on March 22, to coincide with Chinese military maneuvers in the Taiwan Straits...
...James Ring Adams reported in TAS in March 1989 that during the year-and-a-half while Wright kept the spigot closed, the cost of the crisis doubled...
...P. that they accused him of doing to Shuler...
...If the votes had been counted, it would have been impossible to determine which votes were cast by properly attested ballots, and which were not...
...It is ironic that the accused official Jozef Oleksy uses words such as "witch-hunt" and "hysteria and an outbreak of hatred...
...Stone's repeated tinkering with fact, whether they agree with him politically or not...
...These are just some of the things we're doing to help prevent underage smoking...
...if they're [sic] a non-Christian, being a good non-Christian...
...The Irish, all of them, will settle the Irish problem...
...I took the letter to an art store across the street from a college...
...As it turned out, Wright's part in the looting of the deposit insurance funds did not amount to an ethics violation in the view of the ethics committee...
...Treasury Perle on Perry Kenneth Timmerman has been tireless in unearthing the facts about the diversion of technology from legitimate commercial purposes to the dangerous military programs of states and organizations hostile to the United States and its allies...
...Indeed, in the counties in which those ballots were turned in (this was learned during the court challenges), it is not unusual to find absentee ballots from deceased or mentally incompetent persons on a regular basis...
...I find no fault with Taylor, as executive director of the Nixon Library, in defending Nixon...
...Which raises the question: If the book sales had never happened, would Wright still be Speaker of the House today...
...His condescending attitude is typical of the upper middle class British...
...Brother Bob" says his school's exclusion from the Wisconsin vouchers program is a commentary on the state of society...
...Eiben accuses your magazine of defaming the reputations of Shuler, Now Turner, and the Redskins organization...
...Western governments withdrew financial support from Poland during his tenure, and his government was removed from power by none other than President Walesa in June 1992...
...Even though no party had argued or presented evidence on this issue, the court decided, completely on its own, to use the case as a vehicle for legislating a rule that all future punitive damage verdicts would be split between the plaintiff and the state of Alabama...
...I'm sorry, Mr...
...Eiben, but Shuler, Turner, and the Redskins front office have done enough damage to their reputations on their own these last two years...
...We import these knives as a sales promotion and in very large quantities...
...Stone's diatribe free from any real world contact with the man is not only inaccurate, but insignificant...
...RICHARD PERLE American Enterprise Institute Washington, D.C...
...Where you were correct: My wife is a great writer, I do wear an earring, and I did have the honor of working with George Stephanopoulos for two years at the White House...
...The next Montana...
...As one of the clerks ran her hand over the up-graded polarized glass they had put in the frame at no extra charge, I said: "Whatever Oliver Stone might say, I certainly found President Nixon to be a wonderful man...
...You have 30-day return privilege, in the unlikely case that you won't be fully pleased...
...That is how people typically handle questions when there is a lot more important work to be done...
...Minors shouldn't smoke...
...And we're proposing that access to cigarette vending machines be restricted to adults...
...Wise, Virginia Shake Down That Booty As one of those lawyers who plays "the role of defense lawyer" in Alabama courtrooms, let me thank you for printing Dave Shiflett's article, "Alabama Jury Booty" (TAS, April 1996...
...But you erred three times: We did not write the book...
...By limiting what Nixon said to the protesters at the Lincoln Memorial to remarks about football, Stone paints Nixon as a boor who made inane small talk at a grave moment...
...Nixon's contact with voters, leaders, and Vietnam Veterans are much more relevant than some agenda flick, and these can be seen at that marvel of free enterprise: The Nixon Library...
...However, it is completely unfair to 10 June 1996 The American Spectator Our position on underage smoking isn't hard to understand...
...I'll excuse Dr...
...The only reason the team could do that is that they did not have enough productive work to do...
...national interest...
...Industry lobbyists opposed the effort to build up the insurance fund...
...He reports that U.S...
...If so, that's reason enough to forgive Wright's literary muse all her sins...
...Oifi Correspondence (Continued from page 12) administration to prosecute Hiss...
...Gerry Adams's "paw...
...This is an offer you can't refuse...
...With remarkable clarity, Taylor exposes Stone's despicable agenda, while enunciating President Nixon's incomparable accomplishments achieved under the most horrendous circumstances...
...Nevertheless, although Nixon (along with President Reagan) deserves a Nobel Peace Prize more than anyone else since 1950 for winning the Cold War, conservatives should remember that he abandoned the domestic conservative agenda and let his supporters down with his duplicity...
...In fact, the court challenges to the counting of these ballots resulted in orders that they not be counted...
...Better he should ruminate on what his own example says about contemporary Roman Catholicism...
...However, as a sixth-generation Alabamian, I must take exception to his remark that "Mental stress [as a legal claim] is as common in Alabama as chiggers...
...We can silkscreen your co ate logo on orders of 1000 units or more...
...If DPI had a question on whetherMessmer was a sectarian school, DPI could have called up Brother Bob and asked him for an explanation...
...PAUL WINDELS III New York, New York Bothering Brother Bob Daniel McGroarty's "The Trial of Brother Bob" (TAS, March 1996) shows more than the hostility of Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction toward Christianity and DPI's total indifference toward the students it is supposed to serve...
...I do not always agree with Secretary Perry...
...But in his concern ("The Peking Pentagon," TAS, April 1996) to assess the technology transfer policy of an administration that has been careless and short-sighted with respect to sensitive, dual-use technologies, often allowing them to pass beyond our control into the hands of those who may well use them against us, he has wrongly—and unfairly—accused Secretary of Defense William Perry of acting from motives of personal interest...
...It closed with best wishes not only from the former president, but also from Mrs...
...Instead, the debacles of 1974 and 1976 and the removal of integrity from the image of conservatism remain central parts of his legacy...
...He's from Knoxville and has obviously been brain70 June 1996 • The American Spectator washed by the University of Tennessee propaganda machine...
...At Philip Morris USA, we don't want minors to have access to cigarettes...
...Karatnycky also does not mention the efforts of the center-right Olszewski government in 1992 to review secret police files...
...Tell us how many sets of (3) GPKs you want and include our standard $4.95 shipping/insurance charge (plus sales tax for California delivery...
...I examine the political and national security implications of Peny's very public, long-standing commitment to forging better ties between the U.S...
...Hence, it is not only those who are and have been most closely associated with President and Mrs...
...We are not disgruntled (it is an honor for me to be a part of this administration...
...This massive effort was undertaken even though, ostensibly, no one knew what would be found inside those ballots...
...AMANDA ALBRIGHT-FLYNN Westminister, California Has anyone remarked that Anthony Hopkins was playing Senator Joseph McCarthy rather than President Nixon...
...That's the goal of our Action Against Access program...
...William Perry enjoys a reputation for personal integrity, and is well-liked and respected in industry and by his peers in the academic community...
...2 question Poland's fitness for NATO membership on this basis, bearing in mind that it was deliberate U.S policy and Western liberal opinion that kept Poland from pursuing lustracja (review of secret police files) in the first place...
...It was no accident that Senator Goldwater persuaded Nixon to resign in August 1974 (Senator Buckley had called for resignation in March...
...The importance of this is shown by the untold thousands of dollars spent by state Democrats to obtain a court ruling order-ing that these ballots be counted...
...While the American audience may be somewhat wary of historical-political claims made by Hollywood, the international audience by and large is not so wise in its nuanced understandings of the distinctions between fact and fiction...
...MITCHELL E. AYER Houston, Texas The most shocking thing about "The Trial of Brother Bob" was not that the ACLU and others opposed having a Catholic school's students declared eligible for vouchers...
...Wisconsin society came, and it will go...
...and the Chinese military establishments...
...You are getting a great deal and you'll be delighted...
...The more backward parts of Boston and Philadelphia...
...We're also supporting the passage of state legislation to more effectively enforce minimum-age laws...
...Richard Perle deserves credit for having advocated such a measure...
...We do not refund postage... long as the fund stayed bare, the high-flyers in the industry didn't have to worry about being shut down...
...Kenneth R. Timmerman replies: Richard Perle is right...
...By 1985, the $5.6 billion level of FSLIC reserves was clearly too low to handle the seventy-one institutions that were already known to be insolvent...
...That is what's important," the clerk said...
...It seems to me that all three of them engaged in the same type of ad hominem attacks on Mr...
...That's why we are able to bring you this very handy accessory at the astonishing price of just $14.95 for a set of 3 (yes, three...
...Call (415) 543-6675 and ask for Chris Simpson, our wholesale manager...
...Anyone with common sense and common decency must both refuse to condone Mr...
...The Bush administration opposed any effort to remove Communist informers from public life...
...A similar argument is advanced by Tina Rosenberg in Ghosts in the Haunted Land, a Pulitzer Prize–winning book...
...It is strange that Wright's best-known ethics violation remains his bulk book sales, which netted him the comparatively minor take of just over $54,000...
...That is how Hopkins was made up, that is how he talked, and that is how he behaved...
...In "Life After Lech" (TAS, April 1996) Adrian Karatnycky questions whether Poland deserves to be admitted to NATO, considering that its government is now run by former Communists, some of whom were Soviet informers...
...The whole thing comes with a little ring so that you can put the GPK on your key chain...
...for only $14* *But read this ad for an even better deal...
...With all the hoopla the novel is attracting, she probably should have called it Primary Sources...
...And Elizabeth's work is no mystery...
...But they all help keep cigarettes away from kids...
...In that context, the football reference comes off as an attempt to connect on a personal basis, a request that the protesters give him the same respect that he was giving them...
...Indeed, the case probably will help escalate such awards...
...The specific problem inherent in this and other films by Mr...
...This short letter from a typewriter that needed a new ribbon showed a self-effacing man who thanked me for my kind comments, and a thoughtful man who even enclosed a few magazine articles he thought I might find of interest...
...If we are to believe the Oliver Stones of this world, President Nixon would have no more mentioned her than written of the pot holders in his kitchen...
...anyone in Eastern Europe who advocated doing so was labeled an extremist...
...Nixon who should be outraged, and who should be defending this debunking of historical fact in a film to make a political point...
...Instead, the entire staff came to look at it with the awe due a piece of history...
...Hell, with luck you can go a whole week in these parts without encountering a chigger...
...We don't claim that any one of them is an answer by itself...
...In January of 1987, as the savings and loans continued to hemorrhage, President Reagan urged passage of the bill in his State of the Union address...
...This is one reason why Mr...
...It contains implements you'll need eveq day: knife, _se scissors, nail file, tweezers and toothpick...
...We're fully committed and working hard to prevent minors from having access to cigarettes...
...The Gentleman's Pocket Knife (GPK) makes a great corporate gift...
...PHILIP MORRIS USA Action Against Access...
...KEVIN R. GUTZMAN Charlottesville, Virginia Heathgate A huge jeer to correspondents Mark Anderson, James Wilkins, and Mark Eiben for their attacks on Mr...
...Sources at the Pentagon said Perry was "in a panic" after reading the article...
...But I believe him to be a man of the highest character and integrity whose policies are motivated solely by his best judgment of the U.S...
...PHYLLIS ZAGANO Director, Institute for Democratic Communication Boston University Boston, Massachusetts A few years ago, I wrote a letter to President Nixon and received a charming reply...
...If the North Vietnamese government had told us to surrender our arms during the Paris talks I don't believe we would have...
...Pray, ask "Brother Bob" what his order teaches a "good non-Christian" (i.e., person who denies the divinity of Christ) is...
...In retrospect, it is a bit hard to believe that someone, somewhere, was not already well aware of exactly how those "absentee" ballots had been filled out...
...The question is, what are we doing about it...
...Second, regarding the Life of Georgia case in which $15 million in punitive damages was awarded: the appeal of that case resulted in a bizarre (to say the least) ruling from the Alabama supreme court...
...This medium lets Stone create the impression that Nixon ruthlessly framed Alger Hiss without having to account for the clear evidence (confirmed by Russian archives and conceded by such liberals as Gary Wills) that led the Truman (Continued on page 70) 12 June 1996 • The American Spectator Dallas branch of the Bank Board, based on spurious rumors that Selby was sending the bank's outside legal work to a ring of sadistic homosexual lawyers, and William Black, on the staff of Board's San Francisco branch, apparently because Wright learned that Black was passing unfavorable information to journalists about Wright's interventions...
...It addresses this problematic revisionist history at its root...
...Institute of Peace, Herman Schwartz, a former aide to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, wrote: "Even when lustration is used properly, for the best of reasons and not to win political battles or settle old scores, such a law always imposes some form of collective punishment on people not as individuals but as members of a group...
...We've joined with retailers, wholesalers, and other major cigarette manufacturers to support an ambitious new program which will provide stores across the country with signs and educational materials to promote awareness of minimum-age laws and the importance of checking ID...
...then, please ask him what a "good atheist" (i.e., one who denies God exists) is...
...There is the knife blade, of course...
...s nce 1967 averhillso n Francisco, CA 94107 The American Spectator • June 1996 71...
...Unfortunately, the facts matter little to the millions of individuals in this country and abroad who, well-schooled in the art of the film documentary, will have more deeply impressed on their historical understandings a collection of mere political fantasies and worse...
...It seems a bit late for regret...
...Because of knowledge gleaned through years of intimate association with the Nixon family, John Taylor reveals the warm, respectful, and loving relationships shared by Richard and Pat Nixon...
...Angered by the hate for the memory of an American leader Stone's film was attempting to generate, I decided to have the letter framed to have a positive image of the man on my own wall...
...For instance, we don't distribute free sample cigarettes—or send cigarettes to consumers by mail...
...Mail to: or 185 Berry St., Sa ',The GPK is ashioned after the officers knife of a renowned European army...
...Shuler will be lucky to be the next Bubby Brister...
...And that's the best way to keep kids away from cigarettes...
...The sun has set on the empire, go home...
...The 1994 election of the chief justice of Alabama's supreme court involved a number of absentee ballots which were never counted...
...Pis nifty little knife is just over two inches long...
...This ruling played no small part in deflating interest in a legislative solution, even though it did nothing to place limits on punitive awards...
...I had repeatedly put questions on the subjects covered in "The Peking Pentagon" to Perry's office...
...He should not have been...
...Shiflett's quotes from attorney Davis Carr suggest that it was known that these absentee ballots were cast for Democrat and incumbent Sonny Hornsby...
...Thus, beginning in early 1986, the Reagan administration sought authority for the FSLIC to issue $15 billion in bonds (to be repaid by member institutions, not the Treasury) to "recapitalize" the reserves...
...It shows that DPI is grossly overstaffed...
...Seventeen months after the talks concerning Ireland started there was no progress, zero...
...Those familiar with Nixon's sharp tours de force can imagine the full conversation...
...The reason is simple...
...Perle and other outside advisers responded to calls to attend a series of 8:3o a.m...
...In Transitional Justice, a publication of the quasi-government U.S...
...That reference actually followed Nixon's explanation that he understood the protesters' concerns and that he had sympathized with Neville Chamberlain's vain efforts to avert World War II, but learned from Winston Churchill that nations sometimes must fight...
...She recently published Business A to Z Source Finder, 590 pages and 20,000 entries long...
...No, the most notable was the following statement from "Brother Bob": "We hope that any student we touch leaves our building being a good Christian, if they're [sic] Christian...
...Nixon could have admitted what his campaign had done, pointed out that this was nothing new in American politics (he assumed that President Johnson had bugged his campaign in 1968), acknowledged that both parties stood in the wrong, and probably emerged unscathed...
...JOSEPH P. HOGAN En field, Connecticut Who Lost Poland...
...He is playing directly to Western liberal sympathies with words that liberals use to characterize efforts in Eastern Europe to deal with past Communist abuses...
...Wilkins, in a letter that smacks of extreme bigotry, does nothing but rant and rave for six paragraphs before stating that Heath Shuler will become the next Joe Montana...
...In short, the very same people who opposed any application of lustracja in Poland during four years of reformist governments now claim that Poland is not qualified to join NATO because its government officials might be Soviet informers...
...As to the identity of the author, we're curious, not Anonymous..., in its small body it carries some implements that'll come in handy in life's little contingencies...
...Please write your name and address on a piece of paper, also write Code C253...
...If a jury wants a plaintiff to have a $12 million punitive award, it now knows that it will have to award $24 million...
...The clerks in a place like this are the audience Mr...
...LUCJA CANNON Center for Strategic and International Studies Washington, D.C...
...Once the absentee ballot is counted, the documents of attestation (the signature, the witness signatures, and the notarization) are removed and separated from the ballot itself in order to preserve its secrecy...
...and a handy nail file/groomer...
...If Perry had reservations about Lewis's commercial ties to the PLA, or his relationship to the government of North Korea (where he made a goodwill visit in 1988), why did he appoint Lewis to the prestigious Defense Policy Board, which has access to the most highly classified U.S...
...He argues that these people merely obeyed the law, followed orders, or wanted to advance their careers, that nobody was innocent...
...officials are now demanding that Poland vet its sensitive security ministries...
...We can only accept mail orders, accompanied by check with this offer (no phones, no charge...
...Where once none dared call it treason, now no one has the sense to call it slander...
...That says more about their own moral and political standards than about Poland and its fitness to join NATO...
...Finally, I believe that Perry's personal relationship with a Chinese general who commands China's foreign hi-tech espionage organization, COSTIND, and his ideological commitment to bring the Chinese military and their equipment into the twenty-first century with U.S...
...The solution is to cut DPI employment— something Governor Thompson should be able to pull off...
...Indeed, I would argue that the ideological commitments of a public official —especially at the Cabinet level —are a legitimate and necessary subject of public scrutiny...
...I can't imagine that they need the help of a user of Bassett's Liquorice Allsorts, or John Major for that matter...
...Out of Allsorts I was taken aback by the Last Call article by Stuart Reid ("Blasted," TAS, April 1996...
...While a military spokesman for Perry was extremely forthcoming, he told me the Pentagon would not answer any questions regarding Perry's association with his former Stanford University colleague John Lewis, nor would it comment on Perry's alleged personal intervention with the National Security Agency to waive its objections to the sale of advanced telecommunications technology by Lewis to a Chinese company that was owned and controlled by the People's Liberation Army...
...She was right...
...E . BERTON SPENCE Birmingham, Alabama I would like to commend Dave Shiflett for a fine piece of journalism that was both interesting and, even to a local observer, informative...
...if they're [sic] an atheist, being a good atheist...
...The first thing Perry's friends advised him to do to dispel suspicions he was "too soft" on the Chinese military was to cancel the pending visit of the Chinese defense minister, General Chi Haotian...'s a reference book...
...Dismissing them as mere personal attacks demeans the political maturity of the American public...
...Instead, DPI sent a team of employees to spend four hours one day and seven another to inspect Brother Bob's school...
...Wright, however, staved off the recapitalization bill until August 1987, when Congress approved only two-thirds of the amount the administration had requested...
...This occurred just as the effort to pass tort reform legislationwas building momentum, and was touted by Alabama plaintiff's lawyers as a solution to the crisis...
...But Richard Perle is wrong in interpreting my article as a personal attack on William Perry...
...Birmingham, Alabama Be prepared for life's little contingencies, with...
...A more obscure form of intervention was Wright's fiscal strangulation of the FSLIC (Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation) reserves for the purpose of leaving the FSLIC without the substantial funds necessary to pay off depositors or to allow for the rescue of troubled thrifts by solvent institutions...
...For this effort, reflected in a prolific output of articles, testimony, memoranda, and the like, he deserves the gratitude of all of us...
...Pleszczynski in your April issue...
...Gentleman's Pocket Knife (GPK) 3 (Yes, three...
...They don't need the help of The American Spectator...
...Stone is their acceptance in non-English speaking countries as factual documentaries...
...But we have an even better deal: Buy two sets (6 GPKs) for $29.90 and we'll send you a third set (making it 9 GPKs altogether) with our compliments—absolutely FREE...
...This from a Capuchin monk...
...I understand that since "The Peking Pentagon" appeared, Perry has attempted to distance himself from Lewis...
...Let me also provide a postscript to a few of the subjects covered by Mr...
...Still Going Stunning demolition in John H. Taylor's critique ("Nixon on the Rocks," TAS, March 1996) of Oliver Stone's infamous film Nixon...
...then a pair of real working scissors...
...strategy sessions with Perry in the days following advance publication of "The Peking Pentagon...
...Nixon..., pose legitimate national security concerns and are issues worthy of public debate...
...By the way, Doc, how many times did Shuler lead the Vols to victory over Alabama...
...John Major and the British government were tripping over themselves to get to the Bosnian peace talks only two weeks after they were announced...
...Take advantage of this unique sales promotion offer...
...P. happens to be dead-right about Heath Shuler and his marginal abilities as an NFL quarterback...
...are a couple of extra surprises: a small pair of tweezers and a permanent "ivoryloothpick...
...The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and a few other national publications have turned a spotlight on the free-for-all that Alabama's civil court system has become, but to me, it means more when it comes from the Spectator...
...SUSAN SPREEN Mission Viejo, California John Taylor's detailed defense of President Nixon's memory against its portrayal in the recent Oliver Stone film is thorough and correct...
Vol. 29 • June 1996 • No. 6