
CORRESPONDENCE Same Dole Same Dole For Crying Out Loud! All of the major news media outlets and even morning madmen like Don Imus regard Bob Dole as an avuncular, "statesmanlike" (read:...

...I'm glad I'm not married to him...
...He refreshed my memory in some instances, but I did not find anything with which I was not already familiar...
...It was as if Hulk Hogan himself had me pinned to the mat...
...Although Francis remains at the top of the mystery-writer heap, his early works like For Kicks and Flying Finish remain unsurpassed...
...No other governor has done so much to challenge preferences, nor has any governor had so much success...
...I am prone to comparisons...
...My daughter works as an intern in Senator Dole's office and she had not heard of this "near tragedy...
...The American Spectator Subscriber Service P.O...
...Though derided as jingoistic, the audience loved it and, more to the point, John Major was shown as grinning approvingly and clapping...
...Chief irony: To make loo percent sure they were targeting only Americans (or because the boss ordered it), the terrorists chose a club frequented largely by black servicemen...
...Call TOLL FREE far FREE infannation 1-800-505-0505 Ext.226 MOVING...
...As I am sure you are aware, these letters were composed more than zoo years ago and constitute an important document in the history of eighteenth-century Anglo-American political thought...
...Bob Dole's fan club is no different from Arlen Specter's...
...Publication of a review of this kind ridicules the enormous time and effort that went into editing it, in the same way that choosing Bob Hope to review a new edition of the Federalist Papers would mock that series of essays in American political history...
...As I am not given Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness ? . .14,441N T STRUCTION,-, AMERICAN LIBERTY AUTHOR Oc THE FAIN TRAOF FRAU "Newt Gingrich and his allies might well want to take their agenda from Lost Rights...
...Presidential ambition probably moved Wilson to be ,more aggressive in taking on affirmative action than he otherwise would have been...
...Your recent mean-spirited and puerile attacks (in two issues, no less) ["Jerry's Kids" and "Dead Letter," TAS, October and November 1995] reinforce the mistaken impression that all conservatives spent the better portion of their bright college years at home alone with the National Review and a swimsuit photo of Phyllis Schlafly...
...Need to read the rest of your magazine now and see just what this magazine is really about...
...But we also believe that minors should not smoke...
...These two issues — preserving the right of adults to make personal choices and preventing minors from having access to cigarettes — are equally important...
...There are a lot more who spent many a pleasant evening with Grateful Dead records, a cooperative coed, and (eek...
...OK, he has to earn a crust, but this is cynicism run riot...
...Do you think today's political rhetoric is vapid...
...What she usually does she does marvelously well and it is normally a pleasure to read her...
...NICE SINGLES with Christian values wish to meet others...
...Even Michael Heseltine seems to be backing down from his pro-Europe stance...
...1. Please write your new address in the space provided...
...RONALD HAMOWY Edmonton, Canada Florence King replies: I'm sorry to hear that Mr...
...Then on Tuesday he relates the pleasures of working in the "raunchy but very, very funny show called 'Married with Children.— The show doesn't provide a couch in his dressing room, but that's okay...
...JAMES D. BECK Master Sergeant United States Air Force Wahiawa, Hawaii Your Average New Reader I just read my first issue (TAS, November 1995... much safer than speeding at loo m.p.h...
...Don't let up for a minute...
...Not only does the review contain not one reference to the notes that accompany the text, but it treats Cato's Letters as if it were the raw material for a political roast...
...Two black soldiers and one German waitress died...
...I anticipate The American Spectator will continue with its doses of more than mere bedtime sedatives...
...Paine and her daughter evidently came to Sen...
...And it should be noted that the "Toronto Blessing" is not restricted to Toronto anymore...
...If he complains about a rave review he must complain about everything...
...King to review...
...A year ago you would have never heard that...
...For the moment, his labors deserve notice...
...The case could be sent to a trial court, where supporters of the various statutes might be allowed to offer "evidence" of discrimination not demonstrated by the legislatures that passed them...
...And William Safire's Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History proves it beyond a doubt...
...It surpassed my expectations...
...January 1996 • The American Spectator Smoking Bowles What is it with you and the Grateful Dead...
...What we've gotten is a House that's lukewarm to reduction in the size of the government and a Senate that is practically frosted at the idea...
...Shows the origins and nature of mixed government, separation of church and state and other fundamental principles of the American system...
...But while I like Stein's insightful conservatism, I am bothered by his moral relativism...
...Besides a lengthy introduction, the edition contains almost i.,000 footnotes, which attempt to explicate those references that readers today would likely find impenetrable, including translations of the numerous passages in Latin and their source, and the identification of contemporaneous characters and events...
...It was a true and charitable statement... Home Runs and Strikeouts "Ben Stein's Diary" is my favorite column in The American Spectator... that he is not running for president, we'll see whether his commitment to battling preferences endures...
...He'd clearly see that Republicans have been honest in describing what is really going on...
...And since I do not assume that TAS readers find such subjects "impenetrable," as he put it, I did not think it necessary to reassure them of his first-aid...
...PHILIP E. BOWLES Los Banos, California Swiny Todd With reference to the letter printed in the December 1995 issue, sent by D. D. Todd of Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia: Mr...
...Photos, Videos, & Group Tours...
...Quite frankly, your book review editor should know better...
...It's important to maintain a balanced view so both issues get the attention they deserve...
...MICHAEL R. MURRAY Upper Darby, Pennsylvania Leader Unleashed Re: "Hot Dog" (On the Prowl, TAS, November 1995)— received my first issue of your magazine and was surprised at the above item concerning Leader...
...In his November column Stein tells us on Monday that the really successful Hollywood types have made a pact with the devil and can be recognized by their cloven Gucci loafers...
...But I cannot imagine a greater mismatch than asking her to review a work whose attempted contribution is to advance our understanding of the history (Continued on page 76) 10 The American Spectator • January 1996 PERSONALS JAPANESE WOMEN...
...Sorry, Stuart Reid, but your piece is an essay in wish-fulfillment...
...Get to know someone you'll really like...
...3. Return this form to us at the address listed below...
...As for his footnotes, I did say that he translated the Latin...
...Need T/tone phone...
...CHERRY BLOSSOMS I90AN Rainbow Ridge Kapaau, Hawaii 96755 1-408-980-7488 r (Please attach address label here...
...If we could reduce the rate of growth in the budget from 6 percent a year to 3 percent a year, the budget would be balanced in seven years...
...Singles Voice Mailbox...
...Shaara's award-winning book is a masterpiece and an unparalleled tale of both valor and physical courage on the one hand and a chronicle of the special qualities that allowed our nation to endure its most intense internal challenge on the other...
...Just be sure to allow six weeks for your change to take effect...
...And as one who has gone to see what it's all about, I can only state that "something strange happened" when I was prayed for...
...2. Attach the mailing label from your most recent issue...
...Anyone in the country belonging to one of these minorities would be eligible for preferential treatment in the Golden State...
...This second volume in Manchester's series on Winston Churchill reminds us all that great statesmanship is not synonymous with following the polls and pandering to public opinion...
...But it's just as important to respect the rights of adult smokers and nonsmokers to make individual choices...
...ROBERT K. MORGAN Fairfield, ConnecticutPete Wilson's Finest Hour (Continued from page 61) son of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin regardless of race...
...MARTIN R. HOKE Member of Congress Washington, D.C...
...Better to lie on the floor in heaven than on a couch in hell...
...The irony is that Stein himself was the loser in his kid's game...
...His letter raises the unattractive possibility that he is jealous of his own subject...
...let's hope and pray the conservative answer works...
...If the band has any political outlook whatever it is a rather anarchic one, more libertarian than liberal...
...San Antonio, 'Texas Your Average Reader I love your magazine...
...SUNSHINE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE, Box 5500-HE, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-5500...
...Former president Harry Truman once said that a man who cheats on his wife is a man you can't trust...
...Too bad he wasn't that concerned about our blacks off the American continent...
...Found Leader resting quite nicely in the senator's office in the Hart Senate Building—not inside a "cardboard-carpeted" Capitol basement office...
...1. For Kicks (and other early novels), by Dick Francis...
...Kato Postscript Regarding Florence King's review of Cato's Letters in the November issue: I think she give more credit to Kato Kaelin's awareness of the underpinnings of Western thought and philosophy than is due him...
...Martin's PPress Scholarly & Reference Division I -800-221-7945 The American Spectator • January 1996 77 to "hysterical outpourings," I could only conclude that something that defies empirical explanation was at work...
...In light of this, I confess to having been unpleasantly surprised to find that the review that appeared in your November 1995 issue by Florence King made no mention whatever of the scholarly apparatus accompanying the text of the letters...
...Each speech is introduced by Safire, who places it in historical context and analyzes its techniques...
...I happened to be living in Germany in themid-198o's when Qaddafi sent his thugs into Berlin to blow up an American servicemen's nightclub...
...Outbreaks" are allegedly being reported all over the world, even the former Soviet Union...
...Ergo, it does not lend itself to a sound bite or thirty second news clip...
...Box 655, Mt...
...For the nurturing of your soul read The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoffer...
...What is significant about the new Liberty Fund edition is the fact that, for the first time, the letters have been heavily annotated to facilitate access to a work much of which might strike the modern reader as obscure and unintelligible...
...Don't water it down...
...MARY S. PAINE San Marino, California The editors reply: The Prowler stands by his/her story...
...But there has been some progress...
...For instance, our recently launched initiative, Action Against Access, is one of the most comprehensive programs ever introduced to prevent minors from having access to cigarettes...
...As one who has witnessed stateside manifestations of this phenomenon, I can only state "that if it's not God doing it, then whoever is has a good sense of humor... though speeding on a narrow, treacherous road at 90 m.p.h...
...4. The Historical Baseball Abstract, by Bill James...
...In light of this, it is totally beyond me why a work of this kind would be given to Ms...
...Finally, I recommend The Autobiography of G.K...
...The reports show that the Europhiles do not stand a chance...
...6. The Roots of American Order, by Russell Kirk...
...There Are No Children Here, by Alex Kotlowitz, is a poignant reminder of the despair in our midst and the price we are paying as a nation for broken families and the lack of economic opportunity...
...particularly well- written and timely...
...In that event, the litigation could drag on, the end uncertain...
...There are any number of untalented and hypocritical fools among the entertainers...
...King and find her a woman of great discernment and wit...
...This is not a big deal, but thought you might like to know the truth...
...On the following Wednesday Stein hits a home run with his analysis of Ruby Ridge...
...Todd, your criticism of "personal attacks" on the Clintons by The American Spectator astounds me...
...and our new Web Site: HTTP:// Send Letters to the Editor, Correspondence and Subscription queries to our E-Mail address: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 78 January r9 9 6 • The American Spectator...
...The American electorate can do better than to vote again for George Bush's doppelganger...
...He always stood for family, faith, and freedom, and he deserves to be more widely known in our country and in our time...
...Still, the lawsuit, at the very least, would have served to focus attention on key state laws that, despite their patent unconstitutionality, reveal the extent to which the state is mired in the affirmative action swamp...
...Wilson filed his suit in a state appellate court, which declined to take it...
...Whether people "believe it or riot," it won' t stop it...
...The American Spectator can do better than to encourage, however obliquely, that behavior...
...Francis's ability to turn average-guy protagonists into successful amateur detective gives his readers the best of both worlds: a first-class mystery and a chance to believe they could be a detective, too...
...occasionally controlled substances...
...The American Spectator is not a satirical periodical as were Punch or Puck...
...We want you to know where we stand... not count the Grateful Dead among them...
...I was, however, "pinned to the floor" as if something was holding me down...
...SPENCER ABRAHAM United States Senator Washington, D.C...
...I've seen too much that defies explanation to fight over the inexplicable...
...Asian-Indian (a person whose origins are from India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh...
...He says, truly enough, that John Major scored a victory by resigning the party chairmanship this autumn, then standing again and winning...
...2 per minute...
...Balance Ito L-rs, t RiGN, TO " CHOOSE MINOn„r svA0131D ,ut$1100...
...5. Being Digital, by Nicholas Negroponte...
...I suggest that we take Gamaliel's advice to heart...
...President Clinton's philandering is an indication of his total character and character counts...
...Brilliantly demonstrates the importance of Western history and philosophy to our government and way of life...
...It hasn't been for over a year...
...Now TAS wastes a whole page to apologist Byron York's insipid endorsement of a guy who has spent his whole life helping to expand the great miasma known as the federal government ("Leave Him Alone," TAS, December 1995...
...3. The Last Lion: Alone, by William Manchester...
...His explications of ancient Roman and Stuart history are quite good, but I did not think it necessary to single them out for special praise because they fall into Macaulay's category of "what every schoolboy knows...
...The mystery is why Reid, a Europhile, writes for the Sunday Telegraph which is against all he stands for...
...FREE magazine...
...Attention, Last Minute Shoppers (These Christmas Book recommendations were retrieved from our fax machine too late to be included in last month's issue...
...Meet exceptional Christian singles...
...Benefit from the insight and wisdom of award-winning authors...
...At Philip Morris, we believe that adults have a right to choose whether or not to smoke...
...Also, Bethell should know that one of the first acts we took as a Congress was to do away with the technique of baseline budgeting, which provided the intellectual cover for members to call spending increases "cuts...
...Call 1-900-370-0686/Ext...
...AUDREY PARRY Surbiton Surrey, UK Scholarly Apparatchik The Liberty Fund was kind enough to send me the review your journal recently carried of the new edition of Cato's Letters that I edited...
...Avalon Comm...
...I hope someone has now reminded Farrakhan of Libya's racist history...
...I suggest that he named himself after the Green Hornet's sidekick, whose name was Kato (note the spelling) and who was played by the late Bruce Lee in the sixties television series...
...IMPORTANT Allow six weeks for address change...
...This is a brilliant exposition of the Sermon on the Mount by the Lutheran pastor who died resisting the tyranny of Nazism, at the age of 39...
...Here's a man who in the last Republican presidency, the Bush League, signed on for the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Civil Rights Act, the ADA (Lawyer Full Employment Act), and even the 1990 tax betrayal...
...MEET WOMEN WORLD-WIDE FREE 32 page photo catalog from America's most respected correspondence service since 1974...
...That's all there is to it...
...Chesterton, the great English journalist...
...And that includes things that had no connection to religion or faith at all...
...Don't even back off from the dirty yellow-bellied, egg-sucking dog liberal, leftover-from-the-sixties, redistributionist, freedom-despising, military-loathing, control-freak, moral-elitist, Communist-clone, anti-Constitution, gun-grabbing, vacuum-brained, totally depraved, fetus-murdering, self-righteous, group rights–mongering, chowder-headed (New England style), taxand-spend, soak-the-wealthy, Mena–coverupping, Waco-assaulting, and Ruby Ridge–sniping POTATO HEADS...
...Perhaps Americans value honesty and fidelity more than you...
...2. The Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara...
...Strange but true...
...The best analysis of the comparative skills of baseball's greatest players...
...Our position is that the issue of youth and cigarettes should not be used to curtail the freedom of those adults who choose to smoke...
...Michael Portillo gave a speech at the Party Conference this autumn spelling out the dangers of a Common European Defense Force...
...That decision has been appealed to the state supreme court...
...Aikman ("All Fall Down," TAS, November 1995...
...I fear for my future when my party's candidates attain the approbation of their worst critics...
...Morris, IL 61054-8084 1-800-524-3469 L 76 VCAFRM...
...Send age, interests...
...Native American (an American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, or Native Hawaiian...
...STEVE HRUZ loppa, Maryland Beyond Irony How touching . . . Muammar Qaddafi's phone call to Louis Farrakhan as reported in Current Wisdom (TAS, December 1995...
...Try as I might, I could not move...
...If it is of God, no amount of debate or resistance will stop it from continuing or developing...
...Witness the parade of Republican congressional leaders trying vaingloriously to convince us that their effort to slow the rate of increase in government bloat is really a revolution...
...Lest I be misunderstood, I am familiar with the work of Ms...
...You see, I'm not one prone to "falling down," yet fall down I did...
...Let's hope your publication may become a future collector's item too...
...He stands everything on its head...
...Don't lose your bite...
...Liberal nostrums have failed these children...
...Dole's office long after the summer interns in charge of Leader during his great escape returned to college or moved to less challenging work on Capitol Hill...
...I even visited her a few weeks ago and had the privilege of meeting Senator Dole and Leader...
...Must reading for Washing8 The American Spectator • January 199 6 Our position, word by word...
...The case is unusual, and judges are generally loath to hold a statute unconstitutional...
...To take a quote attributed to Gamaliel in the Book of Acts, he stated : "but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it —lest you even be found to fight against God...
...He seemed to be loved by everyone and could roam rather freely...
...You're right...
...I was especially surprised to hear of his displeasure in view of the letter I received from his publisher, David A. Bovenizer,associate editor of Liberty Fund, Inc., who wrote: —Thank you very much for your wise and wittyAmenican Spectator review of our new Liberty Fund edition of Cato's Letters, edited by Ronald Hamowy...
...TODD FRANZEN contsys@mashell...
...Perhaps even a hundred years hence...
...He wrote, "Where there is Ireland, there is the family, and it counts for a lot...
...If Bethell needs proof that things are changing, I suggest he peruse the Congressional Record and examine the remarks of Republicans during debate on the reconciliation bill...
...To this reader, he speaks for himself in prose so clear and rigorous that academic backstopping is unnecessary...
...ton's aspiring "wordsmiths" and a great gift for anyone who believes words and ideas matter...
...TAS Address Changes Made Easy...
...The Libyan leader expressed his concern that "blacks . . . enjoy freedom and independence on the American continent...
...Pueblo, ColoradoDownward Trend David Aikman deftly danced on the razor's edge when he wrote his article on the Toronto Blessing—good jig, Mr...
...There will be an election ere long.Forty Tory MPs are leaving the Commons, and there is also some reapportionment of districts...
...Not to mention the fact that the media's own polls relate that the majority of their members wouldn't be caught deadnear a church, let alone a church that could possibly be affiliated with the dreaded "Christian Right...
...A great book...
...Granted, Wilson supported preferences for many years, but he did start changing his mind before late 199+ having vetoed several pieces of pro-preference legislation earlier in the decade...
...GARY BAUER, PRESIDENT Family Research Council Washington, D.C...
...Of course, liberals and journalists will continue to call an increase a cut because they think it helps them—or perhaps more accurately, hurts Republicans — politically...
...What to make of all this...
...Remember, for many Americans today history did not begin until the 1960's...
...Chalk up another one for Gamaliel...
...But they should be addressed separately...
...On the other hand, we will continue to vigorously support the right of adults to make personal choices...
...Its biting articles, cartoons, and caricatures were as good then as they would be today...
...Facts are facts...
...If you don't think it's "real," don't fight it because if it's not of God it will die out of its own accord...
...We are confident that this program will make a difference...
...The Wall Street Journal 3t bcctet book M St...
...Here is a bona fide enthusiast for the alphabet soup agencies and acts (including NAFTA and GATT) that conservative voters thought we were dismantling when we voted for the "Contract With America...
...Even friendly critics have said that Wilson's actions against affirmative action should be taken with more than a grain of salt...
...The Historical Abstract combines James's usual array of statistics with an inventive,humorous narrative about the game's history on a decade-by-decade basis...
...I thought the article by John Corry, "Why Are We in Macedonia...
...What you think is appropriate in Europe and Canada is your business...
...And I suggest we follow Gamaliel's advice...
...Hamowy disliked my review as much as I liked his book...
...Chesterton's politics seem far removed from ours: he was an English Liberal and Radical, but he hated great empires and loved little villages...
...She posits that Kato Kaelin must have heard of Cato the Younger at some time or other, "else he could not have chosen it for his stage name...
...But it's just a guess...
...Facts Matter In June of this year, Philip Morris voluntarily stopped distributing free samples of all its cigarette brands in the United States as part of its Action Against Access program...
...This prompted the dismayed reaction of the tiresomely extrovert Europhile ex-Minister Edwina Currie: "I thought we had won the election...
...Pacific-Asian (a person whose origins are from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, or the United States Trust Territories of the Pacific, including the Northern Marianas...
...Although no complete edition has been published since 1755, the work has been available for a number of years either in facsimile format or in editions containing selected letters...
...He silenced his critics, but at what a cost...
...Singles, Box 310-AMS, Allardt, TN 38504...
...But there is still much educational work to be done, and I know Bethell will continue to do his part to enlighten taxpayers on the budget...
...FotoBrochure $1 or call (713) 89B.9224 Single and Christian...
...As for why the media has largely ignored this phenomenon, one ignores what one doesn't understand or can't explain...
...Correspondence (Continued frompage ro) and political theory of Britain and America as if the work being considered were an essay in political satire...
...It is apparent that for all his keen insight on the budget process, he has not been paying attention to what has been really going on this year...
...FORREST M. MIMS III Seguin, Texas MEET LATIN LADIES ! .Of Central & South America thru correspondance ! Beautiful, traditional & marriageminded...
...It's important to prevent minors from having access to cigarettes...
...A tabloid president generates tabloid news...
...You're not doing too good so far...
...Almost from day one Republicans have made it clear that to balance the budget in seven years would require not spending cuts, but a limit on the rate of spending growth...
...That is the essence of our plan...
...And as I laid on the floor I was fully conscious of what was going around me...
...PCC, 110 Pacific #2081X, San Francisco, CA 94111...
...0 Renew my subscription for one year (twelve issues—$35) 0 Payment enclosed 0 Bill me later Name' (Please Print) Address: City: State: Zip: Date of change...
...24 hours...
...Philandering is not a desirable trait for an American president...
...An excellent work that helps shed light on the remarkable changes in communications technology just over the horizon...
...or any other group of natural persons identified as minorities in the respective project specifications of an awarding department or participating local agency...
...Bethell writes: "It seems that Republicans, Democrats, and journalists all have an interest in persuading us that spending really is being cut in the everyday sense of the word...
...Single men only...
...Mencken was just one of its many young outstanding contributors...
...Baroness Thatcher has warmly backed Major and there was real affection in their greeting...
...All of the major news media outlets and even morning madmen like Don Imus regard Bob Dole as an avuncular, "statesmanlike" (read: collaborating—OK, OK . . . compromising) moderate Republican...
...Every schoolgirl, too...
...This phenomenon defies "rational" or "empirical" explanation...
...My faculties did not desert me, nor was I "out...
...Moreover, I don't understand why he felt he had to expend so much scholarly effort to explain and interpret Cato for his readers...
...Major Mistake I feel sorry for Americans, presumably the bulk of your readers, who rely on Stuart Reid to give facts about the UK ("Bennited Tories," TAS, September 1995...
...Later he wonders how his son will ever learn to work and discipline himself after the kid wins $4,000 in a card game...
...The digital age will make the telecommunications legislation passed in the House and Senate in 1995 rapidly outdated and drastically changed the way by which free men and women make political and other decisions in a new, barely fathomable information age that is just around the corner...
...Cutter's Way I enjoyed Tom Bethell's column on the budget ("The Spending Is Killing Me," TAS, November 1995), but must point out a glaring mischaracterization contained therein...
...And as I have been in the business of gathering, researching, and analyzing "intelligence" for over thirteen years, I always attempt to place "rational explanations" regarding "erratic occurrences...
...But I do hope he understands that this new congressional majority is as committed to telling the truth about the budget as he is...
...AS YOU EXPLORE THE INTERNET, visit AmericanSpedator...
...During the Medicare debate, for example, several major media outlets surprisingly referred to our plan as one that slows the rate of the growth program...
...The latter was a supremely beautiful lithographed periodical for its day...
...If Ben Stein is such a terrific writer with only his right foot in the conservative camp, imagine what he can become after he has reconstructive surgery on his cloven left foot...
...18 plus only...
...I did not mention what he calls his "scholarly apparatus" because I was reviewing Cato, not him...
...Republicans in the House, especially those, like me, who serve on the Budget Committee, have made a concerted effort to change the abuse of language that turns spending increases into spending cuts...
...And if he doesn't, clearly this is a weakness your journal should consider remedying...

Vol. 29 • January 1996 • No. 1

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