Here's to Your Health
Shiflett, Dave
"Here's to Your Health" For years, government busybodies have been insisting that drinking is bad, heinous, vile, stinko..Now that science indicates otherwise, guess who won't face the music. Said...
...It causes the heavy tongue to become light and well-speaking...
...In one of its official publications, the federal Center For Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), which supports anti-drinking programs throughout the country, was generous to the point of praise about the work ofArtfux, a group that (illegally) defaces alcoholadvertising billboards: "While Artfux recognized that the billboards were private property, these artists viewed their actions as the lesser of two evils...
...Our population doesn't drink for its health effects," he says...
...David M. Stanley, President, National Taxpayers Union, President, Iowans for Tax Relief Gov...
...Drinking remains "pretty steady" and has been "high right along...
...One thing [governments] should not do is provide generalized recommendations...
...Similar desires are found in pamphlets from the tax-supported Marin Institute...
...While fully understandable, CEI should not think that it is being singled out for the glacier treatment...
...David Hanson, a professor of sociology at SUNY Potsdam and author of Preventing AlcoholAbuse, writes that while beer drinking even by the very young was common early in our history, an increasing concern with public drunkenness led to social crackdowns of a somewhat Muslim nature starting in the early nineteenth century...
...Alcohol is the number one drug problem in the country...
...Gramling concludes raising the legal drinking age in 1986 did not significantly change the alcohol consumption of eighteen to twenty year olds in Louisiana...
...Such subtlety is not good enough for CEI's Ben Lieberman, who says his orga nization is prepared to sue the bureau for not responding in a timely manner to its petition, which was delivered over a year ago...
...I , APT# I Buckminster Fuller: Twentieth-Century Renaissance (55 min...
...Quite the contrary...
...tiredr card reghstrootseelyl...
...I I Milton Friedman: A Conversation with Milton Friedman (89 min...
...It could have been worse...
...Card # ; A. Szent-Gyorgyi: Misplaced Ideas about Democracy (25 min...
...That victory was not without its ironies, including the fact that not all beer manufacturers initially supported the change...
...Lewis Perdue, author of The French Paradox and Beyond and publisher of Healthy Drinking magazine, notes a 1991 Harvard study which found that male doctors who drank on average one-half to one drink per day had 21 percent less coronary artery disease than abstainers, or a relative risk of .79 for the drinkers compared to i.oo for abstainers...
...If those were tough days for bartenders, they were terrific for the writers of tracts...
...from the Wine Institute, which has petitioned to force labels to suggest that drinkers write off for the nutritional guidelines...
...I Otto Bettman: The Good Old Days: They Were Terrible (55 min...
...It comforts the heart...
...All of which raises at least two interesting questions: What does the scientific evidence tell us, and what effect does this evidence have on public policy...
...Chaperones suddenly appeared...
...Mr (UP AND AWL TO: Attn: Cats Smith, NOW Taxpayers Union memsondMearai-BeMtoMgaeudre know Taxpayer (Warence Foundahon,108 Nonlh Alfred Skeet, Alexandria, VA 22314, OR FAX We of S99 *Ier S109 double...
...This sort of vandalism is not so lightly brushed aside when it is aimed at abortion providers and the like, but is indicative of the fanaticism that animates some workers in the prohibitionist vineyard...
...Today's tract writers work for lobbying organizations, federal agencies, and other special interest groups, but their end goal - "no use" of alcohol-remains the same...
...Remember, the dietary guidelines refer to good and bad effects of drink...
...Not cocaine...
...Other times they can't pour it down the gutters quickly enough...
...I CITY, STATE, ZIP I G. Wilson Knight: Shakespeare and the English Language (30 min...
...But now for the special price of $9.95 you have the opportunity to listen whenever and wherever you choose...
...Maryland officials say that 70.1 percent of seniors in Shannon Eierman's school district reported having a drink within the past twelve months, and nationwide surveys reflect similar consumption patterns...
...Too late...
...From reduction in cholesterol gallstones to lower rates of Ischaemic stroke, "Sensible Drinking" finds many benefits to moderate tippling, including this stunner: "Drinking in the range of 7 units to 4o units a week lowers the risk of [Coronary Heart Disease] by between 30% and 50...
...American advocates of healthy drinking have been singing the same song for many years, though not under government auspices...
...When "6o Minutes" did a story on the subject, it broadcast this hearty endorsement by Dr...
...I Signature I Sir Edmund Hillary: Nothing Venture, Nothing Win (55 min...
...The UK guidelines, called "Sensible Drinking," make these recommendations for men: The health benefit from drinking relates to men aged over 4o and the major part of this can be obtained at levels as low as one unit a day with the maximum health advantage lying between one and two units a day...
...I 29 The American Spectator October 19 9 6 deputy associate director for regulatory programs at ATE "They want to move up to the next level...
...The court added that "our review of the evidence reveals the State's own statistics clearly show that, in Louisiana, persons between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-three are involved in significantly higher numbers of alcohol related injury and fatality accidents than eighteen to twenty year olds...
...Finally, Dr...
...The regular price per cassette is $13.95...
...Many students are heavily into binge drinking," Modzeleski says...
...Dick Armey, House Majority leader James Dole Davidson, Chairman, Founder, Notional Taxpayers Union Foundation and co-editor, Strotegk Investment Gov...
...and] that half of all motor vehicle accident fatalities are alcohol-related...
...qtffe!~ to OPLf qtCAItk For years, government busybodies have been insisting that drinking is bad, heinous, vile, stinko..Now that science indicates otherwise, guess who won't face the music...
...They are the most publicized prevalence and distribution conclusions and the ones most often cited by politicians and program policy makers...
...But we're going to be very cautious...
...Contemporary policies tend to reflect the latter passion...
...Paternalism comes first...
...Schools will, of course, accommodate some of their charges' "inappropriate" behaviors, even to the point of showing them how to don condoms (probably not a revelation to many...
...And audio cassettes provide a medium for learning experiences that can be shared, The actual voices of...
...I 0 VISA 0 Discover Card I 0 Edwin Newman: Decline and Fall ofAmerican Language (55 min...
...soon a dozen or so of the youngsters had been relieved of their ski passes and forced to write detailed accounts of their transgressions...
...It is sometimes so soft that a finger could easily be pushed through its walls...
...We think it is suicidal to market a product based on its alcohol content," said August A. Busch IV, vice-president ofAnheuser-Busch... is nothing new about health claims for alcohol...
...Pauses and tonal changes become meaning and create insights and increased understanding...
...Because women tend to be lighter than men, and because their bodies contain a lower proportion of water which results in higher tissue concentration of alcohol, their guidelines are somewhat more stringent: The health benefit from drinking for women relates to postmenopausal women and the major part of this can be obtained at levels as low as one unit a day, with the maximum health advantage lying between one and two units a day... this tape again...
...It heals the short breath...
...0 Winston Churchill: We Wait Undismayed the Pending Assault (20 min...
...In fidelity to Uncle Sam's auntish predilections, the latest edition of the official United States nutritional guidelines warns that drinking can lead to high blood pressure, cancer, "accidents, violence, suicides, birth defects, and overall mortality...
...Since some of these voices will never be heard again, here's your opportunity to savor the sound ofgreat ideas that have shaped today's world, and to own these cassettes for your library...
...Phil Gromm Rep- John Kasich, Chairman, House Budget Committee Sen...
...I Mail To: aU~IOF~RL1111® I Ludwig von Mises: Why Socialism Always Fails (86 min...
...John Mc(ain Sen...
...Jacob Bronowski: The Ascent of Man (55 min...
...And nationwide, alcohol education campaigns have not shied from comparing booze use to cocaine snorting...
...It causes good digestion and appetite for to eat, and takes away all belching...
...On a school ski trip to Vermont in February of this year, Eierman walked into the room of some friends and discovered they were drinking beer, Hoping to avoid trouble, she grabbed two beers and began pouring them out...
...Each tions at $9.95 each plus $1.00 shipping charge I has passed the simple test of genuine interest: "Would you want to listen I forthe firsttape, and...
...Not surprisingly, extremism in the defense of abstinence is not considered a vice...
...The Harvard Medical School analyzed zoo studies and found that moderate drinking is associated with as much as a 45 percent reduced risk of heart disease...
...The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is campaigning for a label that reads, "There is significant evidence that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages may reduce the risk of heart disease...
...NAME (Print) ; 0 Edward De Bono: How to Change Ideas (55 min...
...that there are over 3 million problem drinkers among youth... face suspension, even though those concoctions' alcohol con...
...that there are 1.5 to 2.25 million problem drinkers among women...
...The author is able to provide unique emphases in ways impossible to accomplish in print...
...tent is only .5 percent...
...The more dedicated drys have indeed taken it upon themselves to teach Americans to be alcophobic, as reflected in a CSAP monograph: "One of the main points of this volume is that an essential ingredient for success is the creation of an environment in which substance use, regardless of the form it takes, is defined clearly and consistently as unacceptable...
...It seems quite clear that we should not do anything that would decrease moderate drinkers in the population...
...The Wine Institute and others want to put forth a positive attitude about their product," says the highly personable Bill Earle, IF YOU'RE FED UP WITH BIG GOVERNMENT, YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS...
...30) S 89 S 59 Regular Registration $129 -. $ 99 Ind des lurch with gmw em keyr ie pokers al fate days, R E 6 1 s T R A T I O M Namts[sl Address Address City/Smte/tp Phrone Fax TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED tRryable to Nnl Foundation} S - Please charge my: U Visa _1 MasterCard Name fm cord) Cord No Signature Expimrion Date Hmeh Th1 S1bralatWs~Mrrpbl Note is (or"" l a nrrslata...
...Imagine hearing these dynamic personalities in the intimacy of your own home...
...In what will probably be a shock to Americans of both sexes, the UK guidelines even dismiss the idea that pregnant women should abstain: "In the light of the evidence received, our conclusion is that, to minimize risk to the developing fetus, women who are trying to become pregnant or are at any stage of pregnancy, should not drink more than i or 2 units of alcohol once or twice a week, and should avoid episodes of intoxication...
...When the Anti-Saloon League began publishing operations in 1909, it quickly rose to a level of 250 million book pages per month...
...I (For shipments to CT, please add 6% sales tax...
...By the 1830's, a temperance movement had taken hold that pushed for total abstinence...
...I HEAR these famous speakers: I I I order, I will get one FREE...
...In any event, the practice has been to reject any curriculum suggesting there is such a thing as responsible drinking...
...John Engler Steve Forbes, Editorin-Chief, fotbes Magazine Rep- Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve Board Sen...
...Men who consumed one to one and a half drinks per day reduced their Coronary Artery Disease risk by 32 percent, three to four and a half per day reduced it by 43 percent, and those drinking more than four and a half drinks per day reduced their risk by 59 percent...
...Said Plato unto Aristotle, "Thank you, I prefer the bottle...
...I I 0 R. Ornstein & D. Galin: Our Two Brains: Rational & Intuitive (56 min...
...High School...
...I i Noam Chomsky: Government in the Future (57 min...
...It heals all old and new sores on the head...
...I (Including tax and shipping) I 0 Check or money order enclosed I 0 Ashley Montagu: The Nature of Human Nature (48 min...
...The Center for Science in the Pub lic Interest, which is not interested in the science of moderation, greeted the guidelines with a wagging finger: "Providing information about the scientific evidence, and drawing conclusions about its utility for the general population, are two different issues...
...Whether by design or not, the reports to Congress likely reflect a contemporary fact of life...
...The welfare, perhaps even the survival, of NIAAA, depends on (1) the apparent magnitude of the alcohol problem, and (z) whether it is made to appear that a disease (rather than a moral or social problem) is being attacked...
...When asked if the guidelines will affect school alcohol education policies, Bill Modzeleski, director of the Department of Education's Safe and Drug Free Schools program, which supports programs in 97 percent of the nation's school districts, said, "Probably not...
...Coors Brewing Company was forced to wage a court battle over the course of eight years to be allowed to include the strength of beers on its labels...
...Shannon had actually received the minimum punishment under Howard County's "zero tolerance" program...
...Perhaps young tipplers should argue that they're going to drink anyway, so the schools should provide cab fare...
...There's a difference in hearing new ideas rather than simply reading them...
...They should give as much attention to what the findings don't say, which is, `Who won't benefit...
...In recent years the government has undertaken a number of questionable public-safety campaigns, from banning lawn darts (which killed three people over the course of seventeen years) to targeting college coeds with AIDS prevention messages...
...27 The American Spectator October r 9 9 6 Consistently drinking three or more units a day is not advised as a sensible drinking level because of the progressive health risk it carries...
...Consider the case of poor Shannon Eierman, a r6-year-old honor student and all-county softball player atAtholton (Md...
...Learn how the nation's most important policy makers and citizen activists are successfully developing fiscal responsibility at the federal, state, and local levels...
...Similar skepticism showed up in a ruling this year by the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which affirmed a lower court's ruling that the state's 21-year-old drinking age was unconstitutional...
...A boy once drank whisky from a flask he had found, and died in a few hours...
...INVITED SPU ERS: Rep- Bill Archer, Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee Rep...
...Using these figures, it is not hard to see that if the U.S...
...Col !2021328-2900 for sear ms...
...A March 1996 article in the British Medical Journal offered this overview: "The inverse association between moderate alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease is well established...
...I J...
...hile there is solid scientific consensus on the bene fits of moderate drinking, don't expect a quick change in American attitudes about alcohol, or national policies... 1855, thirteen of the then forty states and territories had instituted prohibition...
...Regular consumption of between two and three units a day by women of all ages will not accrue any significant health risk...
...The case ended last year when the Supreme Court ruled 9-o to allow brewers to disclose the information, thus overcoming a 1935 law that was enacted after Prohibition's repeal...
...These will not strike many consumers as excessive claims, but ATF is in no hurry to allow changes on bottle labels...
...I I understand that for every 3 cassettes O I 0 Joseph Mazzeo: Machiavelli: Practical Politician or Devil...
...Among the most extravagant were made on behalf of distilled spirits by one Hieronymous Brunschwig, who practiced medicine in fifteenth-century Germany: By Dave Shiflett It eases diseases coming of cold...
...Said Aristotle unto Plato, "Have another sweet potato...
...DAVE SHIFLEYr is a writer living in Northern Virginia...
...Plato would no doubt agree...
...It heals baldness and causes the hair well to grow, and kills lice and fleas...
...The mildest proposal comes The forces of government are still too big and too intrusive...
...Strangely enough, all alcoholic beverages except beer are required to disclose their alcoholic content on their labels...
...The Women's Christian Temperance Union, Hanson reports, pumped out over i billion pages of anti-alcohol propaganda between 1865 and 1925...
...In the meantime, he notes, "Dietary guidelines disconnected the language of `alcohol and other drugs,' which HHS and others have used for years...
...Furthermore, Artfux contended that they were providing health information that was hidden from the public by the alcohol and tobacco industries...
...The relative risk," Perdue crows, "continued to drop with increased consumption...
...As the Washington Post reported, "Last year, Howard officials provoked an uproar when they suspended students who drank a glass of wine with dinner in France on a school trip...
...I 0 Diners Club Expiration Date: o I Jacques Barzun: Present-Day Thoughts on Quality ofLife (31 min...
...Evidence for a causal interpretation comes from over 6o ecological, case-control, and cohort studies...
...extent and consequences of alcohol use and abuse-some of them fanciful, others as yet to be supported to research-are part of the `numbers game' which besets discussion of alcohol-related problems and policy...
...50 for each additional tape...
...And while some people should avoid drinking, alcohol's health benefits are no longer a matter of scientific debate...
...Talk to your kids about alcohol...
...Nor do the youngsters listen to health warnings...
...It cures lethargy...
...And who will be harmed...
...Perdue admits that there are trade-offs, even for those who favor moderate drinking..." Smdh, National Taxpayers I -J Union Foundation, 703-683-5122 L...
...PLUS for every 3 cassettes you buy, we'll send you a cassette of your choice FREE...
...It causes a good color in a person...
...The Honolulu Heart Study put the decrease at 50 percent...
...It turns the blood to water...
...By way of comparison, one study indicates that after three days in the refrigerator, Dole pineapple juice becomes .34 percent alcohol...
...The chief reason is that American society has had an uneven relationship with alcohol...
...28 October r 9 9 6 The American Spectator The same spirit holds forth among those who design and implement alcohol "awareness" programs in the public schools...
...Currently, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which oversees the labeling process, is considering three attempts to add health messages to the bottles which, by law, must continue to carry the Surgeon General's warnings about alcohol-related health and safety problems...
...Louisiana has been warned that lowering the drinking age will cost it federal highway funds...
...Gramling's affidavit further states his research strongly suggests that greater quantities of alcohol may be consumed by eighteen to twenty year olds where the drinking age is raised to twenty one...
...Albert Schweitzer: On Goethe (trans...
...For a generation steeped in mescaline, marijuana, and tequila shooters, the baby boomers take a fanatically harsh stance on beer drinking by their children-harsher, indeed, than the stiff old Puritans who proclaimed drink a "gift from God...
...death rate from cirrhosis was 17 "per 1oo,00o while cardiovascular disease killed 464 per 1oo,ooo...
...Owen Wister Ziere America's students still burdened with the duty of rote memorization, we can nevertheless be assured they wouldn't be asked to learn a ditty so dangerous as Mr...
...Today's audio cassettes capture the inflections, nuances, and flavor of the original speaker, and let you hear them over and over while driving, cooking, jogging, etc...
...Shannon was also forced to attend an alcohol treatment program and was banned from extracurricular activities for two quarters-a punishment that may have cost her a sports scholarship...
...Curtis Ellison of the Boston School of Medicine: "I think the data are now so convincing that the total mortality rates are lower among moderate drinkers...
...NATIONAL TAXPAYERS CONFERENCE '97 ORGANIZED BYNATEoNAL TAXPAYERS UNION FOuNDA1EON AND IoV: Ns FOR TAx REuEF IN COOPERATION WITH k~Sped l~ 9.00 i FRmO, JAM ;AR1 10 TO 2:00 PM St:NDAY, JAM-AY 12, 1997 $ W.tuii iuS, DC Children are not the only Americans shielded from the moderate drinking message...
...Not marijuana...
...In the one place where the message would be seen by the greatest number of interested parties-the labels on bottles-the good news about moderate drinking suffers blackout...
...I Total amount of order: $ I Gilbert Highet: The Art of Invective/A Bouquet of Poison Ivy (30 min...
...Trent Lott, Senate Majority leader Sen... Thornton Wilder) (80 min...
...and many others thus encouraging immediate discussion and interaction...
...That's a subtle but telling observation about the changing view...
...I My selections: 000000, Bruno Bettelheim: Man's Identity in a Mass Society (48 min...
...Sometimes they love it...
...that the heavy consumption of alcohol by pregnant women leads consistently to a cluster of birth defects...
...In the one place such a message would be seen by the greatest number of interested parties-the labels on alcoholic beverages-the good news about moderation suffers blackout...
...It also gives rise to an amusing paradox: While the federal government says moderate alcohol intake can prolong life, public schools and the government-funded "anti-abuse" apparatus treat alcohol like rat poison...
...This is a significant change from earlier statements that alcohol had "no benefit" and suggestions to avoid any level of drinking whatsoever...
...Consistently drinking four or more units a day is not advised as a sensible drinking level because of the progressive health risk it carries...
...Margaret Mead Alan Watts Noam Chomsky Jacques Barzun Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Edward DeBono Arnold Toynbee Albert Schweitzer Buckminster Fuller...
...I My free selection: O 0 John Galbraith: Economics and the Public Purpose (56 min...
...50 min...
...I I 0 Barry Goldwater: Conscience of a Conservative (58 min...
...The good news doesn't stop there...
...It heals the canker in the mouth, in the teeth, in the lips, and in the tongue...
...William Roth, Chairman, Senate Finance Committee Hon...
...To achieve this "no use" goal, these activists advocate bans on advertising and increases in alcohol excise taxes which, as public policy analyst Doug Bandow has pointed out, results in an unethical and illegal phenomenon:'Taxpayers, most of whom drink alcohol, are underwriting what amounts to a prohibitionist campaign" e new nutritional guidelines were not well received in the dry community...
...Their official character, however, is not to be confused with scientific validity...
...Alcohol is a drug...
...It eases the pain in the teeth, and causes sweet breath...
...By contrast, the same study shows France with almost double the cirrhosis rate-31 per 1oo,ooo-butwith cardiovascular rates at only 310 per 1oo,00o...
...Because the bottles already contain a health warning, a suggestion of benefits could balance the picture...
...rates were normalized with those of France, 14 more people per 10o,ooo would die of cirrhosis, but 154 fewer people would die of cardiovascular disease, a net savings of 14o people per 1oo,00o population who would live longer in order to die of something else...
...Indeed, one poster, featuring a bottle of beer tipped by a hypodermic needle, carries this message: "Beer contains alcohol...
...Instead, students are taught that drinking alcohol in any amount is yet another form of drug use, which has caused more than one family unnecessary friction at the cocktail hour...
...Students who bring even a non-alcoholic beer to a Fairfax County (Va...
...So convinced is the British government of the benefits of moderate drinking that it actually suggests that older abstainers abandon their teetotaling...
...He thoroughly disagrees with the idea that children are receiving mixed messages from the government on drinking, with schools saying alcohol is bad and the guidelines saying it can prolong life...
...These benefits, presented reasonably, could do much more to enhance the lives of most Americans than all the cod liver oil-type admonitions foisted upon us by our surgeon generals...
...Yet Earle responds, "Our position with the industry is that the best place to conduct dialogue is in the free press, not necessarily in labeling or advertising by wine companies...
...For our population, alcohol is an illegal substance...
...I 0 Master Card 0 American Express 0 I General Douglas MacArthur: Old Soldiers Never Die (35 min...
...Guilford, CT 06437 I (203) 453-9794 Fax (203) 453-9774 I 0 Arnold Toynbee: The Ancient Mediterranean View of Man (24 min...
...Congress on Alcohol and Health in 1978, indicates that there is little sound basis for claims that there are upwards of 1o million problem drinkers (including alcoholics) in the adult population and that their number is increasing...
...Yet the guidelines also declare, in a stunning turnaround, that "moder 26 October 19 9 6 The American Spectator ate drinking is associated with lower risk for Coronary Heart Disease in some individuals...
...A car or dog may be killed by causing it to drink a small quantity of alcohol...
...A short message could be misleading if it only communicates partial information...
...Tommy Thompson ---------------------YES...
...Ultimately the push to cut alcohol consumption is built on the belief that some 1o percent of American adults have what are called "drinking problems" -a figure that, like every statistic associated with alcohol, is questioned by specialists...
...Among the warnings: "The majority of beer drinkers die from dropsy...
...While the latest health guidelines carry a reasoned message, few Americans are familiar with them...
...When alcohol is constantly used, it may slowly change the muscles of the heart into fat...
...Epidemiologist Harold A. Mulford, writing in the Encyclopedic Handbook o f Alcoholism, made a similar charge: 30 October r 9 9 6 The American Spectator The $Ou1d of Gireat 1deas1.8 HEAR what these provocative thinkers have to say about self-discovery, the quality of life, the nature of the creative mind, changes taking place in the world today, and what you can do to bring about change...
...Indeed, anyone requesting similar evidence will have it delivered by the truckload...
...The Sound of Great Ideas"from Audio-Forum, 96 Broad Street,Room 3717,Guilford, CT 06437(203) 453-9794 Fax (203) 453-9774 The 26 audio cassettes listed here were chosen by a panel of experts who I 0 YES...
...These and other claims about the NIAAA's [National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism] legislatively mandated reports to Congress contain the official prevalence and distribution data for the nation...
...Regular consumption of between three and four units a day by men of all ages will not accrue significant health risks...
...12-14 grams...
...ADDRESS, Robert Frost: The Poet Reads and Discusses His Poems (55 min...
...A British drink is somewhat smaller than an American drink: about 9-1o grams of alcohol vs...
...Seven of the guilty, including Eierman, were suspended from school, she for five days...
...From the more than 4,000 titles in the prestigious Audio-Forum Library, we have selected 26 extraordinary recordings...
...It draws the wind out of the body...
...Anyone who spouted such sentiments in a contemporary classroom might find that the rules against washing out young mouths with soap can be lifted on special occasions...
...Please send me the following selec- I were asked to select only tapes which would be timely and relevant...
...Margaret Mead: How People Change (25 min...
...The World Health Association's statistics for 1989 showed that the U.S...
...I Room 3717, 96 Broad Street, I 0 Alan Watts: Zen: The Eternal Now (47 min...
...Researcher Joseph E. Josephson, writing in a publication for the Columbia University School of Public Health, has questioned the very idea that there is a large number of problem drinkers in America: "An objective assessment of government statistics on alcohol-related problems, many of them compiled in the Third Report to the U.S...
...Among other things, the court cited earlier research by Professor Robert Gramling of the University of Southwestern Louisiana, which stated that "there is a lack of empirical evidence to support the assumption that raising the drinking age to 21 years old will result in less alcohol consumption by eighteen to twenty year olds...
...Nowadays the claims are not quite so grandiose, yet the idea is the same: Moderate drinking is good for most people...
Vol. 29 • October 1996 • No. 10