CORRESPONDENCE Make My FDA Let me commend you for an outstanding article about the power hungry FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler by James Bovard ("Double-Crossing to Safety," TAS, January 1995)....
...A, Boise, Idaho 83715...
...This material is printed on the outside of every pack of cigarettes...
...CI The American Spectator April 1995 75...
...I also believe that Kessler has overstepped his legal limits as "Big Brother...
...The Supreme Court in the St...
...Rochester, Minnesota I have thought for some time that we would lose our freedom to stormtrooper IRS agents conducting punitive raids to collect taxes...
...David M. Cooney Rear Admiral, USN (Ret...
...And the cookies aren't bad, either...
...Additionally, Girl Scout troops keep a certain portion of the proceeds and vote on how to spend the money they've earned...
...I have recently retired from thirty-four years practice of gastroenterology at the largest clinic in the world...
...1.99 per minute...
...Box 15957, Dept...
...Because of space limitations, the article was only able to touch on the number of companies that have been forced out of business following an FDA raid...
...If sales don't meet expectations, troops must make up the difference...
...Jobs will be more comparable throughout the organization and will have increased significance and stature...
...The article by James Bovard criticizing Dr...
...Protect yourself...
...Just to give you an example, in 1993 the General Accounting Office said that nine dietary supplement companies spent an average of $47,000 on costs just to comply with FDA demands...
...In regards to slow approval of medical devices, this is strictly a function of lack of funds and and lack of personnel to attend to this function of the FDA...
...Joseph Arends asserts that the only reason that the FDA is so slow to approve new medical devices is "lack of funds and lack of personnel to attend to this function of the FDA...
...It is these valuable life skills that help girls develop the self-confidence they will need to be successful and resourceful individuals...
...However, Mr...
...He is not a physician, he cannot possibly understand how the system works, and therefore, he cannot possibly understand the motivation of Dr...
...Free 150 photo brochure...
...Wayne A. Zuehlke Vadnais Heights, Minnesota James Bovard writes, "The Federal Trade Commission regulates and mandates that nicotine levels be published on cigarette packs...
...There is no doubt that Kessler over-stepped his bounds in using bad science to attack passive smoking...
...The statement in the article is so totally fallacious that it casts doubt upon the entire article and perhaps upon the veracity of other articles in the same issue...
...One company spent over $850,000...
...Those few who may have died of gastric ulceration(s) would hardly have been helped by a medication that in a dire situation would have had as minimal an effect as misoprostol...
...Romance, correspondence, lifemates...
...While it is true that cookie money funds some administrative costs, it also makes possible such activities as Girl Scout troops in homeless shelters and migrant labor camps, travel scholarships for girls of modest means, and leadership development training for adults representing underserved areas...
...The primary rule of thumb must be, "First, do no harm...
...Kessler as being 100 percent wrong...
...FDA Commissioner Frank Young himself explicitly stated that "this drug should save lives...
...Clairsville, OH 43950...
...Color photos...
...I trust no government agency except the FDA on balance...
...Anyway thanks for reminding me that 30-plus years ago there were a few of us holding a thin line at the barricades...
...Contrary to what your article also communicated, all proceeds from Girl Scout cookie sales remain in the area where the cookies are sold and benefit Girl Scouts in that community...
...The company has given the FTC over 200 scientific studies that support the benefits of taking calcium...
...Bethesda, Maryland I believe Mr...
...In the first case, the funds are specifically appropriated for the provision of such services and Goodwill actually provides those services below cost...
...Norma R. Lineberger Fullerton, California William Tucker's article did not accurately represent the Girl Scout cookie sale...
...We know the value of money because we earn it, and, believe me, earning it working for and *Political Balls* "The ifillBillarious GolfBall" 1-800-722-5570 Or Mail Check/MO to: Great Gift Ideal Political Balls Visa/MC/AMEX PO Box 5745 (+$4.12 S&H) Lacey, WA 98503 WA Residats add 7.9% tax Individually Boxed * Mix & Match Allowed 74 The American Spectator April 1995 with the government is not easy, but it is necessary...
...Philip Brown denies that misoprostol has resulted in any saved lives, and therefore denies Sam Kazman's statement that the FDA's delay in approving the drug could have cost any lives...
...Kessler gives me something else to fear, especially since I take three medications in "off-label" uses for two different chronic ailments...
...Not so...
...No amount of additional funding will solve the problem of FDA employees afraid to take responsibility for approving new devices...
...Enclosed is- $ for insertions...
...Scanna Intl (since 1980), POB 4-AS, Pittsford, NY 14534...
...Through cookie selling, girls learn important skills such as working as a team, meeting a goal, and answering questions with confidence...
...In the second case, the funds are also specifically appropriated for research purposes...
...It shocked my mother, daughter and granddaughter of Tammany Hall district leaders, sister of a Tammany Hall era commissioner, and niece of a Tammany Hall chief and borough president, how the elected officials, their staffs, and leading supporterss used nonprofits for jobs, subsidized housing, and their facilities for political meetings...
...Carolyn Hawks Brownie Troop 308 Rock Hall, Maryland In William Tucker's article there was an interesting comment about the Girl Scouts of America now absorbing all of the funds raised by cookie sales, leaving local chapters to fend for themselves...
...CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVERS' EXCHANGE for unattached music lovers...
...Can it be that the great wall of separation raised since World War II relates more closely to "liberal" goals and ideology than it does to our constitutional tradition...
...Goodwill receives federal revenue from three sources: funding of rehabilitation services purchased by the states, grants to conduct research and demonstration projects, and payment for goods and services produced on order from the federal government...
...According to a lengthy investigation in the May 13, 1993 Wall Street Journal, local troops keep 10-15 percent of the sales price of a $2-3 box (about 20-45 cents), while the 332 "regional councils" get over half ($1.10-$1.65 a box...
...Positions of responsibility and challenge will provide more potential for self-fulfillment to each of us in the Girl Scout movement...
...The opening of THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR's New York advertising sales office...
...I suggest, also, that he call FDA commissioner David Kessler and ask him (1) why he does not recognize alcohol as a drug, (2) whether blood, the collection, testing and, distribution thereof, as a vital charge of the FDA, is a food or a drug, and (3) why condoms are regulated by the FDA...
...Exposés by other reporters have clearly shown the fraudulent claims made by health food stores...
...PCC, 110 Pacific #208— JX, San Francisco, CA 94111...
...Send $5.95 S&H...
...She was appalled that both Democratic and Republican conservatives in Tallahassee could be trusted to keep their hands off helping the poor, but the liberals in New York City, where she was born, couldn't...
...808) 325-7707...
...Local troops must "project" their sales, then buy cookies in advance...
...Ad Classificationplease Pnnt) NameAddress: City...
...We subsidize government, not vice versa, and analysis clearly shows that for every federal dollar spent on Goodwill, more than $11 in benefits to the taxpayer is achieved through reduced fund transfers, cost saving, and increased taxes...
...Yes, the orange juice fiasco was an overkill, but maintaining a slow bureaucracy for the approval of new drugs is 10 The American Spectator April 1995 the best approach...
...It took thirty years to fmd that female hormones injected into females during their first trimester in order to prevent miscarriage produced female children with higher rates of vaginal cancer...
...Council members receive salaries of up to $90,000...
...At the same time, it is hard to believe that Goodwill could be losing money on these transactions, since that would mean it could sell its services for a higher price in the private market...
...Let me point out where Dr...
...BEAUTIFUL BRITISH LADIES seek friendship, romance & marriage with American gentiemenl All ages...
...You would have thought the whole purpose behind Scouting was to providebigger and better jobs for professional adults rather than moral training and camping experience for girls...
...The FDA makes mistakes, but again, on balance, it is the "most" trustworthy government agency, and maybe the only...
...David Kessler had many inaccuracies, primarily because Mr...
...First, Dr...
...Goodwill Industries is very disappointed with the numeric and philosophical errors contained in William Tucker's article...
...Other restrictions may apply...
...Goodwill not only earns every federal dollar it receives—it also loses money in the process...
...Tucker misses the point entirely...
...There have been several protests and at least one lawsuit from local troop leaders who have objected to so much money from this "child labor" being funneled to these highly paid regional officials...
...As a Brownie leader in the midst of such a sale, I can tell you that the Chesapeake Bay Council Troops profit anywhere between 400 and 550 per box sold...
...Count Leo Rosenthal New York, New York (continued on page 74) Announcing...
...But when the FDA approved the drug in 1988, it estimated that up to 20,000 people per year die from gastric ulcer bleeding associated with long-term use of aspirin and similar anti-inflammatory agents...
...MEET BEAUTIFUL LADIES from Asia, Russia, South America, Europe...
...1-900-234-7575, Pin#7257...
...Those who protest have been quickly drummed out of Girl Scouts...
...Senator Hatch is absolutely wrong in trying to lift the regulations off vitamin pills...
...From Norman Rockwell to Robert Mapplethorpe in one generation is not too far off the mark as an apt comparison...
...Based on your interests, age, etc...
...For those of us liberals (yes, I am a registered Democrat, contributor to the New York State Liberal Party, and a former state official of the NAACP, CORE, and SNCC and elected member of both an antipoverty Area Policy Board and the New York County Democratic Committee) who can both think and have an ethical compass, the corruption of charity by the political funding of nonprofit groups sickens us, too...
...None of them are required to do that" I would urge Bovard to check with the BATF which does, in fact, regulate the publication and/or non-publication of alcohol levels on containers of liquor, wine, and beer...
...Free details: Transatlantic Penfriends, Box 2176-AS, San Pedro, CA 90731...
...A government need is met with great social benefit, and at a net reduction in total expense...
...800+ marriages since 1989...
...max., avg $4.77, 18...
...Send ad copy with payment and this form to: The American Spectator Classified Department P.O... fact, there is absolutely no evidence to support a statement that 15,000 people have died because of a gastric ulcer in nearly two decades—since the introduction of agents to block gastric acid secretion back in the 1970s...
...But that begs the question of whether the government should be spending the money or performing the service in the first place...
...At the same time she raised primary private funds for this, I became a member of a West Side Area Policy Board passing on contracts funding nonprofits...
...ASP), Suite 2, 24 Cecil Square, Margate, Kent CT9 1BA, ENGLAND...
...P.I.C., Box 461873-AS, L.A., CA 90046.213-650-1994...
...We lost, but then so did Girl Scouting...
...New York-based corporate advertisers should contact us at our new NY advertising office: Thomas S. Buttrick, Account Executive THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10168 Ph: 2121681-1122 Advertising inquiries outside of New York should contact us at our main office: John Funk, Associate Publisher THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR P.O...
...Become totally judgment-proof...
...The FTC ignored the information...
...702) 451-3070...
...Do they go hand in hand...
...It would strip away the FDA's dictatorial power over what can be said by drug and supplement companies...
...Many times it takes a generation or two to find harmful effects from drugs...
...Send for packet of information...
...Box 549, Arlington, Virginia 22216-0549 L 95011 CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 11) Cookie Land (cont...
...Probably many millions of people died every day during the FDA's review of thisdrug, but there is no evidence that any died from the lack of this drug...
...Elizabeth Hospital case, late nineteenth century, and the Quick Bear case, early twentieth century, treated aid to religious charities and schools in similar fashion, i.e., it found little problem with either...
...But it is important to note that in this case, the girls are profiting from their efforts...
...Examples include special trips to museums or exhibitions, overnight stays at camp, and swim parties for girls with disabilities...
...It is my experience that the FDA is terribly undermanned, and they can't do all they are authorized to do...
...The people so employed earn competitive wages and benefits, are involved in occupational training, and are no longer collecting either welfare or Social Security Disability payments...
...425-2 inch...
...In these councils of the future, different in geographical composition but similar in strength and effectiveness, every job in Girl Scouting will be enhanced...
...Dittoheads hear Joycelyn, Perot, or whole gang...
...As Admiral Cooney states, only about one-third of this involves contracts for cleaning services and the balance comes from other sources...
...There is no requirement or even voluntary agreement that they stick it on the packaging of cigarettes, although some choose to, and they are welcome to do so...
...Capital punishment is not perfect, but on balance, it is better than no capital punishment...
...Gerald Fleisher Rochester, New York First, let it be known that I am a staunch conservative...
...Free details: ENGLISH ROSE INTRODUCTIONS, (Dept...
...This is not surprising to those of us who fought a losing battle in the early sixties to prevent the National Girl Scout organization from forcibly merging hundreds of small effective troop councils into geographically huge, unresponsive, and financially unaccountable jurisdictions...
...Box 31, Pelham, NY 10803...
...SUNSHINE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE, Box 5500-HE, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745-5500...
...In the third case, Goodwill employs a work force, of which at least 75 percent have severe disabilities, either to manufacture a variety of consumables or to provide a variety of services (only one of which is cleaning government buildings...
...Bovard's attack against limiting off-label advertising is unwarranted...
...Local troop leaders, on the other hand, work as volunteers...
...Ivan W. Parkins New Port Richey, Florida Regarding William Tucker's "Sweet Charity," yes, yes, yes...
...TEL/FAX: 01144-1843-290735...
...Goodwill is fiercely independent and achieves only 5 percent of total revenue by monetary fund-raising...
...Cookie Land William Tucker's "Sweet Charity" (TAS, February 1995) suggests an interesting question...
...It's possible...
...CIGAR HUMIDOR PLANS, holds 200, $12.95, CCHK: WCI, 103 Woodrow, St...
...It obtained a record $2.4 million fine from the General Nutrition Corp., but many others have chosen to fight, including Metagenics, a California company that is taking on the FTC after the agency singled it out for making health claims about its calcium products...
...A frightening current trend is how successful the FDA has become in pushing the buttons at other federal agencies to attack vitamin, supplement, and herbal manufacturers and suppliers...
...Actually, a House Commerce Committee investigation found that FDA staffers charged with regulating devices waste a great deal of time sitting in meetings that they don't need to attend...
...According to the Non-Profit Times annual survey (figures supplied by the charities themselves), Goodwill receives $157 million, or 18.5 percent of its income, from government sources...
...816) 942-1668...
...As for Mr...
...The value of these contracts to Goodwill in 1993 was about $55 million (6 percent), not $488 million as suggested...
...Philip W. Brown, Jr., M.D...
...Although the FDA was slow in allowing the use of Vasotec for people with congestive heart failure, no system is perfect...
...The pharmaceutical houses in their zeal to sell will exaggerate the off-label uses of drugs most of the time...
...r -i CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Rates: $4.50 per word (10 word minimum) [+$15 extra per ad for TAS blindbox number if desired.], classified display ads: 1 column wide (2-1/4") by length desired to purchase: $225-1 inch...
...Tucker is incorrect in his noting that the Girl Scouts of America absorbs all the funds raised by the cookie drive each year...
...Its failure eventually to win FDA approval would have been no loss...
...We have reported on stepped-up enforcement actions by OSHA, FTC, Customs, Postal Service, and the DEA...
...All charities that receive money from the government claim to be saving the government money, since they do things cheaper than the government could itself...
...595-3 inch (maximum 3...
...Now I see that Mr...
...My late Mother, as president of a regional National Council of Jewish Women, in her retirement founded a program for senior citizens who were too wealthy to get government funding but not financially able to completely live on their own in Florida...
...A 1994 report by the Medical Device Manufacturers Association noted, "It is not unusual for [FDA] reviewers to express the position that excessive requests [for additional information] are made because of a concern or fear about how a particular member or members of Congress will react" to the FDA's approval of a new device...
...Americans waste over $6 billion dollars per year on vitamin supplements that are absolutely worthless...
...President & Chief Executive Officer Goodwill Industries International, Inc...
...Misoprostol was reported to reduce these gastric ulcers fifteen-fold, and it was the first drug approved for this purpose...
...Box 549 Arlington, VA 22216-0549 703/243-3733, x236 The American Spectator April 1995 11 MERCHANDISE PERSONALS MISCELLANEOUS CONSERVATIVE'S FUN LINE...
...A report by Senator Orrin Hatch, stating that such reports were misleading, was written from a completely biased point of view...
...Troy, Michigan James Bovard replies: Dr...
...Free Details, P.O...
...Regarding Gerald Fleisher's point on the Federal Trade Commission: the FTC does indeed certify the nicotine and tar levels of cigarettes...
...It's not uncommon for local troops to have to shell out hundreds of dollars for unsold cookies...
...Particulars (813) 576-2629...
...1.59 min 4 min...
...Before her death we would compare costs, management systems, and political involvements with projects there and here...
...Why has there been no great protest against government aid to church managed charities as a violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause...
...The manufacturer gets the remaining 80-90 cents...
...Further, I realize how much our freedom has been eroded in recent years, because I am a little hesitant to write this letter for fear that Kessler will send in his enforcers to seize my medicine and put my physician in jail...
...Kessler has been right...
...It is hoped that in many of the councils of the future these responsibilities can be assigned as full-time positions...
...Box 635, Poison, MT 59860...
...This could all change if a federal lawsuit filed in Salt Lake City by the National Council for Improved Health challenging the FDA's authority on health claims as a constitutional violation of freedom of speech is successful...
...Fix Services Richardson, TX Customer Service 214-235-6197...
...Bovard paints Dr...
...Brown's disagreement is with the FDA's analysis of the drug's benefits, not with my interpretation of the effect of the delay in the FDA's approval...
...RUSSIA-SCANDINAVIA-BRITAIN-USA, etc.: Worldwide introductions for friendship, romance, marriage...
...Girl Scouts of the USA, the national headquarters, does not receive any money from cookie sales...
...LAWSUIT MANIA, don't be a target...
...I look forward to investigating this subject in-depth in the future...
...For approval of new drugs, the slower the better...
...Within a few years the megamergers of all Girl Scout councils was completed quite easily since National refused to renew the charter of any small local council which held out against being swallowed up...
...I also overstated the case in saying that all proceeds from Girl Scout cookie sales go to support the national leadership network...
...In the January, 1962 Newsletter from National Headquarters, Bernice Hess of the National Field Department wrote: The necessity for money raising and public relations skills in our councils is already with us...
...Pre-payment required for all ads...
...This constitutes about 17 percent of total revenue...
...Bovard does not understand the profession of medicine...
...Goodwill provides not only the scarce expertise but also 20-25 percent of the cost, and publishes the results for general use...
...For example, it took twenty-five years to fmd that DDT was killing the robins...
...The Federal Trade Commission has now become the FDA's bully boy with no less than twenty cases pending against vitamin and natural product manufacturers...
...Joseph Arends, M.D...
...In our telephone conversation, December 28, FTC official Philip Priesman said: "The FTC doesn't require anything, but there is an informal agreement with the six major producers in the United States that they place nicotine content on the advertisements...
...Nationwide, 800-233- CMLS, P.O...
...Fleisher's query on why condoms are regulated by the FDA—I was not aware that the agencyhad jurisdiction over such items...
...Unequivocally, the cookie sale is a valuable fundraising initiative, but it is also an integral element of the Girl Scouts' educational program...
...Dennis Plank Editor-Publisher FDA Hotline Orlando, Florida I wish to address a quote in James Bovard's FDA piece attributed to Sam Kazman that "as many as 15,000 died during the FDA's review of misoprostol, which reduces gastric ulcers...
...As a person who believes most bureaucracies are monsters that grow in direct disproportion to their usefulness, the Girl Scout Council is no exception...
...In the process many troops lost campgrounds which had been paid for by local communities and the percentage of cookie sale money going to support administrative overhead increased until, as the article says, "local chapters are left to fend for themselves...
...Neither I nor any of my many colleagues in the gastrointestinal division of this institution have used misoprostol except in rare instances...
...This represents 2 percent of total revenues...
...Living in America and around the World...
...Annual cookie sales amount to $400 million, of which the regional councils absorb over $200 million...
...Discover if your IRS situation can be eliminated through bankruptcy...
...Many regional councils further tie the hands of local troops by forbidding them from engaging in any other kind of fundraising...
...Special Discount Offer: Pre-pay for 3 ads and get a 4th ad free...
...Further, more than 84 percent of all revenue from all sources is used to fund job-training programs...
...The congressional staffers were puzzled that the FDA staff could squander so many thousands of hours with nothing to show for it...
...The regional councils act as monopolistic wholesalers on the cookie drives...
...I find it amazing that a bureaucrat sitting in Washington thinks that he and his minions know more about what's good for me than my physician and I do...
...Kessler is absolutely right when he states health food stores routinely make outlandish, exaggerated claims about their products...
...LaRae Orullian National President Girl Scouts of the United States of America New York New YorkWilliam Tucker replies: I am sorry to have overstated the value of Goodwill Industries' contracts with the government...
Vol. 28 • April 1995 • No. 4