Current Wisdom

Jackasses, Assorted

Star-Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota) A New Age Ku Kluxer, or just a benevolent idiot? Each day I walk my dog around Round Lake and witness a scene that makes me sad. There is always a huge flock...

...Inner dimensional experiential methods utilizing the arts to facilitate internal self-direction and expanded awareness...
...Anita F. Hill casts her lot yet again with "analysis and careful thought": But over the course of a year in which she has become a symbol of feminism in the courtroom and in politics, Hill said, "I began to understand how images based on stereotypes and myth are often substitutes for analysis and careful thought...
...What have they been up to these past few years...
...For the record, the feelings' right names are: optimism, idealism, compassion, diligence, justice, honor, courage...
...There are older people...
...Indeed, much of the appeal of radical sex is that in some ways it's an ultimate form of trust...
...October 15, 1992] Washington Post Another indication that the Democratic party is transforming itself into a modern-day Lourdes: On the "Today" show, Tipper Gore shows Katie Couric snapshots she has taken on the campaign trail, and says: "I have learned a lot, particularly the breadth of people that are out there...
...Practical processes for the everyday world...
...Above all, Steve is an interested, caring listener, willing to dialogue your issues with you...
...We're trying to connect with the spirit place," Slack said...
...It is only through the active involvement of alumni and friends that Pitzer can be a truly effective instrument of leadership and change...
...Laura Rieile, Spiroenergetics...
...Jill Westerfelhaus Chicago [July 1992] Washington Post At a learned conference christened "Race, Gender, and Power in America," Dr...
...Slack is co-proprietor with Karen Gunderman of the Coyote-Bear Lodge...
...It has been a joy to meet the incoming members of the Class of 1996, and I have been encouraged to see the continuance of a rich diversity...
...I think, here is a true example of prejudice based on color...
...And in a hurting and divided nation, that's dangerous...
...October 20, 1992] Scene (Cleveland, Ohio) In Cleveland's preeminent entertainment weekly, fierce gibbering from suburban metaphysicians of an esoteric persuasion: Both Seager and Ritter are members of the Bohemian Women's Political Alliance, a grassroots group whose ranks include Ann Magnuson of Bongwater and Kira Roessler of Dos and Black Flag fame...
...But the PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY ACTION FUND takes on the Radical Right...
...Nature can teach us lessons, too...
...If any application of pain is involved, one gets a release of endorphins, those wonderful internal opiates responsible for the high that runners experience...
...he was a very [screwed-up] person...
...To be among Clinton supporters is to see something deeper than partisan politics and so rare during the past 12 soul-deadening years that it's startling: hearts shamelessly worn on sleeves...
...Because there's a kind of catharsis in radical sex not present in conventional sex...
...Center Star Communications...
...The process is full of metaphor," he added...
...Its statement of purpose proclaims: "We are the little girls your parents wouldn't let you play with .. ." [October 1-7, 1992] New York Times From the dubiously named People for the American Way, an exigent fundraising appeal, demonstrating yet again that the brain of the ritualistic liberal remains a haunted house: DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT...
...Karen Smalley, Co-Creative Gardener with Nature Intelligences...
...Slack instructs in drum and rattle making, while Gunderman facilitates the ceremony...
...That means that Slack performs a simple metronomic drumbeat, while the participants try to visualize the drum they want to make...
...Karen specializes in specific energy processes for the land and homes using the Perelandra techniques, and offers consultation in overall land planning, garden design, and all landscape gardening services...
...Making a drum is a deeply meaningful experience, according to Slack...
...Dozens of organizations, recruiting thousands of followers, raising millions of dollars, spreading intolerance...
...My heart goes out to this little fellow...
...Steve Rosen, Reiki Master, Herbal Therapy, Toning...
...Poisoning the election campaign with hate-filled messages...
...Pitzer's commitment to breaking down these barriers brought me to this campus, and the expansion of the College's accessibility to all qualified applicants is one of the most important goals of my work as President...
...They also familiarize themselves with the wood, rawhide, feathers, gourds, beads and other materials used in making drums and rattles...
...It would be a big insult to the mistress for a slave [customer] to even ask for sex," says Leslie...
...Karen has 12 years of experience landscaping and gardening in the Boulder area...
...September 3, 1992] Harper's The expanding universe of Safe Sex: Why would one engage in radical sex in the first place...
...Summer 1992] Washington Post Miss Sin6d O'Connor, the most stupefying mountebank since George Bernard Shaw, is good for one more barbaric yawp: "It's my duty as a human being to use every means possible . . . to stop evil, which is child abuse," O'Connor said in the Vox interview...
...Founded by activist Nicole Panter and former X vocalist Exene Cervenka earlier this year, BWPA has organized a benefit for California congresswoman Barbara Boxer and helped homeless people register to vote...
...We begin with a brief drum journey," he said...
...But they do know for sure that George Herbert Veto Tax-Chiseler Bush won't...
...They don't know for sure whether Clinton can help them succeed in reclaiming their birthrights and their better selves—especially if Ross Dog-in-theManger Perot muddies the clear water through which a Clinton landslide will have to be interpreted...
...October 17, 1992] Pitzer College (Letter to Alumni) Letter from a bore, President Marilyn Chapin Massey: . . . Let me assure you that as Pitzer College begins is twenty-ninth year, the educational mission—its focus on interdisciplinary and intercultural understanding and the commitment to examining the social and ethical implications of actions and policies—continues as a strong and unwavering vision...
...Madelyn K. Skarnes Eden Prairie [September 16, 1992] Leo In the Village Voice of Louisville, Kentucky, poesy and hope from a homegrown Orwell: The point about Bill Clinton is not that he looks like JFK—although he somehow did last week on Main Street...
...Serious dominatrixes maintain that prostitution does not exist in the better houses...
...Sliding scale fees range from $50 to $75 per 1.5-hours session...
...There is always a huge flock of geese cruising the shore, and always following a safe distance behind is a pretty albino that is perfectly white, alone and rejected by the flock...
...Suddenly they're back in the news...
...That's what those who are responding to his challenge are feeling, have felt since the first time they listened to the man from Hope (!), and continue to feel, no matter what muck and dire threats are flung at him and them...
...There are children...
...Funded by Norman Lear, Barbara Jordan and others, our 300,000 members work hard to out-think and out-organize them...
...Dominating the Republican convention...
...75/hour, sliding scale, group rates...
...Member, International Association for Analytical Psychology...
...October 6, 1992] The American Spectator December 1992 77...
...A commitment to a multiplicity of perspectives necessarily entails a commitment to breaking down the barriers that keep diverse perspectives from being seen, and diverse voices from being heard...
...For example, when you stretch rawhide over your drum, you may also be stretching your life in new and larger ways...
...In a world of rapidly changing national boundaries and deepening political, economic, and social divisions, Pitzer continues to encourage students to question notions of boundaries and to create viable communities of diversity...
...The request might make her so mad she'd stop beating him...
...October 8-21, 1992] Durango Herald (Durango, Colorado) A report on the rituals and mysteries attended to by a New Ager launched solemnly into pious post-atheism: For Tim Slack, life is a series of drum journeys...
...The Jews in Germany would not have been exterminated if Hitler had not been abused as a child...
...Steve offers a unique combination of Reiki, herbs, touch, and chanting to aid in healing emotional and physical challenges...
...He and Gunderman conduct workshops in which participants create drums and rattles, and attempt to find their own avenues to a more spiritual life...
...Truth is, they've been quitely regrouping at the grassroots, out of the spotlight...
...Insurance facilitated...
...The wife of the vice presidential candidate recalls how a woman came to Clinton, held his hand and tearfully said, "I changed my chemotherapy appointment so I could be here today . ." [October 23, 1992] Windsong Messenger (Boulder, Colorado) From the 1992 Windsong Resource Directory, dream résumés for the Clinton-Rodham Administration: Bernice Hill, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst...
...Harness aspects of your polarities into personality alignment for increased creative potential and purposeful productivity...
...Youthful, sexy, surprisingly svelte in a charcoal double-breasted, with a bracing wind ruffling thick hair...
...Establish and maintain your own dynamic "Circle of Power," and smile your way to meaningful success...
...Adolf Hitler wasn't a bad person...
...There are people that come on oxygen...
...Moreover, I don't allow myself to be made helpless by anyone whom I suspect would not honor my signals to stop...
...Bernice regularly incorporates in the rich symbolic work of Jungian analysis the core breathing and evocative music of holotropic breathwork developed by Stan and Christina Grof...
...She also teaches kinesiology as a tool for communication with Nature, and Flower Essence Therapy...
...September 23, 1992] 76 The American Spectator December 1992 New York Post Two years after the decade of greed, human sexuality cracks the whip: And in this fiercely competitive profession, there's some bad-mouthing of rival houses—suggestions that mistresses elsewhere offer sex...
...Her partnership with Devas and Nature Spirits enables her to take a new practical approach to homes and gardens...
...Private sessions, groups, seminars...
...Her main interest is working with those who are intent on discovering their own "path of the heart," the process of individuation...

Vol. 25 • December 1992 • No. 12

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