Among the Intellectualoids/Tina on Top
Lyons, Donald
Tina on Top by Donald Lyons / n the days of the old New Yorker the joke ran: "What are the seven deadliest words in the English language?" Answer: "First of four parts by Ved Mehta." All that has...
...2 was that Tina Brown was shilling for the upcoming Spike Lee movie on Malcolm and for Mohicans...
...2 sported a collage of Malcolm the Tenth on the cover and a restrained assessment of the man by Marshall Fraddy within...
...T ina Brown was the necessary choice...
...the era of lazy contempt for the arts was over...
...Or carry your files and software with you on a tiny diskette, use any computer available...
...This yes-but Comment made a clear contrast to the previous week's demonization of the NYPD by old-regime City Hall reporter Andy Logan—a performance Logan immediately followed with a swooning eulogy for pro-Castro, pro–Maurice Bishop Ted Weiss...
...No decent person pretends that abortion does not present a grave moral choice," Hughes wrote, "but the point is that this choice must be made by the mother, not denied by the 44 The American Spectator December 1992 state...
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...George Steiner declared that a book on Nietzsche's unsavory sister does not understand Nietzsche so well as he, George Steiner...
...Newhouse suavely dumped Shawn despite restive mutterings from his cult...
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...The American Spectator December 1992 45 J LEMLEY, YARLING & CO...
...Slicker, faster, shorter, smarter, more breathlessly now, bulging with the swollen muscles of Calvin Klein models, smelling of Narcisse (from Parfums Chloe, Paris, available at Macy's), Tina Brown's New Yorker hit the stands dancing on October 5. The magazine had no place to go but up...
...2. Honored by all for braving the ire of the hard left by saying that Sandinista Nicaragua was not Utopia, Berman used William F. Buckley, Jr.'s book on anti-Semitism to trumpet the "irreparable col-lapse" of the "modern conservative movement" that "Buckley . . . founded in the mid-nineteen-fifties...
...And so, in search of a leaner, hipper leftism, Tina quickly grafted the mind of the New Republic (ex-editor Hendrik Hertzberg signed on to write the editorial-like Comment and Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton's Vishinsky, is to replace the soporific Elizabeth Drew as D.C...
...The currents of rancor and greed running here are deep and treacherous and too tricky to navigate: Murdoch vs...
...High lama William Shawn ran John Hersey on Hiroshima, Rachel Carson on the shoreline, James Baldwin on the fireline, and Jonathan Schell on the coming apocalypse...
...The concept showed, perhaps, a certain capacity for self-mockery on the part of the new administration...
...Issue No...
...I say, so what...
...And the Talk of the Town was lacing its trademark preciosity with ritual anti-Americanism...
...Holy termination...
...2 is on police and tapes...
...Little that was vital in American culture in the 1930s showed up in the New Yorker, which stayed snooty and aloof...
...3 hit Euro-themes...
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...Alarm bells were constantly ringing on 43rd Street...
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...Garry Wills, the Hillary scholar, offered a throbbing profile of Clinton flack James Carville, who so wonderfully marries a progressive heart to a hard strategic head, so unlike the unlamented Lee Atwater...
...Database programs force your ideas into rigid categories...
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...Then a long "investigative" piece by Mark Singer tried clumsily to bake a loaf of scandal out of that guy who claims he's being denied parole because he sold dope to Quayle...
...Tina Brown seems an "empowered" version of Agatha Runcible...
...A Special Offer to readers of American Spectator: Send No Money...
...All that has changed...
...stringer) to the metabolism of Manhattan hip (James Wolcott from Vanity Fair is covering TV, and Stephen Schiff, also from there, will do...
...Distinctive critical voices like Croce on dance and Kael on film were allowed room to breathe...
...It was, to quote Leonard Maltin on Donald Lyons is a regular contributor to the New Criterion and the Wall Street Journal...
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...Adam Gopnik pays a moving Freedom from big government and burdensome taxes is good...
...Inside, too, was a profile by celebrity Brit journalist Joan Juliet Buck of thinking Brit hunk Daniel Day-Lewis, currently starring in The Last of the Mohicans...
...2, when John le Carre took umbrage, as reported in the October 15 New York Times, over a truly nasty, vile, ad hominem dismissal by Francis Wheen of William Shaw-cross's upcoming Rupert Murdoch bio...
...The end of the Cold War and its purchase by the Newhouse empire left the New Yorker stranded...
...Chaos in your scattered Researchers, Writers, Compulsive Note-Takers...
...Box 549, Arlington, VA 22216-0549 Yes, please send me: copies of Michael Fumento's "This Magic Moment" $ copies of David Brock's "The Real Anita Hill" $ copies of Robert Novak's "The Trouble With Clinton" $ copies of Daniel Wattenberg's "Lady Macbeth of Little Rock" $ copies of Terry Eastland's "Rush Limbaugh: Talking Back" $ copies of Grover Norquist's "The Coming Clinton Dynasty" $ Total enclosed $ Name: Address: City: L 46 State: Zip Code: RP9212 tribute to Matisse as one who "became a great painter by allowing the most mundane middle-class values—the concern with order, the valuing of privacy, the appetite for a composed and managed world—to speak through the amplification of art...
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...Prickly Czech dissident Ian Kavan was defended (sort of) against charges of collaboration with the old Commie secret police by Lawrence Weschler, who reserved his keenest distaste for "rightists" and "right-wing parliamentarians" who "lurched wildly to the right, well beyond Thatcherism in their embrace of the presumed curative powers of the freest possible market...
...In its pre-WWII adolescence, it had incarnated a nervous snobbery, a provincial insecurity terribly afraid America was the land of the Philistines and terribly eager to distance itself from that America...
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...Chatterbox" clashes with the "social editress of the Daily Excess...
...Tone-setting "copy" began with a lecture in Comment on the fact that "the genius of Western commercial republics— whether they lean toward democratic capitalism or call themselves social democracies—is that they balance the inequalities of their economic arrangements with the egalitarianism of their political ones...
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...Lost Horizon, "a strange Tibetan land where health, peace, and longevity reign...
...In for a penny, in for a pound...
...Tina Brown's frivolous defense—"It was much discussed in the Hamptons this summer"—plunged the whole affair with its stupidity and snobbery into the world of Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies,where "Mr...
...The fiction became earnest and full of angst—Cheever, Updike, Salinger...
...Robert Hughes weighed in from Barcelona, his turf, with the horrified report that the 1996 Atlanta Olympics had adopted as its emblem what looked like a pro-life fetus...
...Shawcross has in this instance just been caught at the wrong Duchess's Mayfair party...
...Whatever the faults of the old New Yorker, went the rap, at least it wasn't Entertainment Weekly blah blah blah...
...Carry a printout of the notes...
...At the same time in Washington, the New Republic was positioning itself as a voice of sober leftism, willing now and again toknock some of the wilder vagaries of, say, multiculturalism...
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...But graver moral and tribal issues exploded a propos Issue No...
...Within weeks of taking over the New Yorker, you [Ms...'s not clear what, for 'the Kael-soundalikes Terrence Rafferty and Michael Sragow are still on the film beat...
...Easy, effective organization of your notes, effortless retrieval of any note...
...With capitalism triumphant and even the Democratic party in detox, the time was at hand for an aggiornamento on 43rd Street...
...But despite such occasional retro-left melodies, the main burden of the New Yorker is the Tina-tune: self-critically left, disillusionedly hip, but hungry for a new Sixties—not unlike, say, a solemn but cute Rhodes Scholar taking a day trip down from Oxford to figure prominently in a centrist demo in support of Ho Chi Minh...
...Issue No...
...1 sub regno Tinae featured on the cover a colored drawing of a bejewelled pimp type being driven in an open carriage through an autumnal Central Park...
...the British Random House is publishing the Murdoch bio...
...Conservatism, born not in the 1950s but, let us say, in 1776 or in the fifth century B.C., will last as long as the love of liberty...
...SquareNote is very easy to learn and use...
...The genius of this slippery parlance is to conceal its true love, egalitarianism, behind a show of affection for "commercial republics...
...True, in his time, the magazine spewed prodigies of loathing on U.S...
...Organize, Retrieve, Preserve Your Valuable Research Notes...
...In 1943, Edmund Wilson became the book reviewer, and after the war, the rag got religion...
...American Spectator Reprints Available Copies of Michael Fumento's report on Magic Johnson and AIDS (February 1992), David Brock's investigation of Anita Hill (March 92), Robert Novak's report on Bill Clinton (June 92), Daniel Wattenberg's report on the real Hillary Clinton (August 92), Terry Eastland's article on Rush Limbaugh's Revolution (September 92), and Grover Norquist's feature article on the coming Clinton Dynasty (November 92) are available to American Spectator readers...
...Brown] have sent up a signal to say that you will import English standards of malice and English standards of inaccuracy...
...No, Paul, don't confuse a little housecleaning with collapse...
...Issue No...
...Send No Money...
...Specify diskette size needed, and your telephone number...
...He calls Vaclav Klaus "perhaps Czechoslovakia's most articulate and compelling advocate of the fastest possible conversion to the most extreme free-market economy as the ideal solution for all the woes of post-Communism...
...A master trend-sniffer, she had confected at Vanity Fair a perfect vehicle for the liberal opposition in the 1980s: Madonna and the Sandinistas were all somehow involved in making a fabulous fashion statement...
...James Wolcott examines in a surprisingly sharp tone of voice the cuddly Clintonization of prime-time TV by Bill-pal Linda Bloodworth-Thomason' s PC sitcoms...
...The Comment in No...
...These reports are ideal for distribution to your friends, business colleagues, teachers, and political representatives... omits mention, though, of the subsequent canonization of the dealer by Mayor Dinkins...
...after a ritual demonization of the LAPD, it exonerates Michael O'Keefe, the young NYPD cop forced to shoot a drug dealer...
...One: $5 Ten: $35 Fifty: $130 Five: $20 Twenty-five: $75 One-hundred: $250 r The American Spectator, P.O...
...Word processors give little help in organizing your notes...
...CI The American Spectator December 1992...
...A comment often heard about Issue No...
...Cross-referencing is difficult, retrieval awkward...
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...The regime of Bob Gottlieb was of a Chefnenko-like brevity...
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...Kinder, gentler socialist Paul Berman turned up in No...
...Le Cane is correct, of course, but it is hard to work up much sympathy for William Shawcross, whose earlier opus Sideshow, a strained displacement of responsibility for the Khmer Rouge genocide from its authors to Henry Kissinger, was just the sort of radical-chic finger food Tina loved to excerpt...
...Copy your important word processing documents into SquareNote, where your ideas can be more easily organized...
...But le Cane scored big, saying, "Through this little window . . . you can detect the entry of the degenerate British standards of journalism...
...Most tellingly, the weekly began swallowing, like a python ingesting a hedgehog, huge raw gobs of the real world...
...Mother" of what, pray...
...Tina's hubby Harold Evans, fired by Murdoch years back from the London Times and now a Random House publisher...
...Ian Buruma, so brilliant on Leni Riefenstahl in a recent TLS, neatly skewered the over-the-top German-hating of German oracle Gunther Grass...
...forces in the Gulf, but the snake was tired...
...notes, memos and clippings is not good...
...Weschler, in his long-windedness, seems to be having a bit of trouble climbing clear of old–New Yorker rhetoric...
Vol. 25 • December 1992 • No. 12