Spectator's Journal/Endgame: Pressuring Gorbo
Ledeen, Michael
SPECTATOR'S JOURNAL ENDGAME: PRESSURING GORBO T he disintegration of the Soviet I Empire continues apace. As Soviet journals and newspapers report the horrors of the health system, the...
...Thanks to the export control policies instituted by Caspar Weinberger, Richard Perle, and Stephen Bryen, the Soviets have been unable to lay their hands on the latest bits of hardware and computer software that they need to keep pace with the remarkable rate of advance in the free marketplaces...
...So far, so good...
...We must now ask ourselves what we want from all of this, and what we can do to achieve our objectives...
...I don't know the price for Cuba, but I'd sure love to have the chance to bid on it...
...Don't you like the retreat from Afghanistan, the clearout from Angola, and the drop in military spending...
...For the one great mistake—perhaps the only truly monumental blunder—we could make would be to ease up on the export control policies that have been so effective...
...Without that cudgel, it is hard to imagine the genie of freedom returning to the Stalinist bottle whence she has so recently emerged...
...Darpa, a small agency (160 staff, most of them highly trained), has been around for thirty years, dolloping out funds to finance military research...
...Now Darpa intends to expand its reach by cooperating with newly emerging private sector consortiums of once competing, now cooperating firms...
...hav hnnk rat" *nano, Total Please allow approximately 4 weeks for delivery...
...Harvard University, and an American correspondent for the London Sunday Times...
...He was opposed even to high-level Alliancewide discussions of the national security implications of West-East lending...
...Since the line between research for military and for purely commercial applications is indistinct, the Department of Defense has little difficulty in justifying its keen interest and its expenditures in many areas...
...But there seems to be a problem...
...Unable to buy the technology they so desperately need, or to develop it themselves, they have set about stealing it...
...Substantial reduction in Soviet military power...
...Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher has joined Pentagon officials in calling for a government-industry consortium to develop HDTV in the United States...
...Of course we prefer Gorbachev's policies, but those policies are a result of a failed Soviet system and some of our own good decisions...
...q THE BUSINESS OF AMERICA CORPORATISM OUSTS REAGANOMICS A little-noticed but profound change in the relationship between government and business is taking shape—a change that expands the role of the federal government and further blurs the line between taxpayers and shareholders, bureaucrats and private sector managers...
...As always with such fundamental changes, the Soviet revolution moves in fits and starts...
...for anyone to seriously contemplate the fourth requires a leap of faith that I am not yet prepared to make...
...Printed throughout in two colors with fifteen illustrations...
...There is another consideration, one that Western bankers and businessmen should keep in mind as they chant "Save Gorbachev" at us...
...to others, it is another nail in the coffin of Reaganomics, and marks a renewed trend away from market capitalism and toward corporatism...
...On sheer business grounds, we are likely to make more money in those areas than in a failed Soviet system that has proved itself utterly incapable of competing in the world marketplace...
...And if the Red Army comes down to a size appropriate for defense rather than the invasion of Western Europe, then . . . then we say "thank you," and reduce our own defense budget...
...In short, HDTV has the look of a technological "winner," one that could resurrect the domestic consumer electronics industry, provide hundreds of thousands of jobs, and contribute to the nation's defense...
...Freedom (and therefore, inevitably, democracy) for the East European satellites...
...Soviet spokesmen, from Gorbachev and Shevardnadze on down, rarely miss an opportunity to denounce the system of export controls and its Western-wide coordinating committee, COCOM...
...Most of the time they chant a catchy chorus: "Save Gorbachev...
...In this handsome book, the only one-volume compilation of his vast writings in print, Washington speaks for himself on behalf of liberty and the American Republic...
...But the point of listing the objectives is to ask about price...
...Hungary—with one of the highest per-capita debts in the world—has declared the end of the single-party system, and announced that the barbed wire fences and concrete guard towers along the Austrian border are coming down...
...To some, the change is a welcome recognition of the new realities of world trade and the international economic power struggle...
...And what, if anything, are we willing to offer in return for a durable reduction in the might of the Red Army...
...Name Address City State/Zip Mail to: Liberty Fund, Inc...
...While it may yet be possible to reverse the course of events, I doubt that the current rulers in the Kremlin have the stomach for sending the Red Army to undo glasnost and perestroika...
...All orders from outside the United States must be prepaid in U.S...
...This work (in the first new edition since 1805) is an exciting narrative of the Revolution, from the Stamp Act of 1765 through ratification of the Constitution in 1787-88...
...What would we give to have the Soviets pull the plug on Fidel and his international marauders and drug-traffickers...
...Foreward, bibliography, editor's note, list of abbreviation s. Volume II — 380 + xv pages...
...If Bush and his cabinet stick to the President's announced principles, and think through the endgame, we may yet grab the trophy for the winner of the Great Twilight Struggle...
...Our objectives include the following: • Elimination of the Soviet presence from our hemisphere...
...7440 North Shadeland Avenue, Dept...
...But under no circumstances must we start the flow of money or technology before the promised 30 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1989 changes have actually taken place...
...To what extent are we prepared to invest in newly freed Poles and Hungarians...
...Forrest McDonald, University of Alabama 715 + xxviii pages...
...Would you prefer the bad old days with high tension, domestic repression, and the arms race...
...manufacturers can't yet produce a large HDTV set for under $100,000, that even if the sets could be economically made, they would have to be sold in competition with foreign companies that have established international distribution systems and recognized brand names, and that the Japanese will in any event out-subsidize the American government...
...What are we prepared to pay for these fundamental shifts in the strategic equation...
...Hardcover $26.00 0-86597-059-9 Paperback $ 9.50 0-86597-060-2 Prepayment is required on all orders not for resale...
...Don't you like the arms control agreements...
...Poland's Communist regime thrashes in the grips of church and Solidarity, trying to avoid the destiny of a government that has long since lost its claim to political legitimacy...
...Just when Mikhail Gorbachev is admitting that his bureaucrats aren't smart enough to direct the flow of research and investment funds effiTHE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1989 31...
...Because Warren was deeply engaged in the political and moral issues of her day, her writing represents a treasure trove...
...And this fatally affects the balance of military power as well...
...And some say that in doing so it siphons off human and other resources from private sector research, and therefore cripples America's efforts to develop competitive consumer and industrial products...
...All orders must be prepaid in U.S...
...And if we succeed in Latin America and Africa, we improve our strategic position, while if we succeed in the empire, we strengthen our historic enemies...
...Mosbacher and the Pentagon are determined that this market not be lost to the Japanese, and are prepared to emulate what they see as the Japanese government's successful history of public and private sector cooperation...
...It would also provide high resolution screens for military uses such as spy photography, and be a boon to U.S...
...Knowing this, the Kremlin has mounted a massive campaign of technological espionage...
...Index for both volumes...
...Z101 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Please send me: Quantity Ordered Title the host of traitors within the Toshiba cartel), and even British—but we can hear them in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles as well...
...semiconductor manufacturers...
...This information was given the French during a brief (eightmonth) operation...
...We must first appreciate how they got in this mess...
...To no avail...
...As Soviet journals and newspapers report the horrors of the health system, the degradation of the environment, and the miseries of the barren markets, the Red Army maintains a wary control over simmering Armenia, and the KGB clamps down on such truly free publications as Glasnost magazine, and prevents real Ukrainian dissidents from meeting Gorbachev on the streets of Lvov...
...Democratization of the Soviet system...
...They have good reason to do so, for as long as they cannot gain access to Western technology, the Soviet system's backwardness and inefficiency will doom the Kremlin to long-term inferiority...
...In short, we are seeing the development of an "industrial policy," a longloved liberal euphemism for economic planning...
...The funds involved are not by Irwin M. Stelzer trivial: $30 million (over two to three years) for HDTV, $100 million for semiconductors, $25 million for superconductors, $33 million (two years) for neural networks, and $67 million for chips...
...After all, they say, don't you like Gorbachev...
...We will no doubt have to remind the Armand Hammers and Dwayne Andreases of these basic principles on several occasions in the next year or two (and let's hope that Commerce Secretary Mosbacher proves tougher minded than his two predecessors, both of whom came to believe they were appointed in order to expand trade with the Soviet bloc...
...We pay book rate postage on prepaid orders...
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...7440 North Shadeland Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46250 AND TERMINATION OF AND MORAL OBSERVATIONS Edition Price Amount History of the Rise . . . .Y...
...the American Revolution Hardcover $30.00 Paperback 1 5.00 George Washington: A Collection Hardcover $26.00 Paperback 9.50 Subtotal Indiana residents add 5% sales tax We...
...Or so its advocates, particularly those in government, argue...
...Today the Soviet Empire is far less creditworthy than the Latin American (and even some African) poor currently seeking our investments, credits, and technology...
...Thus, in at least some of the East European nations, and eventually in the Soviet Union itself, the empire will continue to frazzle and erode...
...There are many who treat the Soviet crisis as almost entirely a catastrophe of the Soviets' own making, and surely the Kremlin deserves most of the credit for the country's current plight...
...At some point in the future—perhaps the very near future— we may even see some explosions, Michael Ledeen is senior fellow in international affairs at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.0 as the rage pent up over the past seventy years bursts the unnatural constraints put in place by Lenin and his heirs...
...If they are ready to come to terms, then and only then should we be prepared to ease up on the pressure...
...So "Save Gorbachev" has a tag line: "and increase your risk...
...Hardcover $30.00 the set 0-86597-066-1 Paperback $15.00 the set 0-86597-069-6 Also Available: GEORGE WASHINGTON: A COLLECTION Compiled and edited by W. B. Allen ffihe bicentennial of George Washington's presidency begins IL April 1989...
...Please allow approximately 4 weeks for delivery...
...Indeed the Bushmen feel that they already have a MITI clone—Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency)—and need only expand it...
...Glasnost and perestroika were undertaken because the system doesn't work, not because of a mass conversion of the Politburo to the values of the Sermon on the Mount...
...These fears count for little in the Bush Administration...
...The change is most obvious in the field of high definition television (HDTV), an area in which successful research would culminate in the manufacture of flat, wall-hung television screens as large as three feet by five feet...
...Farewell contacted a French businessman he had known in Paris and offered to pass the information to the French government if a secure method could be arranged...
...T his should be the starting point for our policy thinking...
...As for Eastern Europe, once the various walls, fences, and guard towers come down, and multiparty systems are in place and functioning, I think we should be willing to offer aid, investment, and assistance to freely elected governments...
...For support they cite a recent study by an industry advisory committee that called for the establishment of an "American equivalent" of Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) to coordinate and assist private sector research...
...And this is, of course, precisely what we have been waiting and working for, believing as we do that our system is superior to theirs, and that eventually they will have to sue for peace...
...And even then, in a period of limited Western resources, we should keep in mind Senator Bill Bradley's unforgettable war cry: every dollar, deutschmark, or yen that goes to the Soviet bloc is a dollar, deutschmark, or yen that is not being spent to advance the cause of democracy in Latin America...
...Don't you like perestroika...
...Joyce Appleby, University of California ercy Otis Warren was the most formidable woman intel.L"JLlectual in early America, and a proponent of the American Revolution...
...q Enclosed is my check or money order made payable to Liberty Fund, Inc...
...Western intelligence services were largely unaware of the dimensions of this enterprise until the early 1980s, when French President Francois Mitterrand brought Ronald Reagan an unusual present: thousands of pages of KGB documents that showed precisely how virtually every Soviet-Western cultural exchange, trade mission, business deal, and seminar was used by the Kremlin to steal technological secrets...
...Parts, if not all, of the first three objectives may be achievable in our lifetimes, even perhaps in the fairly near future...
...President Bush has said all the right things...
...the Kremlin's defeat in Afghanistan has encouraged the freedom fighters throughout the empire...
...Volume I - 382 + xliv pages...
...It is hard to craft an effective strategy unless we know the definition of victory...
...One of the unique features of this amazing story is that from beginning to end no French intelligence officer ever spoke to (or even saw) Farewell...
...Codenamed "Farewell," the agent was a KGB officer who had served in the Soviet mission to Paris, and upon his return to Moscow became disillusioned with Soviet society...
...This was done when the DST—the French equivalent of the FBI—decided that the best person to serve as "case officer" for Farewell was the French businessman himself...
...The Kremlin will have some very difficult decisions to make, and we may suddenly find ourselves major players in a brand new game...
...Great reading but also more than that...
...There is a solid congressional consensus against unrestricted lending to the Warsaw Pact, and any effort to cut a "Save Gorbachev" financial deal would be vigorously challenged from Capitol Hill...
...by Michael Ledeen The Farewell papers (along with the testimony of such key defectors as Ion Mihai Pacepa, the deputy director of Rumanian intelligence who told the American government that he had spent 80 percent of his time over twenty years engaged in technological espionage) pinpointed both the weakness of the Soviet system, and the Kremlin's recognition of it...
...Editor's note, acknowledgements, chronology, list of illustrations, index of recipients, subject index...
...Yet many businessmen and government officials throughout the Western world are arguing that we should do precisely this...
...Secretary of State Baker has yet to define his positions, but it is worth recalling that Treasury Secretary Baker was not a tower of strength in this field...
...We must not now bail them out of a crisis that they richly deserve and for which we have worked so long and hard...
...It's a seductive lyric, and the Soviets are doing everything possible to sell it, along with their other favorite leitmotif: "Loans, loans, credits, credits...
...To order, or for a copy of our NEW 1989 catalogue, write: Liberty Fund, Inc...
...It provides a privileged experience, that of reliving with the greatest of Americans his public career, through a judicious and well-annotated selection of his own writings...
...But in at least one major area—the substantial and growing gap between Western and Soviet technologies—our own policies have delivered a severe blow to the Soviets...
...private sector companies, among them such well-heeled firms as AT&T, are unwilling to back the bureaucrats' hunches...
...They point out that Irwin M Stelzer is chairman of the Regulated Industries Group...
...Darpa programs are being mounted in semiconductors, superconductivity, neural networks (brain-like computers), and chips for communications systems, as well as in HDTV...
...Don't you like the easing of tensions...
...The loudest voices are not American—they are German (with lead tenor Hans Dietrich Genscher), Japanese (as exemplified by THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1989 29 NEW FROM LibertyClassics HISTORY OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION INTERSPERSED WITH BIOGRAPHICAL, POLITICAL By Mercy Otis Warren Edited and annotated by Lester H. Cohen "A modern edition of Warren's History edited by a leading authority on the historical literature of eighteenth-century America is indeed a publishing event...
...Alarmed at the course of events, East Germany arrests the growing queues asking for visas to the West, and the Stalinists in Prague send playwright Vaclav Havel to jail, warning darkly that there will be no perestroika in the People's Republic of Czechoslovakia...
...It may be that the world looks different to him now, having moved from Pennsylvania Avenue to Foggy Bottom, and his intimate friendship with the President gives reason for optimism, as does his attention to prevailing political wind direction...
Vol. 22 • May 1989 • No. 5