Capitol Ideas/Defenseless Cowards

Bethell, Tom

• CAPITOL IDEAS DEFENSELESS COWARDS by Tom Bethell O n September 30, 1988, in a Wall we are told. "The Establishment is last summer, Jon Utley, a friend of among the American leadership class...

...unlikely to attack China, which has large civil defense shelters under its major cities...
...22.95 5 -11 hour cassettes 30 Day Ren'tal.$12.95 1015 E PLURIBUS UNUM-Forrest McDonald 7 -1h hour cassettes Purchase...
...experts on civil defense, and he has much to say on the subject...
...Lurking beneath people...
...By contrast, we would do well to suspect their motives, because of the yawning gap between their form of totalitarian government, imprisoning and subjugating all those who live under it, and our democracy...
...He said the "goal" of PSR was "to prevent nuclear war," and its "values" were enshrined in the belief that life is "precious" and "vulnerable...
...500 Charge your Visa or Master Card Continental U.S...
...r L 12 Justin Frank had one and only one argument against civil defense, and it is the same as the argument used against strategic defense: whether civil or strategic, defense makes nuclear war more "thinkable," because if "one side" has it, the temptation to launch a first strike could be irresistible...
...22.95 30 Day Rental . $11.95 1012 THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HITLER -William Casey 6 -1h hour cassettes Purchase...
...Just by their existence they would probably never be needed...
...Then what would we do...
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...My check or money order is enclosed for $ ^ Please bill my ^Visa ^Master Card Acct...
...Notice also the following: all of PSR's stated goals ("to prevent nuclear war," "to eliminate the use of weapons of mass destruction," etc...
...In Pursuit Of Happiness and Good Government (\111% Charles Murra Author of Losin Groundy QTY TOTAL THE STATE AGAINST BLACKS by Walter Williams E00034 (paper) $6 95 LIMITS OF LIBERTY by James...
...In an article in Human Events believes that the present lack of will Responsibility...
...7.95 1028 THE BLOODY CROSSROADS -Norman Podhoretz Purchase...
...Soviet Military Power does go on to say: The secrecy of the program and the uncertainty about the extent and nature of these facilities are major causes for concern...
...Another speaker at the FEMA conference was Leon Goure, a Soviet emigre who is perhaps the leading expert in the U.S...
...J technology of nuclear weapons...
...Still, the Soviet fair) the procurement of offensive weaU.S...
...And this can lead only to the following conclusion: they believe that if the U.S...
...29.95 30 Day Ren.tal... on defense...
...Arthur Robinson is a biochemist, who used to work with Linus Pauling until the two split irrevocably ten years ago...
...This is the argument that Air Force Chief of Staff Welch calls "nonsensical...
...15.95 1011 THE CONSERVATIVE MIND-Russell Kirk 15 -1'/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
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...Their leaders must now know Charles Murray is no stranger to controversy... the spread of international socialism...
...The other speaker was Justin try is undefended as that it is undefend- wrote...
...have been the strongest criticism Leaguers soon strolled into the power so fearful of its collapsing adver- One day recently I drove out to Em-directed at Reagan in his eight years in quagmire of Vietnam...
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...With the average American commuter now spending well over one hour per day in their car, the redemption of this otherwise "deadtime" by listening to the CONSERVATIVE CLASSICS poses a life-changing and revolutionary opportunity to all... defended, it is more likely to attack the Soviet Union than a defended Soviet Union is likely to attack an undefended U.S...
...Bipartisan consensus has once What is disturbing about the present purposely leaving its citizens as un- (P.O...
...With this book Charles Murray has solidified his position as the pre-eminent social scientist in America...
...saying in an interview with the paper's state of mind... it is the greatest of all political taboos to cast suspicion on the designs of those who really do sympathize with the ideology that has legitimized Soviet rule for seventy years...
...Robinson is now one of the leading U.S...
...I wrote it down: "A group of us laughed ourselves sick in the pub last night, because we're supposed to be preparing for nuclear war, and we're utilizing that money to deal with hazardous-materials incidents and to deal with earthquakes...
...And we will not even think delegated to the Federal Emergency noted that the Reagan Administration brightest" at the outset of John F Ken- about civil defense for the American Management Agency, which is housed had compromised with the "curious" nedy's Administration...
...It in the saddle...
...Soviet troops are of every year amount largely to a form ment over whether defense is destabiliz- Majority Leader, George Mitchell, is retreating from Afghanistan (they are of domestic pork barrel, the money going, and I think that is an absolutely "trying very hard to establish from our all supposed to be out by February 15), ing to salaries, pensions, the maintenonsensical argument...
...Buchanan ST7710 (paper) $11.95 Postage & Handling $2.50 U.S...
...24.95 30 Day Rental .512.95 1003 A CONFLICT OF VISIONS-Thomas Sowell 5 - Ph hour cassettes Purchase... The American Spec- ed because we are afraid to defend our- Access to Energy in Boulder, Colorado, chapter of Physicians for Social tator's Washington correspondent...
...54.95 30 Day Ren'tal.518.95 1027 THE END OF CHRISTENDOM -Malcolm Muggeridge Purchase...
...strategy' as that of the United States, newsletter entitled "Fighting Chance" ton...
...32.95 30 Day Rental . $14.95 1020 ALL IT TAKES IS GUTS-Walter Williams 5 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
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...The deep underground facilities beneath the city of Moscow are directly associated with the main centers of state power...
...Edward H. Crane III Cato Institute IN PURSUIT — me.a / i4Order no FREE vv and receive by Charles Murray Of Happiness and Good Government I•leNcr Aceptoadles to l'ovelt9 GMIIING13GRO'014...
...Charles Murray will infuriate people, but he will make them think...
...But this is a lie and the American willingness to be bullied into silence by it is disturbing...
...They provide the leaders of the various organizations of state control the opportunity to move from their peacetime offices through concealed entryways down to protective quarters below the city, in some cases hundreds of meters down...
...on Soviet civil defense...
...And the prospect of confronting these survivors deters the attack...
...The fruits of this 40-year construction program now offer the Soviet wartime leadership the option of remaining beneath Moscow, or, at some point, boarding secret subway lines connecting these deep underground facilities...
...The deep undergound program, which rivals Soviet offensive strategic weapons both in scale and level of commitment, remained undiminished even as the Soviets agreed to limit their defenses against ballistic missiles in the ABM Treaty...
...Date Signature Name (Please Print) Address City State/Zip 13...
...parable fate await President Bush's defend itself...
...May we not conclude that the true goal of PSR and of all organizations that deplore a defended U.S...
...Box 969, Ashland, OR 97520 or Call (503) 776-5179 (9-6 M-F) Method of Payment ^ VISA ^ MASTERCARD ^ Check or money order Acct...
...Many eminent thinkers are now listening to books as a means of significantly increasing their reading time...
...Increasingly, the Soviet civil defense program can protect ordinary Soviet citizens as well as party members...
...As Ken Auletta says...
...We" should not accept this slanderous imputation of bad faith and of evil, aggressive intentions, awaiting only the security of civil and strategic defenses before they can be carried out in the form of a first strike...
...Should we not be developing strategic defense, and civil defense...
...The sad fact is that few defense, one given by Arthur Robinson, I write on Inauguration Day, amidst team, so many of whom come from a nations in history have adopted such a who publishes a pro-civil defense a general sense of euphoria in Washing- comparable background...
...39.95 30 Day Rental .$15.95 1013 MY DEAR ALEX: Letter to the KGB D'Souza & Fossedal Purchase...
...In his bestselling book Losing Ground, he demonstrated how government programs designed to help the poor were, in fact, hurting them...
...If British opponents of radar in 1938 had turned out to be Nazi sympathizers, would they not have been regarded with a certain suspicion, to put it mildly...
...But the Physicians for Social Responsibility do not protest the Soviet programs of civil and strategic defense...
...and ?eel Berger L. with our compliments) TS4697 (hardcover) $14 95 P 0 7 I over) $19.95 COMPASSION VERSUS GUILT: QTY Send your order to: Through provocative "thought experiments," fascinating case studies, and keen analyses of social and economic statistics, Murray shows us exactly how our dependence on government impedes our pursuit of wealth, safety, self-respect, and enjoyment—and he demonstrates how government hand-outs not only have failed to help minorities and the poor, but have impoverished all our lives...
...If the Defense Department does not soon avail itself of the latest available technology, which is to say technology with a real defensive capability, then the country will be imperiled, if it is not already...
...He said that when JimTHE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1989 11 1004-A MODERN TIMES I (read in 2 parts) -Paul Johnson Purchase .....$49.95 14 - Ph hour cassettes 30 Day Rental . $17.95 1004-B MODERN TIMES II-Paul Johnson 14 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
...And the general public doesn't know that...
...NY State residents add appropriate sales tax TOTAL $ AISSEZ FAIRE BONS Dept...
...This may ahead: Kennedy's highly qualified Ivy ever happened before—a great dedicated to earthquake preparedness...
...22.95 30 Day Rental . $12.95 1001 COMPASSION VS...
...Petr Beckmann, the publisher of Frank, the president of the Washington Tom Bethel...
...on the campus of what was once a sentiment that defensive missiles are the comparison with the ironically Catholic college in Emmitsburg, immoral and offensive ones are not, named "best and brightest," of course, Maryland...
...22.95 30 Day Rental . $11.95 1021 FREE TO CHOOSE-Milton & Rose Friedman 9 -11 hour cassettes Purchase...
...But without them America makes itself more and more inviting to a first strike...
...Imagine the reaction if someone in Neville Chamberlain's Britain had denigrated the British development of radar, on the grounds that that would make war with Hitler more "thinkable...
...I n its latest (1988) edition of Soviet 1 Military Power, the Pentagon devotes a few pages to Soviet civil defense...
...Once there the Politburo, the Central Committee, the Ministry of Defense, the KGB and the apparatuses of the many other state ministries can remain sheltered while the USSR converts to a wartime posture...
...Frank said he joined the group about eight years ago, "the day after my son was born...
...Even if you return the book...
...As Jon Utley wrote in Human Events: "The great irony is that if Americans had shelters, an enemy would have infinitely less incentive to launch a surprise attack...
...In fact, says Robinson, civil defense makes war less thinkable because if "one side" knows "the other side" has its population in shelters, then it knows that tens of millions of people will survive a nuclear attack...
...22.95 30 Day Rental . $11.95 1024 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 5 -11 hour cassettes Purchase...
...Ion Mthai Pacepa 10 -1' hour cassettes Purchase...
...18.95 4 -1' hour cassettes 30 Day Rental . $10.95 1016 THE SECRET OF FATHER BROWN G.K...
...These deep underground facilities today are, in some cases, hundreds of meters deep and can accommodate thousands of people...
...39.95 30 Day Rental . $15.95 1025 SENATORIAL PRIVILEGE-Leo Damore 9 - Ph hour cassettes Purchase...
...24 hours a day * 7 days a week MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If for any reason you are dissatisfied with any book, just return it within 30 days for a refund...
...Now, with IN PURSUIT he continues his assault on government, arguing that its all-pervasive influence stifles our pursuit of happiness...
...From there the Soviets can make their way to nearby underground complexes outside Moscow where they plan to survive nuclear strikes and to direct the war effort...
...This program is designed solely to protect the senior Soviet leadership from the effect of nuclear war...
...ABER, 532 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 ^ Send me your FREE 32-page catalog of books on liberty...
...GUILT-Thomas Sowell 5 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
...44.95 30 Day Rental . $16.95 1023-B A HISTORY OF THE JEWS II-Paul Johnson 10 -1' hour cassettes Purchase...
...and Dependency CU0572 b(LolN ynL LOSING GROUND (paper) $12 95 (includes is( Uel saIT RI :II r r a y EE BONUS...
...A more likely scenario, he added, was a contrived international crisis, whereupon the Soviet leaders would order their population into shelters—and call upon ours to surrender...
...For 40 years, the Soviet Union has had a vast program underway to ensure the survival of the leadership in the event of nuclear war," the document reports...
...he who has defense can strike first and win...
...that they are doomed to fall further and further behind...
...Columnist George Will has stated, go through a book a week using time otherwise wasted in taxis, shaving or walking:' (NY Times) Order today...
...Marks, Yale, and Princeton are back sider a nuclear attack on us as mean- spends $300 billion annually, none of mediate opposition to the idea...
...It was an argu- senator from Maine and new Senate is collapsing...
...39.95 30 Day Rental . $15.95 1005 MEN AND MARRIAGE--George Gilder 6 -1h hour cassettes Purchase...
...The Soviets meanwhile are building both strategic and civil defenses...
...In response, Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci called in September 1988 for the development of earth-penetrating nuclear weapons designed to burrow down into these shelters...
...ORDER *TOLL-FREE* 1-800-238-2200 EXT...
...18.95 30 Day Rental . $10.95 1010 THE REVOLT OF THE MASSES Jose Oretega Y Gasset Purchase...
...Helen Caldicott may have embarrassed her PSR colleagues, but only by her candor, when in 1988 she compared Mikhail Gorbachev to Jesus Christ...
...The Establishment is last summer, Jon Utley, a friend of among the American leadership class Street Journal editorial entitled back," a Washington Post editor wrote mine who lives in the Washington area, is more grave than it was in Neville "Curious Chemistry," Air Force Chief a few days ago, "not just the in- put the matter somewhat differently, Chamberlain's England of fifty years of Staff Larry D. Welch was quoted as dividuals and the pedigrees, but the but he too is disturbed...
...brigades of free-lance mujahedeen era bases, the subsidy of foreign This tremendous opposition to in- David Ignatius, the editor of the (armed, however, with the willingness governments and taxpayers, and (to be troducing a defensive element to the Washington Post's Outlook section, to die for their cause...
...There are simply "two sides," both alike threatened by the awful COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED BOOKS .. ON CASSETTE TAPES LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICES OFFERED ON THESE CONSERVATIVE CLASSICS Let's face the facts: Listening to recorded books is the greatest educational breakthrough of the decade...
...Its budget is about $150 thereby "perhaps compromising our was an implicit prediction of disaster H as anything comparable to this million a year, part of which is national security as well...
...The makes-war-more-thinkable argument contains the following hidden assumption: "We" are no better than "they...
...Date Signature (UPS 2nd Day Air delivery service is available...
...leadership The Pentagon spends nothing on chemistry we've seen...
...In Pursuit will make tidal waves...
...22.95 5 - Ph hour cassettes 30 Day Rental .511.95 1006 MARXISM-Thomas Sowell 6 -11h hour cassettes Purchase...
...his predecessors, in a way that was is afraid to construct an air-defense civil defense, that task having been The newspaper then editorially reminiscent of "the best and the against it...
...The studied ago...
...And we are supposed to ing the end of civilization...
...We have no side an atmosphere of cooperation and having been beaten back by ragtag nance of many obsolete, World War IIdefense system worthy of the name...
...They know about it, but don't mind...
...24.95 30 Day Rental . $12.95 1022 SUICIDE OF THE WEST-James Burnham 8 -1h hour cassettes Purchase...
...add $2.00 per book...
...As for their strategic arsenal, they must fairly soon either "use it or lose it," as Arthur Robinson put it to me...
...We guarantee your complete satisfaction or your money back...
...Are guised by the existence of the misnounced his vision of a Strategic posed to feel reassured that Andover, many Americans so arrogant as to con- named Department of Defense, which Defense Initiative, there was an im- St...
...But is THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1989 this the way to go...
...mail or $3.50 UPS...
...36.95 30 Day Rental . $15.95 1009 WEALTH AND POVERTY-George Gilder 10 -1h hour cassettes Purchase...
...We are sup- pride of Biblical proportions...
...Murray argues that, by making itself society's chief problem solver, government has crippled our ability to make choices and act on our individual initiatives in important areas of our lives...
...Does a corn- sary that it cannot muster the will to mitsburg to hear two talks on civil office, but no one seemed to notice it...
...9.95 2 -1h hour cassettes 30 Day Ren.tal...
...He has an elaborate slide show to prove that the word "solely" in the above paragraph is incorrect...
...14.95 3 -1' hour cassettes 30 Day Rental . $9.95 1014 RED HORIZONS-Lt...
...Qty y Item# Title of Book Rent Purchase ^ Send me your catalog in Spring '89 Shipping Sr Handling: Name TOTAL: Address City Total 3.50 State Zip Phone Exp...
...Box 1279, Cave Junction, Oregon, again been restored to foreign policy, situation is not so much that the coun- protected hostages to attack," Utley 97523...
...deterrent strategy has to be one of noted that Secretary of State James A. strategic arsenal is intact and there can pons...
...could be attained by a U.S...
...But in the U.S...
...No reader will ever view the role of government in quite the same way...
...keo the bonus Michael Novak...
...IN PURSUIT is a book that is certain to spark spirited debate...
...No one ever points out that those who argue that "defense" is destabilizing tend to be in sympathy with the socialist ideology that has legitimized the exercise of power in only one of the "two sides...
...1 Send order to Classics on Tape, P.O...
...Pat outstanding collection of essays by by Thomas Sowell Chatles Iviuttay, Robert Royal, Glenn C. Loury...
...the most mysterious pieces of political Baker III was dutifully consulting with be little doubt that the U.S...
...Which is what I am absence of any civil defense is a sin of The predicament we are in is diseditors: "As soon as the President an- worried about, frankly...
...For this reason, Robinson believes, the Soviet Union is now most THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1989 1007 GOD AND MAN AT YALE-Wm...
...The very large sums of wasn't an argument over whether SDI derive comfort because the left-wing By all accounts the Soviet economy money that the department disposes was technically feasible...
...13.95 NEW RELEASES my Carter began his "defense buildup" in 1978 it "frightened a group of physicians," the best-known of whom was the left-wing pediatrician Helen Caldicott...
...Chesterton Purchase .....$22.95 5 - Ph hour cassettes 30 Day Rental .$11.95 1019 A TALE OF TWO CITIES-Charles Dickens 10 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
...The collapse of socialist economies makes the Soviets more dangerous, not less so...
...As I left the Emmitsburg conference, "Losing Ground made waves...
...24.95 30 Day Rental . $12.95 1018 CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS-Rudyard Kipling 4 -11/2 hour cassettes Purchase...
...Perhaps his most important point directly contradicts PSR's makes-warmore-thinkable argument...
...1095 PLUS FREE ONLY 17 BONUS OFFER* #PL5057 (hardcover) Please send me the following titles of related interest: TOTAL I recalled a remark made by a FEMA employee from the audience during the question period after Arthur Robinson and Justin Frank had spoken...

Vol. 22 • March 1989 • No. 3

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