Capitol Ideas/The Missing Generation
Bethell, Tom
vocates, some of whom oppose all blood sports. Others oppose medical experimentation on animals. There are some who would arrest every butcher in the Republic and others who, would shut down all pet...
...In his bestselling book Losing Ground, he demonstrated how government programs designed to help the poor were, in fact, hurting them...
...F. DueMay, Jr...
...Reagan—well, I admire him, but I've given up waiting for him to inspire a generation...
...L awrence Scrivani of Cupertino, California, said the place to look would be the years between the world wars: "Did something happen during those years that predisposed the minds of a rising generation in favor of an activist principle...
...Through provocative "thought experiments," fascinating case studies, and keen analyses of social and economic statistics, Murray shows us exactly how our dependence on government impedes our pursuit of wealth, safety, self-respect, and enjoyment...
...Such reformers view themselves as but the very latest edition in the great American tradition of reform, placing themselves grandly in line with the abolitionists and the suffragettes...
...For those unfamiliar with his writings, it is an excellent introduction,.not only to his thought but also to the opposite views which give the book its title...
...Date Signature Name (Please Print) Address CitylEttate/Zip OTY BOOK NO...
...Certainly, if one were teaching a course on Hayek, The Fatal Conceit would be the perfect first assignment...
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...No reader will ever view the role of government in quite the same way...
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...I would only add that America was a conservative country until the 1930s, its conservatism assured by a Constitution interpreted in such a way as to protect private property...
...Studies of viral diseases in monkeys have allowed headway against AIDS and the virtual elimination of such diseases as polio...
...These bully-boy pietists manifested the animal rights activists' same disregard for the rights of others and a similar narrow-mindedness and fanaticism...
...Several readers lamented the lack of leadership displayed by this "missing" cohort...
...By lessening nationalistic and patriotic zeal and fostering the feeling of guilt among the 'old' Americans, the new minority elites could go about dismantling American traditions and establish their Utopia for themselves...
...And he is "wary of what's coming: the sons and daughters of the baby boomers...
...Liberalism at the time provided a big political puddle within which to swim," George Waldman concluded...
...People wanted only to get back to a normal life and to an enjoyment of the fruits of victory...
...Several people repeated these themes of Depression, war, and civil rights, although none as succinctly as Thornton...
...It is not the Depression...
...Instead his friends have PEACE license plates, toil in free medical clinics in Honduras, and think "shooting a grouse is more grave than adultery...
...A heart hardened, though not closed, to this country's virtues was inevitable...
...John Poulin of Manitoba thought Reagan "more nearly resembles a chaperone" than "knight with banner unfurled...
...They are a threat to their neighbors...
...Who abstained best...
...24 hours a day...
...Although this belief now seems irrational, it was not uncommon at the time...
...And, as a special treat, Leonard Peikoffs talk on My Thirty Years With Ayn Rand: An Intellectual Memoir is reprinted as an epilogue...
...of Friedrich A. Hayek's books, for in it he lays the foundation of much that is found in his other works—his general theory of man and human interactions and of the intellectual perceptions and misperceptions of these interactions...
...and are now beginning to assert some semblance of conservatism...
...Since there were no contraceptives in the 1930s, Burlingame points out, the birth dearth was a matter of pure abstention...
...Where we were born into cynicism and have grown into conservatism (largely), the missing generation was born into ascendancy" and became cynical...
...At the time liberal intellectuals were seen as championing more enlightened views...
...Barry Goldwater is as inspiring as cleaning out a dog kennel...
...I witnessed the ripping of Goldwater because he dared to draw the line...
...He concluded: "Maybe the reason is that people have lost faith in their own ability to provide for themselves and to stand alone in the world...
...Exhausted and smug—that about sums it up...
...In print they are great...
...My quibble is: How did these "aggressive minorities" so quickly turn into "elites...
...With this book Charles Murray has solidified his position as the pre-eminent social scientist in America...
...341 pages...
...Although these ethnics were essentially social conservatives, they could find a political home only among the Democrats...
...C. E. Windle of Redmond, Washington...
...They are the Americans too young to have been caught up in World War II (though some lost a father at a tender age), too young (or lucky) to have been directly involved with Korea, and of course too old to have been touched by Vietnam or swept into the antinomian idiocy of 'the sixties' (i.e., 1965-73...
...nor did it seem unjustified...
...the brave, the good, the manly...
...Price $22.95 OUR PRICE ONLY $17.95 THE FATAL CONCEIT The Errors of Socialism by F.A...
...They (generally speaking) are entitled to Social Security, are entitled to Medicare, entitled to early retirement...
...In short, there was little energy left for—and little need felt for—a sustained exertion on behalf of what might be called conservative agendas...
...Ishould think that historian Adams would be more inclined to lump them with the bigots of colonial time who for the highest religious reasons persecuted Baptists and Quakers in Massachusetts, with the Pilgrims who banned play on Christmas and the Maypole on May Day, and with this century's Prohibitionists...
...His next point was interesting: "Another possibility might be the identification of conservatism not with principle but with protection of social status...
...Within a certain age group (perhaps 45 to 70), it has been suggested to me, there seem to be very few conservatives...
...and, later, the widely heralded progress made by liberals in race relations in this country, exemplified by the civil rights laws...
...AR5074 (hardcover) Pub...
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...I have talked this over with my sister and she does not dispute my latest theory...
...At least not directly...
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...John R. Dunlap of Santa Clara, California (and a frequent contributor to TAS), wrote: "I seem to find the very lowest voltage (or at most the sense that politics is just a game, something of low stakes and minor importance) among people born roughly between 1933 and 1943—the last decade of this `generation' we're talking about...
...Additionally, they felt the good had won, so they were complacent...
...God help me if it is only the beginning of a trend, but the vital, valuable members of this society lost to retirement communities, motorhoming, and consumerism at its crassest are a great loss indeed...
...It seems to be all he can do to keep the train on its track...
...Now, with In Pursuit he continues his assault on government, arguing that its all-pervasive influence stifles our pursuit of happiness...
...TITLE PRICE TOTAL COST OF BOOKS SALES TAX— NY State resithinvy ONLY add sales tax...
...The million men who don't come back are precisely those most likely to sustain a nation through the simple device of leading ordinary and, it might even be argued, conservative lives...
...Alec Hamrick of Cory, Colorado...
...How the Boy Scouts conduct their wilderness programs may be a matter for police action...
...This is a wonderful book, and Leonard Peikoff deserves our thanks for putting it together...
...Republicans unfortunately had provided the justification by running ruinous fiscal and monetary policies at the outset of the Depression (causing it...
...predominantly consisted of Anglo-Saxon and "related European stock... The American Spectator's Washington correspondent...
...My hopes faded with his defeat...
...My thanks to all correspondents, those quoted and those I don't have room for, including: George Steven Swan of South Bend, Indiana...
...j 12 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1989 with them, social philosophies had to be subordinated to practical economic programs...
...Henry Hazlitt These new bestsellers from Laissez Faire Books can put you on the cuffing edge of today's most stimulating ideas...
...Things started to go sour in the 1960s...
...The Solomons on the bench can decide that...
...As Mario Vargas Llosa says in his Introduction, "The informal market is actually the solution to the problem: the spontaneous and creative response of the impoverished masses to the state's inability of satisfying their basic needs...
...I remember growing up believing that there really was something sinister about conservatives—yet my family was not at all political...
...CAPITOL IDEAS THE MISSING GENERATION M any thanks for the enthusiastic response to my query last October about the "missing generation" of conservatives in America...
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...By and large they just weren't directly touched or troubled, personally, by any of the great sociopolitical calamities of this century...
...Thomas Sowell...
...those books you have always wanted to read, but for which could never quite find the time...
...Caused by the Depression to be sure, but it is the demographics and not the attitudes that gave us the grey flannel suits and the other do-nothings of my age group, including Ted Kennedy...
...PR5085 (hardcover) Pub...
...They feel they need a government agency to protect them from evil in the world—corporations and the rich...
...We grew up during the Roosevelt years," wrote Gene Thornton of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, "which accustomed us to the idea that it was up to the government to provide the remedy if the wrong was obviously beyond the power of the individual to right...
...Progress againsthorrible immuno-deficiency diseases and leukemia has been realized thanks to bone marrow experiments on dogs...
...Then came the war, and for twenty years after that there was widespread belief that state-controlled economies would surpass free ones...
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...both of whom grew up in the Depression...
...Fontova of Laplace, Louisiana...
...But then, with the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century emigration from Central and Eastern Europe, and the immigration caused by the Russian Revolution, many "anti-nationalistic" people arrived whose goal "was to create in this country a climate suitable for the forming of an international and socialistic country, in which aggressive minorities could operate without the fear of being attacked by the then dominant ethnic and religious groups...
...They may very well be the most pampered, unruffled birth class in our history...
...There is another factor," Bruce Price added...
...It is pure demographics...
...Edward H. Crane III, Cato Institute...
...Then "during the war against Hitler, we got used to the idea that any means were justified to right a wrong as great as racism...
...NY Times) Join the educational movement...
...In my experience," wrote Dan Hawkins of Helena, Montana, "they should be called the entitlement generation...
...and Thomas Donelson of Olathe,,Kansas...
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...Box 969, Ashland, OR 97520...
...And when we emerged from the Great Calamity, most people were tired...
...FA5013 (hardcover) Pub...
...Bruce D. Price of New York City noted that the missing generation was born circa 1915-1945, which he characterizes not as a period of two wars but as a single event`the Great Calamity might be a good name...
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...This long-running objective reached its apogee during the Vietnam war...
...Nor is it the colleges of the fifties, though that was not a bad idea...
...One came in fairly frequent contact with these conservatives: they could be identified by the reactionary views they casually expressed regarding race, class, and religious orientation...
...they don't mind paying a third of their earned income to the government so that government can protect, inspect, and supervise all aspects of their lives...
...Before 1915, he writes, "when conservativism was dominant," the U.S...
...Mark Smith of Claremont, California...
...Americans do not need lectures on the humane treatment of animals nearly so much as they need continued experiments in pursuit of human health...
...Less debatable is the fact that experiments on animals have dramatically improved human health and happiness...
...Quite possibly there are activists opposed to all of the above and to God knows what else...
...It was not until my father started a small business fifteen years ago that their theretofore benign attitude toward government changed...
...Charles Murray is no stranger to controversy...
...Jonathan Athens of Columbus, Ohio...
...They will leave "the children of the revelers to pay the bill...
...Price continued: "But thirty years is only half a man'slife...
...There are fewer people my age than any other age...
...He notes that "something similar can be said about the students I've been getting in college [Santa Clara University] over the last several years—those born between about 1960 and 1970...
...Tom Holt of Arlington, Virginia, noted that many people had heard stories "about how government had stepped in to help with WPA and other make-work," as he indeed had heard from his "officially elderly parents, Tom Bethel...
...Harry Johnson of Batavia, Illinois...
...Purchase $24.95 30 Day Rental .$12.95 1005 MEN AND MARRIAGE—George Gilder 6 - 1 1/2 hour musette@ Purchase $24.95 30 Day Rental .$12.95 1003 A CONFLICT OF VISIONS—Thomas Sowell 5 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase $22.95 30 Day Rental .$12.95 1001 COMPASSION VERSUS GUILT—Thomas Sowell 5 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes Purchase $22.95 30 Day Rental .211.95 1014 RED HORIZONS.—LL General Ion Mihai Pampa 10 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes Purchase $39.95 30 Day Rental .215.95 1010 THE REVOLT OF THE MASSES - Jose Ortega Y Gasset 5 - 1 1/2 hour cassettes Purchase $22.95 30 Day Rental .$11.95 1012 THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HITLER--William Casey 6 - 11/2 hour cassettes Purchase $24.95 30 Day Rental .$12.95 r Qtyam giving you the final ungarbled word of the lost generation...
...I was born in 1932," wrote George Waldman of Reading, Massachusetts, "so I lie right in the middle of the generation in question...
...Columnist George Will has stated, "I go through a book a week using time otherwise wasted in taxis, shaving, or walking...
...R. E. Kutz of Fort Collins, Colorado...
...We all know and agree that people had fewer babies in the thirties...
...And so, after the war, "when we saw judges in effect passing laws that legislatures refused to pass, the intent of which was to bring black Americans into the mainstream of American life, it seemed to us to be right, or at any rate, not positively wrong...
...A number of writers expressed a certain amount of irritation with the missing generation...
...THE OTHER PATH by Hernando de Soto introduction by Mario Vargas Llosa This ground-breaking work can fundamentally alter the way we perceive the so-called underdeveloped countries of the Third World...
...In the meantime we are out here, perhaps more of us than you suspect...
...It's at the top and it has to do with guts...
...348 pages...
...No encouragement for me there...
...I recall the way Robert Taft was sandbagged by the Eastern Republicans...
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...Price $18.95 OUR PRICE ONLY $15.95 * ORDER TOLL-FREE * 1-800-238-2200 • Ext...
...Miriam Cody, Amherst, Massachusetts...
...In person they are standoffish...
...Yet today's animal rights advocates are not merely public nuisances...
...Maybe, indeed, the best were killed in World War II...
...I think that is why there is a 'missing conservative generation' in American life, which may even have been a good thing in its time, considering the alternatives...
...Today they are a "fat and happy generation who have grown older, who still want more cake for their old age, when they are the ones needing it least...
...Of course there was the Depression, sufficient to "chill the self-confidence of a generation of young conservatives...
...But I fear for the party and the Republic...
...The Other Path uses Lima, Peru, as a case study and describes in absorbing detail the surprising and revolutionary world of the "informals," or what we might call the Black Market of those who work outside the enormous complexity of Peruvian law...
...That lock wasn't picked until the New Deal...
...I enjoyed hearing from you, and in a future issue- I will suggest another reader-symposium on a different topic...
...The case was reinforced by two events: the advent of the racist Nazi regime in Germany, which was understood at the time to be a right-wing phenomenon...
...Organ transplanting would have been impossible without animal experiments...
...I have often thought that once the baby boomers were married, bought a house, started to save for their children's college, there would be such a backlash against the politics of tax and spend that all the civil rights, environmental/EPA, OSHA stuff would suffer a sudden death...
...I will vote for Bush because the alternative is so horrible...
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...specifically, with the thwarting of upward mobility for European 'ethnics' who comprised the bulk of the working classes then...
...Toxicological studies with dogs have allowed pharmaceutical companies to put thousands of useful drugs into production...
...James J. Carter of Grand Junction, Colorado...
...There was not much need for conservative philosophy when the Founding Fathers had notonly provided it but locked it securely into the structure of government...
...As these 'internationalists' became more assertive," a younger generation tending toward more traditional values has "slowly begun to realize that they have been duped...
...In short, the leadership took a ten-year break from sex . . ." (I have heard a similar "survival of the unfittest" theory used to impute inevitable decline to the Roman Catholic Church, whose "intellectually fittest" members become celibate priests...
...What better way to do so than by listening to complete and unabridged recordings of the Conservative Classics...
...Why is this...
...I think that the Great Calamity actually changed the gene pool of Europe...
...It's conceivable that such inby Tom Bethell nocence was unprepared to be jilted by a succession of progressively un-won wars: Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, and Central America...
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...Brent Hall, 49, of Tallahassee, Florida, wrote: "We grew up in the great era of pragmatism and quickly learned not to be conspicuous lest we suffer the attacks of liberal goon squads, teachers, and professors...
...Charge your Visa or MasterCard Continental U.S...
...When Jack Kemp can't rally the leadership of the Republican party to our cause, I become very suspicious...
...That's why I don't fear Social Security...
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...I see the problem differently than you...
...They got off scot free, most of them, and they don't seem much taken with the conflict of ideas...
...The right, the Republicans have no heroes," wrote Peter Ostrowski of Eureka, South Dakota...
...For those already familiar with Hayek, it is a work of clarification...
...There were three dispatches from Charley Burlingame, 57, of Taos, New Mexico, who concluded: "This is it...
...I'll get the final check before it goes broke...
...add S2.00 per book...
...In Pursuit will make tidal waves...
...I 1007 GOD AND MAN AT VALE—Wes...
...The following comments by Kenneth Aanchi of New York City should be read carefully...
...PL5025 (hardcover) Pub...
...Hayek "Logically, The Fatal Conceit should have been the first...
...War, it's reasonable to postulate, destroys disproportionately THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1989 11 Phone I II 11111 I I I I II Acct...
...They had returned from the war and held "a huge party...
...For one thing, conservatives were generally blamed for the 1930s Depression, which they had apparently visited on the American people out of greed and spite...
...There are some who would arrest every butcher in the Republic and others who, would shut down all pet shops...
...Price $19.95 OUR PRICE ONLY $17.95 Finally, the international sensation available in English...
...I don't know where the missing conservative generation is, but I too have been waiting for its coming," Peter Ostrowski added...
...7 days a week...
...Price $24.95 OUR PRICE ONLY $19.95 AYN RAND THE VOICE OF REASON Essays in Objectivist Thought edited and with additional essays by Leonard Peikoff "This is the latest addition to "The Ayn Rand Library" that Leonard Peikoff has put together, and it's a knockout, containing some 26 of Ayn Rand's essays never before published in book form, plus 5 essays by Leonard Peikoff...
...ABDR 532 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 I I I I IL THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1989 13...
...Who could want anything more...
...The Fatal Conceit contains nothing startlingly new and yet my copy is heavily marked up on almost every page...
Vol. 22 • February 1989 • No. 2