Capitol Ideas/Gays on Parade
Bethell, Tom
CAPITOL IDEAS GAYS ON PARADE by Tom Bethell 4 CM his year's theme—Rightfully 1. Proud—is a very fitting one," the Bay Area Reporter claimed in an editorial heralding this year's San Francisco...
...But absent because frightened...
...Smith," I said, "do you get any criticism from straights for participating in this parade...
...And no book club we know of offers greater savings—as much as 30%, off publishers' list prices...
...As the columnist Joe Sobran says, it takes a lot of clout to be an accredited minority with victim status these days, and homosexuals have shown that they have the clout...
...Koop might consider the possibility that homosexual acts are also addicting...
...It's worth noting that all these figures may be too high...
...C. Everett Koop is the Surgeon General who touted condoms for homosexuals but would never be so foolish as to advocate filter-tipped cigarettes for smokers...
...The Right to Say No Is the Rightto Say Yes," read one NAMBLA sign...
...The following year, in a study by the University of California, the estimate was reduced to 42,500...
...Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi also rode in the parade...
...Through this special Introductory Offer, you can try The History Book Club with no risk, no commitment...
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...And that condoms aren't "safe," exactly...
...Koop won the Strange New Respect Award in 1987 for alienating his conservative friends...
...I walked along beside him: "People are people regardless of what their orientationmight be," the D.A...
...And so for them a reduction in numbers implies a lost cause or a losing one...
...About 3300 San Francisco residents have now died of AIDS, and an unknown number (officially estimated as 27,000) is infected with the virus...
...How about it, Doctor Koop...
...One in ten of those condoms tested leaked in each brand, except for the Contracept Plus, which leaked virus ten of the 25 times it was tested...
...Howls of outrage about "discrimination on the basis of sexual preference" have in recent years proved so successful at cowing into submission the vast, takeit-on-the-chin majority of Americans 10 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1988 that no doubt there will be renewed howling and that it will again prevail...
...These far smaller figures were immediately treated as controversial by gay advocacy groups...
...The homosexual population of San Francisco was estimated at 69,000, or slightly less than one-tenth of the city's population, in 1984...
...Your commitment...
...One man ambled with NAMBLA carrying a sign saying that he had been "loved" as a child and that it hadn't done him any harm...
...Rightfully Proud...
...Fernand Braudel's CIVILIZATION & CAPITALISM Three-volume analysis Publisher's Prices Total $101.95 Introductory Price $11.95 1i'ri land Brauld The Structures of Everyday Life Cmhzanon Capialam Caton %fume I TheWheels ofOsninelee UM...
...All orders subject to approval...
...On one float a chorus was singing: "We are gentle, loving people...
...There he was sitting in the back of an open Chrysler, waving at the crowds...
...The initiative is opposed by the California Medical Association, the American Civil Liberties Union and by National Gay Rights Advocates, among others...
...We are gay and lesbian people, we are gentle, loving people . . ." "Curb Your Dogma," admonished the Gay and Lesbian Atheists, while the Sierra Club's Gay and Lesbian Sierrans had a good word for the trees...
...Because some people do try it, tentatively at first, as a juvenile might a cigarette, and despite initial distaste soon find that they are hooked...
...JEFFERSON THE VIRGINIAN TH CAN A NAR RA1 IVE FART sI ,1 I Ion Shelby Foote's CIVIL WAR Three-volume narrative Publisher's Prices Total $105 Introductory Price $10 Set 3913 Landmark works...
...All he now wanted was to do unto others .. . Along came the Bay Area SadoMasochist Community, hooded in black leather, clanking down the streetin their chains while the whips cracked and the drums rolled around them...
...Dumas Malone's JEFFERSON Six-volume biography Publisher's Prices Total $121.70 Introductory Price $14 Set 8078 And that is why I call homosexuality an addiction...
...Nonetheless, you only have to observe a gay parade in San Francisco for five minutes, the NAMBLA contingent in particular, to realize that many homosexuals really do want others to "choose" their "preference...
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...The word "victim," after the word AIDS, is now on the Gay-Index, because it projects a negative image, supposedly...
...The parade stopped briefly, giving me the opportunity to venture out into the road...
...With no risk, no commitment...
...The only frightening thing about Gay Freedom Day in San Francisco is the possibility of being confronted with public accusations of homophobia and set upon by the mob (which has happened, I'm told...
...Stephen Joseph of the New York City AIDS Task Force noted "the discomfort around what others see as the political implications of the [reduced] figures...
...I stationed myself on Market Street, and looked around the large crowd that had assembled for the "gay pride" parade...
...We are singing for our lives...
...Absent because ill, maybe...
...If you want another book, or no books at all, return the Reply Form by the date specified...
...At one point the parade grand marshal Holly Near said: "We also acknowledge those who could not be with us today, either because they are frightened or in the closet, they are ill, or they had to be doing some other kind of work in their life...
...Maybe he will change his mind if someone gets AIDS and claims he used condoms but was misled by the man in the nice white admiral's uniform...
...Look around you at what we have created and continue to create...
...We have the right to be proud...
...I am told that one or two insurance companies will not write large life insurance policies in California as a result...
...There is irony in this because homosexual activists have long promoted thesimultaneous idea that "homosexuality is deep seated and not something that one chooses to be or not to be," to quote Dr...
...was in the Gay Pride Parade...
...Priceless collections...
...A virus carrier who knows that he tests positive, and knows that insurance companies are legally denied this information, can take out a large life insurance policy and "establish an estate" for his heirs, as an insurance consultant in Sacramento told me...
...A community the size of Des Moines, Iowa, for example, with a population of 194,000, contains about 20,000 Gay citizens...
...It is believed that some people with AIDS have used the California law to deceive their insurers in this way...
...So did District Attorney Arlo Smith...
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...And for this they are being prosecuted by this man who loves-all-people...
...I don't know about you...
...Recently, the New York City Health Department reduced by four-fifths its estimate of the number of homosexual men in New York City infected with the AIDS virus (from 250,000 to 50,000), and the estimate of the number of homosexuals in New York City was likewise reduced by four-fifths, from 500,000 to 100,000...
...There is none...
...But one man, a Reagan appointee, is well suited to giving it (rather than condoms) some publicity...
...This they have done in California, with a law preventing insurance companies from using the HIV antibody test in assessing whether to write individual life- or health-insurance policies...
...Evidently now he doesn't want to jeopardize his new-found liberal allies...
...2 Theilismtiye 0.6.6., Jet Axulo.m 1544.18thCmury of tbeNliarld Vulume qt The History Book Club Dept...
...Smith whether he loved NAMBLA too, or would consider prosecuting them along with the Free Pregnancy Center...
...Now that they have seen how easily government can be intimidated, whether Republican or Democratic, they want to get government onto everyone else's backs...
...Last month Exodus held a conference in Los Angeles, but this is not fit to print, exactly...
...NAMBLA believes "that children should have the right to have sex even in infancy," according to a story in the San Francisco Chronicle...
...Having won de facto recognition as Designated Victims with trough privileges, homosexuals now holler for a larger trough, in the form of ever-broader "non-discrimination" statutes whose effect is to socialize the costs of their high-risk sexual practices...
...I love all people...
...Try The History Book Club —and save...
...The NAMBLA contingent was not so far behind the D.A...
...Love Is Not Abuse: So Love Everybody," read another...
...Big savings...
...His new book, The Electric Windmill: An Inadvertent Autobiography (Regnery Gateway), is reviewed by William McGurn on page 43 of this issue...
...In May, Koop released a report condemning tobacco as "addicting," much as heroin and cocaine are addicting...
...William Dannemeyer to the same effect will be on the California ballot in November...
...They lure in these young ladies, you see, give them free pregnancy tests and suggest an alternative to abortion...
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...And if you believe that . . . ) Numbers translate into political strength, of course, and so lower numbers threaten a loss of political strength...
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...The political goal of many homosexuals used to be libertarianism—to get government off their backs...
...The History Book Club always offers its members well-made, long-lasting editions...
...CAPITOL IDEAS GAYS ON PARADE by Tom Bethell 4 CM his year's theme—Rightfully 1. Proud—is a very fitting one," the Bay Area Reporter claimed in an editorial heralding this year's San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade and Celebration...
...Alan Bell, senior author of the 1981 study, Sexual Preference...
...There's a news blackout on the organization and its goals...
...A brochure handed out at San Francisco's gay pride parade claimed that "about ten percent of the world's population is homosexual," this footnoted to Kinsey...
...Health officials now tactfully use an average of the two, and estimate the numbers carrying the AIDS virus by guessing that 50 percent of the homosexual population is infected...
...And straights are the vast majority...
...Tom Bethell is The American Spectator's Washington correspondent and a media fellow at the Hoover Institution...
...A shipping and handling charge is added to each shipment...
...The Surgeon General has also urged a ban on vending-machine sales of cigarettes, but not of condoms...
...A recent University of California test of eight condom brands showed five to be of apparently questionable effectiveness...
...Meanwhile, the D.A.'s office in San Francisco is prosecuting a Free Pregnancy Center in the city, charging it with "unfair business practices" because its advertisement in the Yellow Pages failed to say that abortion is not among the services it offers...
...We may cancel your membership if you elect not to buy at least one book in any six-month period...
...And that is why there is an organization called Exodus International, founded in 1976, which seeks to"communicate the message of liberation from homosexuality through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ...
...But more important, homosexuality itself becomes an ideological cause for those who publicly avow it...
...That sign was being carried aloft between a contingent of transvestites and transsexuals...
...If you want the "Editors' Choice," do nothing...
...This denial creates room for deception, obviously, since the virus can be detected by the patient, anonymously, long before any AIDS symptoms appear...
...We've earned that right...
...It is an organization that promotes child sexual abuse," according to a sergeant in the San Francisco Police Department...
...Condoms were advocated because they "worked" (no time to delay because of moral hang-ups: our boys are dying out there), but when new evidence suggests this is not a very pragmatic solution after all, Koop will hide the evidence rather than abandon his position...
...I think it is also true to say that for a fair number, homosexuality (like smoking) is an addiction that they dislike...
...Groups representing homosexual and bisexual men were especially disturbed," Bruce Lambert reported in the New York Times, because "the methodology" suggested that the homosexual population in a city of 7.2 million was only 100,000...
...The parade started up again and his car started forward...
...That number, gay leaders say, is absurdly low, and it invalidates the analysis, in their view...
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...The "Christian Intolerance Brigade," mostly ladies dressed to mock, carried such signs as "Sperms Are People, Too...
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...The Mayor of San Francisco, Art Agnos, his wife, and two children rode in the parade in a convertible with an AIDS "sufferer...
...In San Francisco, about 98 percent of those who do carry the virus are homosexual or bisexual...
...But Koop wanted to be loved by the liberals, and now he is touted for Czar...
...Therefore they eagerly accepted estimates of the homosexual population made by the 1948 Kinsey Survey of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male...
...Hailed by readers, historians and critics alike...
...Homosexuals may be a minority, but their claim to be an oppressed one is less and less convincing...
...AQ0398XBA Set Selection Name Address Apt # City State Zip ©1988 History Book Club, Inc...
...Homosexuals have to a large extent joined up with Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition of the Aggrieved and posture disingenuously as the bitter opponents of Michael Dukakis because he has yielded to all their demands except one (recognition as foster parents...
...How the Club works...
...Prices generally higher in Canada...
...San Francisco police estimated the crowd at 160,000...
...S 0 BOW it's KOOP FOR CZAR and RIGHTFULLY PROUD, along with the D.A., the Mayor, and the Congresswoman, as wave after wave of the oppressed minority came strutting down Market Street, the signs reading AFFIRMATION MORMONS and SUPERTHE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1988 9 VISOR CAROL RUTH SILVER and LICK BUSH and . . . oh-oh, here comes an oppressed subset, NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, a pedophile network that advocates the abolition of age-of-consent laws regulating sexual activity with children...
...On average, there are three AIDS deaths and nineteen abortion deaths a day in San Francisco... his Chrysler, but too far, alas, for me to run ahead and ask Mr...
...An attempt will be made in Sacramento this summer to change the law, and an initiative by Rep...
...We are gay and lesbian people...
...If everyone who supports gay and lesbian rights were here today, there would be even more than 275,000...
...In general homosexual activists have for years wanted to believe, and have wanted the world to believe, that their numbers were large and forever increasing...
...But the find-ings have been withheld from public release on the orders of Surgeon General C. Everett Koop," according to Allan Parachini of the Los Angeles Times...
...Here, then, is Koop's pragmatism...
Vol. 21 • September 1988 • No. 9