Correspondence/Letters from Charlton Heston, Thomas Sowell, Sidney Hook, and others

CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 7) consumption." What is even more disturbing is that so many "conservatives" now embrace these same notions and brag about our "advance" down this road to...

...restrains us...
...From 1977 to 1981, manufacturing productivity rose at a 0.9 percent rate...
...We seem to read compared with ours, with price- vored by Reaganites, the fact that the includes a film fantasizing Christ on it in terms of how it's tilted toward the earnings ratios in the 70s more com- U.S...
...Louis, Missouri Sidney Hook repliesMr...
...Gladis unfortunately does not tell us how to distinguish between "the people" establishing order, and "the mob...
...Yet 1982 reception we both attended early this was the bottom of a recession, after summer, where I interviewed several of production had dropped about 12 per- Charlton Heston on The Last Temptation of Christ my colleagues about George Bush...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR OCTOBER 1988 49 CORRESPONDENCE For The Record index" readings the last time the government-funded day-care services fields rather than heavy industry or On page 21 of your July issue, I am Democrats occupied the White House, and mandated parental-leave programs...
...George I Gladis St...
...Again, the reason is the I suspect we will accept it...
...His notion that employment growth has been weak is equally absurd...
...In short, "the categorical imperative of individual action" will be fine if everyone acts on it as they should, but suppose some do not...
...And were the imperative applied universally and consistently, we would in short order arrive at this utopian social contract scheme of behavior (Locke et al...
...Gregory A. Fossedal...
...I agree...
...Even Kant recognized that "man is a crooked stick...
...We are in the sixth year of an expansion that, should present employment growth rates continue through October, will have generated about 18 million payroll jobs in six years, or 3 million a year—and 41 percent of these jobs have been in the Labor Department's highest skill category (Professional and Managerial), almost double the level of skill jobs as in the 1975-1981 period...
...Those who want to blame all this on the budget deficit, as I assume Mr...
...At the that maintains their economic well-be- productivity (output per hour) stagnant to be asked ro rate a film graphically same time, many of the people aping, notwithstanding the overwhelming with only 1.5 percent annual gains (se- exploring the rape and murder of a plauding this support legislation journalistic doomsday proclamations...
...No mob can do this...
...But they are fully supported by virtually all economists—namely that capital flows, not merchandise trade (or "competitiveness"), is the key to the soaring trade deficit...
...A The Silent Boom would yield an increase (second quarter Dear Jack [Valenti]: Black Caucus is a respected body in the Warren T. Brookes's "The Silent 1981 through first quarter 1988) of only Your appearance on Larry King Congress...
...Again, the Census Bureau shows that from 1977 to 1981, median family income fell by 7 percent...
...set including this plus the original Those Were the Days, only $16.95...
...Since 1981 it has risen at a 4 percent rate...
...This means the U.S...
...Brookes's final question with a re- many, or the EEC average...
...And the Amendment argument is logically cemetery containing Nazi corpses...
...Alas, since most anarchists have resigned themselves to the fact that these higher ideals may only exist in computer simulations, we will continue to advocate less and less government intervention and growth...
...smaller issue...
...The Nautical and Aviation Publishing Company of America 101 W. Read Street, Suite 314- A Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (301) 659-0220 100 PERCENT AMERICAN "Homely truths of men and farm animals, and of country and small town people:' r —THE HOOSIER FARMER Those Were the Days: Through the Seasons is a book packed with Wendell Trogdon's award-winning wise, funny, poignant tales about growing up in rural –4 Indiana of the '30s & '40s (176p...
...Cuba 1776-1988 by Michael Ma7arr "7 candidly confess that I have ever looked on Cuba as the most interesting addition which could ever be made to our system of states...
...If the "Fourth Estate" of civil servants, who vote so predictably, could be enlightened, maybe they would exercise their franchise rights for the longterm good over short-term security...
...His third premise, ". . . but justice and freedom cannot exist withoutorder," begs the question of whether or not it is the role of government versus the people to establish that order...
...This may be material prog- of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual East Troy, Wisconsin ress, but it is not social prog- tastes...
...monly than in the 30s (or less), as they population working among industrial Mary Magdalene...
...Hence the trade deficit soared primarily because of a capital flow reversal...
...Free descriptive flyer with SASE...
...William R. Hawkins Research Director The South Foundation Knoxville, Tennessee Warren T Brookes replies: Mr...
...Order directly or through your local bookstore...
...foreign policy...
...Labor costs rose 8.8 percent/year under Carter...
...Besides the negative impact on quality is scorned as "elitist...
...Sowell a few weeks just two points...
...Thomas Jefferson "I have lived in the monster...
...No, Aristotle is right, anarchy is the rule of a thousand despots...
...No wonder they are nations...
...who have sacrificed the home to the gle to be the same, denying differences —Alan B. Fidler, M.D...
...Even the concept of individual c: Larry King ress...
...As William E. Simon recently Stanford, California and his explanations are often the higher participation of women...
...The MPA is not likely enhanced by Christian outrage...
...On per capita disposable income, it rose 1 percent a year from 1977-1981...
...Amendment, its chance of success ers than following a political course This hides the fact that with average Usually, it does...
...Yes, Jack, I read your letter on that, and Japan are not only striking but ex- he shows for family and per capita in- Only the public's sense of what we will too...
...Wayne S. Smith Director, Cuban Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies 540 pages...
...It seems to me a somehow tremely important...
...There Second, Brookes used family and per Thank God it does...
...Since 1981 it has risen by about 2.0 percent a year—or double...
...Memories often economic problems left to worry employment rates have fallen rather Both the increase in two-income differ, of course...
...A people which is self-governing must abide by the rules of discipline it establishes to function properly...
...the U.S...
...There are R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...William Hawkins scorns my explanations of the sources of our international current accounts deficit problem...
...It did not accord the populace the benefit of the doubt as to their "goodwill towards men...
...I can't even figure out what it statistics to inflate their claims...
...Thus this labor force quoted as saying something that I can- this is not sufficient to assure victory...
...Still, your First dent is excoriated for setting foot in a Mr...
...Admittedly the record 62.3 percent of adults now employed reflects a continued surge in female (and black) employment, but labor force participation rates by males have not fallen (they are now 76.2 percent compared with 77.0 percent in 1981) while those by females have surged from 51.5 percent in 1981 to 56.6 percent in 1988...
...Democracy, as Lincoln realized, is the only alternative to the rule of despotism on the one hand, and anarchy on the other...
...sounding "No...
...Since 1981, the male employment ratio has risen from 71.3 percent to 72.7 percent while the female ratio has risen from 48.0 percent to 53.4 percent...
...they have actually fallen under Reagan, in U.S...
...real issue between Bush and Dukakis "record number of jobs" comes from formance...
...a White Caucus would be Boom" (TAS, August 1988) should be 18 percent (2.5 percent per year) corn- discussing The Last Temptation of fire-bombed in the corridors of the required reading for every member of pared to 14 percent (3.3 percent per Christ was eloquent, as you always are...
...Bush, of all peo- facturing in the U.S...
...The large increases riotous farce about life in Treblinka...
...Mean- drive to consume more than we proHoover Institution Much of Brookes's data is debatable while, the economy has had to absorb duce...
...tional economic performance...
...This is the most comprehensive account of U.S.–Cuban relations yet to appear in the English language and is certain to become the standard text on the subject...
...And it may not even be as much expansion has done little to increase not remember saying about George If Republicans adopt Warren Brookes's material progress as it seems...
...Those who decry this performance are simply determined to plunge their head into the sands of gloom and doom...
...The recorded history of human behavior is a bad example because, for that period, mankind has never been loose of the fetters of government...
...Richard M. Nixon Find out for yourself...
...Manu- quent Jesuit to joust with you, instead work commentators are instantly diswould hope that Mr...
...However, I not only about, they will lose credibility...
...has the largest share of its total the Cross imagining intercourse with light...
...Semper Fidel: America and...
...Jose Marti "There'll be no change toward that bastard [Fidel Castro] while I'm President...
...We hear much come are the result of an increase in tolerate protects us from such scenes...
...That's fine and understandable for liberal Democrats—but not for the country as a whole... still a smaller of that poor nun, with nothing to pre- missed for racial slurs, while the Presiple, would take it to heart and answer share of GDP than in Japan, West Ger- sent but her pain...
...designed, with gift card...
...Anarchy Regrettably, the necessity of having to offer a retort in writing has its limitations...
...Had the original framers held a less elitist view with regards to the necessity of government, they might have found that a true free market in conjunction with a true social contract mechanism would have sufficed...
...economy with that of Europe an individual basis...
...Only decency the proper protection of the First is no argument more persuasive to vot- capita income to measure progress...
...still suffers a large trade deficit in irresistible...
...Faced by that prospect, most people will, I fear, prefer to live under the rule of one despot...
...Christians, moving towards minoriMore than that, the Republicans manufactured goods, meaning that All but alone among nations, our ty status, have become our only perneed to map a campaign strategy that whatever the rate of growth, it has not Constitution allows us to say almost missible target group...
...That others' throats without reproach...
...Hawkins does, have to explain why it was that in 1987, when the budget deficit came down by $70 billion, the trade deficit rose by nearly $20 billion...
...This is because the rate of families and the rise in consumer debt cannot remember the quoted state- especially if they use Brookes's dubious growth of the labor force has not been represent the pursuit of material expecment...
...Instead he should decry the apathetic, ill-informed, and self-serving public servants...
...The plain truth is that in 1982 we decided to stop the $110 billion a year outflow of credit to the Third World—and this capital stayed here causing a massive shift in the capital flows which had no other way to be balanced off except by a massive rise in our imports of merchandise... remind the voters about the "misery nasty consequences as the demand for THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR OCTOBER 1988 7...
...industrial production naturally gone to expand the service (continued on page 49) comment in question at a Hoover using 1982 as the base year...
...Semper Fidel outlines the underlying reasons for the radicalization of Cuban policy, and reveals in microcosm the structure of U.S...
...For a people to establish order we need a set of rules, an executive group at least with a sergeant-at-arms, to see that the rules are carried out—in short, an embryonic state...
...Under the investing in United States real estate, in- large number of wives and mothers relentless eye of the media, we strug- [Charlton Heston] dustry, and hotels...
...An American original delightfully illus...
...First, he measured the given their characteristics, they have future, but selfishly to finance present ago, my recollection is that he made the increase in U.S...
...dollars, no less...
...economy has done a colossal job of absorbing massive rises in female labor participation, while still providing record levels of employment...
...and know its entrails, and my sling is that of David...
...Highlander Press, 1108 Davis #104AS, Evanston, IL 60201...
...While it is vital for the Bush campaign the family, it also produces such exceptions...
...From 1981 to 1986 it rose by 9 percent...
...The much above the long-run average (the tations that exceed real economic permeans...
...Would God it always did...
...ISBN: 0-933852-74-6...
...The Grand Experiment," as those on the Continent so graciously labeled America's foray into democracy, wasn't grand enough...
...SPECIAL: 2-vol...
...Despite our economic strength or international Bush ["George Bush, Politician," by tactic of denying there are any the number of new jobs created, un- competitiveness...
...tation of Christ will be released under of the article before the public...
...What is even more disturbing is that so many "conservatives" now embrace these same notions and brag about our "advance" down this road to ruin...
...cond quarter 1984 through first quarter four-year-old girl, the amorous adven- penalizing the adding of color to films Mr...
...Blacks and Jews, burning William F. Buckley, Jr...
...The fairest way to measure the performanceof economic policies is over the fiscal years in which those policies took effect...
...Also, are borrowed, not for investment in the As I wrote to Dr...
...The trade and budget —Thomas Sowell is who can best handle the problems the larger population base, not excep- deficits stem from this same collective Senior Fellow that remain...
...To stated, "The worrisome aspect of tofallacious (especially about interna- do this, women have had to represent day's trade deficit is that foreign funds Gregory A. Fossedal replies: tional debt), but let's concentrate on a relatively cheap source of labor...
...Brookes's many comparisons of 1988), little progress can be made on tures of Martin Luther King, or a originally made in black and white...
...Where the mob rules, there is only chaos, some call it anarchy...
...The Last Tempconstantly parades the facts and figures kept up with demand...
...He should have taken the produc- July 28, 1988 with remembered grievance, are at each tion level before the recession hit...
...This is also As you said, the First Amendment re- The Bill of Rights is truly a midays but fail to realize how fragile it is represented by another statistic fa- quires us to wait and see whether this raculous document...
...about the Japanese stock market these two-income households...
...From 1977-1981, industrial production rose at a 2.5 percent rate...
...Well documented in such works as Rawls's A Theory of Justice (Harvard Press, 1971), the categorical imperative of individual action will, "en masse," result in the same order...
...Sidney Hook, in the July issue of TAS ("Memories of Yaddo: An Autobiographical Postscript"), advances several premises towards the conclusion opposing theoretical or philosophical anarchism...
...anything, about almost anybody...
...As ever .. . are in our country...
...Since 1981, it has risen at a 3.1 percent rate, a 24 percent improvement...
...Hawkins's notion that "little progress" has been made in family and per capita income is absurd...
...Otherwise, members of the Congress (presuming they are all year) for the 1977-81 (first quarter I wish Larry had found an equally elo- Cabinet, baseball managers, and net-literate, if not ratiocinative), and one through first quarter) period...
...Moreover, he is just wrong on industrial and manufacturing output...
...6" x 9" hardcover...
...I wish to take him to task for conveniently acknowledging less than the total scope of theoretical foundations for such...

Vol. 21 • October 1988 • No. 10

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