Submarine Warfare
Moore, John E. & Compton-Hall, Richard
SUBMARINE WARFARE: TODAY AND TOMORROW John E. Moore and Richard Compton-Hall/Adler & Adler/$22.95 John Train All too many books on military Submarines have evolved greatly in matters are assembled...
...They and long staff experience...
...The authors believe that the submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) can be counted on to penetrate Soviet defenses...
...It's not clear that eliminating Trident would boost U.K...
...The authors urge that, rather than designing and building new vessels and then inserting the torpedo and missile tubes wherever they fit, the weapon should be conceived first, to deal with the enemy as he will then be...
...American custom tends to award peacetime promotions to officers who shine in training exercises...
...In another edition the book's economic references might be checked...
...But those savings would add about 300 tanks to NATO's force of 8,000 tanks opposite the East's 50,000: scarcely decisive...
...Or, if you prefer, order only the Autumn '87 series for $69 (7 editions...
...For instance, our torpedoes early in World War II often failed to explode when fired squarely into the hulls of enemy ships, although they worked at finer angles...
...Sub- tacks by mini-subs were common in marine Warfare is colorfully and World War II, including the wrecking vigorously written, with more meaty of the Tirpitz right in its "invulnerable" details in a paragraph than you can lair in a Norwegian fjord...
...Since it can move close to a hostile shore, an SLCM sub is in a favorable position for land bombardment...
...As the authors say, "Absolute realism, in every smallest detail, is mandatory for peacetime technical and tactical evaluations, whatever effort and expense are involved . . . just as long as everybody realizes how dangerous it is to 'cook the books' and is prepared to accept objective, and sometimes painfully embarrassing, analysis...
...And as tanks, often apparently assembled by a commerce raider—a key Soviet use in summer interns, sustaining general blocking support of Europe—it has theories on the basis of disembodied unique advantages, notably the ability figures...
...Labour has talked about applying the savings to conventional forces...
...Turning to the strategic level, the authors are full of doubts about the role of Britain in NATO's ballistic missile deterrent force...
...W hat about the practice, as dis- tinct from the nature, of submarining...
...They consider the Trident system more costly than the country can afford, and less valuable to the alliance than Britain's traditional role of controlling European coastal waters...
...In Tennessee and Alaska call collect: 615-383-8534 Print Name Address City/State/Zip Tennessee residents add 7.75% sales tax...
...A sub is an extremely effective studies put forth by politicized think minelayer...
...This invites falsification of results (I've seen that myself) and an avoidance of horrible conditions—that is, those most resembling wartime...
...Then, there is the problem of several Soviet attack submarines potentially shadowing most of our ballistic submarines at sea...
...The authors warn that the Touch: The Strategies That Have Made swarms of Russian trawlers and merWarren Buffett America's Pre-eminent chantmen now criss-crossing the Investor (Harper & Row...
...TO: Schau ins Land, Dept...
...They have grown so big sors or journalists who have not lived (the size of small carriers) and so fast the subject they are dealing with, so (over 40 knots now, probably reaching that their studies are abstract and juice- 50 or 60 in the early 1990s—speedier less...
...This is presumably part of the reasoning that has kept Britain in the Trident program...
...But these questions are secondary to the main interest of this admirable book, which should be read and will be enjoyed by anyone concerned with today's realities in the Silent Service...
...surface vessel recently complained that he had to carry twenty tons of files...
...German exercises did not include running at depth for extremely long periods—corresponding to combat conditions—during which the inside air pressure slowly rose, so the Germans did not discover that this altered the baseline of the depth-sensing mechanism of their torpedoes, which thus ran too deep...
...As a footnote on naval administration, the book cites the proliferation of paperwork: drafts of documents are sometimes sent 400 miles from London to typists in Glasgow, and three-week typing pool delays are not uncommon...
...and after that the weapon, the hull, and the propulsion system should be designed and built together...
...As style, as it sometimes emerges, for in- a missile-launching platform, for exam-stance, in the Naval Institute Pro- ple, nothing is more formidable than ceedings, can run to such felicitous an immense Soviet ballistic sub lurking phraseology as "A substantial attrition under the polar icecap, poised to break of platforms may be anticipated...
...A second strategic topic in the book calling for additional discussion is antisubmarine warfare (ASW), particularly submarine detection...
...At-Britain's Submarine Museum...
...the U.S...
...Next most discouraging are the than most current torpedoes), so hard authors who know their stuff but can't to detect and, once detected, to kill write: American military men (like (thanks to double hulls), that they have American scholars) often distrust become the instrument of choice for an good, strong prose...
...For instance, something called the Bradford School of Peace Studies has opined that Trident will require cutting the rest of Britain's defenses by half in the coming years, and according to Gallup half the British population thinks that Trident will cost more than the National Health Service...
...future conflict...
...Indeed, the commander of a smallish U.S...
...T he actual cost of Trident is the subject of an intense political debate in Britain...'s oceans could easily carry mini48 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1987 subs, to be launched from underwater hatches...
...More can be find in a chapter of some similar expected just at the outbreak of a books...
...The actual figures are that Trident should cost about £10 billion over twenty years, or £500 million a year, while the National Health Service costs forty times that, £20 billion a year...
...To make thisapproach work, one must look far ahead...
...contrary, know their field intimately: Submarine Warfare also underlines a two seadogs who have actually fought point that the Scandinavians have their boats, calculated angles of attack, learned all too well: the effectiveness of prodded their crews to stay sharp and tiny boats carrying out sensitive misaggressive, cursed the naval bureau- sions...
...As an aid to comprehension, each program comes with a complete printed German transcription and an extensive German-English vocabulary section...
...The further that wartime experience fades into the past, the more important it is to underline the lessons learned...
...Commander also explore hiding places in Swedish Compton-Hall, after a career in sub- and Norwegian fjords where Soviet marine command and design, now runs nuclear subs can hide in a crisis...
...However, other authorities think that Soviet defenses, such as the SAM-10, can cope with cruise missiles...
...You'll receive a new issue twice-monthly beginning in early September...
...As they say, "Big strides are generally more cost-effective, despite breathtaking cost-estimates, than continual modifications...
...Then, there's advice on how to design subs... edge close to its prey before attackThe authors of this work, on the ing...
...But there are other techniques emerging, such as satellite analysis of surface wave modifications using synthetic aperture radar, detection of the target sub's radioactivity and alteration of the earth's magnetic field, and the like...
...As usual in nuclear-related matters, one thing can really be a metaphor for another: economics (not the authors' forte) sometimes turns out to be a stand-in for a moral or political agenda...
...Britain has spent or is committed to spend £4 billion on Trident already, so cancellation would save about £6 billion out of the total £10 billion...
...Subs have another specialized merit: An early move in World War III could be a megaton electromagnetic pulse (EMP) detonation 100 miles above the atmosphere south of Iceland, say, which would blow out unshielded electronic equipment in the North Atlantic and Western Europe, whether on shipboard, onshore, or in the air...
...Having lived through it, the authors are particularly eloquent on the price of slapdash peacetime preparation for war...
...The Soviets are weak here, but we haven't been as good as one would hope...
...Aktuelles aus deutschsprach gen Undern PRESENTING chau ins Land, the new biweekly German language magazine on cassette...
...The "safe" military increasing number of naval tasks...
...Similarly, the Soviets do not give their crews enough sea experience, and their emphasis on political reliability, enforced by on-board commissars and party representatives among the crew, conflicts with the independent style of a successful sub commander...
...cliattitt Subscribe now and receive the Autumn '87-Spring '88 series (a total of 14 editions) for just $118...
...Each 45-minute edition features conversation about current affairs, travel, the arts and entertainment, as well as interviews and a sampling of today's best German popular music...
...The real point is that the four Trident subs' 500 modern missiles can penetrate Soviet defenses, and thus provide Britain with a solid and durable independent deterrent, unlike either the present 200 aging Polaris missiles or—if the authors are wrong—the SLCMs that they prefer...
...annual) deficit is not $2 trillion, which, instead, is our entire national debt, and converting an SSBN to an SSN costs a lot more than $400,000...
...It can carry troops...
...Captain by midget track-treaded submersibles Moore, the editor of Jane's Fighting that creep to the shore, deliver arms Ships, had many submarine commands caches, drop agents, and the like...
...X3 P.O...
...Trident should in fact cost about 3 percent of the total British defense budget...
...Box 158067 Nashville, TN 37215-8067 Do not sent cash...
...The Walker family's spying, and Toshiba's sales to Russia, have cost us many billions in this area...
...Mini-subs can be extremely handy for attacks on ports and John Train's latest book is The Midas naval bases...
...through to the surface and fire on Worst, of course, are the tendentious signal...
...They had not received enough realistic, independent testing...
...If the advantage shifts to the ASW side in the manner that these developments could portend—and which Navy people don't like to talk about—then perhaps the undersea leg of our deterrent triad is more threatened, and SDI research more urgent, than the authors believe...
...The heavy Soviet pressure on cracy, and struggled with mechanical Sweden now includes frequent probes breakdowns deep in the ocean...
...Please send me ^ Autumn and Spring ^ Autumn only To order by VISA or MasterCard or for more information call: 1-800-824-0829...
...Recorded entirely in idiomatic German by a team of top European broadcasters and journalists, Schau ins Land offers unique insights into the diverse landscapes and cultures of German speaking Europe: West and East Germany, Austria, and Switzerland...
...The authors touch on progress in this highly secret area, notably satellite detection of the thermal plume produced by a sub's propulsions system and the water displacement of these huge vessels (up to several city blocks long), in addition to the usual techniques of active sonarpinging and passive listening...
...SUBMARINE WARFARE: TODAY AND TOMORROW John E. Moore and Richard Compton-Hall/Adler & Adler/$22.95 John Train All too many books on military Submarines have evolved greatly in matters are assembled by profes- recent years...
...This, they feel, supports the argument that Britain should give up the Trident ballistic missile system in favor of cheaper SLCM submarines...
...Subs are impervious to EMP, which would block most other communications...
Vol. 20 • September 1987 • No. 9