Editorials/Napoleon and Reagan/Howdy Doody and 0llie
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
HOWDY DOODY AND OLLIE O n the occasion of Lt. Col. Oliver deception with disclosure and truth." North's first appearance before It explains his charge that members of them, what did the Machiavels...
...Come, come...
...Some of the disobedience has Congress that is now inflamed over of government officials who resorted corrupt government officials...
...any other organization in the country, disdained by the President...
...Arthur Liman, and the in-late Howdy Doody's make-up artist...
...of whom were establishing a second That explains Chief Counsel Cuba in Central America...
...warmly advocated civil disobedience, But will they return America to an political opponents...
...Doody's pontification at the outset of For over three decades televised con-Colonel North's questioning, wherein gressional hearings have evolved...
...grandiosity, demanding that Mr...
...ears and nose were the very image of A deep gulch separated the point of the famed puppet, though I perceived view of the two gladiators early in their no freckles on Chief Counsel Doody's epic battle...
...His American people...
...He should have had freckles...
...And it explains tend by having their chief counsel, his eager presumption that he, his col-John W. Nields, Jr., made up by the league Mr...
...The broadcast a congressional investigation to thwart subversives, mobsters, and the law...
...Both claimed to serve God face...
...By the (3) to get supplies to an anti-Com- tion has done violence to the Rule of States have secretly assisted us...
...These 1970s televised congressional hearings munist army in Central America dur- Law...
...Replying to sion audience that there was once a the chief counsel's charge that he lied wholesome time when soldiers pos- to the American people, Mr...
...vestigative panel speak for the His hair was a perfect strawberry...
...I would take their pieties more hypocritical proceedings have en-were looking into the Nixon Ad- ing a time that army was being sorely seriously if they were not the same peo- dangered the lives of friends abroad ministration's attempts to cover up the pressed and Congress was vacillating ple who over the past couple of decades and our influence in the world...
...Now television has The goal of earlier investigators was which is to say selective adherence to age of innocence...
...The only sembled" to foreign governments and these hearings and applaud their gifted Now they are noting the imprudence...
...I and country...
...They to the amazement of some he de- began with investigations of those who claimed that "it is a principal purpose were accused of internal subversion...
...Those Many Americans have sniffed out with the possible exception of a few case he freely admitted that he "dis- Americans who are enthusiastic about the hypocrisy of these proceedings...
...North of partisan politics, away from the Iranians, (2) safely to retrieve Ameri- Their claim is that ours is a Nation of compromise the names of nations that ballot box and on TV for all our cans being held hostage abroad, and Laws and that the Reagan Administra- out of shared interests with the United enemies to see...
...Doody believed he believe that the Machiavels' intention spoke for national virtue...
...Is the been for noble goals such as civil rights, 011ie North's deceptions has in recent to secret diplomacy to effect the present goal to thwart friendly relations but some has been for goals of the ut- years had more of its members indicted Reagan foreign policy and to return with a moderate Iran, the release of most frivolity, such as legalized or convicted of criminal offenses than American hostages by means publicly hostages, and democracy in Central marijuana...
...North's first appearance before It explains his charge that members of them, what did the Machiavels on the the Administration have been lying to joint congressional committee truly in- the American people...
...of these hearings to replace secrecy and Soon the televised investigations were 10 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1987 scrutinizing organized crime...
...North was to impress all yuppies in the televi- spoke for national security...
...Of course it is not...
...luckless Mafia families...
...In North's America...
...North broke After all, these inquisitors are, in their conduct of a particularly reckless kind align the United States with moderate laws regulating American diplomacy...
...serious issue in these hearings is the to some of his own associates (1) to inquisitors assert that Mr...
...North insessed of no foreign policy experience sisted that he was not trying to deceive and only vague authority were in- them abut their enemies abroad, some capable of representing the National of whom were holding Americans hosSecurity Council on secret missions tage and torturing one to death, others abroad...
...Watergate break-in and to spy on on how to treat it...
Vol. 20 • September 1987 • No. 9