Nathan, George
ance on the University campus is the ideal testing ground for experiment in ecumenism and Christian renewal. Attempts in these directions are brave but minimal, they are regarded with a great...
...The program will last about three years, as near as the officials can gauge it...
...From the Dallas Morning News A college student is one who enters his alma mater dressed in green and emerges as a senior dressed in black...
...The position of Christian leaders and ministers would be more appropriate and acceptable if they had other academic qualifications in addition to their seminary theology, some should be able to qualify for faculty positions...
...while in prosaic speeches spiced only by the occasional allure of these rhetorical piracies he manifests the typical ultra-liberal's arrogance of condescension...
...Christians are not people who retire from the real world on Sunday evenings for prayers and a free supper but people who confront the whole context of the University with a style of life that informs that context with an optimism and unity that is particular and distinctive...
...Where is the presence of Christianity or the churches in current campus issues and politics...
...The important considerations are not any particular suggestions or projects but a willingness on the part of the churches to see the problem then meet it with imagination and some of the freshness that can still be discerned, in spite of the churches, in the New Testament...
...Christian worship will become much more relevant and spontaneous as the activity of groups meeting informally in town, in rented meeting rooms, or in lounges...
...The formal unworldly atmosphere of traditional worship will become the exception rather than the rule...
...For that reason, although a few isolated attempts will be made to solve the problem, Christians will settle in their comfortable pews, while the Church digs its off-campus grave...
...Christian emphasis must shift from conversion of the University to witness and service to the University...
...And all the while the unfortunate American citizenry, sitting in unavoidable audience before this perpetual political amateur hour, is being force fed untruths until it accepts mediocrity as a virtue and irresponsibility as the chief element of statecraft...
...Martin Luther King, a man who has become so bloated with self-importance he fulfills the Menckenian axiom of appearing to strut even while sitting down, tediously admonishes us against an "arrogance of power...
...The rest could be sold or rented to the University...
...Senator Fulbright has besotted himself in such strong academic spirits as to become a cerebreal inebriate while cavorting blindly and blusteringly with similar thinking companions in "Ye Ole Senate...
...On the contrary the Church has to recreate its image as a presence that makes itself felt within the life and action of the university community whereever that life and action might be...
...Instead we are confronted with leaders who incessantly drum into our ears unctuous homiletics against the extravagant obsessions of a wealthy nation...
...This would give them a much needed sympathy and understanding for the particular needs of the academic community they try to lead and serve...
...George Nathan THE WELFARE SHTATE—"Seems the Administration is seeking some qualified veteran alcoholics to volunteer to drink in the government service...
...Attempts in these directions are brave but minimal, they are regarded with a great deal of suspicion and carefully held in check by the threat of financial discipline...
...With that kind of financing, the spree figures to set some sort of record...
...If Christianity is to come alive, or just survive, in the University it needs radical revision and a good deal more imagination in its organization and approach...
...Some of the present buildings could be utilized on a cooperative basis where administrative facilities could be pooled for maximum use and efficiency...
...they have to re-think their cooperation and relationships along the lines of an ecumenical team with each member maintaining its traditional identity in a way that transcends sectarian rivalry...
...This would give the churches an enormous mobility and freedom forcing them to be visible in the center of university activity...
...Perhaps the problem would be easier to recognize if the University were crying and waiting for the Church, but the University could care less...
...Benet Hall INCITES THE ARROGANCE OF CONDESCENSION With increasing education speakers should feel compelled to make increasingly responsible statements...
...The goal of the new program is to study the behavior patterns and thoughts of an inebriate during a drinking spree...
...The intermediate process of decay is known as college education...
...They are to be the central figures in a new study of alcoholism, backed by a grant from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare for $546,409...
...The first mistake to be overcome is the impression that the Church is a building or an organizational structure...
...The denominations can no longer afford to be competitors...
...It is becoming increasingly clear, fellow citizens, that the man meant what he said when he told us the 'Great Society' was going to have something for everybody...
Vol. 1 • September 1967 • No. 1