Search For An Alternative
Nathan, George
THE ALTERNATIVE: Published remarkably without regard to race, color, creed, or (most redundantly of all) national origin. Editor in Chief, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Publishers, The Saturday Evening...
...George Nathan REVIEWS THE BITTER HERITAGE By Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr...
...Few will be surprised that PRP had a far weightier proportion in the summer Senate than the student vote of last May projected...
...If in walking from McNutt Quad to Ballantine Hall you are not assailed by half a dozen grizzled garbage men blatantly forcing upon you enlightened mimeography you may conclude: A) it is Sunday and all the swine are resting from a week of feverish exhibitionism or B) it is a national holiday and the slobs are gathered in Dung Meadow exhuming the noble carcass of one of their honored dead—Norman Thomas, Timothy Leary, Stokely Carmichael, perhaps Fidel Castro...
...should be sent to The Alternative in care of the Activities Desk, Memorial Union...
...If this symphony of the absurd has disturbed your slumber welcome to the cloyed audience of The Alternative...
...To Secretary McNamara he avers the dashing military tactic of holding our present positions in Vietnam...
...Houghton Mifflin Company, cheap The Bitter Bunk In The Bitter Heritage Arthur Schlesinger, Jr... Barry Goldwater...
...For every crude solution he attempts to foist on you we will offer a serviceable alternative...
...We long for a return to the harmless buffoonery that once reigned in the Pupils' Senate when clowns like Frick and Aulick at least retired for the summer...
...Needless to say these glib allegations and adumbrations are unaccompanied by any documentation at all — the book contains neither citations nor bibliography...
...3 The Christian Establishment and The University by Benet Hall...
...For the harshly modulated hokum of IU's pestiferous totalitarians has annoyed us also...
...We were not as horrified as the dirty old men at Life magazine were upon failing to discover proper measures of Red Guards, opium dens, homes for unwed mothers, and fraternities of limpwristed sweethearts which they seem to consider the necessary ingredients of higher education...
...He did not protest this twisting of the democratic process...
...Exercising a polemicist's expertise with half-truths and imprecise rhetoric this book differs from Schlesinger's earlier works, for he once wrapped such sophistry in a pleasant package of rhetorical elegance, compelling even those whom his ideas repulsed...
...The author writes with an ineluctable swagger to his scholarly rhetoric which consistently appears wholly unwarranted...
...And of course he once again warns his faithful audience of the fiendish provincialism of "the Generals...
...Guy believes in democracy...
...Throughout this past summer "the pink-eyed man of destiny" guy Ioftman filibustered to Herbie Smith's office denouncing the usual administrative tyranny...
...8 Incites by George Nathan...
...When he says "it is true" that Chinese intervention in the Korean War had Soviet support he is either purposely misleading his readers or attempting to be philosophical, for historians just do not know the extent of Soviet involvement in Korea...
...Publishers, The Saturday Evening Club Managing Editor, Jefferson Davis Editorial Staff, C. Earl Watson George Nathan Anthony Comstock Associates, Mark A. Watson Frank Octave Brunell Benet Hall Contributors, Greg Scott R. Dennis Tyrrell Tom Charles Huston James Sanford N.K...
...3 The Case For A Voluntary Army by Milton Friedman...
...Students elected for the fall semester could go to work immediately in a Pupils' Senate whose make-up in no way represented the student body's aggregate will as voiced in the May elections...
...A historian of Schlesinger's repute owes his audi10...
...We hope IU's famous "apathetics" will take The TO BARE THE WITNESS AND THE TRUTH INDEX Search For An Alternative by George Nathan...
...Subscriptions cost $1.3 5, and all correspondence (manuscripts, subscriptions, threatening letters, etc...
...sets a world record for brevity (126 pages) in analyzing the history leading to our present Vietnamese imbroglio and avering vapid suggestions for a political rather than military solution...
...Khrushchev Foreign Contributors, Alan Somers Kevin Berry Jerry Gerde The Alternative is published monthly from September through June...
...That two-thirds of the voters' representatives were forced by economic exigency to be away from campus did not trouble loftman greatly...
...After implying that all Eastern Europeans are now as free as the East Berliners he cautions readers against the possible resurrection of that loathsome prosopopia whose very name regiments all true liberals into a fraternity of neurosis, Senator Joseph McCarthy...
...He tears a page from Talleyrand by illuminating Secretary Rusk to the devine possibilities of negotiation — this might well lead to a revolution in American foreign policy...
...We will have a series of essays treating the real problems of the university, and we will offer a series of articles diagnosing the ailments of the "academy...
...If then you are tired of the badgering of the vermin, the sour grapes of oxymorons from Life, and the ranting leadership of the Great Unwashed, we are sure you will want to know of The Alternative...
...We even promise to assist you the next time the parasites of Establishment journalism threaten exposure of your viceless existence...
...That he bristles with solutions for unsolved problems will surprise no one — problems are his most creative product...
...Viewing the peculiar logic of his disordered paragraphs one might conclude vegetable soup had been spilled over the manuscript while on its way to press...
...Sea/volt tf-o* An Aiiesuudiae Are you tired, are you utterly exhausted by the ineffable politicalization of everything in Bloomington from sex to the delinquencies issuing from some neurotic girl's creative gut...
...To the much-abused apathetics we promise that if ever Life (the picture magazine) sends another journalistic coprophiliac to Bloomington he will be drawn, quartered, and his shrivelled members sent to Life's picturehungry subscribers concurrent with the nuclear devastation of that odious rag's presses...
...All that can withstand such a holocaust is the veracity of his thesis which towers above the debris...
...And your ears, are they fatigued by Radio Free Kirkwood's tedious pledges of forthcoming liberation...
...This silly scoundrel no more respects the student body than he respects soap...
...The Bitter Heritage is the emaciated work of a malingering historian with an inexorable penchant toward forensics...
...From the loftiest cubicle on Greek's Peak to the poster-littered Cathedral of Trees the pandemic exhortations of crass vulgarians have rattled the serenity of an otherwise pleasant four-year Sabbatical from reality annoying even the jolly gents of the Saturday Evening Club...
...10 Views On Music by Frank Octave Brunell...
...The author blabbers confused and disarrayed homilies on — among other diffuse subjects — the prophetic value of history, the Russo-Chinese split, and the threat of war psychosis on freedom in America...
...Thus in explaining our commitment in Vietnam he neglects those arguing our presence there is based on containing communism, and instead hammers away at the argument that the SEATO treaty's protocol gives legitimacy to our involvement...
...Perhaps you will even read it...
...In alleging the Vietnam struggle is something other than an invasion from the north Schlesinger cites four newspaper correspondents as "the best evidence", when among others Hanson Baldwin, Russell Fifield, Bernard Fall, and most incriminating of all the International Control Commission have asserted that northern infiltrators began the strife that blights South Vietnam today...
...9 Reviews by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...Lacking any such cogency The Bitter Heritage relies soley on the imprimatur of Schlesinger's name, and without any documentation this is hardly enough...
...2 End The Draft...
...With a presidential advisor like Schlesinger I can not imagine how President Kennedy ever kept his cabinent busy...
...How can a Pulitzer prize historian certify America as "the only atomic power in the world in 1950" when Russia had the bomb in August of 1949...
...Schlesinger often takes the worst possible argument against his thesis, inflates it, and decimates it under a bombardment of nuclear logic...
...Like a claymore mine and with as much finesse he fulminates advice in all directions...
...For every problem Sherlock detects we promise to expose its superficiality and offer a civilized cure...
...He feels student government should do something for the students — whether the students like it or not...
...Operating from his vision of government a-go-go he decided that, though the (Continued on Page 10) 2 THE SEARCH (Continued from Page 2) student electorate had gone on vacation, student government could not...
...11 Alternative lethargically to their bosoms, for we will gently offer more civilized substitutes to the panaceas avered by disturbed adolescents of the new left...
...Less then twenty-one days elapsed between our first successful test of the bomb at Almogordo and the destruction of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945...
Vol. 1 • September 1967 • No. 1