Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
Bloomington Herald-Telephone A New Age Casanova full o f " p a t h o s , terror, love, sex, and d e a t h , " and with a whiff o f the eternal grad student about him excoriates our...
...To try to get the guy to bed, and then kill him...
...B8* THE TUBE...
...Wodehouse • #12 15th Anniversary Issue VOLUME 13—1980 • # 1 Khomeini VOLUME 16—1983 • # 2 Norman Mailer • # 1 Afghanistan • # 3 John Connally D # 2 Poland • # 4 Naderism • # 3 Carter's Memoirs • # 5 John Anderson • # 4 Marva Collins • # 6 Barry Commoner • # 5 Germany • # 7 Ronald Reagan • # 6 Helen Gurley Brown • # 8 Ramsey Clark D # 7 Grenier and Le Carre • # 9 PLO • # 8 Erich Hoffer • #10 Jimmy Carter • # 9 Seymour Hersh • #11 Foreign Policy Issue • #10 George Will • #12 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn III #11 Supply-Side Symposium • #12 Joseph McCarthy VOLUME 14—1981 • # 1 E.L...
...It is a book that you'll read, re-read, quote and re-quote for years to come...
...The public knows he's having a good time being President...
...Please specify elassiflcat.'on: Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Opportunities, Services, Books, Periodicals, Informational Pamphlets, Conferences, Bumperstickers & Buttons, Merchandise, Miscellaneous, Personals...
...classroom discussions replace lectures... hardened into a cheap orthodoxy, so obvious and vulgar that almost anyone could master it and mouth its dunderheaded pieties...
...Why not simply white or rich or famous...
...Mondale said the Nov...
...consumer magazines...
...Geraldine Ferraro and my fiancee, Annette Sisson...
...What I do mean is that romance transcends social conventions and that we should not confuse or cheapen romance by equating it with complacent displays of those conventions...
...September 1984] THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR DECEMBER 1984 55 T Xhe founder and editor-in-chief of The American Spectator, having brilliantly dissected Public Nuisances in his book of that title, now goes beyond Homo liberalis to examine what he believes are the frequently incoherent, often infantile (and nearly always dangerous) ideas of the New Age Liberals...
...Stalin also wished to exterminate or deny freedom to the enemies of his policies and beliefs...
...Tired of a]t the hearts on the road...
...With the flashing wit and flawlessly documented accuracy that is his trademark, Emmett Tyrrell covers the whole sorry spectrum of melancholia and moral goose-stepping, using prominent liberals' own words, deeds, and singular affronts to common sense to make his points on everything and everyone, including...
...So, shall we follow their examples and create a totalitarian regime...
...Anthony Lewis, a decade after all his pert assertions about Southeast Asia had prevailed: Truth about anything in Vietnam is not attainable...
...Endorsed by M. Stanton Evans, Russell Kirk, Malcolm Muggeridge...
...The American Spectator reserves the right to re}act any copy for any reason...
...This is the right to take a direct part in building a new life, to be a strict judge o f all thilags inert and obsolete, and to affirm by their art the true humanism and lofty ideals of socialism...
...His kind of mealy-minded romance that our pop culture also endorses is not romance, but overly sentimental tripe which ultimately demeans women and men alike...
...Seven books, hardbound $36.95 postpaid...
...If, however, the Republican Party does succeed in propping him up through the election, and if this is the kind of President the American people choose, then we should be singing in the next four years not "God Bless America" but God help America...
...See page 57 for details...
...a NEW, REDUCED TUITIONS FOR: i _9 Certificate _9 Undergraduate _9 Graduate _9 4-year Law Programs Free informationC...
...TAugust 18, 1984] Gloucester County Times The J . J . Rousseau o f GloucesterCounty, New Jersey, speaks his mind in the correspondence page o f a local gazette: To the Editor: Dr...
...See page 51 for details...
...BOOKS OUT OF PRINT Bookfinder, 2035AS Everding, Eureka, CA 95501...
...Oh, God," said Susan Horowitz, a political activist who champions liberal causes...
...major neo-conservative voice of "Mr...
...50 a sample...
...As for feminists in love, two come immediately to mind...
...A William F. Buckley, Jr...
...SOPHISTICATED SCANDINAVIANS and other Europeans seek correspondence, sincere friendships...
...He is coming from where I'm coming from these days: He believes in himself, he believes peace is possible, he was seemingly forgiving of the boy who tried to assassinate him--he cares for the family...
...Atlanta was the sad culmination of more than a decade of sham...
...Box 877, Bloomington, IN 47402, then lift a glass to friends...
...Send $5.95 (two for $10.00) to B. Jon Royce, 3510 NE Knott, Portland, OR 97212...
...Send check to The Saturday Evening Club, P.O...
...I think it's real...
...FREE MARKET CALENDAR FOR 1985: Featuring quotations on economic freedom and individual liberty by Ludwig von Mises, coupled with high-contrast lithographic images...
...Looking back on the debate over nuclear energy, one is staggered by the vast nonsensicality of the thing Beethoven's Missa Solemnis performed by a chorus and orchestra of chimpanzees...
...He speaks to the higher values...
...Enjoy the privacy, economy, convenience of your own home...
...I've got to meet this Mata Hari...
...Asian Exchanges, Honokaa, HI 96727...
...For #2, 3 & 4 send SASE to: 4 WRONGS RIGHTED, Box 2243, Youngstown, OH 44504 PERSONALS ORIENTAL WOMEN seek correspondence for cultural exchange, language practice, friendship...
...Box 220, Dept...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402 58 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR DECEMBER 1984...
...Today in America Alan Alda, who played an army surgeon on M*A*S*H, has lectured to medical schools, and Ed Asner, who played a city editor on Lou Grant, has lectured a meeting of journalists on 'investigative journalism.'" a©* ANDREW YOUNG...
...I think it's genuine...
...One year subscription: $8.00--eight issues...
...One cannot deny those citizens their rights simply because he dislikes their lifestyle...
...he cares for the boy's mental health--he cares for the souls of the unborn...
...throwaway bottle...
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...MD's, JD's, PhD's, Bus/Exec's, Talented Artists, MA's, etc...
...Detailed report by experienced journalist, $6.50...
...When a black Atlantan was arrested and charged [with the murders of black children in Atlanta] Mayor Marion Barry of our nation's capital justified the charges of racism, explaining that had the children 'been Jewish, the Federal government would have moved faster.' Jewish...
...At bookstores, or mail the coupon today...
...This misunderstanding leads to nothing but fear, and we must never govern our lives--or our nation--around fear...
...1.25 each...
...2for 3. 5Oc postage for any number, Mycoto9...
...The United States was not founded to give Christians a land in which to freely govern its morals upon nonbelievers...
...I won't permit this crowd to steal the future from our children without a fight," he continued...
...It's like a western...
...Why Jewish...
...I've instructed the editor to kindly forward all the specifics of time and location to him if he so chooses to accept our invitation...
...X .90 X Ad classification: (number of words) (Price per word) Cost for one Issue (number of Issues ad is to appear) Total cost (payment must accompan~ order) PLEASE PRINT Name Address Cit~ Slate ZIp Please type or print your ad on a separate sheet of paper, attach and send to: THE .4 MERICAN SPECTATOR Classified Department P.O...
...CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVERS' EXCHANGE Nationwide link between unattached music lovers...
...Financial aid program...
...The homosexual harms no one...
...The New Age Liberal would negotiate any indignity, anywhere, for any amount of time, notwithstanding the fact that as he negotiated his pockets were being picked and his to testify before Parliament on domestic political conditions in Denmark...
...We will disappoint him in that we have no prenuptial agreements or contracts...
...Specialists in American Indians--Free Catalog...
...CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE, monthly news and opinion magazine for traditional Episcopalians...
...doses of castor oil for modern Henry Kissinger liberals It can't be suggested "R...
...Fear the violence of cabbage-patch shoppers...
...45 complete...
...It was, alas, incoherent...
...J. Eme Washington Township [July 27, 19841 New York Times The Times reports on another prodigious mantra from the Hon...
...Categorized by subject...
...Send $1 for list and description of all other subjects...
...Since the 1960s this dreadful gasbag had harangued an entire generation of young women and left millions of them miserable...
...The most comprehensive lie was that there resided in the Third World the answers to all the problems facing the West, from alienatio to nuclear war to spastic colitis...
...Playboy: Are you being cynical...
...The worst president of the twentieth century...
...Faith is a personal matter, not political...
...I know many compassionate, nonjudgmental and devout Christians who are homosexual...
...Classes do not exceed 20 students...
...But is there any doubt in your mindthat he's having fun with this role...
...Aren't we all playing the roles of our lives...
...l know I do," she said...
...They would urge him to withdraw before the election (rather than after it, as some observers predict he is likely to do...
...Jim Brock [September 3, 1984] Playboy Shirley MacLaine, agog and under the influences o f the Reagan prosperity: Playboy: To what do you attribute Reagan's appeal...
...fine literary selections...
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...Include an additional $5 If you want a box number, and we will forward all Inquiries to you once a week...
...Berkeley, Box 311 -AS, Shaftsbury, VT 05262...
...The lie appealed to all the constituents of the New Age: the hypochondriacs, the prophets of doom, the nature lovers, the enemies of the William Safire Ambassador "Fine fulminating from an una- Jeane J. Kirkpatrick bashed iconoclast...
...People are too smart-smarter than you think...
...Konstantin U. Chernenko, philosophe and poet, discourses on the niceties o f Socialist Realism before a rapt throng o f Soviet Mailers a t the 50th a n n i v e r s a r y meeting o f the board o f the Soviet Writers Union: In a 5,000-word speech titled "To Assert the Truth of Life, the Lofty Ideals of Socialism,' *he summed up his philosophy with a reference to the ideas, of Maxim Gorky, who is generally credited by Soviet ideologists with spawning the precepts of Socialist Realism...
...You'll be remembered as a thoughful, thrifty gift-giver, and you'll be warm and safe as well...
...Such is, in fact, the political meaning of Socialist Realism, the chief artistic method of our literature and a r t . " [September 26, 1984] ABA Journal Mr...
...For information write to: Director of Admissions--AS Thomas Aquinas College 10,000 N. Ojai Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805) 525-4417 MERCHANDISE JUST THE THING for holding frosty libations--An American Spectator beer mug--S34.50 ( + 2.00 for handling) for a set of four...
...From a purely esthetic standpoint," sniffed one investment banker, " I ' d say she's not worth getting killed for...
...Back Issues $1.75 each (save 25C) VOLUME 12—1979 VOLUME 15—1982 • # 1 Jerry Brown • # 1 Michael Foot • # 2 Douglas MacArthur • # 2 Betty Friedan • # 3 Irving Kristol D # 3 Reagan Year One • # 4 FTC vs...
...1.00 for sample copy...
...Chernenko quoted Gorky as having said...
...You have no right to hoist your doctrines upon a free society...
...The majority of feminists I know are challenging, provacative [sic], and actively compassionate...
...MERCHANDISE CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATJON Thomas Aquinas College offers serious intellectual discipline and a close-knit community of students and teachers...
...Yet Andy found no hint of racism in Arab lands...
...Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., has writthey w,l enjoy the medicine, but t£n a s t i m u ] a t J ^ ^ w h i c h the resulting purgative is joy- shou, d c a u s e ^ Americans ously wholesome, and if they fethink ^ th have take their medicine hke a man- taken . £ d e b a t e s f \he person, they will want to nation- de c a c j e " alize R. Emmett Tyrrell, and make him a legal holiday...
...NJN 3214 Tibbett Ave...
...Send $12.50 for six issues to Box 2624, Victoria, "IX 77902...
...Romance is larger than mere perfunctory and sexist gestures...
...Of course, these attributes do not appeal to Tyrrell's idea of the properly deferential "lady...
...A regime over which our forefathers died to overthrow...
...Meet your match...
...Hundreds of fine furnished apartments available for short-term rental in central London...
...22276 Ocpr~ ,'~5 GIVE THE GIFT that will ingratiate or infuriate month after month--a subscription to The American Spectator...
...Hitler tried this...
...I love i t . " [October 4, 1984] The Nation A scholar at the redoubtable Nation takes the 16ng view: No leader of a Western empire since Frederick I~arbarossa has courted the church as deliberately and assiduously as Ronald Reagan...
...Insisting that government must help the weak and needy, he said: "America is not just for ourselves, but for each other...
...Box 38335, Colorado Springs, CO 80937...
...Roman Catholic newsletter, traditional, conservative, forthright...
...SCANNA-AMS, Box 4, Pittsford, NY 14534...
...Send stamped selfaddressed #10 envelope to: PUBLISHERS EXCHANGE, P.O...
...Television has preempted reality in the minds of millions...
...But across the room, a swelling crowd of women talked about Astorga beneath ceiling murals of men wrestling, boxing and running track...
...WRITE FOR DETAILS" $1.25 to Americh, 1967 Lindaflora, Los Angeles, 90077...
...elective system replaced by an integrated, comprehensive study of mathematics, experimental science, language, music, history, literature, philosophy, and theology...
...If Mr...
...Editor: Fr...
...Mondale, waxing bravely and pathetically on the campaign trail: Mr...
...Wooden wineracks in Mahogany or wood of your choice...
...But it is also a serious last word on the intellectual flotsam and jetsam which have damaged our American institutions...
...Although you may not agree with their lifestyle, you cannot deny them their constitutional rights simply because your beliefs will not tolerate them...
...The new black leaders recognized the Arab lands as true brothers engaged in one of the great liberation movements of modern timesnamely: the liberation of dollars from Western banks...
...I do not mean to do away with common courtesies, for I too appreciate the woman who might open the door for me...
...Applications from students with previous college studies encouraged...
...Rodman IH # 7 Civil Rights Realities • # 8 Alan Alda • # 8 Taki • # 9 Jacobo Timerman • # 9 Excellence in Education D #10 Lee Harvey Oswald • #10 Liberal Crack-Up • #11 The Gaudy Game of Human Rights • #12 Richard Nixon Reprints $ .75 for one $ 6.00 for ten $12.00 for twenty-five 1) The Befuddlement of American Catholicism, by William McGurn ©March 1984 2) Marva Collins and American Public Education, by Rita Kramer ©April 1983 3) Gay Times and Diseases, by Patrick J. Buchanan and J. Gordon Muir ©August 1984 Books 4) The Future That Doesn't Work, edited by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...THE LIBERAL CRACK-UP nrobes "the Dabable absurditv of the major ideas of our time...
...Bloomington Herald-Telephone A New Age Casanova full o f " p a t h o s , terror, love, sex, and d e a t h , " and with a whiff o f the eternal grad student about him excoriates our debonaire editor before inviting him to the wedding feast, presumably to be held at the local mental health facility: To the editor: In reading the column by R. Emmett Tyrrell "The Romance Has Gone Out of Modern Feminism," (Herald-Telephone, August 26), I could not discern about which he knew less...
...September 8, 1984] New York Times Let Reagan match this...
...paperback) Retail: $9.50 Sale: $7.50 5) Thinking About Crime, by James Q. Wilson (paperback) Retail: $3.95 Sale: 3.00 6) Wealth and Poverty, by George Gilder (hardcover) Retail: $16.95 Sale: $14.95 7) The View From Sunset Boulevard, by Ben Stein (paperback) Retail: $4.50 Sale: $2.50 ANTIQUE GRAPHICS...
...Tell my people of their sin!--Isaiah 58.1...
...therefore he should legally be protected under the laws which govern him...
...Andy found racism everywhere, even in Abraham Lincoln...
...We need a President who leads us along the course of compassion and caring and community...
...Shop at home, from the Spectator's wide selection of books, reprints, and back issues...
...Nor did Jesse Jackson, nor the members of the Black Caucus...
...A. Dunellen, NJ 08812...
...September 26, 1984] Washington Post Advances in the constituency o f conscience's humane metaphysics as reported in the incomparable " S t y l e " section o f the Washington Post: Last night, after a long day on the front lines of the public relations offensive Nicaragua is staging at the United Nations and throughout the city, it was poker-faced junta coordinator, Daniel Ortega, who held down the official receiving line at a trendy New York Athletic Club reception hosted by lawyer Michael Kennedy...
...shoelaces tied together...
...fl^ JIMMY CARTER...
...That's because they all want to do what she did," he replied...
...MacLaine: No...
...Descriptive list direc, tory of over 1,000 U.S...
...None sparked Freudian debate like Astorga...
...CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM You can reach 120,000 Informed and Interested readers In the clusifled section of The American Spectator...
...This United States of America was founded to give equal rights to all people who follow its Constitution, and who exercise their rights without causing harm to anyone...
...September 1984] New York Times John B. Oakes, once a Senior Editor o f the venerable Times, solemnly proffers some public-spirited counsel to the GOP, two days before its national convention and while the Republic still has time...
...Writers must learn to make active use of a great right bestowed by socialism," Mr...
...Francis E. Fenton, STL...
...A piano player was singing, " I Love You Just the Way You Are...
...Among the crowd were celebrities like Abbie Hoffman, actor-producer Michael Douglas, Mike Wallace, Shana Alexander, judges and rabbis, doctors and lawyers...
...Made of interwoven Y4 inch-solid wood...
...Free listing of over 100 publications offering a sample copy...
...12bot-$26, 24bot-$48, 60hot$89, or made to your dimensions...
...That's my dream, to do that to Reagan, George Bush, go right down the line...
...Feminism could not claim finally to have triumphed, for it never reached agreement on precisely what it wanted...
...Write CMLE, Box 31, Pelham, NY 10803...
...176 City University Los Angeles i I 1 ~ Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017-1966 (213) 461-0950 MISCELLANEOUS SHOUT WITH THE VOICE of a trumpet blast...
...Fully assembled...
...So I think that if you do anything sincerely, you're going to succeed...
...Nostalgic set...
...She's the most exciting modern female revolutionary around...
...YES, I would ilke to place a classified ad In The American Spectator, Enclosed Is full payment for . . . . . . . . . number of words...
...Doctorow VOLUME 17—1984 • # 2 Jimmy Carter's • # 1 Rosenbergs Official Portrait D # 2 Jesse Jackson • # 3 Qaddafi • # 3 Andropov • # 4 Valery Giscard D'Estaing • # 4 The Big Chill • # 5 Marxism • # 5 Jackson Symposium • # 6 George Orwell • # 6 Conservatives & NATO • # 7 Shawcross vs...
...BronX, NY 10463...
...Romance, as the French troubadours, Chaucer, Malory, Shakespeare, and Shelley praised it and as our best contemporary poets such as Hayden Carruth, Adrienne Rich, and Linda Pastan (all of whom profess feminist views) now praiseit, derives from pathos, terror, love, sex, and death...
...THE LIBERAL CRACK-UP is magnificently pointed, provocative and funny...
...But I believe it...
...41 c...}ing to call a spade a spade...
...That's what rve been doing for 40 years beginning with the #1 sin--suicidal, winnedess wars...
...These complicated facets of living could never be expressed by artificial and arbitrary social codes such as a "gentleman" opening a door for a "lady...
...They may ask for our vote, but I'll be damned if I'll let them steal our conscience...
...All 2'/4...
...Nearby, Horowitz, a stunning, intelligent-looking woman with long brown hair accompanied by husband David Horowitz, president of MTV, was chiding feminists for denying they use sexuality to get what they want...
...d Ro,, S~b~ry:)~A...
...OBERAMMERGAU 1980-42 color slides, complete play with tape narration, delightful...
...By the way, Annette and I cordially invite Tyrrell to our October 13 wedding...
...212) 267-5785...
...CHARLES BISHOP & CO., Box 246, Princeton, NJ 08540...
...MacLaine: Well, you can disagree with him all you want but, let's face it, the man is playing the role of his life, with his ideology as his screenplay...
...Reagan's closest advisers were sincerely interested in protecting the President as well as the Presidency, they would recognize that he is not up to running the White House for four more years...
...a scamp mountebank from jerkwater America whose knowledge of government and history was somewhere between that of the washroom attendant at '21' and a modestly educated welfare queen...
...But I know a lot who use their looks and wiles, even though they'd never march into the Wonder Woman foundation and say, 'Hey, I got this guy to do something for me because I gave him the hint I ' d do something for him in return.' "" She saw Astorga as an inspiration for the New Woman...
...Accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges...
...I ' d say the women are more interested in her than the men...
...Satisfaction or Price refunded...
...Our rates are only 90 cents per word (12-word mlnimum...
...Pin back button, mirror or key chain...
...What if people were discriminated against and denied their rights simply because they were fundamentalist Christians...
...I, too, am a Christian, but I cannot legislate my desires upon an agnostic...
...Tyrrell has prescriptive the n e w generation...
...That's the secret of Ronald Reagan...
...6 election was "about what kind of people we are...
...feminism or romance...
...2120 Kenwood Pkwy., Minneapolis, MN 55405...
...When Laurence Olivier played Hamlet he was never asked B©* FOREIGN POLICY...
...STELLA MARLS BOOKS Box 11483AS, Fort Worth, TX 76110...
...Send wants...
...McGUFFEY READERS, replica 1879 edition...
...Traditional Catholics of America, Dept...
...Children's TV D # 4 Poland • # 5 Joseph Heller D # 5 The New Nietzsche • # 6 Chambers and Hiss D # 6 Nuclear Neurosis D # 7 Tom Wolfe D # 7 High Life/Low Life • # 8 Winston Churchill • # 8 Billy Graham/American • # 9 Boat People Women • #10 Franklin D. Roosevelt • # 9 Henry Kissinger • #11 Norman Podhoretz • #10 Michael Novak • #12 Fidel Castro • #11 P.G...
...Information Publishing, 5868 E. 71st St., Suite 103-C, Indianapolis, IN 46220...
...Coming from me, a liberal, democratic socialist, that's something to say...
...Scheide's refutation of the homosexual lifestyle (Gloucester County Times' Readers View, July 11) is a sad example of the misunderstanding many people have about this sector of our society...
...I really think that Ronald Reagan is an enlightened human being...
...Buy direc~ from . manufacturer and - save...
...Incisive, timely, important...
...One sector of society does not have the right to dictate its personal convictions upon an entire society...
...however, we hope he will discover that we, like most feminists who choose marriage, do it the old fashioned way--with respect and love...
...I won't let them put ice in our soul without a fight...
...So many women on the left deny they'd ever use their sexuality because they assume it's not in keeping with women's liberation," she went on...
...Classics from Aristotle to Einstein replace textbooks...
...I think she's great looking," snapped his wife, eyeing the cr6wd build-up...
Vol. 17 • December 1984 • No. 12