Editorial/Free Shcharansky / Legends
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
well be suffering more from restricted immigration than benefiting from it." Even though the many Cubans who have arrived in Florida recently were penniless, they "brought their wealth with them."...
...Yet the book shelves do not fill with his biographies...
...As Daniel comes to realize that he is not like his mother, whom he envies and admires, but more and more like his father whom he resents and even hates, he is terrified...
...Is this the liberal's fault...
...While head of the actors' union he faced real danger, requiring him to carry a gun...
...Well, I hereby offer my services to Soviet party leader Andropov on a pro bono basis...
...The liberals have tried for the most part to be decent...
...Walter Williams, a black economist (by which I mean he is not one of your certified "Safe," anointed octoroons), has written a book called The State Against Blacks, in which he points out that, despite our loudly professed "concern" about race, many federal, state, and local laws discriminate against blacks...
...Surely it has crossed the mind of that eminent student of Soviet affairs, George F. Kennan...
...It is not, I suspect, for the reasons he states, but rather because abortion has been and is going to be a nasty fight...
...Even more astonishing was that she had accepted him...
...You are both co-author and co-therapist as you actively participate in solving your own personal problems with the help of this new book...
...for which I enclose check or money order for $17.50 plus 51 40 postage and handling charge If I wish...
...With alacrity the poetry flowed...
...He has lost more often than Senator Kennedy...
...The characters evolve in inextricable plots: Larry/Rachel/Mother v. Daniel...
...The novel ends with this line, just as the adult life of Daniel Boone Price is beginning...
...Rachel watches the cheerleaders practice and observes others at parties and bonfires as she dreams of acceptance by a group and longingly remembers her friends from childhood...
...He cites occupational and business licensing, minimum-wage laws, and so on...
...480 Cash i n on the smart investment for the Eighties...
...Christine Moruza Berkeley, California "You might say we have become a nation of the legless-hordes of people of all ages daily put on special costumes and special shoes, risking permanent damage to spine, knees, 36 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1983...
...The Solzhenitsyn lament has already, it seems, been played out in the West...
...07001 I wane in know how io invest my money in STRATEGIC ML 1ALS Send me my Lope crow...
...I congratulate him, but there is something else he can do to present the Soviet Union in the halo that he doubtless seeks...
...This far into the Carter Administration there was already a long bookshelf of admiring studies...
...Air Force (Ret...
...Strategic metals are essential not only to our military strength, but to our basic way of life-from the cars we drive (copper and steel) to our health care (lead and cobalt...
...The final triangle in the novel is represented by the Price family...
...So, the more of them the better...
...D (Larry-Daniel and Rachel-Daniel) is Freud...
...Only necessity can beget painful reforms...
...Incidentally, we should all heave a great sigh of relief that the dreadful new immigration bill supported by Senator Alan Simpson, Representative Romano Mazzoli, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Mother Jones finally failed in the House of Representatives...
...Consider the December 13 Time magazine cover story...
...Andropov's promise to reduce his nuclear force was a lovely lilt, a trio by Schubert on a cold Bavarian night...
...Then they kept getting into rows even farther from their borders...
...had called him Freud and that was all it took...
...When he realizes Larry is really going to leave, he confesses: "I lost all control...
...Also r,onlains a detailed dppertaix of the twenty strategic metals-showing sources...
...Elaborates theory of special interest group growth and success and uses history to show how intervention by government strangles economic progress...
...They believe, with Ben Wattenberg, that Latin America and the Far East have blanketed us with a horde of uncompromising anti-Communists...
...He envies Larry's resolve and independence, his ability to be an island...
...Carter's presidency was a disaster...
...Where are the biographies and essays...
...In case you are still a bit uncertain about immigration, perhaps I can win you over by quoting Mother Jones, the left-wing monthly (January 1983): "Some progressive Americans are worried, and with very good reason, that the political beliefs of many of the new immigrants are dangerously reactionary...
...So are a lot of the issues Asahina would assign to the realm of "practical" politics...
...More important, perhaps, this student venture, despite its narrow base and its limited re ff I bet, I just bet that some man is an island...
...Asahina warns that moralism in politics is as "opprobrious" on the New Right as it is on the Left (as if there is any subject of political debate that is not moral...
...And so I went out into the world...
...Arons leads us to consider alternatives by which we might redress, legally, this suppression of intellectual freedom...
...Think of what the liberals would make of such an adventure were he theirs...
...This colonial legacythe legacy of Lords Kaldor and Keynes-the Left is not eager to part with...
...Freudian psychology is at work throughout the novel in the form of David, who comes between Rachel and Daniel, and in the very complicated relationship between Daniel and his father...
...There were essays, and the legend of the populist fervors had grown rococo...
...Crews, M.D., President COLUMBIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 150 Shoreline, Suite 2501 Mill Valley, CA 94941 Call Toll Free USA: 800227.1617, ext...
...desiring to design their own projects and receive academic acknowledgement for their personal achievements...
...Is there not more that can be said about a man who has been running for the presidency since 1968...
...One of Reagan's crises was a bullet to the chest...
...it is "in mind," not in pocket...
...Why the silence from the conservatives...
...My father and I did it the other way around...
...Helens of words, admittedly meaningless and silly...
...his complaints as the delusions of a sick man or a spoilsport...
...PSYCHOLOGY Branden, THE ROMANTIC LOVE Q & A BOOK, $3.95/$11.95 Branden, PSYCH...
...He could free a sick and anguished man now wasting away in one of his modern prisons, Anatoly Shcharansky...
...The catalyst of all this has been Shcharansky's wife, a very sympathetic lady who so far as I can tell is no political threat whatsoever to Andropov and the colleagues...
...There is Mrs...
...As Washington figures go Ronald Reagan is an interesting man...
...Yes, one of the most transparent of politicos has always been held to be enigmatic, especially in the Washington press corps, where the buddy system remains the rule...
...I shall leave it to the psychologists to analyze...
...The cost is under $2.500...
...Master and Doctoral degrees in numerous fields, including Business, Psychology...
...And, as his father slowly and agonizingly dies of cancer in Daniel's house on the very sofa where he and Rachel had made love, Daniel is torn between hatred and guilt, and terror that he will end up like that...
...their spies were being picked up in the capitals of their erstwhile allies...
...His proposal to reduce the USSR's European arsenal of over 600 me Adapted from RET's weekly Washington Post column syndicated by King Features...
...He came from one of America's most glamorous settings, Hollywood-and from a legendary Hollywood era at that, the time of Capra films, of Cooper and Stewart and Wayne...
...Hence the title of Brookes's book...
...Their troops were soon in trouble in Berlin and West Germany...
...Many in the West cannot understand why the Soviets maintain such a huge military force...
...But Daniel does hope and in the end, he leaves...
...Shcharansky insists "They were playing with him...
...Authors include Voltairine deCleyre, Stephen Pearl Andrews, Lucy Stone, Rose Wilder Lane, Suzanne LaFollette, Sharon Presley and Jean Bethke Elshtain...
...OF ROMANTIC LOVE, $2.95/$10 Branden, PSYCHOLOGY OF SELF-ESTEEM, $3.50 Breggin, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FREEDOM, $10.95 Szasz, LAW, LIBERTY & PSYCHIATRY, $6.95 Szasz, MANUFACTURE OF MADNESS, $5.95 Szasz, SEX BY PRESCRIPTION, $3.95/$10.95 Szasz, THEOLOGY OF MEDICINE, $15 Vatz & Weinberg, THOMAS SZASZ: PRIMARY VALUES & MAJOR CONTENTIONS, $9.95/$18.95 OTHER Collins & Tamarkin, MARVA COLLIN'S WAY, $12.95 Ferguwn, THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, $8.95/$15 Holt, TEACH YOUR OWN, $8.95/$53.95 Pearson & Shaw, LIFE EXTENSION, $22.50 Poole, CUTTING BACK CITY HALL, $6.95/$12,50 Rand, ATLAS SHRUGGED, $4.95/$22.95 Rand, CAPITALISM, THE UNKNOWN IDEAL, $2.95 Rand, PHILOSOPHY: WHO NEEDS TIT, $15.95 Richards, THE SCEPTICAL FEMINIST, S9.50/$21.50 Schiff, HOW ANYONE CAN STOP PAYING INCOME TAXES, $10.95 Smith, ATHEISM: THE CASE AGAINST GOD, $7.95 paperbxk priceltsardcover price Events of recent months bring to mind a disparity between liberals and conservatives that frequently goes unremarked, to wit: the prodigious resourcefulness of the liberal fabulists in creating and engauding their legends and the conservatives' utter inability to respond in kind...
...Since those early days many Westerners have been alienated by such Soviet policies as sending the Red Army with yellow rain into Afghanistan...
...Although many parents believe their children are being educated in the public schools, our system of compulsory education accommodates neither their attempts to revitalize it nor their efforts to extricate their children from it...
...Don't be misled by those "strange new respect" stories about the delightful lanky homespun senator from Wyoming in the East Coast Establishment press...
...Billy Freund, Daniel's other friend, is, called Freud because "a substitute teacher...
...480 California Only: 800-772.3545, ext...
...Well, by freeing him Andropov would both rekindle Western optimism and shut off such troublesome animadversions...
...Th is is a su bj ec t o t great Importance to our nation's security...
...There was only one other person I knew who could stand alone like that without looking lonely and afraid, and since I could not bring myself to attack Rachel, I went after Misiora...
...By contrast, the conservatives have SUMMER CROSSING Steve Tesich / Random House / $14.95 Judy Tyrrell COLZJrr)WQ Pacific Unioer city NONRESIDENT BACHELOR, MASTER AND DOCTORAL DEGREES FOR THE ACCOMPLISHED INDIVIDUAL Columbia Pacific University, the largest nonresidential graduate university in the U.S., has been authorized by the State of California to grant nonresident Bachelor...
...There are only a few hackneyed observations: his geniality, his niceness...
...So is national defense...
...Holzer exposes the collectivist premises underlying some sixty major cases going back to the Court's earliest decisions...
...If he does he must also understand the vast dimensions of his public relations problem...
...Price is the other island...
...This entails a lot of real estate, and no sooner do the comrades tranquilize one neighbor than the next nation over becomes a threat...
...Heroes, like Larry...
...SECURITY: AVERTING THE CRISIS, $6.95 Fr`edman, CAPITALISM & FREEDOM, $4.95 Friedman, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH, $16.50 Hayek, THE ROAD TO SERFDOM, $4.95!$12.50 Hayek, CONSTTITl17ON OF LIBERTY, $10.95/$35 Hazlitt, ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON, $5.95 Lepage, TOMORROW CAPITALISM, $14.95 Mises, HUMAN ACTION, $37.50 Mises, SOCIALISM, $5/$11 Paul & Lehrman, THE CASE FOR GOLD, $8.95 Reisman, THE GOVT...
...Reagan is at ease with the world...
...Releasing Shcharansky now would be a very savvy act...
...Reagan has performed this task gracefully and amusingly...
...Yet he remains debonair, sparing us the morbidity so characteristic of our ideologues...
...Yet the reviewers reiterate the legend: very smart, very honest, very sincere, enigmatic...
...Admittedly abortion is a moral issue...
...Not even Andrew Jackson matched those heroics...
...It can kill you...
...His memoirs are so bad that he who reads them hazards brain damage...
...how to read the markets, analyze supply and dcmand...gain access to valuable research reports.THE FUTURE-Projections relating how While House policies will affect your investments--.which markets will experience rising demand in the coming months...
...But Daniel is unable to do it, even though he has dreamed often of leaving town and becoming a bum...
...He asks Daniel to come with him so they can be heroes together...
...11 E D I T O R I A L FREE SHCHARANSKY Did it ever occur to you that this whole Cold War ppther extending from the 1940s to the present could have been avoided if Stalin or one of his successors had been astute enough to hire a sharp New York public relations agent...
...Columbia Pacific University is attracting accomplished individuals, members of the business and professional community...
...Surely he could tell-one look at her was enough to tell-that this foreign woman with Oriental features was not the woman for him...
...Andre Malraux's dramatics got Malraux freed from captivity in Cambodia...
...Professor Friedman writes: "Most of the articles remain timely and relevant...
...He marvels at Larry's heretofore unknown literary talent and he marvels, as the book progresses, at Larry, who seems to be somewhat of an island himself...
...AGAINST THE ECON., $12.95 Rothbard, MAN, ECONOMY, AND STATE, $10/$30 Rothbard, POWER AND'MARKET, $4.95/$15 Sowell, MARKETS & MINORITIES, $7.95/513.50 Sowell, KNOWLEDGE & DECISIONS, $9.95/$21 HISTORY & FOREIGN POLICY Bailyn, IDEO...
...Franco's Spain freed Koestler after Dorothy Koestler aroused fellow writers in London...
...He was decisive...
...Bauer, that foreign aid harms the countries that receive it, and that the big-government, high-tax policies bequeathed to the decolonized nations by the postWorld War II socialists have done nothing but harm...
...Not only will the conservative Reagan be charmed but so will millions of other optimistic Westerners...
...Unless he wanted to have a live-in reminder of his own inadequacies...
...All too true...
...Nothing has so become Senator Kennedy lately as the manner of his leaving the 1984 race," Anthony Lewis sang in the New York Times...
...May I send you more information...
...After all, it makes liberals look like monsters...
...Try this with the conservative, and there will be silence...
...and made U.S...
...If, in Asahina's opinion, fighting the abortion fight makes conservatives look like "reactionaries," then tough...
...CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 26) Wade necessitate more government or less defense...
...Price is like Daniel, from his thick hair to his lack of confidence...
...COMPELLING BELIEF: The Culture of American Schooling, by Stephen Arons, hd, 240p, $19.95...
...made millions of people in this country eventually eligible for welfare and union organizing, and thus reluctant to perform the many jobs that it is illegal for American citizens to perform (those that are below minimum wage...
...Nevertheless, the laws are stamped with the seal of liberal approval because they are derived from union influence and pressure...
...I wish Krauss had mentioned one country which might dramatically illustrate the point of his the-.-s dealing with foreign aid to Israel...
...She is Daniel's first love, a girl whom he adores, but of whose affection he is never sure...
...Unions, of course, are legal conspiracies against non-union employees, among whom most blacks are numbered...
...RISE AND DECLINE OF NATIONS by Mancur Olson, hd, 273p, $1495...
...Shcharansky has been on a hunger strike and is in dreadful physical condition...
...Western intellectuals of a distinctly anti-Soviet passion are getting a lot of mileage out of Shcharansky's imprisonment...
...Surely the Soviet government can depreciate by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...Branden's sentence-completion technique, you will explore such sensitive topics as sex, money, marriage, personal expectations, emotional security and the past...
...She talked about the men in her family...
...I suggest that Andropov try again to demonstrate the error of this grim characterization...
...One hopes that Steve Tesich's career as a novelist is just beginning, too...
...Of the three friends who graduate together, only Larry wishes to escape from the steel mills of "da region...
...Back in the 1930s, Mrs...
...Certainly there have been few words expended by the conservatives on Ronald Reagan...
...send him to Zurich on the first plane...
...and why the coming world scarcity of these strategic metals presents important opportunities for the investor STRATEGIC METALS: The Current Crisis and Your Investment Opportunities arms you with all the Information you need to profit in this volatile, vital market...
...There is no nation on earth, at least no socialist nation, that they are not willing to see in a new light if only some pretty music can be played...
...This eye-opening book shows how where- and why the Soviet Union is waging a Resource War an the West...
...Sinclair and Parker have presented it with authority and accuracy so It is Interesting and understandable to either the lay reader or the serious student...
...He has for nearly 30 years represented a position of the underdog in American intellectual life, namely: the position of the intellectual conservative...
...Although the evidence is now decisively on the side of Krauss and Bauer, we characteristically hear nothing but silence from the opposition...
...Degrees are earned through a combination of full academic credit for life and work experience and completion of an independent study project in the student's area of special interest...
...Now a brief word about the two other books from the Manhattan Institute, both dealing with economic problems and both offering unconventional theses...
...Practically alone, Ronald Reagan has raised the conservative critique of government to a Congress, a Washington bureaucracy, and a news media that theretofore had furtively ignored it...
...By virtue of fifteen years as head of that incomparable information-gath ering device the KGB, Andropov is reputed to understand the West well...
...The Supreme Court and Individual Rights, by Henry Mark Holzer, lid, 224p, $14.95...
...extent of U.S import dependency, and pare histories...
...D EDITORIAL (continued from page 6) and articulate . . . avoided coyness . . ." In sum, another heroic moment to add to the liberal's lengthening list of Senator Kennedy's heroic moments, many of which upon closer investigation appear to be defeats...
...Recently the Wall Street Journal's Suzanne Garment alleged that Soviet jailers under Andropov's direct control had been particularly cruel: raising Shcharansky's expectations for amelioration of his penal regimen and then plunging him into the most ghastly form of solitary confinement, THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1983 5 ~IAISSEZ FAIRE BGDKSZ Best Sellers starving him, isolating him from outside contact, bringing him close to death with "the worst possible treatment...
...Or consider the ready solemnizing that the liberals performed upon Teddy Kennedy's recent exit...
...Why no romantic tears and stiff upper lips...
...The Constitution's promise to protect individual rights is sabotaged by its supposed guardian, the Supreme Court...
...All three relationships could be successful, Daniel thinks, were it not for Freud/David/Father who thwart him at every opportunity...
...Such laws discriminate against blacks because they work to the disadvantage of latecomers and outsiders who are trying to work their way onto the ladder of economic achievement...
...Finally, a word of congratulations to Melvyn B. Krauss for his immensely readable Development Without Aid, which sets forth the recent evidence for the case, originally made by P.T...
...Larry wishes he had never graduated from high school so he would not dream of anything beyond the steel mills...
...ALTOI 0$ LAY, Q enera l. U.S...
...Where is the official legend...
...The time involved is shortened due to accelerated, self-paced learning...
...I must demur...
...It is not without precedent to release a prisoner to the West at his wife's behest...
...dium-range nuclear missiles to the 160 presently maintained by Britain and France was a splendid public relations gesture...
...It endures...
...Since then a growing international chorus composed of practically every element of political -expression from Ronald Reagan to Francois Mitterrand has sought Shcharansky's release...
...When it comes to politics, Westerners are stupendously optimistic given the paucity of good news that they have had to go on in this century...
...Engineering, Health, and Education...
...Rachel is another island...
...After this the liberals take over, and their hackneyed observations are not all that dulcet...
...Using Dr...
...I may return the book postpaid within ten days for full tetund Name Mdres, Cay Slate Zip N.Y and NJ iesiders[se add sales tax THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1983 35 fashioned no moving legend from the varied and unusual life of their hero...
...Between both these couples Judy Tyrrell has contributed to The American Spectator since its founding...
...Ironically, Larry and Rachel, whom Daniel admires for their ability to stand alone, just want to be like everyone else...
...This is not the only reason for the nickname...
...Price whose strength, confidence, and independence Daniel recognizes as well as he recognizes his father's weaknesses...
...I don't think Walter Williams can be too popular among the anointed ones or the liberal choir for urging an end to this de facto discrimination against blacks, and for that reason his book is worth reading...
...Even when offered one of his epic heroes, he will remain comparatively mum...
...Summer Crossing is a novel about hope...
...He and many like him see much of the friction between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the painful consequence of two nations' failure to communicate...
...If [my mother] had doubts, it was about the rest of the world, not about herself...
...Nothing is superfluous in Steve Tesich's first novel, Summer Crossing, and Larry's poem is no exception...
...Exotic, like Rachel...
...they were all tall and dark, ferocious warriors all of them, heroes all of them...
...State residents add sales tax Shipping & Handling TOTAL: $2.25 CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE NAME STREET I CITY STATE METHOD OF PAYMENT Cl Check or Money Order 0 MasterCard 0 Visa 6 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1983 the time of his death], and more...
...THE SUPREME COURT AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, $14.95 Kaku & Trainer, NUCLEAR POWER: BOTH SIDES, $14.95 Machan (ed), THE LIBERTARIAN READER, $12.95/$27.50 Mencken, A MENCKEN CHRESTOMATHY, $7,95/$17.95 Mises, LIBERALISM, $4.95/$15.00 Money (ed), ESSAYS ON INDIVIDUALITY, $3.501$8 Nozick, ANARCHY, STATE & UTOPIA, $9.95 Peikoff, THE OMINOUS PARALLELS, $16.95 Rothbard, THE ETHICS OF LIBERTY, $15.95 Rothbard, FOR A NEW LIBERTY, $6.95 Spooner, NO TREASON, $2.50 Williams, THE STATE AGAINST BLACKS, $14.95 Recent Ac ditions ECONOMICS Ferrara, SOC...
...Then why has Asahina selected out abortion for the President to put on the back burner...
...The idea is not all that silly...
...Wealth is metaphysical, not material...
...Those who wish to see the Israeli economy improve should urge the reduction of its aid...
...He was prompt...
...This anthology of individualist feminist writings depicts the government as the chief oppressor of women...
...So begins a poem written by Larry Misiora, one of Daniel Boone Price's two best friends during his senior year at Roosevelt High School in East Chicago, Indiana...
...They remember that after World War II Washington cheerfully reduced its forces from 12 million to 1.5 million in seven months while the Soviets inex plicably reinforced their armies and gobbled up practically all of Hitler's East European acquisitions...
...Let him grumble about the treatment he has been getting...
...Promise me you'll never hope...
...He is patronized, though he is not stoned...
...One of the best things about immigrants is that they are mostly pro-American...
...employers responsible for enforcing the immigration laws by applying criminal penalties to those who hired "illegal aliens...
...They are badly needed to offset our home-grown blue-bloods with their tired old faded blue genes...
...To begin with he remains refreshingly apart from the futile freneticism, the exaggerated drive, the bombastic commitment, all the empty agitation and ambiguous oratory that characterizes American government...
...sources, sets an intellectual standard that has not yet, I believe, been matched by any of the more recent publications in the same philosophical tradition...
...Brilliant new work shows why some economies prosper while others stagnate...
...How was it, I wondered, that my father had picked her to be his wife...
...Hang out a "USSR Love It Or Leave It" sign, and let this fellow Shcharansky leave it...
...Raise up one of the liberal's epic heroes or arch villains, and he will erupt into a Mt...
...This would have constituted the most burdensome increment to regulation since the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency...
...All we have yet seen are a few uncomfortable pleasantries, mostly from liberals, and neckties featuring the austere countenance of the late Adam Smith...
...They receive a lot of it, and their economy is chaotic...
...She was taller, stronger, handsomer...
...He responded with grace and a series of hilarious lines...
...650 34 Engelhard Ave., Avenel...
...He is profoundly principled, but somehow detached from the squirrelly urgency that has brought so many of our-recent Messiahs to ruin...
...THE TOTAL PICTURE-The authors rite the dangers posed by shortages and asses the explosive political and economic conditions in the producing nations...
...What Robert J. Donovan says of Harry Truman in Donovan's new Truman biography can also be said of Reagan: he is "a buoyant, good-natured, secure individual with a sense of well-being that had carried him through the storms and crises...
...You too can achieve selfdiscovery, self-expression, and self-healing...
...Shame on you, Senator Simpson...
...I counsel releasing him posthaste...
...Why, then...
...FREEDOM, FEMINISM, AND THE STATE edited by Wendy McElroy, qpb, 250p, $7.95...
...Daniel, the narrator of the novel, a young man whose background closely resembles Tesich's, marvels at Larry's poem: "A pang of envy clarified my own opinion of it...
...Asahina should be ashamed to urge such a cowardly course on our President...
...relaxed (continued on page 35) ORDER FORM ITEM SUBTOTAL N.Y...
...It would have restricted immigration...
...Don't ever hope," Mr...
...REVOL., $7.95 d'Encausse, DECLINE OF AN EMPIRE, $5.95/$12.95 Flynn, AS WE GO MARCHING, $3.45 Kolko, TRIUMPH OF CONSERVATISM, $8.95 Radosh, PROPHETS ON THE RIGHT, $5.95 Rustow, FREEDOM AND DOMINATION, $40.00 Sowell, ETHNIC AMERICA, $9.50/$16.95 IF YOU COULD HEAR WHAT I CANNOT SAY: Learning To Communicate With The Ones You Love, by Nathaniel Branden, qpb, 294p, $8.95...
...Shcharansky, once something of a whiz kid on the Helsinki Watch Committee, was arrested by Soviet authorities five years ago and sentenced to 13 years in prison...
...She too is independent and illusive, and try as he might, Daniel cannot hold on to her any more than he can keep Larry in East Chicago...
...This, rather than racism or exploitation, has been the true colonial legacy...
...They believe the Soviet Union is a police state that by nature must be armed to the teeth and in iron control of all that lies at its borders...
...Now why not raise Shcharansky from his cell...
...Price tells his son...
...He loves and envies them both but understands neither one...
...HOW THE MARKET WORKS --You IL learn the special lanyuar)e at the strategic metals market...
...But don't let Tesich deceive you...
Vol. 16 • February 1983 • No. 2