Editorial / Stockpiling for Peace / What's the Fuss?
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
bees and clues after all and he would have to be watched carefully. The spirit was willing, but the tongue was weak. Then he went to Moscow's only Baptist Church and reminded the congregation...
...The former could be dangerous...
...Such a background of course made him a perfect candidate for the Hive--the community of apostates...
...He was indigenous, autonomous, and independent--like all the other bees in the Hive...
...Information on internal criticism of NALS comes from Michael Brewer, head of the r e s e a r c h staff, and is corroborated by another member of that staff...
...But Graham wasn't co.ntent with this modest contribution...
...And so he came out into the world again--with a sharp sting in his tail...
...Our small-isbeautiful weapons critics around Sen...
...Louis Federal Reserve Bank finds "there is no evidence that the quantity of cropland is shrinking or that shortages of food are imminent...
...Nonetheless, egotism appears to be the major component in this spring's movement...
...Write to: National Agricultural Lands Study Room 5020 New Executive Office Building Washington, D.C...
...This was followed by a meeting with Boris Ponomarev, who was recently described in the IVashington Post as "the Politburo member responsible for the world communist movement...
...But at the subsequent press conference he blew the whole trip in a few moments of careless talk...
...WHAT'S THE FUSS ? Last month also brought the 10th anniversary of the Watergate burglary, and all major media duly saluted the marvel...
...Any easing of the American phobia of things Russian, Marxist or Soviet is welcome," buzzed Colman the Guardian Bee...
...Its preeminent myth is that Watergate was the consequence of the high moralism animating American political life...
...In the final days of the Carter Administration there arose an organization called the American Farmland Trust, which began to solicit funds to preserve farmland, but without saying how the money would be used...
...By late 1979 nearly fifty of them had been indicted, convicted, or forced to lie low...
...American politics...
...Those of us who have watched the parade of chiselers move from government into the calaboose in a steady and tawdry parade since Watergate are not convinced...
...A60 Indianapolis, IN 46250 can weaponry is terribly sophisticated and expensive...
...Any nation that can take pleasure in such trashy displays as "The Dukes of Hazzard" and "The Phil Donahue Show" probably contains enough lunkheads to relish yet more Watergate drivel, and certainly my brethren in the media will look forward to this sort of insane pageantry...
...On the other hand, the work of NALS represents the collective analysis of some of the most knowledgeable people in th~s country on the issue of agricultural land use...
...Gary Hart are correct: Much AmeriDbe IA rtyClasszs Lectures on Jurisprudence By Adam Smith The Glasgow Edition Editors: R. L. Meek, D. D. Raphael, and P. G. Stein This volume contains all known notes of Smith's lectures on jurisprudence delivered at Glasgow in 1762-3...
...After all, in nuclear terms American defense policy has been a success...
...Some of us know that the major theme of Henry K i s s i n g e r ' s recent memoir is sound...
...Yet as our thoughtful and enormously competent secretary of the navy, John Lehman, has been pointing out for over a year, not enough of this technology is now deployed among our own forces...
...Meanwhile Colman McCarthy had firmly thrust the dunce's cap back on Billy's head--a plain language warning to any stray bees who might still be tuned in to the likes of Bruce Morton and Kenneth Briggs...
...Taking one thing with another I doubt the Watergate rascals fared worse than any other cross section of American politicians...
...Finally, one other piece of news made last month an auspicious month for peace...
...Some simply wobbled off and died...
...Birkhalter had traveled at company expense "to help bring peace of mind" to our embassy's staff...
...All orders from outside the United States must be prepaid in U.S...
...One is obviously non compos mentis--what a hot commodity he might be on the campus circuit...
...I, for one, was taken aback...
...In the United States you have to be a millionaire to have caviar, but I have had caviar with almost every meal...
...Even the cynical Europeans believe this myth, and they snicker at us for it...
...Did he have to be told who needed stinging and when...
...Others are surely greatly relieved...
...Actually, American power is what saves us from nuclear holocaust...
...As a result everything had become stirred up in the wrong way...
...According to the s t a f f member, "The politicos didn't give a damn what the data said...
...But the stuff is also devilishly effective...
...In surprising numbers they met with unenviable ends...
...American technology contributed decisively to both the Israeli and British victories...
...The newsweeklies were dutiful about informing us of the whereabouts of the Watergate defendants and even of some, like Maurice Stans, who had nothing to do with Watergate whatsoever...
...Certainly they fared no worse than their congressional opponents...
...But it wasn't Billy's gullibility that bothered him either...
...Colman McCarthy had spent five years inside another kind of cell--in a Trappist monastery in central Georgia...
...Were they out to deny the solon Holtzman usufruct of her office space...
...B u t . . . somehow it hadn't quite worked out...
...Well, I am (continued on page 40) 6 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 e r r o r s , and over the years Kirk has confronted each one and all its variations many times...
...Of course he didn't...
...Who commemorates these anniversaries...
...Did he need instructions from Moscow...
...You wouldn't get that in Charlotte, North Carolina...
...After the resignation of Richard Nixon I used to keep meticulous records of the destinies of his opponents...
...Philip Raup, of the Univermty of Minnesota, sees the issue not as one "Readers might be i n t e r e s t e d in a l e t t e r from American Farmland T r u s t to Robert ) . K e l l y , who had i n q u i r e d a b o u t t h e claims made by the T r u s t in a direct mail package...
...After the defeat of the Carter Administration, the names of Robert Gray and Carter Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus appeared as prominent functionaries of American Farmland Trust...
...It also brought the 10th anniversary of a rather epic nocturnal brawl in front of 1508 Flatbush Avenue, the Brooklyn campaign headquarters of Miss Elizabeth Holtzman...
...Colman McCarthy of the V/as/~ington Post was sitting in the Hive quivering with indignation--and sharpening nis quill and his sting...
...I n Moscow, as everywhere else," Colman McCarthy concluded, "the pattern of Graham's career was on display: ,alking too much and thinking too little...
...The American Farmland Trust does not want you, or anyone else, to simply take our word that the loss of American farmland is a real and growing t h r e a t to our national well-being...
...In the Middle East the Israelis struck a lethal blow against one of the most violent little entities on earth, thus bringing a peaceful Lebanon closer to reality, fortifying Arab moderates, and giving the PLO something to worry about other than how they might ambush an innocent public figure or bombard a defenseless village...
...Appointed to head up NALS was Robert Gray, former aide to Congressman J ames J effords of Vermont, who had once sponsored an unsuccessful farmland preservation bill...
...We have the instruments to protect the peace...
...Six drunks took on her local Machiavels, sending three of them to King's County Hospital...
...Billy, meaning nothing but good, had embarrassed the Hive...
...Yet Watergate as celebrated today is a mere folk tale...
...In 1979, the C a r t e r Administration established the National Agricultural Lands Study, a joint effort of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of Agriculture, with the p a r t i c i p a t i o n of a flock of other government agencies, including eight Departments, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Water Resource Council...
...Have they moved on to high positions in government or at one of the giant corporations...
...SIMON (continued from page 20) t e n a n c e o f amenity v a l u e s . T h i s r e a s o n is likely to be p a r t i c u l a r l y compelling if the objective is to s h a p e n a t i o n a l policies for a g r i c u l t u r a l land p r e s e r v a t i o n . T h r e a t s to o u r ability to f e e d o u r s e l v e s and meet our f e l t o b l i g a t i o n s to a hungry world a r e more l i k e l y to m o b i l i z e a p o l i t i c a l r e - sponse to p r e s s u r e a g r i c u l t u r a l land t h a n t h r e a t s to t h e p l e a s u r e s o f a Sunday a f t e r n o o n drive t h r o u g h the c o u n t r y s i d e . The concern for farmland preservation is not a new phenomenon...
...Now the Hive was in a sullen rage...
...But it is said that many salutary reforms came with Watergate...
...That is very good news to those of us who believe that the world is safest when the democracies have the edge on the thugs...
...The Watergate shenanigans were part of the informal morality of...
...Graham just couldn't leave well enough alone, embarrassingly repeating the errors of George Bernard Shaw and the Webbs, and with even less excuse after fifty years...
...Agricultural land use must be viewed in a wider context than agricul...
...20006 tA more complete statement of Clawson's point of view: "'Preservation of prime agricultural land is important, but so is the preservation of land prime for other uses...
...Kelly for b r i n g i n g this to my a t t e n t i o n . Rather than refute the logic of Profes,,t>r Simon that you brought to our attention, I would encourage you to consider carefully the findings of the National Agricultural Land,-, Study that will be presented to President Cartel shortly after January 1, 1981 My reasoning on this is quite simple...
...In the South Atlantic the British showed that the West cannot always be toyed with and that such principles as self-determination and sovereignty are serious matters...
...It was the far graver sin of indiscretion...
...Moreover, the politicization will continue so long as government remains a lush source of influence and boodle...
...To order, or for a copy of our catalogue, write: LibertyPress/LibertyClassics 7440 North Shadeland, Dept...
...Normally such taboo topics were kept out of sight by calling them "not newsworthy," but now Billy the Bad had put them near the top of the news agenda...
...When informed that an American disarmament or freeze is at best irrelevant to world peace so long as people like Papa Brezhnev have their nukes, the peace marcher's response is some cacophonic indulgence along the lines of "I don't care...
...Last month two American allies and a formidable arsenal of American weaponry were the instruments of peace as surely as the New York peace procession was an instrument of confusion...
...l" Clifton B. Luttrell of the St...
...McCarthy's antennae, unlike Graham's, were in perfect working order...
...The officials sat stolidly in their pews, heeding the advice...
...We even have instruments to outfox Exocet missiles used so effectively against the British navy...
...To cross him was to put o n e s e l f under the power of some supernatural hangman...
...Some of the antinuke brethren must have been amazed by the news...
...Actually the pack that lit out after the American President was not animated by moralism at all...
...The usual news media dynamic of donial and confrontation (normally so helpful to the Hive) went ahead as expected, with unreliables like Dusko Doder of the lVashington Post and Serge Schmemann of the New York Times getting ample space to take issue with the hapless p r e a c h e r ' s defense o f the Soviet Union...
...These analysts have access to the best and latest data on the topic, and have been charged with painting the most realistic picture possible of present farmland conditions for the president...
...The more government agencies that back a project, the more confidence the electorate is supposed to have in the project...
...But once Washington politicos jumped onto the issue with both feet, the scale of these activities increased dramatically...
...For the most part, we are dealing with a very curious mentalite when we come across the antinuke cruAdapted from RET's weekly Washington Post column syndicated by King Features...
...For almost four decades there has been no nuclear war...
...But for those who actually evangelize for the antinuke crusade the passage of yet another month free of nuclear war merely heightens their tensions and convinces them that when the war of their dreams finally breaks out it will be even more devastating than anticipated...
...Insofar as liberalism seeks to enslave us to the tyranny of material wants and class envy, it is the liberal who is the New Neanderthal...
...He left before taking vows...
...After 1979 I could no longer keep count of the carnage but came to the conclusion that Richard Nixon's powers were far more diabolical than his opponents had imagined...
...The peace demonstrator's goat is to strike the seemly pose, much like those Pecksniffs who flaunt bumper stickers proclaiming "Caution, I brake for small animals...
...The meals I have had are among the finest I have ever eaten," he said...
...o o + , , ~ ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 o ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 ~176 o ~ EDITORIAL (continued from page 6) more curious about the present condition of those six drunks from the War for 1508 Flatbush Avenue...
...They must be effectively deployed...
...To get his "instructions" he needed only to pick up the newspaper or turn on the TV (where as it happened Billy Graham was catching more flak from David Brinkley's guests on ABC...
...Deterrence has worked, by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...Please listen to and study the words of national experts...
...After all, peace depends not only upon America but also on some other countries, countries over which the peace marchers have no influence...
...and Mr...
...Marion Clawson of Resources for the Future says straight out: "We're not very worried around here about the loss of prime farmland...
...Was it their huge peace procession in New York City...
...I am g r a t e f u l to Mr...
...One had thought this was composed of "indigenous" parts, with no overall responsibility in Moscow, but we defer to the Post's Don Oberdorfer on...
...There would have to be a prolonged period in a re-education camp before they would let him near its portals again...
...Such foul behavior is characteristic of highly politicized times, and the times have been highly politicized for most of the past four decades...
...he is, however, too charitable a man to perform this function, except in two or three recalcitrant cases where the parties e i t h e r ought to know b e t t e r or are wilfully perverse...
...Had he the upper hand in nuclear technology who would want to gamble that he would not use it...
...By defending civilized principles the British have slowed the world's further descent into barbarism...
...Billy had been "snookered by the Soviets," McCarthy wrote-but it wasn't the Soviets, the dupers, who irritated him...
...Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery...
...flat cerebrum of the Neanderthal: It is a literary mind vivified by the moral imagination, not mystical but reverent...
...No mention of these events has appeared in the newsweeklies, on television, or anyplace else...
...Doubtless manyknew what we all know now, namely: that dirty tricks, abuse of power, exploiting indelicate political intr and cover-ups have in varying d e g r e e s been f e a t u r e s of American political life going back to the time of FDR at least...
...L e s t the r e a d e r think my views unusual or out of the mainstream, I wish to conclude by citing some of the nation's leading agricultural economists...
...the smoke of the smokefilled room is replaced by the fumes of herbal tea...
...The reports cast doubt on the scarcity of farmland, but that didn't find its way into the Final Report, which was 180 degrees away from the research input in many c a s e s . " Brewer seems to have just about disavowed the NALS findings: "Efforts to determine the 'nature, rate, extent and causes of reduction in the land base' led NALS into a morass of inconsistent and conflicting numbers that left issues possibly more confused than previously...
...Bad Billy...
...It was Watergate that allowed them to raise themselves to their bogus eminence as democracy's priesthood...
...Graham was more discreet about Boris than he had been about Georgi...
...Tom Wolfe's Me-maniac has entered politics...
...The paradigmatic peace marcher seems almost to pride himself on his simplicity and his aloofness from the rest of the world...
...Billy had come near the Hive, but he had shown that he could not read or transmit correct signals...
...The latter manifestation of selfrighteousness merely amuses...
...Are they still in their cups...
...On then to the peace conference...
...How do they explain the passage of another month free of nuclear holocaust, some 1,925 weeks since Nagasaki...
...Years ago, various individuals and organizations began to campaign for zoning changes and other farmland preservation laws...
...Softcover only $5.50...
...Doder teased about the cost of caviar to the average Soviet citizen, and Schmemann even had a big spread on a subject the Times has skirted like a colony of lepers: the persecution of Christianity in the Soviet Union...
...Events in the Middle East and in the South Atlantic last month showed that the only effective peace procession in the past four decades has been the procession of American weapons coming off the production lines of American defense plants...
...Our Sidewinder missiles, our F-15 and F-16 fighters, our shrike missiles, our E-2C Hawkeye surveillance planes, along with other American-made electronic devices proved superior to Soviet weapons...
...Prepayment is required on all orders not for resale...
...this issue...
...So Colman McCarthy came zipping out of the Hive and quilled a sharp column entitled "The Duping of Billy Graham...
...Last month was in truth a very good month for those of us who relish the gende sough of a peaceful world...
...We pay book rate postage on prepaid orders...
...Two are involved in Christian endeavor...
...doubtless tenured positions would await him: head of Watergate Studies at Berkeley, Annenberg Fellow in Telecommunications...
...It takes a rather voluminous egotist to propound an American nuclear defense policy as though the rest of the world did not matter...
...Others are in retirement, and some prosper on the campus lecture circuit...
...My guess is that a lot of my fellow Americans would find news of these nocturnal patriots equally as engrossing as the p r e s e n t condition of the Watergate rascals...
...Then he went to Moscow's only Baptist Church and reminded the congregation of KGB agents and party officials to "obey the authorities," in accordance with the Epistle to the Romans...
...Good-writer Colman McCarthy, one of the more ferocious guard-bees of the Hive, would deliver the sting...
...The Watergate spectacle weakened the American presidency...
...Nothing could be more dangerous...
...The Paris agreement was undone, and the Soviets could spring to life in Angola, Ethiopia, South Yemen, Afghanistan, and Poland...
...Curious liberals will find, in perusing the Reader, that the Conservative Mind is not the...
...His intimate knowledge of the treacheries of the human heart would make him an excellent inquisitor...
...tural alone Prime land is important, but so are all the other inputs in the agricultural production equation...
...Arguably the morality was practiced more broadly than during earlier administrations, though the more I learn about the Johnson Administration 1 begin to doubt even this...
...He had to blab indiscmminately about religious freedom, obedience to the state, and the caviar" [emphasis added...
...NALS proceeded to publicize the three-million-acre figure, as well.as many o t h e r dubious c l a i m s - - e v e n though members of NALS's own research staff made it very clear to Gray that t h e i r studies did not substantiate such claims...
...Doubtless many believe that the procession was a powerful blow for peace, but then there are also Americanoes who believe that a horse hair kept in a jar or a dirty sock worn around the neck will prevent illness and plague...
...J u l i a n Simon r e p r e s e n t s the thinking of htmself only--we do not know his personal objectives for furthering his positions...
...It was Billy Graham...
...Were we without the power, who can say with confidence that some future domestic instability within the Soviet THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 5 Union might not encourage a skittish Soviet Galtieri to make a desperate strike against us...
...After all, last month also brought the 10th anniversary of renowned entomologist Glen F. Birkhalter's mission to Moscow where, under the auspices of the Orkin Exterminating Company, he was to rid the American Embassy of Soviet cockroaches...
...First of all, he tactlessly criticized " t h e false notion that there is no religious freedom in this country . . . Saturday night I went to three Orthodox churches that were jammed to capacity...
...Many of those who broke with the informal morality of American politics, pretending it never existed, were sufficiently cynical to rank with any European...
...E D I T 0 R I A L O P O 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 6 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . Q Q O O O 0 0 0 . . . . . . . O O O Q ~ O O O O O O ~ O g Q O . . . . . . . O 0 0 0 0 STOCKPILING FOR PEACE Another month passes, and still no nuclear war reported...
...Furthermore, even if the alleged problem did exist, there is no evidence that it could be solved more effici<'ntly by social planning than by market participants...
...It wanted Nixon's hide...
...Far from it...
...What does one make of those who address an issue of the utmost importance, complexity, and danger as though the rest of the world did not exist...
...According to Time, several of them have become gentlemen of letters...
...which apparently just worries our demonstrators all the more...
...Do last month's journalistic orgies mean that we are now going to commemorate the anniversaries of every dramatic moment in the 26-month Watergate Spectacular...
...Review the historical record: His enemies have come to tragic ends far more often than his friends whose trips to the hoosegow are so celebrated...
...university faculties abound with such weird appointments...
...The whole work is extensively annotated for both specialists and general readers...
...And that put Billy Graham back to square one...
...This book is a part of the edition of Smith's works and correspondence commissioned by the University of Glasgow to celebrate the bicentenary of The Wealth o f Nations in 1976...
...Agricultural research in particular must be fostered and protected...
Vol. 15 • August 1982 • No. 8