Current Wisdom

C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M The New York Times Adult commentary from Miss Leslie J. Millcr, copywriter for the venerable Ketchum Communications advertising agency: Fearing the horror of...

...Herpes o u t b r e a k s s t i l l complicate Schroeder's social life...
...she calls...
...It helped make me feel that I'm not a h e r p i e - - I ' m a Tom...
...januar~y 6, 1982] The Nation An elegant notification posted with an exotic picture in the personal section of the Nation, the man's magazine: Faithful, Affectionate...
...Then a garble: Is it " S e t me f r e e ! " s h e ' s c a l l i n g ? But l will not come over...
...It was the " n a t u r a l n e s s " of the sex roles that disturbed mc, i.e., it looked n a t u r a l for men to bc l e a d i n g , and driving, women (with whips, no less...
...Who knows what would happen next...
...I c a n ' t bear, just now, to live with a thrasher...
...April 24, 1982] The Boston Globe While patrolling the upper regions of American Kultur a morally aware reader of the Boston Globe finds infamy on ice: 1 took my 3V2-year,old daughter to Disn e y ' s World on Ice...
...Holistic Spirituality and Well Being--with Alia Bozarth-Campbcll an Episcopal priest, gestalt therapist, and feminist poet...
...with the mowing s c e n e in "Anna Karenina" again...
...Send your payments to: Cherry Blossoms, Box 1021 N, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727...
...She loved it, but I was disgusted and dismayed by part of one r o u t i n e which f e a t u r e d four men each l e a d i n g two women who were in h a r n e s s e s . Each man had a whip Obviously, the women r e p r e s e n t e d horses, or some other four-legged creature...
...A g r o u n d s w e l l , grass-roots movement around the issue of nuclear disarmament could conceivably provide the basis for a widening democratizing movement thr, ughout Eastern Europe--just as it could here...
...1 see how much 1 don.'t want t h i s woman who wants m.e...
...C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M The New York Times Adult commentary from Miss Leslie J. Millcr, copywriter for the venerable Ketchum Communications advertising agency: Fearing the horror of ~ac!ear holocaust, Americans are planning for it today as the) have at no time since the 1950s and e a r l ) 1960s...
...We heard the words "(:old war" and, since children understand things literally, "war" meant war.--the temperature of it d i d n ' t mea-fi a n y t h i n g . Wewatched as Khrushchev pounded his s h o e and we . . . [June 12, 1982] The Washington Post Dynamic political happenings within the Democratic party just months before it captures the heart and mind of the sorely pressed average Joe: A group of homosexual political activists announced yesterday the formation of the Langston Hughes-Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club, ~o rival the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, c u r r e n t l y t h e city's leading gay political group...
...She has been in hopelessness and in catastrophe, and thrashes...
...In this year's election, however, nearly every candidate has some gay supporters...
...Sexism must be fought on all fronts...
...In 1978, Barry was the near unanimous choice of gay activists...
...Why not a letter-writing campaign...
...Let us procure phone books and address lists from Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, Krakow, Bucharest, Budapest, Prague...
...ier" about his sex partners, placing more value on the quality of commitment and less on the quantity of sex...
...This does not mean letters to their l e a d e r s - - r a t h e r , millions of letters from ordinary people in the West to their c o u n t e r p a r t s in t h e Soviet bloc...
...I n s u r g e n t t e r r o r i s m , they conclude, 'is not senseless violence hut a symptom that something is wrong with communication.' Violence As Communtcation by Alex P. Schmid andJonny de Graaf [Sage Publications, 1982] Campus Report Campus Report, a publication for the Stanford University facuhy arid staff, apprises Stanford intellectuals of still more sources of illumination: A Tuesday noon lecture series off Women and Health, sponsored lay S t a n f o r d Medical S c h o o l ' s Division of Family Medicine, began yesterday, J a n . 5, with a talk by clinical psychologist Mary Ann Tyson, P h . D . , on " S t r a t e g i e s for Life Enrichment...
...May 25, 1982] The New York Times Magazine The New York Times Magazine retails the happy triumph of a 1980s Don Juan: "When you can talk about a problem, you can begin to talk yourself out of i t , " says [Tom] Schroeder, who has been through one of the discussion groups... in room M106 in the School of Medicine...
...t h e r e could be p a i r i n g s of c i t i e s , or factories, or agricultural communities from which i n d i v i d u a l s could choose names...
...But little is made of those far more crucial ),ears of childhood when the cold war flourished...
...and reveals that within her there is an idiotic schoolgirl that only the hemlock can silence: Here are 54 pages of a novel begun some time ago, still hreathing, with a live prot a g o n i s t . I'm r e a d i n g it over...
...For me, t h e i r doomsday plans bring back jarring memories of a childhood made less secure by abe cold war The 50s, an era now shown to us as meetings ira malt shops and endless rides in dad's jalopy, profoundly influenced what l a t e r became known as the " 6 0 s g e n e r a t i o n . " It seems s t r a n g e t h a t in analyses of my generation that I've read, emphasis is placed on e v e n t s t h a t occ u r r e d quire late in our development...
...Oh,_admit i t - - t h e dream of h a p p i n e s s ! I want to i n v e n t virtue and happiness~ [June 6, 1982] The Great Books Series From the jacket blurb of another social science marvel an ingenious explication of terrorism sure to make the blood boil and the hair stand on e n d : Schmid and de Graat view terrorism as a form of communication m itself, a way of ensuring public attention and.of channelling messages...
...There is already a burgeoning disarmament movement in East Germany, and one of Solidarity's l a s t public s t a t e m e n t s c a l l e d for decreased military spending to help salvage the Polish economy...
...Here l am with "Emma" again...
...Each of us would become responsible for one of them...
...When l d e s e r t e d h e r , s h e seemed old...
...Home-loving Oriental ladies looking for sincere and loving husband $10.00 will bring you over 300 sample photos and descriptions and all ~he infbrmation you need for joining our club...
...But what...
...june 2C., 1982] 42 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982...
...I c a n ' t swalh,w down her sorrow...
...And he feels that American society is moving in the same d i r e c t i o n . "There will be more s t r e s s on having fewer and d e e p e r relationships," Schroeder predicts...
...It put things into perspective...
...March 12, 1982] The Washington Post Glad Tidings from Moscow on the rise of another humanist from the ranks of the Soviet Union's bureau of social work: Yuri Andropov, e l e v a t e d today to the Secretariat of the Soviet Central Committee, has been described by some Western analysts as a well-educated and enlightened man--even a closet liberal--despite the stigma attached to his post as head of the KGB security police...
...2--Mothers and Children: Seeking H e a l t h in an Unhealthy World--with J u l i e Olsen Edwards, d i r e c t o r of the Department of Early Childhood and Family Life E d u c a t i o n , CabrilloCommunity College...
...If you a r e n ' t overwhelmed by our ladies, if you decide not to join us right away, just return the photos and other materials, we'll refund your $10.00 no questions asked...
...Nevertheless, herpes has changed Tom Schroeder's life...
...9 Feb...
...But he does not cancel d a t e s anymore...
...My daughter ' ' a n d thousands o f o t h e r c h i l d r e n , were getting the message that women are no better than dumb animals...
...The formation of the new club is in part an outgrowth of long simmering frustration in the gay community with the Stein club, most of whose members are white males and which rose to prominence with its key support of Mayor Marion Barry in the 1978 elections...
...are meant to be led around by men, and d e s e r v e p h y s i c a l v i o l e n c e from time to time to keep us in line...
...He has become "choos...
...All lectures, open to the public without charge, will take...
...une 18, 1982] The New York Times Book Review In the scenic pages of the nation's most authoritative book review the novelist Miss Cynthia Ozick responds to the question "what book are you working on...
...Today, he says, the disease is simply a periodic annoyance, not an eternal curse...
...March 6, 19821 Commonweal Commonweal, the mouthpiece for Catholics without beads, heaves a barb at our Ron during a moment of Delphic pish posh: Ronald Reagan may t u r n out to be one of t h e most i m p o r t a n t f i g u r e s in t h e history of the American Catholic church...
...The KGB is undone: How can we p u t p r e s s u r e on l e a d e r s in t h e undemocratic E a s t , so t h a t they will feel their people's longing for peace and freedom...
...Man the mimeograph machines...
...I'm sure everyone would've thought it very funny if the women had been driving the m e n . At first 1 thought the inclusion of this whole obnoxious s c e n e d i d n ' t m a t t e r much-after a l t , I ' m s u r e most people d i d n ' t notice anything wrong with it...
...The group made me feel less unique... a dream of clarity, illumination, virtue, family joy...
...9 Feb...
...It is an imagining entwined with dark history, and l.'m a f r a i d of it...
...Come over...
...Let us distribute the lists of names at peace demonstrations in Western Europe and North America...
...February 21, 1982] The Nation Catnip and nuclear freeze induce counter-revolutionary visions at the incomparable Nation...
...We're told Vietnam segmented, defined and involved u s - - t h a t Watergate disillusioned us and ew:ntually resulted in our retreat into the self...
...A form letter could be drawn up and t r a n s l a t e d into every r e l e v a n t l a n g u a g e . T r a n s l a t o r s could be provided to handle the replies and draft the counterreplies...
...the cultural front is only one of them, but it, too, deserves our attention...
...I'll begin from s c r a t c h : a n o t h e r idea... I am creeping up on her age...
...And he says he has never been rejected by a prospective lover whom he has told about his herpes, probably because he t e l l s only t h o s e whom he genuinely trusts and who are likely to trust him...
...Some letters might be s t o p p e d - - b u t they c a n ' t stop all of them...
...That church has begun an examination of conscience on the issue of nuclear armaments that could, in the end, drastically alter the stance of American Catholics toward their society and their state...
...The remaining presentations include: " J a n . 12--Exngenous Hormones and Women's H e a l t h - - w i t h J a n e Zones, P h . D . , a public h e a l t h s o c m l o g i s t and researcher...
...But t h a t ' s exactly the problem...

Vol. 15 • August 1982 • No. 8

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