Presswatch/ Bitter Over Vinocur
Barnes, Fred
BITTER OVER VINOCUR Conservatives who regard the New York Times as dangerously and unshakeably liberal should, for the sake of balance and fairness, consider a recent attack on John Vinocur,...
...A bully biography" of Teddy Roosevelt...
...And t h a t ' s only for starters, according to Cockburn...
...From Washington on "Robust...
...Selections by Nisbet, Kristol, Murray, Kendall, Lippmann, Novak, Voegelin, etc...
...12.95 2139 YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE -- Lee Edwards...
...7.95 0566 STRATEGY OF SURVIVAL -- Brian Crozier How the West may still snatch victory from the jaws of defeat $10.95 2038 AN AMERICAN RENAISSANCE: A Strategy for the 1980s -- Rep...
...If this documentary is any evidence, then the answer may be no...
...Tough sequel to the bestselling Time for Truth...
...Manchester "As fine a piece of military biography as anything in our history" -- Chicago Sun-Times...
...Almost alone, he thinks ideas matter in campaigns...
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...testified in favor of a U.S...
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...New edition of the conservative action handbook...
...Reagan is often expressed in terms of revulsion," Vinocur wrote...
...What touched off the Shales tirade was the magazine's article in May entitled "Anatomy of a Smear: How CBS News Broke the Rules and 'Got' Gen...
...Rather, it was oldfashioned skepticism, that habit of mind that reporters are supposed to follow in judging events and listening to the words of the mighty...
...But our German allies should not delude themselves into thinking that the major source of the problem has been Ronald Reagan, nor spend too much time assuming that eventually Reagan will have to "come around...
...15.00 2242 EDMUND BURKE AND HIS WORLD -- AP...
...victims of Reagan...
...In a continent shaken by Eurocommunism and Hollanditis, the United States could at least look to West Germany as its staunchest supporter in the Alliance...
...Rather, the Soviet Union was praised for its offer of a deployment moratorium, an offer that, NATO Fred Barnes is National Political Reporter for the Baltimore Sun...
...Conspiracy theories in this country don't just comecheap," he wrote in a review excoriating TV Guide for attacking CBS...
...13.95 2120 THE FOURTH MAN -- A. Boyle...
...victims of hard times...
...I also agree to the Club rules as spelled out in this coupon...
...thinker examines the abuses of freedom...
...15.95 2280 THE TIME OF STALIN -- A.V...
...Government's oil and gas lease lottery: $14.95 2264 THE DEATH OF INNOCENCE -- S. Janus...
...Among the few gigantic literary achievements of this age...
...9.95 2188 DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE MONEYt Over 500 ideas from the editors of Consumer Guide...
...Respectful portrait of Phyllis Schlafly, up close...
...2294 MORNINGS ON HORSEBACK -- David McCullough...
...But that g a i n can be offset when they have to hold down their own prices...
...J e f f Bell's campaign has demonJ cents...
...Like most Republicans, NBC News seemed determined to give Reagan's economic program 'a chance': it made no effort to link the recession to Reagan's policies...
...By the way," Willy Brandt was to remark to us in several days, "the Federal Republic of Germany is not a world power and has no ambition to be one...
...1395 22 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST t982 The press blew the 1980 presidential campaign, so mesmerized was it by behind-the-scenes maneuvering and media blitzes and those undying favorites of political reporters, blunders and gaffes...
...By a survivor of the bloodiest butcher in history, "3 priceless contribution.., history in the raw," -- Robert Conquest...
...Vinocur also pointed out, in the Sunday "Week in Review" section on June 6, Schmidt's flip-flop on "peace" protests, a switch born of political fright...
...One reason for the strong feeling, he said, is that "the West German left lacked an easily identifiable foe...
...meuse power to influence the public's ideas about politics and recent history, doing enough to keep their own houses in order...
...After all, the Post had reviewed the show favorably when it was aired back in J.anuary...
...such was the political character of NBC Nightly News, which aptly enough, is the most popular network news show in the Middle West...
...As the think-tank arm of the faltering West German Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Helmut Schmidt, the foundation has arranged the trip to clarify the West German position on the many issues disruptWladys/aw P/eszczynski is managing editor of The American Spectator...
...He d i d n ' t endorse Bell's supply-side proposals, but cheered his insistence on stressing issues in his TV commercials...
...Our favorite First Lady...
...11.95 2213 A TIME FOR ACTION -- Wm...
...10 0417 JIMMY CARTER: THE MAN & THE MYTH -- Victor Lasky...
...In short, Vinocur mixes "journalistic adroitness and ideological conservatism...
...that ideas, policies, positions, and intentions are simply the wrappings in which a power struggle takes place...
...The day before the NATO session, Vinocur offered a "news analysis" on the "active and extremely emotional" opposition to Reagan in West Germany, an opposition that Chancellor Helmut Schmidt "has played an important role" shaping...
...55.00 2291 WINSTON CHURCHILL AND HIS INNER CIRCLE -- J. Colville...
...19.95 2298 PRESIDENTIAL ANECDOTES -- P.F...
...Sure, she noted, "companies benefit when the prices they have to THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 21 pay for raw materials fall or rise less rapidly...
...Witty, devilish, erudite...the perfect political lexicographer...
...11.95 2226 CHURCH IN FRENZY -- Rev...
...But aside from the questionable ploy of seeking rebuttal time, the White House did unusually well in combat with a television network, combat that often is self-defeating because it brings back memories of Spiro T. Agnew and his crusade against the networks...
...Here's how...
...Thus, his column in May on Republican Jeffrey Bell's gallant but unsuccessful bid to wrest the New Jersey Senate nomination from Millicent Fenwick was a bouquet...
...The thug gets better treatment than the person he bloodied...
...Maybe the evening news shows, in between their regular forays into grocery stores where prices were rising relentlessly, pointed out that debtors gained from inflation...
...10.95 2217 PALACE POLITICS -- Robert T. Hartmann...
...12.95 2290 NEVER COMPLAIN, NEVER EXPLAIN -- Victot Lasky...
...Shadows of the Great Depression haunted CBS News: frightened old people, huddling at a hot meal center... relations between Bonn and Washington, as well as to reassure the United States of West Germany's boundless devotion to the Western Alliance...
...Inflation, they almost seem to be saying, is bad when it rises and bad when it falls...
...Assuming we are still exchanging pleasantries, I recall six wonderful days spent in the Bavarian Alps in 1973...
...Another suggests that the opposition does not have So much to do with Mr...
...13.95 2159 WILL -- G. Gordon Liddy...
...Reagan, but rather represents resistance to overall American policy...
...But Karp was even-handed in his sweeping characterizations...
...CBS refused on the perfectly appropriate ground that Administration officials get_ plenty of network time to air their views...
...But my host is serious: "A lot has changed since then," he cautions, and indeed it has...
...The incomes of roughly half the nation are tied directly to the consumer price index...
...Greenfield, who is no conservative, may be the most trenchant, iconoclastic, and compelling political analyst in the country...
...or you do want an I Alternate, indicate wishes the card enclosed with your on handy your Bulletin and return it by the deadline date...
...His side...
...America's hottest columnist...
...They didn't because voters were taken with his ideas...
...unemployed young men crowding soup kitchens...
...James J. Kilpatrick, Human Events...
...Personal distaste for Mr...
...Chicago Tribune...
...Schmidt dismissed a pro-Reagan demonstration in Bonn as superfluous, Vinocur said, and "in a further display of diplomatic understatement, Mr...
...From the inside, with Gerald Ford's ex-aide...
...13.95 2156 $10 WILDCAT -- J. P. Allenbright...
...They're free...
...The fusillade came in the June 6 issue of the Village Voice, the trendy, leftist weekly, and was written by Alexander Cockburn, known to many for his stylishly written but painfully predictable columns in the Wall Street Journal...
...In snarling at TV Guide, Shales didn't ask such questions, and he hardly mentioned the magazine's evidence at all...
...We are a medium-sized power in Europe' '--an ingenious formula which washes West German hands of any greater responsibility in meeting the Soviet threat...
...But the purchasing power of this year's check is the same as last year's... nothing...
...Hence this offer -- the most generous in Club history...
...Advice from one of the sharpest lawyers...
...West Germany, however, conditioned by the procedures of d&ente, by Wladyslaw Pleszczynski simply has refused to budge from viewing the Soviets in anything but European terms...
...E. Simon...
...By mid-January its coverage of hard times had grown powerful, persistent, and grimly eloquent...
...20 0397 THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO 3 -- Solzhenitsyn...
...A SEPARATE PEACE We are collected by our German hosts at the Cologne/Bonn airport, and suddenly a number of tired American travelers who minutes before in Frankfurt were oblivious of one another begin to partake in friendly introductions all around...
...Don't let them tell you it can't be done...
...The first team is back at CBC...
...No, they do not have to 'substitute slogans for substance.' The candidate for office who wants to can use paid media not to disguise ideological differences, but to highlight them . . . . It's the job of a citizen to watch and to listen and to choose among competing voices...
...w Take any 4 books for They're yours with membership in the Conservative Book Club, and your agreement to buy 4 more books over the next 2 years at regular Club prices (which always mean nice savings...
...Counts as 2 books...
...Then came the election of Ronald Reagan, which--Schmidt's open contempt for Jimmy Carter notwiths t a n d i n g - c a u g h t West Germans unawares...
...foreword by Ronald Reagan...
...Finally, the whole truth...
...More broadly, " t h e network's lapses in the making of this documentary also raise larger questions," Kowet and Bedell said...
...The author is J e f f Greenfield, a columnist, commentator on CBS, and former associate of political consultant David Garth...
...That's right -- 11 cents each...
...We want to welcome you back too...
...It was about alleged victims of Reagan's budget cuts, and David R. Gergen, the White House communications director, asked the network to allow an Administration spokesman to appear on the show to deflect any blame...
...2136 NANCY - Bill Libby & Nancy Reagan...
...Only one membership per household...
...7.95 2223 THE SWEETHEART OF THE SILENT MAJORITY -- C Felsenthal...
...On the spur of the moment, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation has invited a group of American journalists representing five opinion magazines, ten major metropolitan dailies, several news services and labor publications--and including two free-lance feminists-for an "information" visit to Bonn and Berlin on the eve of President Reagan's European trip and the NATO summit...
...Reporters were so obsessed with tactics that it had become "something of a heresy to suggest that what t h e candidates were saying was actually of overriding importance...
...That critique of the Reagan-Carter race may sound like Lyn Nofziger's, but he's not responsible...
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...12.75 2282 PAPER MONEY -- "Adam Smith" Bestseller and "quite simply the best exposition available to the general reader...
...Maybe it was reported that land speculators were doing quite well...
...Sometimes the speed of his reactions is highly comical, though sinister in intent...
...There may be a surprise for many people in today's lower figu r e s , " said economics editor Ray Brady...
...In America, the Reagan victory symbolized renewed recognition of the USSR as a global menace...
...9.95 2102 FREE TO CHOOSE -- Milton & Rose Friedman...
...12.95 CONSERVATIVE BOOK CLUB 15 Oakland Avenue ,, Harrison, NY 10528 Please accept my membership in the Club and send me my FREE copy of The Future Under President Reagan plus the 4 books whose numbers I've written in below: I i I Bill me 44¢ plus shipping and handling...
...1 bestseller reveals the foibles of the Supreme Court, from the inside...
...Superior intf:oduction to the man and his thought $12.95 2253 THE EISENHOWER DIARIES...
...15.95 How the Club Works Every 4 weeks (13 times a year) you get a free copy of the Club Bulletin, which offers you the Featured Selection plus a good choice of Alternates--all of interest to conservatives...
...Chilling ~ook at the outrages that are passing for Christianity...
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...9.95 2210 SAFIRE'S WASHINGTON -- Wm...
...Delicious potshots at liberal pols...
...If you join_ under this "best ever" Club offer, we'll include a FREE copy of the $12.95 book, The Future Under President Reagan...
...Shales might have frowned on this counterattack, but then his misty-eyed admiration of CBS News is tempered only when he catches the network going after Teddy Kennedy too harshly...
...The article, impressively documented though occasionally overstated, accused CBS of "inaccuracies, distortions and violations of journalistic standards" in a 90-minute show in January...
...The truth is, Shales said, he's a buddy of Richard Nixon, a pal of Reagan...
...History of U.S.-Iran relations by a hostage $17.50 2088 HOW YOU CAN PROFIT FROM GOLD -James E. Sinclair & Harry D. Schultz...
...15.00 0429 THE THIRD WORLD WAR: August 1985 --Gen...
...19.75 2220 PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS -- Barry Rubin...
...also fun...
...Bestselling exposition of why freedom works better...
...Take the demonstration in Bonn on June 10, the day that Reagan and other leaders of NATO countries conferred in that city...
...What was there, not surprisingly, was something different from full-blooded conservatism...
...And veterans of Jimmy Carter's White House don't look back fondly on CBS coverage of their man...
...The problem here is that there will be no " d r o p " in payments, though a smaller increase in the costof-living adjustment will occur...
...victims of budget cuts...
...k, If you ever receive a I Featured Selection without having had 10 days to decide if you want it, you may return it al Club expense for full credil...
...Famed consultant leads you thru the financial supermarket...
...A blueprint for a peaceful revolution, nothing less thana rebuilding of the American republic...
...There definitely is a limit, though, on how seriously these charges should be taken," he huffed...
...For instance, Caroline Atkinson of the Washington Post wrote in June that "lower inflatio~ is good news when you're buying, but bad news when you're selling, and for most of U.S...
...Words and music, plus background of composers...
...13.95 2292 THE REAGAN REVOLUTION -- Evans & Novak...
...To find if this beast had indeed slouched into the Times through the wily writing of Vinocur, I perused his stories'during the ten days in June that President Reagan was in Europe...
...And, from this liberal corner, a tip of the hat to a conservative whose campaign is actually helping the voters to make such a choice...
...And if they didn't jump to this conclusion on their own, well, Tom Shales, the acerbic television critic of the Washington Post, was available to show the way...
...CBS, after all, is the network that was blamed in the fall of 1979 for allegedly picking on Teddy Kennedy...
...If you want the Featured Selection...
...Required reading if you're an owner...
...w With the pummeling CBS endured this spring at the hands of the White House and TV Guide, folks at the network of a conspiratorial frame of mind might have concluded that the fight wing was piling on with malice aforethought...
...says, would only freeze its superiority in some a r e a s . " Another speaker, Vinocur wrote, was "a member of the World Peace Council, which has been described as a Soviet-front organization...
...Congressman Jack Kemp, General Daniel Graham, Aram Bakshian, Jr., Wayne Vails and ten more experts project what we can expect through 1984 (or 1988), at home and abroad...
...AS - 2 Name Address City State Zip smited once again the simpleminded quality of the perennial attacks on political commercials," Greenfield wrote...
...EXma FREE Boox...
...While the press concentrated on such ephemera, the voters were struggling to learn a bit about the issues and where the candidates stood on them...
...19.95 2004 THE PENNY CAPITALIST: How to Build a Small Fortune from Next to Nothing -- A. Horatio...
...More conservative than his policies...
...Included: a look ahead...
...Superbargains do NOT count toward fulfilling your Club obligation...
...Burgess, Maclean...
...I but do enable you to buy fine books at giveaway prices...
...Vinocur suggested that the crowd of several hundred thousand evinced "a summerin-the-fun feeling" that contrasted with the severe anti-Reagan, antiNATO rhetoric of the rally's organizers, one of which, he noted, was the West German Communist Party...
...127 memorable selections from the premier religious writer of our time...
...11.95 2133 THE COMING CREDIT COLLAPSE -- A. Paris...
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...Social Democrats will be relieved by Vinocur's transfer to France, Cockburn said, quoting one as contending "that three-quarters of the tensions between Bonn and Washington had been caused by Vinocur's reports...
...14.95 2296 THE NEW ELITE -- D. Lebedoff...
...9.95 2145 GO GUIETLY...OR ELSE -- SpiroAgnew...
...Ideological conservatism at the New York Times...
...14.95 0544 THE JOYFUL CHRISTIAN -- C.S...
...12.50 0476 CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY: Vol...
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...The Lasky treatment...
...Alarmist abroad, compassionate at home, CBS revealed a political character . . . . It represented, with considerable skill and Eclat, the Cold War liberalism of the Democratic p a r t y . . . CBS News is virtually a party organ...
...There was no doubt where CBS Evening News stood on the recession and Reaganomics," Karp wrote in Channels magazine...
...12.95 0437 THE RIGHT STUFF -- Tom Wolfe...
...Schmidt is dealing with the demonstrations by paraphrasing Voltaire: I may not agree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to do i t , " Vinocur wrote...
...The majority of I Club books will be offered at 20-50% discounts, plus a charge for shipping and handling...
...Soviet missiles aimed at Western Europe were not described as threats by either of two retired generals, Gert Bastian of West Germany and M.H...
...Publishers Weekly, $14.95 0413 AMERICAN CAESAR: Dooglas MacArthur, 1880-1964 -- Wm...
...The TV Guide criticism came on the heels of a CBS squabble with the White House over an hour-long show by Bill Moyers called "People Like Us...
...who made the Reagan Revolution...
...ABC, he wrote, "has cast its lot with Reagan and the Republican right . . . . Like most of Reagan's right-wing supporters . . . ABC News has expressed its disappointment with Reagan's foreign policy: Bellicose words have not been translated into bellicose deeds...
...Legitimate objections can be lodged, though, over a report on the "CBS Evening News" with Dan Rather about March's dip in the inflation rate...
...Howto play theUS...
...Social Security: the exact amount of the drop in payments won't be known for another 30 days, but it's estimated that while last year's checks went up 11.7 percent, the lower inflation rate means those payments will go up only 7.5 percent this year...
...Unlike NBC, CBS made no bones of its conviction that Reagan's economic policies were a failure, and a cruel failure at that...
...Sir John Hackett...
...As late as 1979 there seemed to be no such thing as the peace movement, no revulsion at U.S.-NATO strategies, no deeply felt suspicion of U.S...
...Are the network news divisions, with their im...
...19.95 2250 THE CONSERVATIVE MIND -- Russell Kirk...
...Fans of fair...
...Ford, Carnegie, etc and the mischief they do...
...12.95 0498 THE PLIGHT OF THE ENGLISH -- B. Cottte Are you making these mistakes...
...Lavishly documented...
...Greenfield's skewering of the press coverage of the 1980 presidential campaign comes in his new book, The Real Campaign.* Political reporting on television and in newspapers missed the point of the campaign, he says, and had little influence on the outcome: The victory of Ronald Reagan was a political victory, a party victory, a victory of more c o h e r e n t - - n o t necessarily correct, but more coherent--ideas, better e x p r e s s e d , more connected with t h e reality of their lives, as Americans saw it, than those of Reagan's principal opponents, a victory vastly aided by a b e t t e r - funded, better organized, more confident and united party . . . . The failure of the mainstream press, and especially telev i s i o n , to r e c o g n i z e t h e n a t u r e of t h i s campaign stemmed in l a r g e measure from the media's fascination with itself as a political force, and from its fundamental view t h a t p o l i t i c s is more image t h a n substance...
...12.95 2112 THE INVISIBLE VICTIM .. R. Redf...
...In New Jersey, voters will be able to choose between two sharply different voices...
...More significant, however, was the omission of the matter of purchasing power...
...Will this sizzling novel of crisis with the Communists prove as prophetic as his others ? $14.95 2184 PANICS & CRASHES: How You Can Make Money from Them -- Harry 0 Schultz Revised and updated...
...Roy Cohn...
...It's hard to argue with that story, even if it was written by a reporter who specializes in harpooning both Reaganomics and supply-side economics, which, of course, aren't quite the same thing...
...With access to some internal CBS documents, TV Guide reporters Don Kowet and Sally Bedell wrote that the show's producers had stacked the deck against Westmoreland, keeping out exculpatory material, coaching a friendly witness, yanking quotes out of context, and misrepresenting some events...
...Old-fashioned Midwestern Republicanism, upright, decent, and cautious...
...And in the end, the voters went with the guy who espoused the most coherent, appealing set of ideas--Reagan...
...That show, billed as "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception," had attacked General William C. Westmoreland for allegedly underestimating the enemy's forces in Vietnam in order to convince his superiors in Washington that the war was going well...
...F o r the fact is that Ronald Reagan made his full share of those gaffes, blunders, and mistakes that are supposed to derail the campaigns of potential presidents...
...This story is a reflection of CBS's tough, critical reporting on the recession and on Reagan's economic program...
...Strong stuff, huh...
...Why, if you really had a mind to, you could dredge up heaps of circumstantial evidence suggesting [TV Guide owner Walter] Annenberg has a vested political interest in anything that makes the network boys look like rascals...
...They're out to destroy Reagan...
...This time, the frontal approach has been abandoned and Mr... first use' commitment on nuclear weapons before Vinocur hastily mustered a couple of West Germans to say this would be a lousy idea and highly detrimental to Western security...
...16.95 2266 FOR THE RECORD: Selected Statements, 1977-1980 -- Henry Kissmger He sounds tougher out of office...
...12.95 2195 THE TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS -- W.H...
...By his private secretary...
...Without exception, the speeches were concerned with United States and NATO armament programs," he wrote...
...The CBS approach has prompted from political writer Walter Karp a characterization that, if uncorked by some Reagan partisan, would probably be denounced as another paranoid, right-wing delusion...
...A-to-Z format for fast lookup...
...Startling revelations...
...Greenfield contends...
...I admit to having committed most of the sins that Greenfield quite accurately cites: But I plead innocent to one of them--attributing Reagan's success to his acting skills, his flair for looking good on TV...
...Values to Sl12.90...
...In any case, since inflation began cooling, both newspapers and TV correspondents have made sure we know that this is not an unmixed blessing...
...13.95 2255 HOW TO LIMIT GOVERNMENT SPENDING --Aaron Wildavsky...
...Top news team, best report on the great breakthrough...
...How the Sexual Revolution claims its first victims --our children...
...And when it goes down, as it did today, so do their incomes...
...We do not know whether [the CBS producers] were right about General Westmoreland and his military-intelligence operation," they wrote...
...25 2002 HARVARD HATES AMERICA -- John LeBoutillier...
...14.95 2185 THE AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT -- L. Silk & M. Silk Revealing data on CFR, Ford Foundation, NY Times, Brookings, Harvard, other powerhouses --even though the writers are Establishment themselves...
...Updated edition...
...Maybe it's just that I don't remember all those stories...
...Last summer, Schmidt said a demonstration was manipulated by Communists and should have steered some of its by F r e d Barnes criticism toward the Soviets...
...John East...
...The White House strategy was to keep Reagan out of the spat, have Gergen deliver some overall criticism of the show, and let the Department of Health and Human Services pick apart the particulars of the four cases chronicled by CBS...
...Young conservative Congressman recalls his alma mater's assaults on patriotism...
...von Meyenfeldt of the Netherlands, who talked to the crowd...
...14.95 2244 THE HILL OF SUMMER -- Allen Orury...
...w I n the old days of soaring inflation, perhaps there were newspaper and television stories reporting that it was a double-edged sword, hurting some folks but helping others...
...As President Reagan sadly learned in Europe in June, the easiest way for the United States to heal the rift that has developed between Bonn and Washington is to subscribe to the views of NATO's European minions...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 23 at almost every turn," Greenfield argues...
...If Social Security recipients get less of an increase in their checks this year, it is only because prices didn't rise as steeply as the previous year...
...Otherwise, the press might have figured out that Reagan was going to win handily...
...On the bus to Bonn, one of the Germans asks about my previous trips to his country and my impressions...
...Unless Vinocur goes "into direct government service," his brand of reporting "should send him far with the NYT," Cockburn complained...
...We can say, however, that 'The Uncounted Enemy' was often arbitrary and unfair in its approach to a subject that surely demanded all the objectivity and thoroughness that the journalists of CBS News could muster...
...I 0364 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY EVERY 3 YEARS --Gerald Appel...
...Brutally frank, bestselling autobiography...
...w The Club will offer regular Superbargains, mostly at 70-90% discounts plus shipping and handling...
...Some examples...
...It will come automatically , If you don't want the Featured Selection...
...industry the bad news is now outweighing the good...
...Over recent years Vinocur has kept up a steady flow of dispatches, platitudinous, stereotypical, crammed with innuendoes, racist in general about Germans and Scandinavians, and especially hostile to the German Social Democrats, the peace movement and the Swedish socialists," Cockburn wrote...
...An analysis that attempts to demonstrate Reagan's nominating victory as a consequence of either his media skills or his coverage by the media would fail "Summit Books, $15.95...
...New edition of the book that tells you how to protect yourself if the house of cards comes tumbling down $12.95 2138 THE CONSERVATIVE DECADE -- J.C...
...minded, skeptical reporting can imagine worse things happening...
...The press's insistence that the struggle for power and position is all that matters, and that the 'who's ahead' question is far more important than boring questions of ideas helped mislead the press about the one question it cares most about--who is going to win...
...That, needless to say, is wildly exaggerated...
...Rare photos...
...The network's conservative treatment of economic affairs confirmed this in a dozen ways...
...NY Times...
...poor children deprived of school lunches...
...And NBC...
...And the problem for Cockburn, I suspect, is that Vinocur is skeptical about some of his sacred cows, including what Vinocur has characterized as"groups that call themselves the peace movement" and "people describing themselves as environmentalists...
...Within the Times Vinocur is regarded as a comer," he wrote...
...14.95 2258 ALLENDE: Death of a Marxist Dream - - J. Whelan...
...Mcllhany II...
...Jack Kemp...
...BITTER OVER VINOCUR Conservatives who regard the New York Times as dangerously and unshakeably liberal should, for the sake of balance and fairness, consider a recent attack on John Vinocur, the paper's correspondent in West Germany...
...3 -- Advance to Revolution, 1760-1775-- Murray N. Rothbard...
...Philby -- and the fourth top British spy was Anthony Blunt, exposed here...
...Publishers Weekly...
...NY Times...
...Scarcely had Kennan, McNamara, et al...
...Schmidt described a bomb blast at an American installation in West Germany early last week as 'no grounds for upset.'" Given such clear-eyed reporting, without the usual reverence for America's critics, it's no wonder Cockburn is dismayed...
...Most what it reveals about the kind of man who will do anything to stop those he sees as his country's enemies...
Vol. 15 • August 1982 • No. 8