C O R R E S P O N D E N C E Holocaust Alvin H. Rosenfeld's article ("Open Secrets of the Holocaust," TAS, J une 1982) was brilliant. Thank you for publishing it. Your magazine is much better...
...Do you actually think that either power will use atomic weapons against the other or try to blackmail each other with nuclear weapons ? If you will read The Fate o f the Earth by Jonathan Schloss [sic], you will realize that if anyone starts dropping nuclear bombs, there will be no winner and civilization will be destroyed...
...Men's colognes too, Send for free sample and fragrance list...
...SAVE UP TO ON PERFUNES We've created our versions of Opium, Bal A Versailles, Joy, Oscar de la Renta...
...His own answer is a fitting way to end this discussion: "It is all too easy for the layman to generalize New York to the entirety of urban America or to believe that the unique agricultural situation in parts of California is typical of the entire nation...
...Shalimar, Norell, Halston Night...
...Ask a Lapp...
...And to this point facts about the enormous Irish achievement in maintaining the tradition of monastic learning during the Dark Ages immediately after the collapse of the Roman Empire is not directly relevant...
...Rael Jean Isaac and Erich Isaac have produced a monumental work ("The Counterfeit Peacemakers: Atomic Freeze," TAS, June 1982), and their thoroughly researched treatment lays bare the sinister, anti-American, and dangerous elements which are behind the "counterfeit peacemakers...
...Thus, it is incorrect to say, as Sowell does, that the Jews have "outdistanced" the Irish in income... $2.00 delivery charge first bottle, 50 cents each additional one...
...Present day Holland, Switzerland, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Yugoslavia all built their first universities (as did Ireland) after the Middle Ages...
...I hope you will make it available in booklet form...
...I am also a World Federalist and have been since 1947...
...A New York, NY 10005 212-344-4288 Serving Wall Street area since 1895 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 41...
...Life Under a King No survey of the American royalist underground (by T. John Jamieson, TAS, July 1982) would be complete without the obituary for the consort of King Carol of Rumania that, Bill Buckley tells us, Henry Hazlitt considered running in the Freeman: Said the beauteous Magda Lupescu As she rushed to Roumania's rescue, h's a wonderful thing To live under a king...
...Guy Caparelli Yonkers, New York Who's Behind the Nuclear Freeze... rather than outright false...
...Spenser, in his " S t a t e of (continuedon page 41) 2 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR AUGUST 1982 of cropland versus built-up land, but rather of cropland versus forest, and adds, "The short-term prospect is for a substantial reduction in the pressure of urban demand on rural lands...
...Ireland's "universities" were in her monasteries and monastic schools--those luminous centers of intense intellectual life and Western Christian culture whose far-ranging sons almost singlehandedly kept alive Western civilization throughout Europe for centuries after the Roman withdrawal...
...It is a worldwide awakening and it is high time the world awaken to what will happen if nuclear weapons are used in war...
...As the Frenchman Roger Chauvire notes in his excellent history of Ireland: "The Irish monasteries, Clonard, Clonmacnois, Armagh, then later Bangor and Lindisfarne, were the centers not only of spiritual, but also of intellectual, life...
...Ted Humes Phoenix, Arizona I have subscribed to The American Spectator for many years and have contributed to your Educational Fund but I am no longer going to subscribe...
...Is democracy better, I esk you...
...Pastoral people not only do not build universities, they don't even build the towns and cities that provide the essential centers from which universities spring...
...Vienna, Virginia Antony Flew replies: Since I myself only quoted the remark as something which "Sowell makes bold to say" I need accept no responsibility for its accuracy... $16.00 per oz...
...While nuclear freeze is not going to answer all the questions, at least it will be a start and it was not started by the Soviets...
...Harry F. Klinefelter, M.D...
...Thanks again...
...What is objectionable is that Sowell's statement--standing alone, out of historical context, and without explanation--is highly misleading in its obviously intended implications...
...Baltimore, Maryland P.S...
...90 Water St., Dept...
...And Armagh, the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland, was at one time the metropolis of civilizat i o n . " . . . Item: "Ireland was the only major Western nation that did not build a single university during the Middle Ages," says Sowell, in Race and Economics, citing as authority for this fatuity those eminent medievalists, Glazer and Moynihan (Beyond the Melting Pot), who prudently cite no one . . . . To begin with, and depending upon how one defines "major Western nation," it would appear that Ireland was in good company...
...CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 2) Ireland" noted that the Irish "hath had the use of letters very auntiently and long before England," and the medievalist Arsene Darmesteter noted, in what is a common refrain: "The renaissance began in Ireland several hundred years before it was known in Italy...
...The article in your June issue, "Counterfeit Peacemakers: Atomic Freeze," definitely decided me not to continue subscribing to The American Spectator...
...Reagan in the White House, I cannot understand his attitude toward nuclear weapons...
...Toward the end of his discussion of "Urban Encroachment on Rural Areas," geographer John Fraser Hart asks: " I f urban encroachment on rural land is not a serious problem in the United States, then why has so much arrant nonsense been written and spoken on the subject...
...As I trust that I made clear in my sentence introducing that quotation, Sowell was making a point about the differences between the Irish and the Jews at the time of their arrival in the USA...
...The two groups are virtually neck-in-neck, with both clearly ahead of all other Americans of whatever background...
...Your magazine is much better than the flippant remarks in "The Continuing Crisis" suggest...
...If Thomas Sowell's slipshod and misleading handling of the Irish and Irish-Americans reflects the level of his scholarship generally, he may turn out to be one of the fastest disappearing pop economists in recent memory...
...While I am a conservative and a Republican and worked hard to get Mr...
...Richard Brookhiser National Review New York, New York Irish "Dark" Ages In quoting Thomas Sowell on the Irish and Irish-Americans without critical comment, your reviewer, Antony Flew (TAS, May 1982), left behind some very serious misconceptions...
...It is must reading...
...Pierre Crosson described the consensus reached at a recent Resources for the Future Conference as follows: "While one should not be complacent about the agricultural land issue neither is it a matter of pressing current national concern...
...1000, L'Air du Temps, Chloe...
...Item: Soweli's observation that "The ancient Celtic culture was h6stite to literacy" is so outrageous that one's immediate reaction is numbed shock...
...Leo Kearney 0 'Drudy, Jr...
...have enough nuclear weapons to destroy each other forty or fifty times and both powers continue to make more...
...Some people seem to want to believe that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and some simply do not know any better than to repeat what they have read or what someone has told them...
...But I am delighted to have the chance of saying now that it seemed and still seems to me to be at worst mislead...
...As far back as can be chronicled with any accuracy the Irish have been a people obsessed with the written and spoken word...
...Both Russia and the U.S...
...Until comparatively recent times, the Irish were a pastoral people, not farmers or city and town dwellers like their English and Continental contemporaries...
...This is not a Communist front organization but simply an organization that wishes to outlaw war by some means or other...
...Item: The National Opinion Research Center's 1977 and 1978 study found Irish Catholics, in terms of education, occupation, and income, to be notably above the national average for other Gentile Whites . . . and the average income of the Irish Catholics in the years 1975 to 1978 to have been slightly above that of the Jews...
...Essential Products Co., Inc...
...But that is beside the point...
Vol. 15 • August 1982 • No. 8