
cently announced his readiness to return to the throne if he is called. With the rise of unrest in these captive nations where the memory of royal rule is still fresh, can American foreign...

...Rand's person, writing, ideas, and followers, was pointless, tasteless, and cowardly...
...Well, almost...
...Ross's article ("Allah and Man at Columbia," TAS, May 1982) reeks with it...
...Two paths indeed...
...The Seabed Authority was, in economic terms, quackery...
...Mullen, Jr...
...That CSI is determined to foster awareness about intelligence among social scientists does not mean that CSI is a crew of ideological academics full of Mittyesque dreams of espionage...
...Hills & tat Sea $15 00...
...How do the Liberals say...
...I regret the error...
...Instead, like some of his "left-wing" and "existentiali s t " foes, Dannhauser has used Nietzsche as an occasionto air some of his pet grievances (e.g., subjec(continuedon page 40) 38 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR JULY 1982 participants included nine academics, twelve former CIA and other intelligence agency officers, and eight congressional committee staffers, among others...
...Albert R. Doyle Valley Cottage, New York I am not an Orientalist or a literary critic, but I can recognize ethnic contempt when I see it and Mr...
...There are three possible explanations to pursue at this point...
...Is The American Spectator thus now straining to be chic...
...Leslie Graves Key Madison, IVisconsin Aram Bakshian's posthumous "tribu t e " to Ayn Rand (May 1982), a lengthy recital of invective and obloquy d i r e c t e d at the late Ms...
...And why, by the way, is liberating Nietzsche from the Nazis a move in the trivialization of Nietzsche ? The point of all this is to say that the question of Nietzsche and the Nazis is a pseudo-issue of concern only to those whose preoccupations are with the titillating and the vulgar rather than with philosophy, politics, or scholarship...
...Heidegger was indeed not the first rector of the University of Freiburg under Hitler's rule...
...Christopher Dawton...
...224 pages...
...Paper, $3.50...
...At least in such a "cage" I would not have to worry about being dragged out of my home in the middle of the night or shot down in the street by Yiddish Nazis posing as religious settlers...
...Stanley L. Jaki...
...Our own form of elective monarchy exists in perpetual crisis: Its sovereign dies every four years without issue...
...Chmaamty & the ln~llsctuals...
...That this anguished cri du "cerveau is a deliberately banal exercise in the tired dialectic of the Bertrand Russell school of antinuclear protest, a dark parody aimed at mocking the vacuous moral pretense of that movement with such lines as: "In weighing the fate of the earth and, with it, our own fate, we stand before a mystery, and in tampering with the earth we tamper with a mystery...
...I agree...
...t h e new Bible of our time" (Helen Caldicott...
...Church Authority and Intellsaual Preed...
...Don't you... of the most important works of recent years . . . there may still be hope to save our civilization" (Walter Cronkite...
...One leads to death, the other to life...
...Would we not be, at least i n t h i s regard, in the debt of these new readings--readings you, in any event, erroneously attribute to the Left...
...These are serious people all, discriminating readers not apt to confuse an important book with a spooE Mondale, if memory serves, was once Vice President of the United States...
...But from the Law of the Sea Conference it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is clear that many of them have EDITORIAL (continued from page 6) century, some snoozing nearer the Middle Ages, simply declared that the planet's resources are " t h e common heritage of mankind...
...It is ironic that Mr...
...O Hilalre Belloc...
...Arther Trace...
...any interest in a teaching seminar on intelligence for full-time university teachers...
...Thus, for example, we may cite, "Thy men shall fall by the sword, and the mighty be in the war" (Isaiah 3:17), and, "There can we see heroic warriors, powerful a r c h e r s . . . " (Bhagavad Gita...
...Beyond DiUn~' Toward an Ameman Foreign Poluv Cloth $12.95 Paper...
...Mere Chnst:amt...
...Cloth $12.q5 Paper $4.95...
...Second, popular elections have no relevance to the issue of restoratton or continuation of monarchy, since elections divide people, and the most stable regimes are imposed from above or from outside...
...The Road to S?r/dom Paper $40~ O Dietrich van Hildebrand...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR JULY 1982 29 nuclear dilemma, playing both roles, Seeker and Guru...
...A worthwhile project for the American monarchist is to raise the historical consciousness of American foreign policy to the level of recognizing foreign monarchies as a valid possibility...
...And when he leaves off such rantings long enough to mention any of Rand's ideas, he misrepresents those ideas, adding intellectual dishonesty to insult...
...I think he has just discovered that water is wetand I congratulate him, but my article discussed Nietzsche's meaning rather than his imagery...
...Woody Allen, come out from behind that curtain...
...P~chology as Rehg~on fhe Cult o/ helJ- ~ or~hlp $395...
...Ort/~d0x~ Paper: $2.95 [] G. K. Chatterton...
...The diplomats agreed again...
...Third, new monarchies can be fostered in the same way that the old once were...
...Member, Executive Committee, Nietzsche Society Member, Program Committee, North American Nietzsche Society N.E.H...
...Let~u,e: The Barn oJ (ultura Paper" $1 50 [] Josef Pieper...
...Please limit your comments to 200 words, and include f u l l name, address, and telephone number...
...Hatfield, as a leader of the " n u c l e a r f r e e z e " campaign, can hardly be awed by yet another eye-rolling, hand-wringing dissertation on its behalf...
...Such was the father of the late Shah of Iran...
...Needless to say, Barry Commoner loves it, as does Thomas Watson, Jr...
...Wherein, thus, does Dannhauser differ from those he says "trivialize" Nietzsche...
...The third is that my Woody Allen hunch is wrong...
...In fact, these comments are as useful in helping us understand Rand as comments by other writers in other journals about Thomas Sowell's "blackface sociology," "vituperative attacks," and alleged belief in the genetic inferiority of black people are in understanding Sowell (TAS, May 1982...
...As the Reagan Administration belabors the distinction between "authoritarian" and "totalitarian" regimes, and as commentators mull over the moral compromise in supporting Fascist dictatorships, the self-defeating futility of seeking to appease Marxist juntas, and the infeasibility of setting up democracies in backward nations, why is there no discussion of monarchy...
...To borrow a phrase from Mr...
...And yet, and y e t . . . If this is the case, why are all the most deep-creased Liberal brows of the age taking this book to their collective bosom, greeting it, even in advance of publication, as "the most important book of the decade...
...he Catholic (,atech*sm Papal" $6 95 [] John A. Hardon, S.J...
...7he poem...
...God & Phdosuph) Paper $4 15 [] Etienne Gilson...
...The R~h oJ American Order Paper $12 95 [] William Law...
...We are fortunate the United States has rid itself of this mischief...
...cholasticum Paper $3 9~ [] F~nk J. Sheed...
...PMitrd by John J. Mulloy 509 pages...
...Ross is honest enough to explain his attitude by telling the reader t h a t " the Jewish State is a special case among the nations of the modern world...
...Only a handful of men in the Reagan Administration prevented us from going along with such an idiotic scheme...
...It is a task Allison would carry out with a great deal more wit and fairness than Dannhauser has employed in his mugging of The New Nietzsche...
...To The American Spectator I am obl!ged to observe that I think Dannhauser's essay is so corrupt that were it not for the fact that I would miss R. Emmett Tyrrell's fulminations and Tom Bethell's analyses I would cancel my subscription...
...Only seven or so nations on 'earth possess the capacity and will to explore and mine the seas...
...O Paul Eidelberg...
...That's why I am fond of them...
...I was comparing it not only to Nietzsche's View of Socrates, by me, but to Nietzsche's Gift by Harold Alderman, a book from which I learned something, though I have forgotten what it was...
...Yet whereas our attempt to rescue the hostages began honorably and ended as a media event, Dannhauser's endeavor is conceived and e x e c u t e d - - s e l f - executed i f I may say so--strictly as a media event...
...I see your hand, you irreverent rascal...
...In the full heat of his tantrum, Bakshian even likens Objectivism to Marxist Leninism and Scientology...
...I never thought her ideas, her writing, or her s e l f were intellectually or morally substantial enough to warrant a strong emotional reaction...
...Meanwhile, the flame of hereditary legitimacy, the secular form of the apostolic succession, continues to burn, tended by patriots, priests, and professors, who privately confess their belief in the sacramental nature of power...
...It seems to me that non-Liberals committed to economic and political freedom should expend their energies vindicating these beliefs instead of engaging in ad hominem, internecine attacks on one another...
...Christina Spencer Ottawa, Canada P.S...
...In Greece the king is still talked of...
...A Way to the R~wal of I I ~ n Ltfe $18.00 [] Chri|topher Derrick...
...Finally, permit me to endorse Professor Alderman's suggestion that The American Spectator invite David Allison to comment on my book about Nietzsche...
...7he Countt~evotunon of So~e Stadze~ m the Abuse o/ Reason Paper $4 00 [] Friedrlch van Hayek...
...486 pages Cloth... Jeffrey Hart...
...1) The French appropriation of Heidegger is an undesirable thing because it involves the trivialization of both Heidegger and Nietzsche...
...Following the example of Spain, Portugal may be the next European nation to return to monarchy...
...If only h e ' d had the minimal decency to make his attacks on a victim who was still alive and could thus set the record straight...
...Wilhelm von Moellendorf was...
...I"1 Edmund Rurhe...
...So long as the royal hand is able to intervene in moments of crisis, the specific machinery of administration is not all that important...
...To Dannhauser: Why in heaven's name is the French appropriation of Heidegger's reading of Nietzsche an undesirable thing...
...That idea, after all, has been kicking around for a while...
...In July 1981, twenty-five faculty members from American universities convened for eight days at Bowdoin College in Maine to study and discuss the subject matter of the CSI symposia and how to turn the material into academic courses, complete with bibliography, reading lists, and examination questions...
...On the I iterature of the South...
...The ideology of those who refer to the world's resources as the "common heritage of mankind" is more easily codified...
...Hyde, etc...
...Rehgto Med~z...
...M. E. Bradford...
...By systematically presenting Miss Rand's ideas out of context, your writer seeks to discredit one of the f i n e s t minds free enterprisers have ever had on their side...
...Of course, my critic might contend that not every use of a text is legitimate...
...Her accomplishments as a writer and a thinker, and the clear impact she has had on thousands of people, deserve thoughtful analysis, not d i a t r i b e s full of unenlightening name-calling...
...Five volumes of the proceedings have already been published.~ After two years of experience, CSI's members decided to survey several hundred universities to see whether there was ]'The five volumes, Elements of Intelligence, Covert Action, Counterintelligence, Analysis and Estimates, Clandestine Collection, are available from Transaction Books, New Brunswick, N.J...
...The LtJe oJ Sam~l ~7ohmon $4.75...
...Sa~lng the Appearances A Study m ldolat...
...When Nietzsche is cited in that way he is sometimes used, unfortunately...
...4) The difference between Nazism and v~lgar Nazism can be most simply stated as follows...
...Perhaps of the century" (Harrison Salisbury...
...For example, I am not sorry that I took it for granted that discerning readers would understand that Nazism is the most virulent kind off-ascism...
...Even granting the connection you assume between this reading and "the Left," would not any reading which undermines the fantasies of Marxism be a cause for 40 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR JULY 1982 celebration and a further augury of its demise...
...It would be the worthiest of missionary efforts, but one, I fear, doomed to failure...
...So much for the economic development of the seas...
...Marion Montgomery...
...Thomasson and some of the other respondents are typical of the acolytes Miss Rand has left behind, she may have more to answer for than I originally thought...
...The Law of the Sea was, then, the ultimate con perpetuated by the Third World ideologues of UniWorld, a scheme for pilfering the wealth of the civilized world while the backward nations sank ever deeper into the kind of barbarism that has recently been visited upon Uganda, the Central African Republic, Southeast Asia, and other less notorious hellholes of the globe...
...Reason & R~elatton in the ~hddls Ages $6 95 - - [] Etienne Gilson...
...Caldicott, as president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, can be expected to know a new Bible when she sees one...
...Now they are being branded as ideologues...
...And all this time I'd been under the impression . . . Ah, well, it serves me right for not being a devotee of contemplative New Yorker tracts, having acquired the slovenly habit, in the years since A.J...
...Yes, that's the word...
...Bakshian's article to appear may be c o n s e r v a t i v e , but i t ' s not too informed...
...At least Mr...
...He shows it is alive and well in Israel and the West Bank...
...Cloth $14 95...
...But skeptic that I am, I remain unpersuaded and will temper my hope until The Fate of the Earth is translated into Russian, for must reading by concerned Muscovites...
...So*at Thomas Aquinas Paper $2 45...
...Marion Montgomery...
...Perelman, Woolcott Gibbs, James Thurber, and Corey Ford...
...And surely the redoubtable Cronkite, who in recent decades has not merely witnessed but defined The Way It Is for his fellow earthlings, does not truly find "hope to save our civilization" in the revealed truth that all we need to secure world peace is universal disarmament and a new global federation...
...Well, if they are ideologues their ideology is American national interest and a sense that the advanced nations know something that the backward nations do not know...
...Ta~sle European Short ~orles Paper $5 95...
...Why Flannery 0 'Connor Stayed Home (Vol I of the trilogy, The Prophetic Poet & the Spirit of the Age...
...What new adventures our diplomats will be getting us into in the years to come remain a mystery...
...Gentratwnr oJ the Faithful tleart...
...Vulgar Nazism is oblivious to Heidegger's work...
...Based on that article, I'd like you to cancel my subscription and refund the unexpired portion of it...
...The Deh~ate (.reatton 7awards a Theology o] the Enmromntnt...
...J u s t as Miss Rand aroused little enthusiasm on my part, she aroused no hatred...
...Let the Gideons of this "new Bible" take on that project...
...They ought not to be shackled to the economic archaicism of the Third World...
...Aram Bakshian's "tribute" to Ayn Rand ("Ayn Rand, R . I . P . , " TAS, May 1982) was an uncontrolled torrent of venom that revealed far more about Bakshian than about Rand...
...Why has The American Spectator sponsored his undertaking...
...Liebling errantly chose the Wrong Path, of looking only at the magazine's cartoons, which are intentionally funny...
...How far offcan one be...
...Another faculty seminar is scheduled this summer again at Bowdoin...
...Yassir Arafat doesn't need PLO terrorists to fan the fires of Palestinian nationalism...
...The (.tns~lw~ Mind ]'ram Burhe to ~:ll0f 468 pa~es...
...3ae~e, Pohete~ and bnostw~sm Paper $2 95 Richard Weaver...
...Paper 18.35, [] Hilalre Belloc, Essay5 ofa Cathohc $16.00...
...Truth Be Said t have sometimes heard it said that the Israelis are similar to the Nazis in their t r e a t m e n t of the Palestinian Arabs but I have been r e l u c t a n t to believe it...
...That both his tract and legend are towering send-ups, in the grand tradition of the old New Yorker of S.J...
...O Karl Adam...
...But then there would be scarcely anything worth reading...
...Are your fulminations, in fact, nothing more than an extended and misdirected ad hominem argument...
...Let me dismiss this s o l e c i s m - - t h e Fascists were not Nazis and Nietzsche was neither--by observing that both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita abound in similar imagery...
...Would that the Great Commoner, this one time, were right...
...It also happens that I don't think she was much of an artist and I proceeded to cite examples of her inadequacies as a novelist and critic (none of which the correspondents refute in their outpourings of wrath...
...The fact is that, while I do think Ayn Rand was a bit of a crank and a rather unappealing character as she grew more and more dictatorial in her world view, I also credited her in my piece with having made a number of valid points against liberal-collectivist altruism...
...Both of t h e s e p a s s a g e s are p a r t s of extended a l l e g o r i e s d r a m a t i z i n g the human soul's struggle for wisdom--however that may be construed...
...Mark S. Pulliam Los Angeles, California I was heartily disappointed by the article in your May issue on the recently deceased American philosopher Ayn Rand...
...atholuum & Aloa,m*t~ ConJrontan~ or (.~pttalatton ~ Cloth- $I"3 95...
...The worst I ever felt about any of them was--and is--a mild distaste... ) 4 issues r $15 [] Common Faith IMtrus, Marshner, Rice...
...Never before has my work been compared to a helicopter...
...Perhaps this will comfort the Palestinian family whose home is blown up because a son or nephew is a PLO suspect and maybe it will explain to Arab students in the West Bank why their books must be censored by the Israeli military and their teachers carefully monitored lest they get too "uppity" on the idea that Arabs also have the right to a homeland...
...Thomasson, "I will not bore your readers by drawing the obvious conclusions...
...The Rule of Pete ~t Benedict & the Emopean Future...
...though, admittedly, it lacked the cachet of appearing on the pages of the New Yorker...
...David Thomasson Columbia, Missouri Aram Baksbian, Jr...
...However, this time it is being subsidized by that THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR JULY 1982 37 Boobus Americanus, the U.S...
...The response was favorable...
...Sir Thomal Browne...
...Books c u r r e n t l y p u b l i s h e d b y Sherwood Sugden & Company: [] Robert Beum (rd...
...Ch~tmmty :n East & Weft Edited by John J. Malloy...
...C 0 R R E S P 0 N D E N C E Friends of Ayn Rand Aram Bakshian, J r . ' s caricature (TAS, May 1982) of the " f r i g i d , " " f a d d i s h , " " o n e - dimen s i o n a l , - "dogmatic," " r i g i d , " " s h r i l l , " "pontificating," "drearily earnest," "tyrannical," "silly," "crankish," "limited," "seldom original," and "seldom right" person many of us know as Ayn Rand (but whom he identifies as " a long-winded messiah minus a god," " a grand inquisitor," and " a n old t r o u t ' ') d o e s n ' t really help us understand her impact or analyze the value of her ideas...
...When the Bible is cited in an argument favoring war as such, it is being abused...
...Indeed, if there had been such a grasp of intelligence during the 1950s, and if there had been objective academic study and analysis of U.S...
...Paper $295-: [] C. S. Lewis...
...and our own George Washington nearly had the crown thrust upon him...
...Ross I wouldn't want to live in a state like Syria or a "cage I can call home," but if I were a Palestinian living in Nablus or Gaza I might easily prefer such a state to the one where I now live...
...The Inst~rted Heats Paper $2 95 [] Pranh J. Shred...
...His rescue a t t e m p t seems to me just about as effective as our attempt to rescue the Iranian hostages: that is, it breaks down in the desert and limps home empty-handed...
...Why, your very nora de plume is a giveaway...
...Ldlted b~ Ronald Barman Paper $5.00 [] Paul C. Vitz...
...Now to the questions asked of me...
...and under every constitution sovereignty ultimately rests somewhere...
...a "historic" work that "should be read by all Americans" (Walter Mondale...
...and trumping that, "required readi n g . . , for every concerned citizen of the world" (Gary Hart...
...It would be well for him to examine carefully how they came to be a minority in a few short years...
...Ross forgotten that the Arabs were the majority in Palestine...
...Schell," of course--as in Schell game...
...that The Fate o f the Earth is not dark parody but transparent jackassery, and a Jonathan Schell is indeed alive and well at the New Yorker, assured, no doubt, that his five years spent seeking after the ultimate truth of the circularity of life was not in vain...
...exceptionally important reading" (Averell Harriman...
...What, he asks in his capacity as Seeker, is the Fate o f the Earth ? Then, after 231 transcendent pages pondering the metaphysical implications of the American-Soviet nuclear predicament, Jonathan Schell takes on the robes of the Great Guru, as follows: "Two paths lie before u s , " he writes... I 12 issues ~, $10 - - Orders under $10 pleme add $1 postage & handling: _ _ TOTAL ENCLOSED: Sherwood Sugden & Company [ ~ 11 I 7 E i g h t h S t r e e t N.W., La S a l l e , I l l i n o i s 61301 1 enclose $ _ _ for books checked above...
...Paper $6 95 [] Russell Kirk...
...Then ! read Mitchell Ross's article on Professor Edward Said (TAS, May 1982...
...Indeed, in a not too distant past when The American Spectator was more interested in the grit of things than in their glitter, it would have invited David Allison to review Dannhauser's own book on Nietzsche, a work presumably exempt from the class of interpretations that trivialize Nietzsche...
...We are told that Ayn Rand was an "old trout" whose works lacked artistic merit and who preyed on middleclass adolescents suffering from frayed self-esteem--' 'the impotent in search of omnipotence" and "hypochondriacs who blamed the outer world for internal inadequacies of their own making or imagining...
...With the rise of unrest in these captive nations where the memory of royal rule is still fresh, can American foreign policy refuse to address the potential for restoration...
...Paper' $4 95 [] Frederick D. Wilhelmseu...
...I stilltake that for granted...
...Paper, 13 95 [] Christopher Derrick...
...I will not bore your r e a d e r s by drawing the obvious conclusion...
...Paper' $4.50...
...Incidentally, Heidegger was not the "first Rector of the University of Freiburg under Hitler's rule," as Dannhauser claims...
...5.95 [] Christopher Dawson...
...and on and on...
...It does occur to me, though, that if Mr...
...My perceptive critic is right about one thing...
...Decad~e & R~u,al :n the Hz~fier ltamln~ Cloth $1500 [] Russell Kirk...
...After all, I wrote that Heidegger's book "remains quite simply the best book about Nietzsche ever written...
...As to the theme of "trivializing" Nietzsche, there are many things that might in fairness be said about the s t r a i n i n g for p r o f u n d i t y and the o v e r - i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of some of the w r i t e r s in The New Nietzscbe, but unfortunately Dannhauser has failed to say any of them...
...As to N i e t z s c h e ' s role as a precursor of Nazism, Dannhauser uses the same arguments as the Nazis themselves, and he uses them with equal p e r s p i c a c i t y . Thus because martial images and allegories, as well as other metaphors glorifying the life of struggle, are found in Nietzsche's texts, Nietzsche obviously, according to Dannhauser, endorses "Fascism...
...No, the American monarchist is not Independence Day's Scrooge, yet to the democrats he repeats the ancient curse: "May you have an equal in your house...
...he was the first to be appointed under that rule...
...The men in the Kremlin would never abide a Schell game in their country, and for the most obvious of reasons: They are, as we know, a humorless lot...
...The second is that they have read it, but are incredibly obtuse and / or trendy, even for deepcreased Liberals contemplating the challenge of Soviet power in a nuclear age...
...intelligence even with what material was then available, much of the unpleasantness that emerged during the congressional investigations of the 1970s might have been avoided-and much of the subsequent injury, some of it perhaps irreparable, to American intelligence as well...
...A Peasant ol the Garonne Paper $1 t~5 [] John Henry Newman...
...Like Mr...
...The Maksng of Lu~pe Paper $~.95 I"1 Christopher Dawton...
...Introduction to Phdowph~ Papal $~ 15 [] Jacqu~ Maritain...
...I~J'.xltom am I~ Retautam m France...
...Like Corey Ford's "John Riddell," it is part of the send-up...
...Apolos pro Dta Sua Paper $3 ~0 [] Josef Player...
...What then...
...The Spat o] Medwvat I~tl,,~oph~ 126 00 [] John A. Hardon, S.J...
...Rand had faults, but she also made some critical contributions to the history of philosophizing about individual rights...
...Has Mr...
...I simply fail to recall any passages by Nietzsche that favor the beating of swords into ploughshares but perhaps Professor Alderman and I use different versions of Nietzsche or of the Bible or of both...
...I need the publicity and I welcome penpals...
...C. S. Lewis...
...The Allies insisted on an election in Italy after World War II, which Umberto would have won if it had been conducted fairly...
...The Road of br;~e & the War~ to ted I Fhe Gtflord Lecturesl 488 pages Paper: $8 95 [] Ru~ell Kirk...
...Stanley L. JaltL Angels, Apes, and Men...
...3) Yes, my fulminations are always more than an extended and misdirected ad hominem argument...
...How, to a really objective objectivist, any of what I wrote could be characterized as a "tantrum" or "spitting, seething h a t r e d " is beyond me...
...A Modem t.ath~hr Ih, tmnar...
...This is known about Nietzsche even ifDannhauser and the Nazis are u n a b l e - - o r perhaps unwilling--to see the point...
...They do not seem to believe that our advanced civilization has requirements or concerns that must be secure against grasping leaders in the Third World...
...The point, then, is t h a t m a r t i a l imagery, in Nietzsche as in these classical cases, is a device used to depict an inner struggle of the self with itself...
...Harold Alderman Professor of Philosophy Sonoma State University Rohnert Park, California Author, Nietzsche's Gift, etc...
...For The American Spectator I very much regret to hazard that its participation in this sordid affair is due to the fact that, as with its left-wing opponents, it has discovered the power of playing to the expectations of its audience, and thus, like Der Spiegel some months ago, it trots out the Nazis and Nietzsche for the prurient delectation of its readers...
...Dannhauser replies: Professor Alderman begins by likening my article to America's ill-fated attempt to rescue our hostages from Iran...
...Thus for the edification of both Dannhauser and the Nazis we must fairly distinguish a use of Nietzsche's texts from the texts themselves, just as we must also distinguish a hammer from the m u r d e r e r ' s use of the hammer...
...A publication that would permit Mr...
...In other words, the Seabed Authority would have the same control over deep-seabed mining as the socialized Third World countries have over enterprise within their own impoverished boundaries...
...But wait: Could it be that I do "Jonathan Schell" a gross injustice...
...The Ducarded Image Paper $7 51) O Jacques Marltain...
...While trying desperately to cater to the c o n s e r v a t i v e r e a d e r s of The American Spectator, Dannhauser seems almost incidentally inclined to gu.ess that Nietzsche was, in fact, a protolNazi and t h a t , in fact, those who read Nietzsche any other way-including Heidegger--only succeed in trivializing him in a "morass of subjectivity...
...He has written a book which, in the words of Barry Commoner, "gives us hope that we will, in fact, put an end to the horrendous threat of nuclear war...
...Fleming ton, New Jersey The New, New, New Nietzsche The cover of the May issue of The American Spectator and the Werner J . Dannhauser essay ("The Trivialization of Friedrich Nietzsche") to which it i s . u n f o r t u n a t e l y r e l a t e d demand comment...
...Ross's article will delight fans of the Master Race theory who mourned its death in Hitler's bunker...
...In an early draft I said that, but that is an explanation and not an excuse...
...I was looking to The American Spectator for informed conservative comment...
...Has Dannhauser perhaps lost the facts in the morass of his own s t r i c t l y rhetorical subjectivity...
...Before turning to the specific questions asked of me, I must plead innocent to the charge that I underestimate Heidegger's work...
...Professor Alderman goes on to argue (if one can call it that) that not everybody who uses "martial imagery" favors war...
...Bakshian's vicious smear job showed up only scant pages away from Thomas Sowell's excellent piece on "media s m e a r s . " Clearly, Bakshian is an expert at the art...
...n Owen Barfield...
...When a national hero, a liberator, or a patriarch has the support to establish a dynasty, who are the Americans that they should stop him...
...Paper" $6 95 _ _ [] Whittaker Chamberl...
...A Smou, Call to a D~out & lloly Lde Paper $~95 _ _ O C. S. Lewis...
...The distinction between use and abuse runs through my article and can be understood by the meanest capacity...
...We are in deep ignorance...
...Paper: $2.95 [] Christopher Derrick...
...Has it been taken over by beauticians ? Finally, I shall bring these calm, even-tempered observations to a close with a set of questions to Dannhauser and an exhortation to The American Spectator...
...Miracles Paper $1.95...
...Renewing the social contract is not optional: Let those skeptics who say that every tenet of belief must always be open to discussion retire to the philosophy classroom and impose on the world no longer...
...Fellow FP'ernerJ...
...O B O O O O O B I O O * O O O O O O O O O O O W B O O m eBOO O OOI, CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 29) support for the expulsion of the Arabs ( " B u t how are the Israelis permanently to absorb the Arab population of these territories and retain the Jewish character so essential to Israel's spiritual survival...
...He must work to establish three essential facts: First, all monarchies are constitutional monarchies...
...If America could redeem Eastern Europe from its Communist slavemasters through royal restoration, it would be an act of historical penance...
...The Ha~rd Addw~s & 18 Responses...
...Why not...
...The context of my distinction made that clear (a context is that in which the text is embedded...
...In 7une utth the H.'o,td Paper g4 95 [] Josef Pieper...
...Finally, pray tell what is the difference between Nazism and vulgar Nazism...
...I am deeply grateful...
...Under the guise of protecting us conservatives from a left-wing plot to show that Nietzsche was not a Nazi, Dannhauser a t t e m p t s to rescue Nietzsche's work from trivialization at the hands of " p o e t s , psychoanalysts, existentialists, [and] members of the New Left . . . . " among other equally terrifying types...
...The Israeli army and politicians with their benign neglect of Jewish fanatics in the West Bank and the rantings of goons like Meir Kahane are doing a fine job of killing any chance of co-existence between Jew and Arab...
...6.95_ _ _ O Chri~opher Derrick...
...But as irony would have it, an observation Rand made about the 1964 Republican National Convention also puts an embarrassingly cold light on Bakshian's spitting, seething hatred: When men feel that strongly about an issue, yet refuse to name it, when they fight savagely for some seemingly incoherent, unintelligible goal--one may be sure that their actual goal would not stand public identification...
...It would be an international organization modeled on the United Nations General Assembly, thus putting the backward nations of the world in control...
...DynamtcJ of World History...
...Ctttcen of Rome' Refleawns fiom the lair o]a Ro~ C~tholtc 345 pages Paper: $5 95 @ Books now a v a i l a b l e through uJ (For books ordered flora Ihu hst plsme allow d weeks for ddwery...
...The first and most generous is that the people in question have not actually read Schell's book...
...stinks of Dachau...
...Cloth $19 95 [] George W. Rutler...
...M. E. Bradford...
...The Hzao~ Reality o] (,hrutlan (aleuts...
...2) Whenever possible I prefer to combat "the fantasies of Marxism" with the truth rather than misreadings...
...They are apparently ignorant of how America came to be more prosperous than Senegal...
...Paper: $4.95 [] Christopher Derrick...
...a/(,corEr Ilerhert $6 95 [] James Hitchcock...
...The diplomats agreed...
...Incidentally, Professor Alderman never comes to grips with Nietzsche's argument for slavery...
...Selected P'ssays 248 pages Paper- $4.95...
...Jacques Barzun...
...Harriman participated in the grueling negotiations that determined the shape of the table for the U.S.-North Vietnam peace talks of the late 1960s...
...The Impatteme ofjaob Paper: $3 95...
...flay Without a Cause...
...7he F,,ur (ardmal I':.tue~ Paper $3 95 [] Josef Pieper...
...simply given up on the notion of American national interest...
...Wanos 808 pages Paper: $9 95 [] G. K. Chelterton...
...19 95...
...Had Jimmy Carter been in the White House you can be sure the United States would already have been bound over to the Seabed Authority, thus dooming the economic advances possible from American consortiums mining the seas...
...On the Co~alanon of Philosophy $8.05 O James Boswell...
...This is a benefit of Israeli rule that Ross coyly ignores...
...For Dannhauser whose good intelligence occasionally has been put to better use I can hazard no guess...
...440 pages...
...The same patronizing sarcasm can be found in numerous writings by English politicians and historians on the subject of Irish nationalism...
...The backward nations insisted that seabed resources be forked over to a "Seabed Authority" from where they would be distributed to such worthies as populate the PLO...
...Paper" $5.95 [] Chrittopher Derrick...
...Paper' $7 95 [] Christopher Dawson...
...Or are we instead to conclude that the presence of martial imagery in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible is prima facie evidence that these books are themselves "Fascistic...
...The Spat of Cathehctsm...
...7~e Abohtlon o/Man Paper $1 95 [] C. S. Lewis...
...Since then, four other symposia have been held, also in Washington, each one dealing with one of the major elements of intelligence...
...not to overlook the hosannas of Mark Hatfield, John Hersey, Jerome Wiesner, the ubiquitous Father Hesburgh, the hyperpyretic Rabbi Schindler, and the terminally empathetic Studs Terkel...
...Alas, I am unable to regret anything else...
...George Herbert...
...Why has Dannhauser lent himself to such an endeavor...
...Ihe ~thI,~ o/Rhetoric Paper 64 ~:, [] Faith & Reason (mlrus, Young...
...T,ojan Ho,*~ m the ( tt~ o! r $4 95 - - [] Eric Voegelin...
...S Lazu & the t.hmeh of R...
...A Better Gu:de than Rea~oq Stadte~ In the American Re~lutton Intro...
...Friedrich van Hayek...
...It would have its own sources of revenue from licensing and taxation and would be able to strangle seabed mining... is the ideology of Third World socialism, and it is not esteemed for economic progress...
...Idea~ Ilave (omequ~es Paper" $840 [] Richard Weaver...
...Think of it: two paths...
...Why Poe Dranl Itquoe (Vol...
...yet by exposing the royal principle to discussion, the potential hold of the king over his government was thoroughly eroded...
...Paper: $4 95 [] Etienne Gilton...
...Arnold Beichman O O O O O Q O O O O O J O O O O O e Q O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O Q CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 38) tivity) before an audience he thinks will always applaud in all the right places...
...The House o 1 lntellsd...
...or the National Strategy Information Center, 1730 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D.C...
...Ross's (continued on page 37) The American Spectator welcomes correspondence from its readers...
...Escape from Scepttc*m l.:boal Edueauon as if Troth Mattered...
...Well, I'll be goddamned...
...11 of the trilogy, The Prophetw Poet & the Sprat af lhe 4ge...
...replies: I think the rabid tone of these l e t t e r s speaks far more eloquently than I could for the paranoid reaction of hard-core Randians to any sort of criticism...
...Theology, & Sanity Paper $4 9~ [] Aleksandr Solzhenhspn...

Vol. 15 • July 1982 • No. 7

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