The Continuing Crisis

THE C O N T I N U I N G CRISIS 0 March, and the music in the air is the music of dirge, all of it lamenting what the President has done to America. Things were so grand and glorious before...

...Richard Moss, a 38-year-old psychology graduate student at San Francisco State University, was accused of stabbing Miss Doris Collum, 26, in the chest when she refused to extinguish her cigarette in his presence...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, Indiana 47402...
...Finally, congratulations to Miss June Prosser of Cundy's Harbor, Maine...
...New York office, (212) 724-3799...
...Its values form the crust, its people the sauce, its compromises the cheese, its youth the o r e g a n o - - " f r e s h and new...
...Walker: "I would say to the gentleman that Mayor Marion Barry of this city issued a proclamation e n d o r s i n g National Condom Week, using Federal tax dollars...
...Jackson Monroe Martin was sentenced to 99 years in the hoosegow for doing no more than exposing his private parts, an act that might have been but an exercise in New Age hygiene...
...POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The American Spectator, P.O...
...Joseph A. Rehyansky 36 SocialStudies, by Fran Lebowitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenda L. Becker 37 Saki: A Life of HectorHugh Munro, by A.J...
...but by November 1977 the word "alternative" had acquired such an esoteric fragrance that in order to discourage unsolicited manuscripts from florists, beauticians, and other creative types the Club reverted to the magazine's original name...
...This is the q u e s t i o n that doubtless will be pondered for years to come now that Mr...
...Rousselot: "The Mayor of Washington, D.C...
...She thought she had a right to pollute my a i r , " the outspoken environmentalist observed...
...Cairnes's colleagues in the local v o l u n t e e r f i r s t - a i d squad, four nubile c u t i e s , and 25 grams of m a r i j u a n a . In San Francisco, Mr...
...were the ones who sponsored this whole event . . . " So grind the deliberations in the Chamber of the People...
...Dannhauser 7 The newest of the new Nietzsches is most things to all men-except a precursor of Hitler...
...Rawls stands accused of biting the neck offa freshly killed rooster and using its blood to evict "evil spirits...
...Speaker, I appreciate our colleague bringing to the attention of the House this obviously s t r a n g e method of spending Federal money...
...California's Democratic senatorial contest gained in show-biz allure when Governor Brown and the state's KKK leader were joined by the c a l l i p y g i a n Mr...
...Colleen Johnson Staff Assistant: Ann Moore Guti~rrez Editorial Staff Managing Editor: Wladyslaw Pleszczynski Production Manager: J a n Hoffman Sharkey A ssistant Managing Editor: William McGurn Research Director: Paul H. Vivian Executive Secretary: Jenny Meadows Production Assistant: Linda S. Calkins Editorial Intern: Richard Starr Sentor Editors: A. Lawrence Chick_9 Adam Meyerson Karl O'Lessker Art Advisor: Sheila Wolfe Pd/ashington Edttor: Tom Bethell New York Editor: Whir Stillman Cambridge Editor: Andy Stark Chtef Saloon Correspondent: Douglas Bartholomew Contributors: Aram B a k s h i a n , J r . , Christopher C. DeMuth, Terry Eastland, J e r r y G e r d e , K.E G r u b b s , J r , Nell Howe, Roger Kaplan, A: James McAdams II1, Robert McTiernan, William H. Nolte, Terry O'Rourke, John Podhoretz, Alan Reynolds, Benjamin Stein Legal Counsel: Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish & Short The Amerzcan Spectator was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley's Old Ale House...
...issued a proclamation on this thing...
...FP'alker: "That is absolutely right...
...Rousselot: "Mr...
...The Marvel Comics Group is p u b l i s h i n g a comic-book biography of John Paul II this spring, and those who would link rich foods to heart attacks were put on the defensive when Dr...
...A one-year subscription (12 issues) costs $18, outside the United States $22...
...In 1967 the Saturday Evening Club took it over, rechristening it The Alternan'ue: An American Spectator...
...dll~l l~d /~?A']~ C~lx'~-u~ioa _9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _9 _9 _ 9 1 4 9 1 6 2 1 4 9 1 4 9 1 6 2 o _ 9 * _ 9 1 4 9 e o e i t e * o s o e * _9 _9 g C 0 N T E N T S The Trivialization ofFriedrich Nietzsche...
...V/alker: "1 will be glad to yield to the gentleman from California...
...Those were the good old days...
...WernerJ... swatters and the brooms to lead their loyal automatons in an inspiring cleanup detail across the length and breadth of that colossal prison...
...Ford testified that she is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, though the district attorney disputed her claim, referring to her pithily as "evil personified...
...B e l u s h i ' s c l e v e r eyebrows and emunctory eloquence...
...Foreign air mail rates sent on request...
...And from Cleveland comes word that men misinterpret women's smiles...
...Second class postage paid at Bloomington, Indiana, and additional mailing offices...
...Ernest van den Haag with a reply from George Gilder 21 Eminentoes / Ayn Rand, R.I.P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aram Bakshian,Jr...
...9 Yet the real drama of Capitol Hill took place on the House floor where the Honorable Robert S. Walker of the great state of Pennsylvania added glory to a chamber once paced by Clay, Webster, and Calhoun by arousing the nation to genuine infamy, to wit the e x p e n d i t u r e of federal funds to promote "National Condom Week" in Washington, D.C...
...In Duluth, Minnesota, the t r a n s i t authority has announced--first amendment rights be hanged--it is banning foul.smelling p e r s o n s from Duluth b u s e s , and at the U n i v e r s i t y of California e n t o m o l o g i s t Doug Whitman has held his third annual insect buffet to demonstrate his belief that insects are the solution to America's "dwindling resources...
...Rousselot: "Well, the gentleman is r i g h t . This is c e r t a i n l y an outstanding example of the misuse of Federal money, but did I understand the gentleman to say this was done in the name of Planned Parenthood...
...The death came as a ghastly blow to Hollywood's young intellectuals who had found so much wit and t e l e o l o g i c a l energy in Mr...
...Rousselot: "Mr...
...Matthew Cairnes was arrested for holding a roisterous gathering in the back of his ambulance as it careened through the s t r e e t s . In the back of the ambulance police found one of Mr...
...Gore Vidal, grease-paint humanist...
...That is the result of the experiments of two Ohio s c i e n t i s t s who have been q u a n t i f y i n g and analyzing female smirkers for years and who urge women to keep smiling...
...9 Is Mr...
...Liberalism lives[ _9 On March 5, Mr... Atlantic City, New Jersey, Mr...
...The Reagan madness has spread to Duram, Oklahoma, where Mr...
...Why should 52% of the p o p u l a t i o n have to change so that the 48% minority doesn't have to feel uncomfortable...
...The Mayor of Washington, D.C...
...Now, did 1 hear him say that t h e r e was some kind of an event that was a d v e r t i s e d to c e l e b r a t e ' N a t i o n a l Condom Week' ?" Mr...
...R. Emmett Tyrrell, J r . 5 The Nation's Pulse / Gildering the Lily...
...Langguth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Teachout 38 COVER Drawing by John Springs THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MAY 1982 3...
...As one of them put it, " I object to the basic premise that women have to change...
...issued a proclamation for National Condom Week...
...The AmencanSpectator is now published monthly at 102 West Sixth Street, Bloomington, Indiana...
...ff/alker: "Well, the Planned Parenthood of Washington, D.C...
...A jury in Reno, Nevada sentenced Mrs...
...Media Smears: One Man's Experiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Sowell 17 A noted economist fires back...
...John B e l u s h i , a c t o r , buffoon, and would-be food critic for the Village Voice, was found naked and at room temperature, his entire system having been brought to catastrophe by one monumental binge of booze and dope...
...should be sent to The Am_9 Spectator, P.O...
...Chirunga has been arrested for allegedly kissing the unsuspecting hindquarters of busy Atlantan women as they shopped at the Peachtree Shopping Center...
...for, as he enthused to the Denver Catholic Register, "then as Christian people, that's our cross...
...Jonathan Chirunga a n o t h e r male c h a u v i n i s t thug typical of the flotsam and jetsam of the American barbershop, or is he a hairy-chested disciple of feminism experimenting with a post-male chauvinist greeting to the l i b e r a t e d woman...
...24 Among the Intellectualoids / High Minds...
...Things were so grand and glorious before Ronald Reagan came to the White House: peace the world 'round, unemployment only at 7.4 percent, interest rates at a mere 21.5 percent, bureaucratic storm troopers r e g u l a t i n g the heat in our living rooms, and inflation nearly 10 percentage points higher than today...
...The Rev.'s fee was $1200...
...Meanwhile, back in the United States, Senator Harrison Williams observed Socialist Ethics Month by bawling to his c o l l e a g u e s about his innocence in the Abscam matter and begging them not to expel him...
...Published remarkably without regard to se'x, life-style, race, color, creed, physical handicap, or national origin...
...P e t e r ' s Hospital in Rome, r e v e a l e d that his researches on the Shroud of Turin indicate that J e s u s Christ d i e d o f a h e a r t attack, and you would never have caught him gorging himself on bonbons...
...Antony Flew 30 God's Fifth Column, by William Gerhardie, edited by Michael Holroyd and Robert Skideisky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herb Greer 32 Growing Up Underground, by J a n e Alpert...
...9 Gun control advocates could point in triumph to New York City where a gun-wielding bank robber escaping from an $8000 heist waved his p i s t o l and i n a d v e r t e n t l y shot h i m s e l f in the stomach...
...9 In religious news the Most Rev...
...I might say to the gentleman, this is not some half-baked notion that came up in the back room of some Washington agency...
...In the end the energetic author of so many public.sector power grabs resigned, a fitting American observance of "Socialist Ethics Month...
...It is our duty to assume the most p o s i t i v e of roles...
...Martin Morse Wooster 26 Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Current Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assorted Jackasses 42 BOOK REVIEWS Ethnic Amem'ca: A History, by Thomas Sowell, Markets and Minomh'es, by Thomas Sowell, and Pink and Brown People, and Other ControversialEssays, by Thomas Sowell...
...Miss Prosser is a finalist in the Voice of Democracy c o n t e s t by v i r t u e of her unique s p e e c h , "America is Like a Pizza...
...The thing was a n i n e - c o u r s e gourmand's utopia: snails, maggot p~t~, garlic-fried mealworms, diced crickets, earthworm cakes, and Boone's Farm County Kwencher wine--all in all, a very forward-looking affair clouded only by a heated disagreement between two sickly coeds over whether vegetarians are allowed to eat earthworms...
...All correspondence (manuscripts, subscriptions, threatening let_9 e/s, federal grants, etc...
...It was a hell of a way to begin Oscar month...
...DEPARTMENTS The Continuing Crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Capitol Ideas / A Cross of Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Bethell 4 Editorial / With the Senator from Newsweek / Afterthought...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, Indiana 47402, (812) 334-2715...
...There were publications put out advertising this...
...Moss, a chronic hay f e v e r s u f f e r e r , claimed self-defense and constitutional privilege...
...Speaker, will the gentleman yield...
...9 In China, " S o c i a l i s t Ethics Month" was observed as Communist Party leaders broke out tht...
...Priscilla Ford to death for killing six people as she drove through a crowd of godless Reno gamblers on Thanksgiving Day 1980...
...Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelopes, lSSN 0148-8414...
...Chief" R. Emmett Tyrrell, J r . Publisher: Ronald E. Burr Business Staff Assistant Pubh'sher: Susan C. France Circulation Manager: Kathryn L. Baker Assistant Circulation Manager: Lou Ann Sabarier Business Office Secretary...
...Copyright _9 The American Spectator 1982 Volume 15, Number 5, May 1982...
...Raymond G. Hunthausen, archbishop of Seattle, admitting that his disarmament stand might well cause Communist domination of the United States, nonetheless put a happy face on the prospect...
...Daphne Merkin 34 A Fistful_9 Fig Newtons, by J e a n Shepherd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _9...
...and, as the phrase has it, "Make Washington Safe for Loving...
...Congressman Walker was inveighing against a " f a b u l o u s dance" in Washington's Beret discotheque, which had been "decorated with a rainbow o f d i f f e r e n t colored, blown up condoms," when the following historic exchange took place: Mr...
...In Oakland County, Michigan, the Rev...
...Not even the talk of a coup d'~tat...
...Allah and Man at Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitchell S. Ross 13 Professor Edward Said is a rare bird, a free man yearning to be tyrannized...
...It was a rough experience to be hauled off to jail and treated like I was the assailant when in fact I was the victim...
...Luigi Malantrucco, head of radiology at St...

Vol. 15 • May 1982 • No. 5

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