Current Wisdom

Jackasses, Assorted

C U R R E N T W I S D O M The Wall StreetJmmml Four Platoes respond to the illustrious Journal's trinity of essays discoursing on the Soviets' development, distribudon, and use of...

...Obviously, religion is an area we have to look into," she said...
...September~October 1981] T.V...
...Write intelligent professionals nationwide...
...Be sure to include the line of information above your name...
...Claralphs, 827 NW 81 Terrace, Plantation, FLA 33324...
...Send SASE to inescapable EVEN AGE, Box 2243, Youngstown, Ohio 44504...
...The real problem is that we are the world's most wasteful, self-indulgent, vain society...
...Interested in the outlook for the peso...
...Murray Seeger bawling on the op-ed page of the venerated Times: With employment benefits reduced, welfare recipients placed under new, more degrading rules, and illegal immigrants forcibly shipped back to their brutal homelands, America can hardly be called a caring country these days . . . . The conservatives-in,charge like to say that our society is burdened with too many taxes and governmental interference...
...Buttrey, who declined legal counsel, appears in court again Oct...
...The location is beautiful and the total cost for 1981-82 is under $5,000...
...You should be reading MEXLETTER...
...Th couple also vowed in San Francisco' Glide Memorial Church that togethe they could better battle racism, repres sion and social injustice and hardshi than could either alone...
...And Moses--well, we all know Moses, but Miriam takes a back seat tc him...
...Have your own copy of your constitution (1787...
...MERCHANDISE "PACIFISTS PROSPER because Free Men Fought" 50 seals $2, Golem Press, Box 1342-A, Boulder, CO 80306...
...BOOKS McGUFFEY READERS, replica 1879 edition...
...AmS, King College, Bristol, TN 37620 (615)968-1787...
...Please print clearly name, address, zip...
...Box 1368, Dept...
...No scientist independent of the government would consider such a specimen to constitute scientific evidence for Haig's hypothesis...
...Doctorow, a u t h o r and philosophe, endeavors a sensible critique of the present regime between trips to the bar: I am waiting for a rising sound of protest from the halls of Congress, but I have not yet heard declared what we all know to be true--that the so-called economic policy issuing from its government, for all its supply-side jargon and budgetary pieties, is a simple, undeniable eviction procedure, a brutal eviction not only of widows and children but all citizens except the already privileged, all interests except those of wealth and business...
...The American Spectator reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...I ~ m6~'" '~ 6x~" es .o.~e~ ~,~d ..,~ ~oo~..<,'~ ~ ~'''tr "L ~ ~- ~,r 5\~,~.vj6., 3 '_OOO~l O~ q ""'~"~,~,~"'~ ~ "oO "~ ~'L ", t .o oEo' s x'~ 6* "O0r . ~.X~ OoO~r ~ e . ~ Cx" Co., O e" Cr" I II II II I[ OLD MAP KITS C o n s i s t i r i g o f o l d S t a t e , R a i l r o a d , County & C i v i l War maps, 70-120 years o l d , A l l S t a t e s . Stamp f o r C a t a l o g . Northern MapCo,, D e p t , SP, Dunnellon, FL 32630...
...YES, I would like to place a classified ad in The American Spectator...
...The Reagan people will spen( $208 billion on national s~curity this year meanwhile, Americans can't leave thei: homes without fear of murder...
...Robert J. Agen Appleton, I~l I cannot understand all the fuss raised in your paper-over "Yellow Rain...
...Jan, you are very strange.' The bride, Janice Mirikitani, replied tha Williams had awakened "deep pools c water" within her and told the throni that "his love is big and amazing...
...Free information: Wren, Box 548, Woodville, Texas 75979...
...Guide Found in the San Francisco metropolitan edition of T. V. Guide, a notice of a very high-toned colloquium on the talk show "People Are Talking": TRANSSEXUAL NUN...
...number of words) x .70 (price per word) = Cost for one issue x (number of issues ad is to appear) = Total cost (payment must accompany order) Ad classification: PLEASE PRINT Name Address City State Zip Please type or print your ad on a separate sheet of paper, attach and send to: THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Classified Department P.O...
...Louis Post-Dispatch E.L...
...Any nation that has dropped the atom bomb twice has little moral b~sis for objecting to the use of any weapon, even poison gas...
...Pilot issue of Dec...
...SHROUD SPECTRUM INTERNATIONAL A new quarterly devoted exclusively to serious Shroud studies, will bring you authentic information on all aspects of sindonology: American research, translations from European authorities and ancient texts, covering a literature of 19 centuries...
...Positive proof in scholarly booklet, $3.00: Vector, Box 6215-S, Bellevue, WA 98007...
...MAGAZINE & NEWSLETTER SAMPLES . . . only 50 cents each...
...C U R R E N T W I S D O M The Wall StreetJmmml Four Platoes respond to the illustrious Journal's trinity of essays discoursing on the Soviets' development, distribudon, and use of chemical and biological warfare in liberated Afghanistan and Southeast Asia: The Journal's emotionally charged editorials construct a tall tower o f speculation on a few disputable shreds of evidence...
...lanuaty 4, 1982] 42 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 19~ Classified POSITIONS WANTED Conservative social studies teacher, May graduate, 39, would like position with private school...
...Be stronger, smarter, happier, richer, more confident and respected...
...Stop paying taxes...
...A rim of deadly.radioactive soil would be thrown up twice as far as where the Police Station, the City Hall Annex and the Manning Apartments for the elderly had been...
...Rolf reserved Buttrey's plea and set a date next week for his election and l~lea...
...For information write to: Director of Admissions--AS Thomas Aquinas College 10,000 N. Ojai Road Santa Paula, CA 93060 (805)525-4417 INFORMATIONAL PAMPHLETS REMEMBER APRIL 15...
...1,000 only $34.50...
...December 21, 1981] The St...
...January 3, 1982] The Los Angeles Times C h r i s t i a n d o i n g s from the San An dreas fault: Members of the wedding party knew i wasn't your usual marriage ceremon' when the bridegroom the Rev...
...4 KLS Publishers, Box 282-S, Sarona, Wl 54870 PERIODICALS THE INDEPENDENT JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY provides an international forum for the exploration of responsible, articulate alternatives to the positivistanalytical, Marxist, and narrowly academicist trends of contemporary philosophy...
...Patricia C. Kenschaft Montdair, NJ If the world leaders, the corporate leaders, and the diplomats would use their positions to apply pressure on the Soviets maybe the atrocities would stop...
...Find other cultured singles through FINE ARTS NETWORK...
...Box 1019, South Pasadena, CA 91030...
...City Hall, the Central Square Post Office, and the YMCA and YWCA--all would disappear into a crater about 20 stories deep...
...Classes do not exceed 20 students...
...Nuclear Plants Are Built Better Than Jane Fonda," "Have You Slugged Your Kid Today...
...From Catholic nun to male psychotherapist...
...He also threatened to cut his throat if his bid for the mayor's seat was successful...
...Stanley A. Frankel Scarsdale, NY [November 23, 1981] Cambridge and Nuclear Weapons From a timely pamphlet published by the City government of Cambridge, Massachusetts, scientific conclusions suggesting that if the Reds ever hit City Hall all YMCA activities will be held below ground: Suppose a one-megaton bomb were dropped near ground level over Cambridge City Hall...
...It's things like that that make you feel very good...
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...2,000 titles, all subjects... landlord this infamous would be believed in a fiction of mine...
...Only by negotiated agreements with the USSR will we obtain any right to verification...
...classroom discussions replace lectures...
...Antiqued replicas on parchment paper...
...I just didn't realize . . . that Moses' sister was also named Miriam, and that she led the women out of Israel," Shapira said...
...I've earned $187,000 with mine...
...on channel] 5. [November 12, 1981] Edmonton Sun (Edmonton, Alberta) Evidence t h a t t h e populism t h a t swept America in 1976 has f i n a l l y arrived in Canada: Failed Edmonton mayoral candidate John Buttrey was in court yesterday charged with assaulting an Edmonton Transit System bus...
...Despite Secretary Haig's claims of "firm evidence" (Sept...
...One is reminded of the State Department's presentation of a single bullet as proof that the U.S.S...
...The New Approach to Politics...
...Douglas P. Lackey Associate Professor Department of Philosophy Baruek College New York, NY If the horrifying facts reported in your Nov...
...Box 230-AS, San Antonio, TX 78291...
...Recent and planned issues: Leo Strauss, Modernity, Eric Voegelin, Subscription--$12.00 (Students, $8.50): 38, rue St.-Louis-en-I'He, F-75004S Paris, France...
...OPPORTUNITIES CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION King College in Bristol, TennesseeVirginia is a fully accredited Presbyterian liberal arts college which endorses the free enterprise system, demands high standards and takes seriously both scholarship and the Christian faith...
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...SINGLE TRAVELER--love the friendly skies, but hate to solo...
...For a free copy write: MEXLETTER, Apartado 1335, Mexico, D.F., 06000, Mexico, or call (905) 511-5470...
...Had we used poison gas, the deaths would have been no less merciless or obscene and would probably have been quicker...
...6 editorial about "Yellow Rain" are true, I come to the opposite conclusion...
...It is an area where women have had a lot of difficulty in rising or in feeling as if they b e l o n g " . . . Shapiro added that she came to new conclusions this summer about her Own religious upbringing when discovering her "other" name Miriam...
...There will be too many soreheads with baseball bats to keep everyone honest...
...Accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges...
...Yet here he is, in one of his guises, pointing to charts and budget ledgers telling us who lives and who dies, and here he is in another, testifying about all the bombs and missiles we'll be able to make from the money we take away from the poor...
...129A, Plainfield, NJ 07061...
...I guess that's one of the things I bring to [the program]," she said, "a tremendous enthusiasm for seeing that this research continues...
...Buttrey, a self-confessed ex-con and mental patient, advocated painting pimps purple and sang tunes such as Mammy and Bad, Bad Leroy Brown during his campaign speeches...
...Ceci Williams Williams, told his bride, "Jan you have corrected me, you have hum bled me, and that's not easy...
...Changing your address...
...Write Box NN, c/oThe American Spectator...
...Free information: Box 4714AS, Cleveland, OH 44116...
...Congress, Agencies, international business newsletter...
...He's been through it a l l . . , now he's helping others cope with the trauma of change-"people are talking" Today 10 a.m...
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...tion of illiterate, brutalized, half-insant killers who are roaming the streets witlr guns...
...Stickers, buttons, posters...
...Since the actions taken on the basis of the "Maddox bullet" are now thought by many to have been tragically mistaken, it would be wise to proceed with caution before making major policy decisions on the basis of a "Laotian leaf...
...Maddox was attacked by North Vietnamese PT boats in the Tonkin Gulf in August 1964...
...fine literary selections...
...Box 33, East Greenbush, New York 12061...
...In the Pacific, where I fought in World War II, we employed flame throwers to flush out Japanese in caves...
...They're no getting it...
...Write Saturday Evening Club, P.O...
...Isn't that the supreme rationalization for the employment of any new and more lethal weapon: it would end the war faster and thus save lives...
...Do you have Mexican investments or bank deposits...
...Endorsed by M. Stanton Evans, Russell Kirk, Malcolm Muggeridge...
...Nothing recognizable would remain from the riverfront to City Hospital...
...Shapiro said Matter's religious studies background will be a positive influence on the program...
...cassettes, books, video by freedom-loving philosophers, economists, libertarians...
...81 will be sent with the spring issue...
...Write: Partnersin-Travel, 11660 Chenault St...
...9 ,,, , _9 ~ II II , o I i"" III i r ii iiiiiii ' _9...
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...Box 1969 Bloomington, IN 47402 attach address label here...
...Ann M a t t e r and Miss J o a n S h a p i r o , heads of t h a t g r e a t university's Women's Studies program and strategists for the worldwide feminist uprising: Working closely with Matter this year will be new assistant director Joan Shapiro, who recently finished work with~ HERS Middle Atlantic, a group which acts as a training forum for women aspiring to administrative positions...
...Solid Bronze Paperweights Great Seal of The Conf (Also in Belt Buckles), Relier Portraits of Gen Forrest, Jackson, Lee, and Stuart $9.95 Ea + $1 50 Postage 3 or more - no Postage J a n e Baxendale 4114 S n e l l CV, Nash,dle Term 372t5 615/297-1975 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM You can reach 120,000 informed and interested readers in the classified section of The American Spectator...
...Almost all Cambridge citizens would be killed...
...They all need help...
...MISCELLANEOUS WOODEN NICKELS with your advertising copy, 500 for $24.50...
...Subscription: $15, payable to: Indiana Center for Shroud Studies, R. 3 Box 557, Nashville IN 47448...
...11%%o kO~ ~o'"o...
...Caution: I Speed Up For Small Animals," BUMPERSTICKERS $2 each, three for $5...
...Our rates are only 70 cents per word (12-word minimum...
...CATHOLIC LIBERAL EDUCATION Thomas Aquinas College offers serious intellectual discipline and a close-knit community of students and teachers...
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...Let's not waste our voices or our printer's ink protesting another horrible weapon...
...Fall 1981 ] The Humanist A fairly accurate facsimile of English from Helen Colton, family counselor, teacher, former faculty member of the I n s t i t u t e for Comprehensive Medicine in Beverly Hills, California, and a logician of heft: Today's generation of young people has more new information, more stimuli bombarding them, more new events in a shorter space of time than any other group in history...
...Provincial Court Judge C.H...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402 I . . . - - - | THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1982 43...
...As much' new information probably becomes available and is transmitted around the world in a single day as became available during a whole decade when today's parents were young, There is much important and exciting information we can learn from our young if we would give up the traditions which say that elders automatically know better...
...Box 877, Bloomington, Indiana 47402...
...I know they are aware of "Yellow Rain" because I'm sure they read this newspaper...
...The implication of the fuss seems to be that its use, in war, is intolerable, and that the U.S...
...Constitution, 23 Woodcliff Circle, Little Rock, AR 72204...
...You hav caused me to take some ridiculous risks You came and loved me in my screaminl loneliness...
...As a writer of fiction I could not get away with a portrayal of such unmitigated and sanctimonious cruelty...
...This "end of the world" as we know it would occur within seconds...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Circulation Department P.O...
...Little of significance would be left standing in the rest of the City...
...iMPORTANT Allow six weeks for address change...
...Please attach the address label from the most recent issue of your American Spectator in the space provided...
...October 1, 1981] The Daily Penmylvanian The intellectual student newspaper of the University of Pennsylvania introduces Pr6L...
...Hugh Ward, 6306 Waterway Drive, Falls Church, VA 22044...
...November20, 1981] The New York Times Good news and bad news from Mr...
...I still have nightmares about the young Japanese soldiers who ran out of these caves, burning like human torches, and dyinga few yards from us in the most soulwrenching agony...
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...elective system replaced by an integrated, comprehensive study of mathematics, experimental science, language, music, history, literature, philosophy, and theology...
...If our gJ:andchildren are to have any hope of living on a habitable earth, we need all the rights to inspect USSR activities that we can get...
...119, Los Angeles, CA 90049...
...I4) produced only a single leaf and stem to support Haig's ctaim--a leaf and stem collected under unspecified conditions and transported without proper precautions against contamination...
...The 55-year-old carpenter, who ran for mayor unsuccessfully last October, pleaded "justifiable provocation" for wilful damage after court heard a doctor had judged him fit to answer the charge...
...A FEW EXCEPTIONS (Such as you and me) to Brainbeau's unemployment-ending, all embracing Even Age Work Force Plan would be great but it won't work...
...Free catalog: Hamilton's, 98-74 Clapboard, Danbury, CT 06810...
...September30, 1981] Fort Wayne J ournal-Gazette The ever luminous Pete Hamill write~, from New York on the plight of thc folk heroes of American Liberalism: No financially strapped American city car deal effectively with the growing popula...
...Nostalgic set...
...l e t ' s concentrate all our resources against the obscenity of war itself...
...Over 145 publications, covering a wide range of interests, to choose from...
...13) of Soviet biological warfare, the State Department (Sept...
...ages 20-70...
...For free descriptive list send a stamped addressed envelope to Publishers Exchange, P.O...

Vol. 15 • March 1982 • No. 3

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