The Continuing Crisis

THE C O N T I N U I N G CRISIS _9 J a n u a r y , and j u s t weeks a f t e r t h e j o u r n a l i s t s a p p r i s e d t h e i r customers throughout the Republic of a world now sweltered at...

...For one thing its offspring, technology, has not yielded a utopia, but rather nuclear fallout with the likelihood of worse to come...
...Wallace he was clandestinely taped while imparting hLs racist and ethmc drolleries to a San Diego banker...
...She has written Miss Jane~P~'~ley in New York, some'771 miles away, and Princess Diana of far-off England seeking the princess's good offices in securing a letter from her sister, Lady Jane...
...Podhoretz be serious in calling the movie " a serious study of Catholicism" ? Aside from the poor literary quality of the review, the most offensive thing about it is the sheer idiocy of it all, which probably has Catholics, especially nuns and priests, roUingjn the aisles...
...cause of his position on nuclear weapons...
...Tyrrell, I have come to expect more from you...
...Frederick T. Zugibe, a pathologist who has examined the Holy Shroud of Turin, has come to the belief that the late Jesus Christ may have suffered the same affliction as President Abraham Lincoln, Marfan's syndrome...
...Science also asserts the hegemony of materialism, and it has become quite apparent in the past decade that materialism is a philosophy which exerts only a weak hold on man's mind_ The picture of life that it entails is too boring and humdrum and unconvincing to persuade us much longer, and it is now being discarded, I think...
...The award was viewed in some diplomatic quarters as a setback for the Reagan Administration, which has been attempting to portray Mr...
...More often than not, these little surprises are amusing and well written, even when I do not agree, which is quite often...
...century equivalent of the Maria Monk tales...
...Chill swept through the artistic community when it was learned that officials in Milwaukee, Wisconsin would not allow rock musician Ozzy Osbourne to bite the heads off bats or even doves, a bird long loathed by conservatives...
...And Mr...
...of course it isn't) but "Is it true...
...ISSN 0148-8414...
...THE C O N T I N U I N G CRISIS _9 J a n u a r y , and j u s t weeks a f t e r t h e j o u r n a l i s t s a p p r i s e d t h e i r customers throughout the Republic of a world now sweltered at the threshold of an epochal warming trend that would melt polar caps thus turning coastal cities into mackerel parks, violent blizzards clobbered America v i s i t i n g upon t h e l a n d some of the most f r i g i d weather on r e c o r d . Minneapohs became a snow cone...
...For more than a half century the Cape Cod institution has been all-male, but now the Massachusetts Attorney General's office is taking action against it based on a sex discrimination complaint filed by an aggrieved female...
...Really, Mr...
...May there not be times when material manifestations have nonmaterial antecedents...
...t l e o l l e , g o l i i o o l l o o o o o a o . , o t i Q l l o o o o l CONTINUING CRISIS (continued from page 2) book, writing every Jane she finds, and her researches have taken her even beyond the Louisville directory...
...9 In Poland martial law prevailed, and the democratic leaders of the West gently s t e w e d . Toward t h e end of t h e month General Wojciech J a r u z e l s k i - - a l w a y s c h a s t e l y r e f e r r e d to in t h e American press as the "Polish leader" rather than d i c t a t o r or strongman as would be t h e case were he Chilean or South Korean-rinsed food prices 200 to 300 percent...
...Follet, attired in pinstripe trousers, a black jacket, and a battered bowler with .a Union Jack flying from its band, calls himself the "self-appointed Brftish ambassador to the world...
...Yet no one objects...
...Second class postage paid at Bloomington, Indiana, and additional mailing offices...
...But then science itself has been highly authoritarian...
...Decrying both tax increases and extravagant government spending, the President promised to adhere to his overall economic policy and to return some $47 billion in domestLc programs to state and local governments...
...The ramparts of the Chathem town hand, a bastion of misogyny, is under assault by progressives...
...C a l i f o r n i a Mr...
...RET A~ Disclosures I have come to expect, as a loyal reader over these past few years, almost anything in the pages of your magazine...
...614-page text plus manual $98 I m residents add sales tax) ' i |Corm and N Y Sh~oped m handsome hbrary bmders I I _9 I with your name and address, and a check BIB or money order...
...hid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 3...
...9 The first really solid evidence of a resurgence ofKu Kluxian influence came to light last month when the Los Angeles Times reported that Mr Mike Wallace, t h e eminent correspondent for CBS News's "60 Minutes,'" spreads the Kluxian mysteries via watermelon jokes...
...9 In religious news, the Rev...
...A one-year subscription (12 issues) costs $18, outside the United States $22...
...All correspondence (manuscripts, subscriptions, threatening letters, federal grants, etc...
...But then again, perhaps Mr...
...The American Spectator is now published monthly at 102 West Sixth Street, Bloomington, Indiana...
...One expects better from a fellow at Harvard...
...9 On the culture beat, those 13 Mill Valley, California cheerleaders who suffered burning eyes, itching skin, nausea, and disintegrating pantyhose have been cured...
...Simply follow the spoken I and wntten instructions, listening and repeahng...
...Michael Foot...
...One indication is provided by the behavior of the "germs" of socialism, that most debilitating disease of our time...
...d for free, illustrated 40-page brochure H-B0 Valltage Press, 516 W. 84 St., New York, ]N.Y...
...Published remarkably without regard to sex, life-style, race, color, creed, physical handicap, or national origin...
...but b.y November 1977 the word "alternative" had acquired such an esoteric fragrance that in order to discourage unsolicited manuscripts from florists, beauticians, and other creative types the Club reverted to the magazine's original name...
...That is the logical dead-end of Herzog's subjectivism...
...Osbourne was even barred from using raw liver, which he throws and spits during his performance...
...Writers everywhere rejoiced when on January 21 a New York jury rejected the first-degree murder charge against Mr...
...Congenial Philosopher," Tl~e AmeriCan Spectator, January 1982) combines objective evidence and reason (of a sort) to reach the hard conclusion that there are no hard conclusions to be reasoned from objective evidence in moral disputes...
...And who made the first treaty with Bolshevik Russia...
...This thought at first seems fantastically off-target, the Death of God being so recent an event, but one can't help noticing that Popes, Mullahs, and Metropolitans are roaming the Earth once again, and my guess is we haven't seen anything yet...
...In 1967 the Saturday Evening Club took it over, rechristening it The Alternative: An American Spectator...
...Osbourne received a precautionary treatment for rabies after he bit off the head of a bat in Des Moines, Iowa...
...leader of Great Britain's Labour Party, took to the public a d d r e s s system on a B r , t i s h Airways flight and delivered a " g a r b l e d " diatribe demanding that drinks be served on the house...
...Kathleen E. Galvin Chicago, Illinois Herzog's World In his review of Robert Nozick's new book, Don Herzog ("Robert Nozick, the...
...And who had a secret treaty with Bolshevik Russia, training airmen and tankmen...
...In Holland, Michigan a young girl died when a hospital bed went out of control and Mr...
...New York...
...Take a look at the University of Chicago's proceedings of the 1959 Darwin Centennial, Julian Huxley's remarks in particular, if you don't believe me...
...Remember "scientific socialism...
...So bad were things in the Socialist fatherland last year that the government's Central Statistical Admimstratlon broke p r e c e d e n t and omitted altogether the size of last year's grain harvest, suggesting either a dreadful harvest or a shortage of i n k - - o r both...
...Bearing in mind his past conduct it was impossible to establish whether he was squiffed or merely warming up an address for the House of Commons...
...The real reason is that the authority of science is crumbling, that authority is migrating elsewhere, and with it the faith in materialism-the belief that there are no nonmaterial interventions in nature--is receding...
...Cromey would eliminate nuclear arms...
...Gould also attributes the creationist resurgence to " r i g h t i s t groups," which is just wishful thinking on his part...
...Try tt fo r three weeks...
...Walker observed, "I say a few words, concentrate and wish the rabbits away" --a process not dissimilar from that by which the Rev...
...The Illinois legislature passed and Governor James R. Thompson signed a bill that will make it far more difficult for Illinoisans to settle their disagreements out of court...
...Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish & Short The American Spectator was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley's Old Ale House...
...Diners C{ub~ by encIosmg card number...
...Mark Rodman, creator of the "happy face" button, is d e a d ; and t h e a n n u a l economic r e p o r t from t h e Soviet Union appeared l a s t month confirming that 1981 was another bust for Soviet enterprise...
...Ads so...
...Send I $7.50 (U.S,) or $8.50 (elsewhere) for a one-year I subscriptton, starting with the current issue, | Money back if not pleased...
...and Mr...
...Absent the possibility, in principle, of objectively defined moral standards, rational men will resort to the methods of animals in setding disputes...
...He also denounced the Reagan Administratlon as provocative even as the Administration dutifully repaid American banks some $71 million m Polish l o a n s l e s t Poland d e f a u l t . P r e s i d e n t Leonid I. Brezhnev has recmved the Sun of Freedom order from Afghanistan's own president, Mr...
...By the end of the course you 11 be I learning and speaking entirely m Spanish' This course turns your cassette player intoa"teaching machine...
...Podhoretz's review was actually intended for "Current Wisdom"--that would explain it...
...Robert Cromey of San Francisco's Trinity Church has demanded that Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger resign from the Episcopal Church be...
...It has rather an oldfashioned ring to it now...
...The Herzogian...
...9 President Reagan's State of the Union message came as something of a shock to Washington p61itmal experts who seem to f e e l t h a t t h e United S t a t e s would g a i n s t a t u r e with t h e n a t i o n s of t h e T h i r d World were it to a d o p t more of t h e i r policies...
...Earlier in the month Mr...
...New authors welcomed...
...Now you can learn to speak Spanish i juSt as these diplomatic personnel do -with the Foreign Service Instltute's Programmahc Spantsh Course I The U.S Department ot State has spent thousands of dollars developKng th~s course i It's by far the most effechve way to learn Spanish at your own convenience anO at I your own pace...
...The question to be asked about creationism is not "Is it science...
...The speech was appraised along part)" lines, the Democ r a t s abominating it, t h e Republicans lauding it, and the media applying grease p a i n t and b l u b b e r i n g . White House national security adviser, Mr R'ichard V. A l l e n , r e s i g n e d The l a t e Mr...
...If this-is so--and of course we should not forget that the movement imparted to matter by mind constitutes a nonmaterial intervention in nature (you can't find the mind, see it, weigh it, or measure i0--then it follows that science, whose major underlying premise is the uniformity of nature, is true most of the time but not quite all the time...
...Brezhnev's regime as repressive...
...John Lukaes PhoenixviUe, Pennsylvania Books' jailbird Balzac, and settled on a first-degree manslaughter charge...
...06437 . . . . . . . . . . 12O3l I Or vlsd our New York sales office" 145 E 49th St...
...Foreign air mail rates sent on request...
...should be sent to The American Spectator, P.O...
...It's a religious thing," Mr...
...We want-to keep them out of power...
...10001 "But we don't want arguments to show why Hiders are wrong, really wrong," Herzog concludes...
...Thus Herzog'~ conclusion is not the end of the matter...
...This is true, as science asserts, but is it always true...
...It's worse than having to listen to Phil Donahue give his opinions on medieval scholarship...
...You only have to see magazines like-Omni, and films like Star t~ars and Raiders of the Lost Ark to realize that the culture today is beginning to flirt with the idea that such "magical" moments really exist...
...Editor-in-Chtef" R. Emmett Tyrrell, J r . Publisher: Ronald E. Burr Business Scarf Assistant Publisher: Susan C. France Circulation Manager: Kathryn L. Baker Assistant Circulation Manager: Lou Ann Sabatier Business Office Secretary: Colleen Johnson Staff Assistant: Ann Moore Gutierrez Editorial Staff Managing Editor: Wladystaw Pleszczynski Production Manager: J a n Hoffman Sharkey Assistant Managing Editor: William McGurn Research Director: Paul H. Vivian Executive Secretary: .Jenny Meadows Production Assistant: Linda S. Calkins Editorial Intern: Richard Starr Senior Editors: A. Lawrence Chickering Adam Meyerson Karl O'Lessker Art Advisor: Sheila Wolfe V/ashmgton Editor: Tom Bethell New York Editor: Whit Stillman Cambridge Editor: Andy Stark Chtef Saloon Correspondent Douglas Bartholomew Contributors: Aram Bakshian, J r . , Christopher C. DeMuth, Terry Eastland, Jerry Gerde, K.E...
...Jack Henry C O R R E S P O N D E N C E i i i i j t i Red Rumaers In hLs otherwise cogent letter in the January issue Mr...
...The Programmatic Spamsh Course conI slsts of a senes of cassettes and accompanying textbook...
...Materialism asserts that the "billiard balls" of matter only move when struck by other billiard balls--that material effects have material causes...
...In Baltimore, Maryland an unidentified phantom returned for the 32nd year in a row to place three roses and a half-full bottle of French brandy on the grave of Edgar Allen Poe...
...These germs are always transmitted by the most authoritative "carriers" of the day...
...t r y i n g to build up t h e world's greatest collection of letters from women named Jane--thoughw,th t h e National Endowment for the Humanities now firmly in Reaganite control there is a l m o s t no hope s h e wall r e c e i v e the financial wherewithal she needs Mrs Ballman is going through the telephone (continued on page 40) 2 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1982 CAPITOL IDEAS (continued from page 6) good fight and was if anything dismayed by the swift and almost unopposed victory of science...
...Wherever such power struggles have occurred between a (philosophically neutered) Herzog and a Hitler (or a Mussolini, or a Stalin, or a Castro, or a Brezhnev, or a Mao, or a Khomeini, etc., adnauseum), history has clearly shown who has kept whom out of power and, more often than not, who has shot whom...
...9 exp~rahon date and your signature _9 The Foreign Service Institute's _9 Spanish course is unconditionally guaP I anteed...
...If you re not conwnced it's the fastest, easiest most patn- l l l l tess way to learn Spanish return ~t and we'll i refund every penny you pard Order today/l Many other FSI language courses also _9 avadable Write us m "programmatic" learning method, you set I your own pace--testing yourself, correcting Audio-Forum ~ i ~ i l - ~ errors, reinforcing accurate responses Suite 212 i mL:l llmJ~ ~Amlmm-m ~ | On the Green, i ~ - ~ - i B J E ~ . J ~ J ~ l l Guilford, CT...
...Henry Regnery saw fit to cite the following emanation from the German "conservative" Harald Ruddenidau, "political advisor to the Christian Democratic Union": The 20th century brought a new element into European history through the fact that the overwhelming intervention of the United States destroyed the European state structure, secured the survival and victory of the bolshevistic Soviet Union and helpedthe Soviet Union become a world power by handing over to it, by the elimination of Germany, the domination of Central Europe...
...Now, I suspect, this authority is being retrieved by clergymen...
...Finally, in a follow-up on the Virginia trial of Mr...
...Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by self-addressed stamped envelopes...
...8~cassettes " _ 9 t l 1 ';~ hr... is such that we cannot, in principle, determine that even Hitler was truly wrong...
...Science has also perhaps become too popular and popularized for its practitioners to seem worthy of being vested with priestly authority...
...Babrak Karmal...
...Copyright _9 The American Spectator 1982...
...It is a finding certain to please others who are tall, thin, and have an arm span greater than their height, though it might make them think twice about taking controversial positions...
...As of last month he had hitchhiked and cycled through 50 countries and covered 62,000 miles...
...T h a t ' s why this resurgence of creationism makes people like Gould "concerned and angry," as he has written...
...Fortunately, unbeknownst to Mr...
...In sum, who let the Bolsheviks into Europe ? Herr Regnery, your adored friends, compared to whose misdeeds Wilson and Roosevelt were but pale pharisees in the outer precincts of the temple...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, Indiana 47402, (812) 334-2715...
...embassies abroad where 'they must be able to converse fluently m i every situation...
...AUTHORS WANTED BY NEW YORK PUBLISHER Leading subsidy book publisher seeks manuscripts of all tTpes: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, scholarly and juvenile works, etc...
...Liberation theology" is the new battleground of socialism...
...One may ask why the prestige of science is crumbling...
...Volume 15, Number 3, March 1982...
...The bill repealed earlier legislation allowing the private ownership of machine guns...
...David Thomasson Columbia, Missouri I YOU'll love VERBATIM, The Language Ouarter- 1 !y, des|rag with all aspects of language...
...9 Naderites received Glad Tidings when Sheik Abdel-Aziz, the Saudi Arabian theologian, asseverated that women should restrain themselves from driving automobiles, test they run "the risk of falling into incalculable sins...
...New York office, (212) 724-3799...
...The of fending pompon has been retired and the act goes on...
...And who sent back Lenin m Russia to foment a revolution...
...Walker explained that it would take at least 24 hours before the last rabbits disappeared...
...Grubbs,Jr., Neit Howe, Roger Kaplan, A. James McAdams III, Robert McTiernan, William H. Nolte, Terry O'Rourke, John Podhoretz, Alan Reynolds, Benjamin Stein Legal Counsel...
...But never in my wildest dreams did I expect to come across a twentieth...
...12 cassettes (17 hr} _9 464-page text plus manual $11 5 E]Volume !1: Intermediate...
...Jack rabbits have recently plagued Idaho farmers, and Mr...
...Or charge to yOur credit i card (Amencan Express VISA...
...The miracle came about when state health officials scrutinized the girls' pompons, as they are called, and discovered that one had accidentally absorbed acid from an automobile battery...
...Ken Follet of Great Britain remains at large...
...N Y 10017 12121753-1783 - - m - - . . - - - m - - - - - - , THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1982 41 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR...
...On January 28, he was sentenced to five years in prison--proof that creative writers of a homicidal inclination had best contain their art to New York...
...Can Mr...
...That is essentially what Hitler said about the European Jewry, the difference being that he substantially succeeded...
...Confiding that he has had this power for "as long as I can remember," Mr...
...I am referring, of course, m John Podhoretz's review of True Confessions (February 1982), which at best is laughable and at worst an example of what my Jesuit instructors used to call invincible ignorance...
...Elvis Presley's 47th birthday was celebrated...
...Curtis Walker, the gifted spiritualist, ventured from his home in Des Moines, Iowa to stand in the calf-deep snow of Mounteview, Idaho to "cast out all rabbits in the state of Idaho...
...New York's Governor Hugh Carey announced that he will not seek a third term but instead will devote the year to making his state "at once compassionate and competitive...
...No evidence has turned up l?nking Mr...
...Orval Wyatt Loyd, apparently the court was not convinced by his story that he hacked his mother-in-law to death because he mistook her for an enormous raccoon...
...Wtth ~ts untque E]Volume !: Basic...
...Today it is not the "scientific" but the "moral" character of socialism that most highly recommends it...
...Wallace with any hate group other than "60 M i n u t e s , " but it is worrisome to note t h a t no a t t e m p t h a s been made to oust him from his powerful position Six ) e a r s ago s i m i l a r r e v e l a t i o n s concerning Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz led to h~s earl), r e t i r e m e n t . And there is more dIspiriting news In Sacramento...
...Failing that, we want to shoot them...
...He attributes this in part to "unquestioning authoritarianism," which is true...
...J ~ ~ ~ I ~ POST OFFICE BOX 668Ad~ kVE}<] A J tM E Ex CT US, * i Sp..eak Sp..anish t. | like a/:tlplomat ! | I What sort ot peop{e need to learn a foreign This Programmat,c Course comes ,n two I languageasquIcklyandeffechvelyasposs~- volumes Order one Or both I ble 9 Fore;gn serwce personnel, that's who Members of Amenca's dtplomahc corps are I assigned to U.S...
...Allow 6 weeks...
...And who made the open treaty with Stalin Abbott, the New York Review of~-in 1939, dividing Eastern Europe with him, inviting the Russians to take over entire countries and onehalf of Poland ? And who started the Second World War, and who invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, an event which transformed a wretched semiAsiatic country into one of the superpowers of the world...
...More 40 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1982 over, Mr...
...Curtis, driven perhaps by the new volunteerism in the land, was glad to assist...
...9 Des'pite the Reagan revolution, Carterttes still labor to make this country great, e s p e c i a l l y in t h e world of i n t e l l e c t u a l e n d e a v o r . In L o u i s v i l l e , Kentucky 62y e a r - o l d Mrs J a n e Ballman is grimly s l o g g i n g on...

Vol. 15 • March 1982 • No. 3

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