Among the Intellectualoids / The Nation's Flapjaw

Peterson, John S.

successful president. It always makes it easier when the fault is institutional rather than individual." _9 _9 _9 I~n the annals of trenchant skewerings of the pretensions of the press, Tom... he was...
...America had sampled them, swellowed as much as it could digest, and moved o n . The plenary session quickly degenerated into a predictable piece of McGovernite t h e a t r e . Early on a delegate pleaded with the congress to get its act t o g e t h e r - - " T h e r e are people outside this room who are going to laugh at u s ! " Five hours later--as the delegates geared up to pass a resolution urging the U.S...
...v, ilh lhe Winter 1982 i,,xue...
...Huge capitalist publishing conglomerates were apparently ganging up to crush and silence the little writer, the person who cared...
...The day was going blurry, and so I retreated to the hotel bar to sober up...
...Business has gained a clearer understanding of the role of the universities and the value of free inquiry," notes the Committee for Corporate Support of Private Universities...
...Its fun side--the pranksters and Whitmanesque bohos--has disappeared...
...Galbraith describes him as an admirably principled Keynesian...
...Public and private universities face troubled futures rooted in fiscal uncertainties that strike at the heart of the educational mission...
...Later on, Willis would request a session with Harrison...
...Who wanted to be subjected to political harangues while being hit for change and deluged with manuscripts...
...This was not surprising given Nation editor'Victor Navasky's source of inspiration_9 The idea of a congress had bubbled through his mind while reading accounts of the t h i r t i e s ' writers' congresses run by the Communist Party...
...In reality, Galbraith is as innocent about Communism as, say, Woody Allen is about publicity...
...Still, there's large room for growth in corporate help for education...
...Faculty salary scales are under pressure...
...Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, too, flit across G a l b r a i t h ' s pages...
...I had hoped to attend Language as Ideology--' 'Do our metaphors reflect an impulse to colonize or liberate ? " - - but found the doors blocked...
...and Edward l.cvine...
...government has been the principal sponsor of basic research at universities...
...John Beardsley...
...And Senator Paula Hawkins o f Florida committed the unforgivable act of palpably hungering a f t e r publicity to the d e g r e e that she upstaged a colleague...
...On j u s t t h a t p o i n t , Willis s t a l k e d to the mike in a bit o f a Stalinist funk...
...This is no longer true...
...He went on to reflect that the way the South African resolution was worded, he couldn't even travel there to denounce the place...
...In The Age of Uncertainty, he reminisces about them with much affection...
...Heading into the big plenary session one could sense some generational chickens coming home to roost...
...She wanted to see me lynched, I think, and had it been someone else, a Mother Jones editor say, I probably wouldn't have minded...
...The congress did, however, manage to approve the idea of a union and agree to meet the next morning to tidy up...
...Still, this panel and others afforded many glimpses into the tortured liberal psyche...
...Not really...
...She had been preceded on the dais by an intellectual from a ~ Havana intellectuals' conference, and by a couple of home-grown old-timers...
...But in constant dollars, it has risen only marginally...
...In hosting the writers' congress, patrician Hamilton Fish, the Nation publisher, was living about as dangerously as he ever would...
...When asked about the American Writers Congress, he pulled out the cigar and gazed off into the distance...
...Cockburn glanced at my American Spectator name tag and remarked, " T h i s must be a p r e t t y glitzy assignment for you...
...Freedom is something you do with o t h e r s , " Raskin intoned, gathering us round, " . . . though not in lockstep, certainly not in lockstep...
...Neg York 10022 Plea~,e open lily ",uh~,cription as llcJtcd below, and start ill...
...All have been neutered and turned into respectable nine-toby John S. Peterson five humanists scrambling to become creative writers-in-residence...
...Over the weekend the gathering acquired a kind of Jonathan Living28 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 ston Seagull momentum...
...If you've a mind for four issues per year of articles like these, why not join the roster of The Public hm'rest'.v subscribers...
...Better"to lend one's name as a sponsor than to mix with the radical hoi polloi one had helped to create...
...There followed a moment of silence...
...However, government support has been weakening in recent years...
...Poor planning and the participatory crush of true believers had forced the Nation Institute to close panels and shift part of the show to Town Hall...
...A smorgasbord of angst, with more to come--writers and social responsibility, writers and technology, the politics of "cultural a m n e s i a , " and how can gay and lesbian writers get taken seriously...
...They are stinting on books for their libraries and instruments for their labs...
...P l u s , a couple o f male panelist.s who had been waiting You are invited to subscribe to "the most consistently interesting general-circulation magazine in America'" Christopher Jencks in The New York Times Book Review* THEI ]bfi c 16tcres, I r v i n g Kristol and Nathan Glazer, Editors D URING THE MORE THAN sixteen years since its foundling, The Public Intere.~t has been a leading forutn for thoughtful discussion of those public issues that most affect the lives and livelihoods of Americans...
...In mid-evening, I crossed paths with the V/ashington Post man and asked, "How's Vonnegut...
...B,A.~IC BO01~, INC...
...The stray cavalier turned out to be Alice K. Turner, the Playboy fiction editor...
...They should be multiplied and strengthened...
...This was especially true of the fictionists... dropped by 20% in constant dollars during the last decade...
...Blanche Bernstcin...
...In Droit Morale ( " W r i t e r s and C r e a t i v e C o n t r o l " ) I experienced something akin to liberal panic...
...Invited to respond to the Stalker-Glymour argument, four other critics and scholars present a lively range of dissenting opinion: Wolf yon Eckardt...
...It is not a fund-raising agency...
...There would be nothing wrong with that, unless Mrs...
...No enemies on the left...
...Maybe if the New Yorker rotated its editors each month, I suggested...
...about the l a t t e r Gatbraith simply writes that White was " a highly effective Assistant Secretary of the (continued on page 40) "Sociological analysis a i t s besto" Se mo-r Martin Lipset "A b r i g h t , wonderfully g r e g a r i o u s i n t e l l e c t r a n g i n g among a w e a l t h of source m a t e r i a l s in social science, history, fiction, poetry, drama, philosophy, and religion, i d e n t i f y i n g problems t h a t a r e both fascin a t i n g and troublesomeY--Langdon Winner, The New York Times Book Review "In his a b i l i t y to understand complex socio-cultural processes, Bell is s u r e l y u n r i v a l e d in contemporary writingY--Raff Dahrendorf, London Review of Books DANIEL BELL THE WINDING PASSAGE Essays and.Sociological Journeys 1960-1980 Now in paperback, $8.00 at bookstores or direct from the publisher...
...for example: Shouldn't Low Income Fathers Support Their Lnildren...
...Then, was it writers and writing...
...Arthur Schlesinger, J r . , sent his r e g r e t s . Having been pilloried in the Nation for 20 years, Arthur felt it would require "masochism of the highest order" for him to join the party now...
...Give the last word to Breslin...
...Slouched and brooding in a frontrow s e a t was Ellen Willis, r a d i c a l feminist-in-residence at the Village Voice, member o f "No More Nice Girls" feminist group, and author of perhaps the murkiest sentence in the h i s t o r y o f E n g l i s h p r o s e . ("Good writing is counterrevolutionary...
...One Year (4 Issues) SI4 Name . . . . Address City & State --7 Two Years (8 issues) $28 AS ~ ] Single Iv, ue ()nly I$3.5I)) Apt Zip Co, de . . . . . . . . . Note: Subxcribcrs oulxide U..V, . plca~,c add $2 per }'eat...
...Rather, it is an advocate, an exhorter, working to foster closer relationships between campus and the corporation...
...fornmr administrator of the City's Human Resources Administration...
...Well, the primitive prewar fascists of Poland were the first nation in Europe to stand up and fight against the then overwhelming power of Hitler's Germany...
...Already I had missed out on book wars and local censorship, new directions in black literature, whatever happened to the labor press, and homophobia at the New York Times...
...And this grave gent lives on in excellent health...
...Consider, for example, Marcus Raskin, the co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies...
...So to him goes the Victorian gent's medal with oak leaf cluster...
...We need a heroic writers' movement...
...Beginning with the...
...Corporations turn to the campus for the talented, trained people they need...
...After the final panel--The Tastemakers: Critics as Cultural Czars--a your, g woman stood up and rolled all the questions into one...
...Sad to say, their causes were no longer in vogue...
...Why this exception...
...K.'s consciousness is wanting, that this is where she is naive and innocent, and that this is the most significant thing about her...
...Increasing ties of understanding and support are being formed between business and education...
...The newly published Winter 1982 issue |catures twelve stimulating contributions: six of them comprise a special section on "'Art and Society...
...In a fleeting passage in The Right Stuff, he characterized the press as " t h e consummate hypocritical Victorian gent_9 Sentiments that one scarcely gives a second thought to in o n e ' s private life are nevertheless insisted upon in all public utterances...
...The panelists, after all, represented America's tenured and credentialed literary elite...
...The delegates, however, were a different story...
...Oscar Lange was another Pole who "had moved to the United States to escape the primitive prewa~ fascism of his homeland...
...At 7:30, I went home to take a nap...
...Inducing more companies to support higher education is the task taken on by the Boston-based committee...
...Someone please add the Village Voice to the oppressed list...
...Tuesday afternoon, at the corner of Broadway and West 1 lOth Street...
...Bgtween Friday and Sunday the congress ran a series of mini-talk shows designed to boost consciousness and illuminate the crisis facing the American writer...
...Deciding to shift with it, I stopped in a coffee shop on the walk to West 43rd Street and fell into conversation with a d e l e g a t e who had made her writing her identity, she said, her life...
...There are many ways to help: direct research grants, capital contributions, matching employees' gifts to universities, fellowships for young teacher-scholars, cooperative projects in teaching and research...
...With a sigh, Harrison would go--no doubt wishing she'd read the goddam book...
...We are toys, things to be played with by little kings . . . who dismiss us . . . " hissed Toni Morrison, Random House editor and four-time novelist, a black female who last spring made the cover of Newsweek...
...My, my...
...All this threatens the continued quality of on-campus teaching, scholarship, inquiry, innovation, and research: functions vital to the underpinnings of knowledge in our democratic society...
...One could feel t h e s i s t e r h o o d , with its c u r i o u s double standard, gearing up to shriek at the ACLU man...
...They argue that .when government commissions art for permanent public display, it pays little or no heed Io public taste or preferences, but ix instead guided by ideological judgments it has no right to impose...
...How the Culture Industry Shapes the Culture...
...To be sure, the gang of 16 is an unruly crew with yahoo tendencies...
...At least 60% of all the basic research in the U.S...
...No, as a matter of fact, Harrison had not read the book...
...Isador Lubin, whom Galhraith calls affectionately "Lube" ("my lifelong f r i e n d . . . I have always felt g r a t e f u l to h i m " ) , was another influential person in Washington during the war...
...Doctorow hadn't seemed particularly anxious to rap with the c r a n k s - - " W r i t e r s love t o talk about t h e i r problems, but if this turns into a general complaint session, it will be a b u s t . " William Styron struck an elitist note--' Tm not against unions, but I think its a far cry between mine workers and writers...
...Budgets and endowments are being ravaged by inflation...
...flood of loom and furrow imagery . . . "our tender and fearless hearts . . . alive in the solidarity of communal love...
...A. would go on to say that this is where the former Mrs...
...Here are some of them: Gregory Silvermaster, Lauchlin Currie, Isador Lubin, Oscar Lange...
...As fresh evidence of the g e n t ' s robust health, I submit the V/all Street Journal piece by Albert Hunt that took umbrage at the conduct of the Senate's 16 freshman Republicans...
...A band of hardcore faithful shouted back and forth in an a t t e m p t to elect an executive committee before the New School took its auditorium backl As the thing petered out I found myself standing next to Alexander Cockburn, ideologue-in-chief at the Village Vowe...
...THE NATION'S FLAPJAW Friday night, the Roosevelt Hotel...
...10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 29...
...t h e r e a f t e r Currie disappeared in South America...
...j o o o . . o o . . - o o . . . . . . . . ~176176 . . . . . . ..~176176176176176176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176 . . . . . . . . .~176176176176176176176176 . . . . . . . ~176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176176 C 0 R R E S P 0 N D -E N C E ~.,~,,,~176176176176176176176176176176 . . . . . ~176176176176 . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , ~ . . . . . ~176176176176176176176176176176176 *~176176 . , , , . , ~ 1 7 6 Galbraith Unhooked I read Sidney Hook on John Kenneth Galbraith (The American Spectator, October 1981), and it is as if Bella Abzug were writing about Jackie O. Hook is not altogether wrong, and I can easily imagine Bella Abzug saying things about Jackie Onassis that would be largely correct: for example, t h a t J a c k i e is not a feminist...
...Thanks to Hunt we are kept abreast of such revolting conduct...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 27 patiently _to be introduced...
...Let's see...
...Studs Terkel of Chicago introduced 80-year-old Meridel LeSueur who remembered it all--Eugene Debs, the Wobblies, the Palmer raids, Sacco and Vanzetti, the glorious writers' congresses--in a John S. Peterson is a vhild-care worker and writer living in New York City...
...a n t i w a r crowd who r e f u s e d to s i g n p e t i t i o n s o f p r o t e s t to t h e North Vietnamese, Harrison had gone on to rake g e n t l y a number o f t h e L e f t ' s more hallowed solidarity-ites, including a c r i t i c who had accused B e t t y F r i e d a n o f g i v i n g comfort to t h e Moral Majority...
...but what is far more telling is his account of certain leftist intellectual bureaucrats and of his relationships with them...
...I s there any hope for us...
...Here was to be a moment of crackling dialectic...
...Galbraith.writes that in California he "looked up e s p e c i a l l y " to Silverm a s t e r who " l a t e r moved on to Washington and was much celebrated by Whittaker Chambers as a leader of the Communist underground in that c i t y . " Welt, Silvermaster was not merely celebrated as such...
...John C. Pittenger and Peter Kuriloff spotlight the workings ant] results It', date of the "'Education for All Handicapped Children Act...
...Take basic research, or the search for knowledge that enables us to do more things in better ways...
...With their budgets squeezed, universities are deferring needed maintenance...
...In fact, it was time to organize...
...But Hunt scolds some of them for expressing sentiments in public that might be quite innocuous if voiced in private...
...9 _9 _9 I~n the annals of trenchant skewerings of the pretensions of the press, Tom Wolfe ranks high...
...So business has a direct selfinterest in getting closer to the higher education community, finding out what the needs are, and helping to fill them...
...That left the working p r e s s , and, so far as I could see, a couple of hundred very solemn Doonesburys...
...Least of all the women...
...He grinned and shook his head...
...He is a master opportunist, his political preferences having sprung from that condition, not the reverse...
...The Quiet Birdmen could also drink pretty hard...
...More of the same egalitarian participatorian goo...
...Morrison called upon the brothers and sisters to begin" thinking collectively...
...Watching him amble around in chinos and safari jacket made me recall a line from a Warren Zevon rock tune--"Send lawyers, guns, and money, Dad get me out of t h i s . . . " Watching the chic young women bustle about in designer jeans made it hard to believe that anyone wanted the status quo seriously disturbed...
...Enrollments are on the decline, particularly in graduate studies...
...The.motives of the other non-attending big names seemed fairly obvious...
...I c a n ' t think of anything more damaging--to the l e f t - - t h a n this bit of moral idiocy...
...He laughed and replied, "Who cares about the New Yorker, I ' m t a l k i n g a b o u t Mother Jones, t h a t ' s where t h e a s s h o l e s a r e . " Eros, Language, and Pornography shaped up as a b a t t l e between t h e civil l i b e r t a r i a n s and t h e Women Against Pornography...
...Unfortunately, New York's largest literary cocktail party did not live up to its potential...
...Feeling restless, I left for another panel, thereby missing the moment when a pornographer announced that the current demand was for stuff depicting female dominance...
...Nor did all of them share the Nation Institute's sense of impending doom...
...One measure of hope is the increasing involvement of the business community in supporting university research and in contributing in other ways to the strengthening of higher education...
...The section opens with Douglas Stalker's and Clark Glymour's article, The Malignant Object...
...Clearly, asidefrom the~,panelists, the "nuts and bolts" writers' issues applied only to a few, and one of the most important of these hadn't even been invited...
...As quoted in the Soho News, E.L...
...One result is a substantial increase in business support of higher education - - measured in inflated dollars...
...Afterwards, a Washington Post reporter found it all a bit quaint: "I mean, when is the last time you heard Engels quoted at a w r i t e r s ' conference...
...I discovered that the American W r i t e r s Congress was s h a r i n g the hotel with the Quiet Birdmen, a group o f barnstorming pilots from the twenties and thirties...
...Now this is exactly what Professor Hook, who is a philosopher who knows very little about human nature, does...
...All weekend they had trooped to the audience mike in the Grand Ballroom to pour out their hearts...
...Ilas it been a "bill of rights" Ior America's handicapped children, as its sponsors claim' Or has it been...
...The b e e r ran out at 10:30...
...For example, John Simon...
...Spruced up in a suit, puffing a fine cigar, studying a script of some kind, Breslin looked like a true prince of the city...
...or at least postponed, the Japanese decision to go to war with the United States...
...I t can be said that the Republican newcomers have contributed t h e i r v o t e s , " Hunt wrote... some critics assert, a largely unworkable monunmnt to the power of the handicapped lobby, saddling school districts with exorbitant costs and cumbersome legal and administrative burdens...
...I c ;c payment, made oul u~ The Publi~ ]ntt're'.l...
...No, not a fun party...
...Talese looked dapper and none the worse for having spent the seventies in massage parlors and sex i n s t i t u t e s . Vonnegut look to be, well, confused...
...Anything to shake the Doonesburys out of their morbid self-absorption...
...According to a member of the Writers Guild, "schmuck money" these days runs to $9,000 for a 24-page, double-spaced, 30-minute script...
...We don't need any more writers as solitary heroes," the Random House editor proclaimed...
...Norman Spinrad, president of the Science Fiction Writers of America, based in New York, representing 600 published authors, car~ing a "model contract" based on a prototype created by Robert Heinlein, was furious at not having been notified, much less included in congress planning...
...The remaining six articles in the Winter 1982 issue deal with such other timely subjects as: Federal housing policy: public education for the handicapped: public weltarc assistance to families of absentee fathers: and the reliability of methods for measuring learning among schoolchildren...
...As I listened to the keynote address in the Grand Ballroom it was obvious that the liturgy hadn't changed much...
...Twenty minutes into the first one-The Writer in American Society . . . . "What, at bottom, are we doing when we w r i t e ? " - - I gave up all attempt at keeping a coherent set of notes...
...The closing contribution in the "'Art and Society" section ix Mark Lilla's Art and Anxiety...
...It used to be said, by Galbraith I believe, that the Left has more fun...
...Their liberal elders, the mid-rank authors and critics who would lead the panel discussions, had either gone home or were out dining with friends...
...Since 1975, when enabling legislation look effect, the dollar amounts of child support collected from absent fathers of families on welfare *lx>,uc July I, 1979: page have greatly increased everywhere in the nation .-except in New York City... done by universities...
...Stepping out of my apartment I spotted Jimmy Breslin in the street...
...Educating the tlandicapped...
...The U.S...
...Such links are mutually valuable...
...Saturday morning...
...Should c u l t u r a l workers tell the t r u t h or remain s i l e n t when the t r u t h conflicted with the need for Movement s o l i d a r i t y ? As the ball got r o l l i n g t h e r e seemed to be a d e g r e e o f tension among the we ,n over some things that moderator Barbara Grizzuti H a r r i s o n had w r i t t e n in t h e October 3 Nation...
...Willis was also the very critic whom H a r r i s o n had accused o f a c c u s i n g Betty Friedan of giving comfort to the enemy...
...Scanning the evening program-Native American Poetry Readings, An Evening with Silenced Korean W r i t e r s - - I r e a l i z e d t h a t I could no l o n g e r keep pace...
...Hook cannot comprehend that G a l b r a i t h ' s politics have very little to do with innocence or ignorance...
...As he did, a cameraman screamed an obscenity and cried, "Hey, that's censorship...
...Although Toni Morrison had called them to the barricades, and Meridel LeSueur had spoonfed them Engels and Waldo Frank, the delegates didn't seem to take the radical rhetoric any more seriously than they had in the sixties...
...What is the future of the arts, Lilla speculates, in a society whose audience for painting, sculpture, and music is incrcasingly dominated by these uncertain, anxiety-ridden aesthetes...
...If the Nation w r i t e r s ' congress had any significance, this was probably it...
...As Simon traced the descent of film criticism from Judith Crist to Rex Reed, one failed to detect the slightest whine...
...And so, in the end it came down to Gay Talese and Kurt Vonnegut, both men moving like royalty in a swarm of reporters and cameramen...
...Besides, one probably had some writing to do...
...Not lucid, not l u c i d . " The moving spirits of the congress, the radical politicos, seemed to be caucusing and furiously writing resolutions for Sunday's plenary session...
...Tut, tut, senator...
...UNITED TECHNOLOGIES people were not as silly, many of them, as the talk show format and program notes made them appear...
...add to this the fact that Lange, an intellectual opportunist of the cosmopolitan-Marxist variety, later did his best--and a very bad best it w a s - - f o r the cause of a Sovietized government of Poland...
...They serve both institutions, along with the broad public interest...
...The most interesting moment, however, came when poet Mary Ellen Washington raised the question of illiteracy among black children...
...The answer depended of course on what she, the delegates, and the writers' congress were really after...
...You will read...
...Ronald Lee Flcming...
...They draw on the ideas and innovations that flow from university scholarship and research...
...Monday morning, The New School...
...Bright young people are turning away from academic careers...
...The agenda was political and, of course, stacked far to the Left...
...Their deportment is another matter_9 _9 . . There is little evidence to suggest that this year's new Republicans as a group are cultivating a favorable public image...
...Yet Currie was e i t h e r a Communist or a cryptoCommunist, who was very influential in the White House: He was instrumental there in destroying the case for the so-called modus vivendi proposal which in late November 1941 had been prepared by the State Department in answer to the lastditch Japanese compromise proposal which may have avoided...
...What's especially disturbing is that many corporations give little or nothing to higher education...
...They shared the Nation Institute's sense of doom and then some...
...To begin with, although the list of inviting sponsors comprised a Who's Who of American l i t e r a r y liberals, even before the congress convened, a number of its b r i g h t e s t and richest stars were expressing doubts...
...These Campus and the Corporation T here are growing grounds for concern about the health and vitality of higher education in America...
...Use the couDm below, ["lhblic ,0,:.ast,,rd ,ree, ntcrcs[ New, York...
...Listening to their yarns, I began to suspect that I ' d f a l l e n in among the l a s t real American bohos...
...Although unpublished, she would support any organization that supported writers, including a union, which might help her become pub26 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR FEBRUARY 1982 l i s h e d . Up in t h e c a s h i e r ' s line a young delegate complained of being censored and therefore rejected by the mainstream press...
...The Great Big Concepts were simply too much...
...As Newsweek's Peter Prescott was to discover, in mixing with the delegates it was difficult to find one who had actually published a book, or even an article, or sometimes even anything at all...
...leisured, product of a generation of mass higher e d u c a t i o n , the "'new brow" ix not onl) a w~racious consumer of high culture, but also a fearfully insecure one where artistic knowledge, taste, and perception arc concerned...
...As she did, a number o f p e o p l e edged forward in t h e i r chairs, myself included...
...Film writer Walter Bernstein spoke of Hollywood arrogance and the tendency of studio heads to refer to writers' fees as "schmuck money...
...The keynote panel f e a t u r e d a n o t h e r round on Ideology, the concern this time being Truth and Self-Censorship...
...As Judge Arnold Fein droned on about a case of deleted footnotes, I realized that life was passing me by...
...On the contrary, whatever his qualms about Clive Barnes, Simon seemed perfectly at ease with America...
...Throughout the day, the questions from the floor were a better gauge of the congress's mentality than the panel discussions...
...Had Harrison read Friedan's book?, Willis demanded...
...It is true ttaat Galbraith writes, on occasion, odd and silly things about Communism and capitalism...
...She sized up my American Spectator name tag, chuckled, and from that point on took great delight in warning people about The Right...
...New York Senator Alfonse D'Amato's faux pas consisted of admitting to a magazine writer that the anti-abortion lobby has pressured him into supporting a bill outlawing all abortions...
...charges that the leadership of the entrenched municipal social wellare bureaucracy and most Family Court judges arc openly hostile ttl the law that authorizes such collections, and refuse to cooperate with or implement it...
...The fact that fewer black kids were learning to read had caused her to question her presence at a writers' congress of prestigious white liberals...
...What nonsense...
...A few years later it was Lauchlin Currie who offered Galbraith an important position in the Washington bureaucracy...
...Murray Kempton introduced Arthur Miller who lamented the crushing power of the New York Times drama critic...
...l.illa examines the phenomenon of the contemporary American "'new brow...
...A number of y e s t e r y e a r ' s Kids had failed to establish themselves as writers or grab a slice of the liberal socio-cuhural pie while the getting was good...
...Sunday morning...
...I l i n g e r e d at the bar and became drawn into conversation with a pair of courtly septuagenarians...
...Lots of people have doubts about sex education films for schoolchildren, but Senator Jeremiah Denton of Alabama was gauche enough to show such a film to other senators...
...He writes that when'it comes to Communism Galbraith is an innocent, and that this is the most signtficant element in his memoirs...
...On-campus research and development in 1979 exceeded $5 billion in value, and more than $3.5 billion of the total represented basic research, as distinct from applied research and engineering development...
...Perhaps their hearts were with the Third World, but their bodies, safe and comfortable in the States, would call the shots...
...Congress to provide guns and money to South African revolutionaries--a man in the balcony began dimming the lights in hopes that everyone would go home...
...Something has gone out of the literary Left...
...Well, I'm not against unions, but I d o n ' t think it will work . . . . See, writing a book is such an individual thing . . . . It starts with a guy sitting down at a typewriter on one end and ends with a guy sitting down to read it on the other . . . . Of course, writing is a lonely business, and I can see how some people might want a crowd a r o u n d . . . . But I don't think it will work...
...He was a key figure in influencing Roosevelt against the Polish government in London and in pushing the case for the pro-Soviet Poles of Moscow and elsewhere, for which he should have earned the gratitude of Molotov and Stalin--who, to 'be sure, would have acknowledged t h e i r obligation to "Lube" less handsomely than Galbraith, or not at all...
...Was it politics...

Vol. 15 • February 1982 • No. 2

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