Current Wisdom

Jackasses, Assorted

CURRENT WISDOM The Great Books Series The quality of charlatanry in the historian's realm, as manifest by Professor Howard Zinn in the following explanation of American stability: How skillful to...

...September 5, 1980] The New York Review of Books Professor Sheldon S. Wolin, professor of politics at Princeton University, exposes the United States for the plutocracy that it undoubtedly is: As the history of the Democratic Party of the last fifty years shows, liberalism has taught corporate capitalism that social welfare is a cheap price to pay...
...CURRENT WISDOM The Great Books Series The quality of charlatanry in the historian's realm, as manifest by Professor Howard Zinn in the following explanation of American stability: How skillful to tax the middle class to pay for the relief of the poor, building resentment on top of humiliation...
...Forget sperm banks and egg banks...
...August 2-9, 1980] The Florida Times Union Another compassionate elocution from Coretta Scott King on the campaign trail in Jacksonville, Florida, still trying to heal the nation's wounds and to bring us all together into one big republic of love: Coretta Scott King, campaigning in Jacksonville yesterday for President Carter, said Ronald Reagan's election as president would set the civil rights movement back two decades...
...Translated into language we all can understand, this means both parties will throw Americans out of work and give more tax breaks to the wealthy...
...The caller, sometimes using the name of a physician familiar to the woman, tells the woman to drink two glasses of water, then stick her finger down her throat and force herself to vomit...
...In every case, the "doctor" has called a woman who was recovering from surgery at one of a dozen area hospitals...
...By Caribbean and South American standards, it's Park Avenue...
...Somebody who's going to play a role in the history of this hemisphere is somebody we should be talking to," he reasons...
...We will wake up on Nov...
...Issue 41] The Miami Herald Professor Jeremy Rifkin, Director of the People's Business Commission, hands down a shapely declaration on behalf of the Stone Age: To my mind, genetic engineering represents the last gap of the technological fix that has so threatened our world's environment...
...And I do not think this would be speaking too strongly to say that...
...Croix and is now urging the agency to exchange scientific publications with the Cubans...
...Upchuck" has called over 200 women in the Miami area with phony medical advice...
...George Wald, Nobel Laureate: The truth is, what one really needs is not Nobel Laureates, but love...
...March 19, 1980] People The Rt...
...Many of the women have followed the advice...
...I feel that with a Republican president this country would move further toward the right and we would move to a fascist state," Mrs...
...Does it make more sense to develop novel organisms that might produce new sources of energy as Standard Oil and others hope, or to get away from our energy-consumption fetish through conservation and development of lifestyles of voluntary simplicity...
...October, 1980] The San Francisco Examiner The scientific observations of Mr...
...We would need...
...But life is, for most people, a very terrible ordeal...
...Love whales...
...You'll be surprised how easy it is, and how it will brighten your life...
...But does it make more sense to develop new life forms to degrade oil spills, or to stop transporting petroleum in giant supertankers that can barely be steered in storms, and are thus susceptible to running aground...
...What matters is love...
...Wanting love, that's how...
...Castro is there to stay...
...isn't there...
...So just practice loving...
...Upchuck" is familiar with his victims' cases so much so that he had to have had access to their confidential records...
...October 6, 1980] The Progressive Sunny prospects for all corpulent cats from another of the Albanian-trained economists employed by The Progressive to keep an eye on the latest sales figures of the Cadillac division of General Motors: Conventional wisdom has it that market manipulators always predict where the economy will be in five or six months, and make their investment decisions accordingly...
...December 18, 1980] Conservative Digest Conservative egghead Richard Weaver has his time-honored apothegm, "ideas have consequences," thumpingly debunked by Dr...
...They do not have to be seen, as it were, displaying their credentials...
...We have conquered nature and, in doing so, we suffer from the divorcement, the estrangement that separates the conqueror from the conquered...
...Wanting it so bad one works all the time, and ends up a Nobel Laureate...
...And from the same numinous source, Professor Zinn's jackass conclusion: The society's levers of powers would have to be taken away from those whose drives have led to the present state-the giant corporations, the military, and their politician collaborators...
...Everyone could share the routine but necessary jobs for a few hours a day, and leave most of the time free for enjoyment, creativity, labors of love, and yet produce enough for an equal and ample distribution of goods...
...They would just as soon end it at any time...
...5 and we will be set back 25 years...
...It's a Consolation Prize...
...King said...
...Without direct mail, there would be no effective counter-force to liberalism, and certainly there would be no New Right...
...October 6, 1980]d we will be set back 25 years...
...Lowell Weicker returns from Cuba, having smoked long and diligently the Castro weed: The eight-and-a-half-hour encounter left the senator with the impression of "a man of enormous intellect and idealism...
...Harry Britt, a venerated member of San Francisco's Board of Supervisors, as proffered by columnist Jeff Jarvis: SEXUAL ENERGY: Supe Harry Britt, San Francisco's "openly gay elected official," addressed a gay rights rally at Stanford yesterday, and the talk turned to energy...
...We can gain the affection of the Cuban people by working side by side...
...Solar energy, on the other hand, is "very loving, very human, very female, and may I say, very gay...
...Viguerie: Frankly, the conservative movement is where it is today because of direct mail...
...Love an Iranian, a Vietnamese- not just here, but there...
...Then, when you've gotten real good at it, try something hard...
...But I think that at least half the people alive, and maybe nine-tenths of them, really do not like this ordeal at all...
...Love a Russian...
...They do not need to flex imaginary muscles...
...October, 1980] Womansource What it means to be "woman" in America, as divulged in Woman-source, a new-age journal of cerebral pother: MIAMI: A phantom physician that Dade County officials call "Dr...
...They recognize, as one leading financier recently remarked, that the Presidential election campaign "will see a horserace between the major parties to see which can do more to deflate the economy and generate more vigorous growth via private sector incentives...
...How do you think one gets to be a Nobel Laureate...
...I want to know why the U.S...
...Castro's been known to snow people, but he didn't snow me," Weicker says...
...Try loving one of those candidates for President...
...Their bogus butchness he regards with dismay-that aggressive hairiness, that determined maleness, has little to do with being a man...
...Just one more layer of technology, we are told again and again, and everything will work out...
...They pretend to like it some, to smile at strangers, and to get up each morning in order to survive, in order to somehow get through it...
...June 24, 1980] The Times Literary Supplement During an encomiastic review of Edmund White's important study, States of Desire: Travels in Gay America, the eminent novelist, Paul Baily, pauses to indulge an epagogic interlude, uplifting to us all: He is splendidly and necessarily critical of those of his own kind who, in the service of a dubious masculinity, accuse the effeminate of betraying the gay cause...
...Bertrand Russell skirted that, and many psychoanalysts have too, in talking about people lusting for death...
...November 10, 1980] The Boston Globe Another mystery communique from Dr...
...Men can afford to be feminine, to be vulnerable...
...April 30, 1980] The Nation The learned Kurt Vonnegut speaks of his customers: The most horrible hypocrisy or the most terrifying hypocrisy or the most tragic hypocrisy at the center of life, I think, which no one dares mention, is that human beings don't like life...
...October 6, 1980...
...How ingenious to meet the demands of blacks and women for equality by giving them small special benefits, and setting them in competition with everyone else for jobs made scarce by an irrational, wasteful system...
...Although I can't articulate it, I know it's true," Harry said, that there's something about nuclear power-"knowing that eventually it can go boom"-that makes it "profoundly male and profoundly sexist...
...These gurus foresee boom times coming early in 1981... reconstruct the economy for both efficiency and justice, producing in a cooperative way what people need most...
...Without the mail, most conservative activity would wither and die...
...Hospital officials in Dade County fear that the mystery doctor may eventually kill a woman who follows his advice by their asphyxiating on vomit, or splitting sutures...
...A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn [Harper & Row, 1980] Vegetarian Times James Mason, author of the classic Animal Factories and contributing editor for Animal Issues for Vegetarian Times, offers more profound commentary from the salad bar: The circus, like the zoo, is a relic of a culture alienated from the natural world...
...How adroit to bus poor black youngsters into poor white neighborhoods, in a violent exchange of impoverished schools, while the schools of the rich remain untouched and the wealth of the nation, doled out carefully where children need free milk, is drained for billion-dollar aircraft carriers...
...Certain basic things would be abundant enough to be taken out of the money System and be available -free-to everyone: food, housing, health care, education, transportation...
...Banks and love are incompatible, if you don't know that, you don't know bankers...
...They deliver a quality of life to those people they've never known before...
...To that end, Weicker invited Castro to send scientists to work at the NOAA's research lab in St...
...We flew all over the place and I saw what he's done with my own eyes...
...It produced a scapegoat population whose feckless existence distracts attention from the fact that power, wealth, and knowledge are squarely in the hands of the few...

Vol. 14 • January 1981 • No. 1

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