Current Wisdom
"Current Wisdom" Globe censors, he gave {the headline "Mush from the wimp." Three days later the following declaration of innocence was...
...Monthly newsletter for professionals...
...Over 145 publications, covering a wide range of interests, to choose from...
...April, 1980] 58 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1980 classified OPPORTUNITIES $45,000...
...Free catalog: Hamilton, 98-74 Clapboard, Danbury, CT 06810 MAGAZINE & NEWSLETTER SAMPLES...
...Lakhovsky multi-wave oscillators $499...
...ESSAY CONTEST--topic "The ReIndustrialization of America," sponsored by the United States Industrial Council Educational Foundation, prize $1,000... f u l l pay unemployment ending Even Age Work Force Plan or Simply EVEN AGE, Box 2138, Youngstown, Ohio, 44504 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR SEPTEMBER 1980 39...
...Three days later the following declaration of innocence was published: AN APOLOGY: Tl',e first editions of last Saturday's Globe carried a headline on the lead editorial that was inappropriate and nor intended for publication...
...Nostalgic set...
...Their apartments are nicely turned out and they cook when they come home from work...
...37219 (615/256-5961...
...a g,u.idebo,~!~ ft-,at sJmu;d be ,.,,~.t t i u b:.:,,~>ke;Leff of Ct V+:7" ~" ~.' "/'C 1O, V:: .rl C Y: M:.t;~ .gill a-,.'_~i~ ~b.e p,~b!h ,~t;~;o...
...Send S.A.S.E...
...129A, Plainfield, NJ 07061...
...She di,.ln'~ do badly, either...
...Include an additional $3 if you want a box number, and we will forward all inquiries to you once a week...
...Rego Park, and Flushing...
...2) Usually/ basically...
...Three-layer construction...
...For three days in April, I attended the Citizens' Party's founding convention in Cleveland with notebook in hand and camera ready...
...His father, John Edward Reagan, was a store clerk and erstwhile merchant whose jobs took the family to such towns as Galesburg, Monmouth and Dixon-just the sort of places responsible for one .of the raging themes of American literature, the soul-murdering complacency of our provinces, without which the careers of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis and Willa Cather, to name just a few, would never have found glory...
...6.00 / year...
...Seeks writing or translation (English, French) work in conservative, possibly Christian environment...
...preferring recipes from Famil 5 Circle, (like hamburger meat with 'canned apricots...
...80 acre tract alCalifornia, 92632...
...Yes, I would like to place a classified ad in The American Spectator...
...ready acquired...
...C U R R E N T W I S D O M put~.tication, and, t'..nbeknovens~ to, Globe censors, he gave {t the headline "'M.ush from the wimp...
...Onthe convention floor, I made the rounds with a simple straw poll, asking: Are you a vegetarian...
...Check payable to Edutape-Dept...
...Its vision of the "free market" is a canon of "devout observance": the "free market" is simply assumed to exist...
...10.00 each-- I m mediate delivery GEMINIO, P.O...
...The economics of the right is profoundly antihistorical: its champions feel uncomfortable even debating the extent to which government intervention was necessary to remove impediments to "free market" expansion and to rectify "market failure" over the past two centuries...
...For free information, write Dept...
...BOOKS "PEACE, POWER, and PLENTY" can be yours overnight...
...1980] Commonweal In one of the world's leading organs of Christian Democracy, the celebrated Dr...
...Box 2006 Glendale, Calif...
...Write Mike Carson, 1707 W. Wallen 2-G, Chicago, IL 60626...
...Enclosed is full payment...
...ll Y ou ten Words, 1 you'll love VERBATIM, The Language Quarterly dealinr w~th all aspects of language...
...Mark Twain's brilliant, wickedly lascivious underground masterpiece...
...Box GJ, The American Spectator...
...cve+',., fro:r...
...Box 1368, Dept...
...1) Yes...
...Please call Dave after 5 pm PST (714) 279-8287...
...They are strategically placed to become a genuine public menace in the next four years...
...Is it really revisionistic...
...Write Joyce Gordon, 749 Paradiso, Miami, FL 33146...
...a real-snorter...
...Lighthearted quarterly about law...
...10 to "1601," Box 69-S, Carrboro, NC 27510...
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...Garland, 953 Eighth Ave., Suite 208-A San Diego, CA 92101 I SAVE SOME OIL FOR Our grandchildren and their grandchildren...
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...Discover it for yourself...
...l'aFpervvar.v pa!'ri,.-s hosrtd by gay couples, but l'ad ncv,.'r worked an A.,,ian gay bat till now...
...The Republicans...
...BUMPERSTICKERS & BUTTONS MEDIEVAL FARTING CONTEST Elizabeth, Shakespeare, other notables compete, with accompanying lewd remarks...
...Uuly 4, 19801 The New York Times Zoological observations of Professor Leslie Gelb, former f a s h i o n e r of Carter statecraft: Talking with officials and scholars in the Soviet Union is not very different from talking with their counterparts in the United States...
...The Christian deity lacks Plato's value blueprints, the Forms...
...20 units proposed...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Circulation Department P.O...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402 tudes...
...The gay Asians who frequent Twilight are very Tuppervcare oriented...
...Food, aru] Ag,icuhure...
...3ar-rv (~omm,:pcr...
...Our rates are only $.50 per word (12-word minimum...
...Wom(-n's P, ights and others...
...3,000 titles, all subjects...
...The Human Life Review, a new quarterly journal, provides the best anti-abortion arguments available anywhere... EVEN AGE, Box 2138, Youngstown, Ohio 44504...
...She sa;d shed sb.own her wa:e~ a...
...LaDonna Harris, the Citizens' Party's vice-presidential candidate stated that she was "basically/usually" a vegeLqri...
...The 3"vppc',w;,+rc l:_'d', ",v++q :: re'd pr...
...Easy to do --very inexpensive--will become a family treasure...
...Also: Reichian Dor Busters $399...
...The American Spectator reserves the right to reject any copy for any reason...
...The best and brightest fled all our Galesburgs and Dixons, if they coul d , but the candidate was not among them...
...Changing Your Address...
...Orgone Energy Workshop, Box 189, 1442 A. Walnut St., Berkeley CA 94709...
...PLEASANT SPARE TIME CASH: Custom engraved namepins...
...Many live in Jackson Heights...
...Marc/~ 18...
...1, 1980...
...Any wording...
...Hard intelligence on terrorism, Communist subversion, mercenary activities...
...Send to: Venuta, P.O...
...Make checks to: Silver City Stamp and Coin Co., Inc...
...fine literary selections...
...l/u6' 23-29, 1980] The Center Magazine Richard Griswold del Castillo, Visiting Associate Professor of History at t h e U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a a t San Diego, brings an intellectual audience at the intellectual Robert Maynard Hutchins Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions to its intell e c t u a l f e e t with an astounding peroration in the interrogatory mode: Is Chicano history really innovative...
...Please attach the address label from the most recent issue of your American Spectator in the space below...
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...Over 50 buttons, bum- - . . . . . . . . . . . perstickers, flyers and posters...
...No proof of its existence or viability is offered--aside from the hoary (and probably untesrable) proposition that if only "government" would go away, "freedom" would prevail and unshackled private energies would clean up our economic quagmires...
...A, Aurora, IL 60506...
...7.00 refundable...
...Out of a total of 77 delegates questioned, 29 said "yes," 13 said " b a s i c a l l y / u s u a l l y " and 35 said " n o . " Manyofrhe " n o ' s , " however, said that they leaned toward a vegetarian diet even though they did eat meat on occasion...
...Uuly/A ugust 1980] Vegetarian Times Evidence that yet another element of the old New Deal coalition is about to bolt the Democratic Party: Which national party has mostly vegetarians among its convention delegates...
...IMPORTANT: Allow six weeks for address change...
...If you guessed the Citizens' Party, you're right...
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...The Democrats...
...Box MG, The American Spectator...
...I had heard that many Citizens' Partiers were veggies and I wanted to check the rumor...
...July 19-26, 1980] New Age A useful advertisement for New Age consumertsts alarmed and alive to the rip-offs of the Fortune Five Hundred: ORGONE ENERGY BLANKETS...
...Provocative, disturbing analysis about the death plans for our aging citizens...
...ART-LITE ENTERPRISES, 365 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110...
...If I had to pick out the three or four best clays of my life in politics it would be the time I spent going down the Salmon River on a raft," he said at the signing ceremony...
...AUTHENTIC Civil War Memorabilia for Sale...
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...over 10 copies $1.00 each...
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...The lived world is not a dream, it is a kind of fiction, it is our continuous creation in the manner of a God who also creates out of nothing...
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...No nails--no tools:--mount or exchange canvas paintings quickly and securely...
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...In later editions the editorial, which supported President Carter's new initiatives on the economy, was titled, "All must share the burden...
...12.00 overseas...
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...The WRIT...
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...Eightypageannotated edition...
...Holly, Box 3926-L Hollywood, Florida 33023 NOT-SAFE (National Organization Taunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". ing Safety And Fairness Everywhere) CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM pokes fun at stoopid regulations...
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...Or does it fit into the framework of either conventional urban history or the new urban history, using quantitative analysis...
...A, 140 Haverhill St., Andover, MA 01810 Let us produce a family or personal memoir for you in book form...
...It's all about you...
...The time you save pays for Clip-It...
...August, 1980] The Progressive A solemn question is put to the readers of The Progressive by an editorial writer with an unerring sense of the bottomless credulity of his moron customers: If oppression of the Afghanis provides grounds for boycotting Moscow in 1980, where were those grounds in 1976, when we and other nations were paying tribute to Canada in the very city where the oppression of that country's French-speaking minority is most clearly focused...
...The intuitive flash of power that "coming-out" can give: I have an indestructible memory of walking along a particular block in New York City, the hour after l bad acknowledged to myself that I loved a woman, feeling invincible...
...Please renew my subscription for one year (twelve issues--S12...
...u[y 25, 1980] The Great Books Series In an elegant foreword to The Coming Out Storqes, the outstandingly tale n t e d Adrienne Rich d i v u l g e s t h e innermost thoughts of a pioneer: I keep thinking about power...
...Newspapers $12.95 ea, War tokens $8.95 ea, Bullets-Minnies $2.95 ea, Confederate currency: CSA $5 note 4.95 ea, CSA $10 note 5.95 ea, CSA $20 note $6.95 ea, CSA $500 note $75.00 ea...
...Richard B. DuBoff of Bryn Mawr C o l l e g e sounds t h e cry of righteousness and the tocsin against a resurgence of modern civilization: The New Conservatism, in sum, is a good example of what Thorstein Veblen referred to in 1904 as the process of "the natural decay of business enterprise...
...Mail today...
...91209 "The Coming Holocaust-An_ Introduction to the Death Plan...
...The American Spectator, Classified Dept., P.O...
...For your FREE, noobligation sample copy, write today to: The Human Life Review, 150 E. 35 St., New York, NY 10016...
...A-3, Box 4, Fullerton, Now in planning stage...
...Box of 100, $14.95 UPS paid...
...Each copy $1.25...
...Please specify classification: Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Opportunities, Services, Books, Periodicals, Informational Pamphlets, Conferences, Bumperstickers & Buttons, Merchandise, Personals, Miscellaneous...
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...Hermes Project psychic communicators...
...Information free, or informative booklet $2...
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...SLL, Dept...
...For more information, contact: Elizabeth Bennett, U$1C Foundation, Box 2686, Nashville, Tenn...
...16801 The New York Times The Wonderboy of Plains, Georgia, makes one more inhuman leap into the pages of Roget's International Thesaurus: President Carter, fondly recalling yesterday a white-water raft trip he took down the middle fork of Idaho's Salmon River two years ago, signed a bill creating the River of No Return Wilderness there...
...ks a voiuntet'r in +~ursing homes, I hear prayers nightly pleading to die befi)te morning...
...July 11, 1980] A~ an.qunci~t-;o~ o,.ra ,.-/vc [co,'ai~.:- ct...
...attiYou can reach 70,000 informed and interested readers in the classified section of The American Spectator...
...In mail order...
...Wolfe [Persephone Press, 1980] Commonweal Theological maunderings over the corpse of Jean-Paul Sartre, the philosopher of the empty space: For Sartre, human reality is divine reality without the ontological goods...
...A life energy device invented by Wilhelm Reich, M.D...
...Thomasoptical, 408 Vermont Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32018...
...Such a triumph of ideology over serious scholarship puts the new conservatives in a position of supreme self-confidence in a time of obvious economic disarray, when every short-run action by public authorities is guaranteed to produce its equal and opposite reaction in the private sector...
...Doctorow, author and humorist: Ronald Reagan was born in 1911 in rural Illinois...
...Use blanket to absorb healing life energy directly from atmosphere...
...Is it within the mold of the new social history...
...No, again...
...When writing to us about your subscription, always attach your address label or print your name and address exactly as they appear on your address label...
...RARE FIRST EDITION, "Life of George Washington," 1856, by Washington Irving...
...Nowhere is this notion of life as a semi-divine fiction more strikingly evident than in Sartre's brief autobiographical work, The FFords...
...A World Wide Even Age Work Force is INEVITABLE...
...t l . . i l : t ! h ,'Ai~: (i'.]l ~:ll(] ~I]r ''C~ !'9;',it...
...FREE COPY OF NEW REVIEW to anyone interested in the abortion issue...
...For application send SASE: Box 5743-AS, Montecito, CA 93108 POSITIONS WANTED Man, 45, well-educated and travelled wants to make big change in life...
...The most interesting way to read the book is to think of Jean-Paul as Jesus Christ...
...or $8.50 (elsewhere) for a 1year subscript=on, starting w~th the current =ssue...
...Mason L/u6...
...1 am playing the devil's advocate when I ask, what is truly innovative and what is truly revisionistic about Chicano history...
...Sam W i t t e r Assoc., 10 Marjorie Court, Rochester, NY 14620...
...Hythe, Kent, U.K...
...pubiic-spiri,_ed re-~.der of '_,'~;:,v.v Th', ~ i...
...About $200 in m.'txi-canisters, kracker keepers and jel-n-serve se~s...
...Lluly 4, 1980] Village %:/:,.,.e .+~+n,,,th.e:r ~+c'zo]dtL)t+aJ)- cvc-;jt viv[d'y "..-trailed J~ t-.,"-+e Uok:e: T!u T+q+p*'"v:are" sale: at Twilight (Th+rd ,~ x'~.'~,.,.' ~:,.'r~r ~+3rd) ..:v:l:, w,.'[l at~<.';~ded...
...Exciting book, postage free...
...CT 06426 U S A SERVICES MYERS' professional editing, rewriting, revising, typing...
...LaVcre ["loskin s Topeka...
...1980] The Nation Geographical observations of a mordant nature from the learned Dr...
...llx . ~ -,}~culd bc of im.'.:c~t ~o ,,vy~eta~i;+n m~i~i'.t> til.'.,: ' , ; e [ l o w i l a , c :: i;c)~Ji:C;s p[~Fi", ! ( " i i:\" i3C,.,i;[C x,'VPlC C['i~]~l~is OL2K Parry plat~,\,rm contahts strong pt-ogresSiV(' L(ml-lds ;.',q ~, v ; i r i e t y ()+ i s s l . l r i [ l t + u d - in~, !{eahh...
...Deadline Oct...
...or write 7065 Beagle St., San Diego, CA 92111...
...11:6' 28...
...Box 37, Fifield, Wl 54524 MERCHANDISE ,~.'O G~'~ AMULETS 4/~/4Z//V^ For Wealth, Love and Health Can also prepare them for any other purpose--remove hexes, etc...
Vol. 13 • September 1980 • No. 9