Current Wisdom
United Nation's General Assembly F o r the moral and ethical s t i m u l a t i o n o f our r e a d e r s we hereby publish exc e r p t s from the historic October 12, 1978, pronunciamento of G...
...of Women's Studies Metropolitan State College " . . . a name-calling smear of the women's movement and its dedicated leaders . . . . Does not a newspaper have the obligation to point out to its readers that an article is unfactual and, in fact, badly written and offensive...
...Completely new, unique opportunity...
...Their toilet tally revealed the unexpected conclusion that women accounted for 51 percent of the graffiti and 62 percent of the written commentaries on the graffiti uf others... work co-operatively with, or within the framework of, the United Nations to help establish a communications system through which important data can be rapidly exchanged internationally.'" (A/i2/PV.25, pp...
...Nutrition Health Review, 143-S Madison Avenue, New York City 10016...
...Send your resum~ or write for an application...
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...Help counter extremism...
...I wish to state here and rrow with unchallengeable authenticity that every creature, animal or plant, has a purpose to serve on this planet earth and is serving that purpose, except when obstructed by their several enemies--man being the greatest . . . . I appeal to all Governments and peoples to try to recognize the divine nature and beauty in all that God has created and placed on our planet and to take the necessary measures to care for, protect and preserve the lives of those creatures...
...Theories as to the nature, origin, and intent of unidentified flying objects are many, and are amply known to civilian and governmental research groups...
...Learn tricks of the trade from ex-salesman...
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...Magazines from volume 8 are $2.00 each, from volumes 9-12 $1.00 each, and our Tenth Anniversary issue is only $1.50 each...
...Production Manager to typeset, layout, paste-up, and proofread The American Spectator...
...You can do so by subscribing to the iconoclast of health journals...
...A, Aurora, IL 60506...
...Rush $10 for book AND "Help Wanted" section of newspaper--to: Koki, Box 27984, HonoI u I u 96827...
...Cheerios can be eaten directly from the box...
...These a r e incomp a r a b l e times: To the Editor: The starving Cambodian refugees have really gotten to me...
...After all, The American Spectator's editor revels in treating venerable world leaders and trendy "movements" with puckish irreverence...
...215) 925-3336 anytime...
...Send $1 for three sample copies...
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...Try herbs...
...Yet it is essential we [sic] that we do so...
...Would the Cambodians like them...
...Already we're hearing that American will is being tested...
...With some donating of time, money, and, of course, Cheerios, could we load up a (donated) 747 with Cheerios to feed those poor starving kids and their pathetic parents...
...Toni Lee Rosen Golden Valley [November27, 19791 America C e r e b r a t i o n s in t h e c o n f e s s i o n a l mode from C l a r e Buzzo R o b e r t , a n o t h e r s t r a n g e l y unaccoladed Catholic egghead of t h e l i b e r a t e d - f e m i n i s t - mystery: Several years down the road, when the paths of my feminist pilgrimage and my theological journey merged, I found that the Gospel passages in which Jesus seemingly rejects Mary and her biological role became very important for me...
...CABCO, AS 78, Box 8212, Columbus, Ohio 43201...
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...18, 19.25) I wish to say that 1 have received the strongest support from individuals and organizations as well as from distinguished "urologists" the world over in our efforts to get the United Nations more actively involved in co-ordinating research on the UFO phenomenon...
...Two former University of Massachusetts researchers, John Bates and Michael Martin, report that they equipped a team of student volunteers with index cards and sent them on a survey of the walls of campus restrooms, the walls of campus restrooms [sic], gymnasiums and other buildings...
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...Yet which of us hasn't pondered, if only briefly, the possibility that Jesus really was insane...
...Subscribe to The American Spectator today, and get in touch with your personhood...
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...Irrespective of theory, however, the major research groups are dedicated fi)remost to achieving the following main objectives in their endeavors: to stud}, all sigmftcant reports on unidentified flying objects with a view to making a reasonable and acceptable determination of the nature, origin and intent . . ; to disseminate the substantive results of such study to the public anti the news media...
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...There was a possibility I wouldn't find what I was looking for, and l might have to put it back together right away...
...December 22, 1979] The New York Times A f o o l p r o o f solution to our l a t e s t sticky-wicket with the Soviet b r e t h r e n from t h e renowned Richard J . Walton, sworn enemy of the Cold War: Here we go again...
...And, as far as Mary the Virgin Mother symbol was concerned, while I appreciated the mere existence of an important female image in Roman Catholocism, I thought Mary was too asexual, derivative and passive to touch or to inspire feminist women . . . . This year, however, just as I thought I had the whole thing settled, the Virgin Mary has come back to haunt me, thanks to my involvement in a study with a group of Spanish Roman Catholic women . . . . we prefer to identify with the "good guys" in the Gospel narratives, those who l i s t e n e d , u n d e r s t o o d , risked, changed...
...Payment enclosed [] Please bill me (please print) Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, Date of change...
...Genera/Assembly Provisional Verbatim Record of the 32nd Meeting [October 12, 1978] The Nation From F r e d Powledge, a f r e e - l a n c e w r i t e r who has p u b l i s h e d s e v e n ! ! ! b o o k s - - t h e most r e c e n t from t h e Vanguard Press...
...WIN UP TO $10,000,000...
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...Lurid or liberal past no problem if you've seen the light...
...She blew out the candles . . . . [February 1980] 38 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1980 BONEHEADS NEED NOT APPLY The American Spectator is looking for an assistant managing editor to help with proofreading, Current Wisdom, editorial research, and odd jobs...
...Even before the Soviet march into Afghanistan, American politicians were beginning to run against the Russians...
...ARE YOU INTERESTED in the abortion Issue...
...September 15, 1979] The Minneapolis Star A sockdolager o f an i d e a from a p u b l i c - s p i r i t e d citizen o f the Twin Cities m e t r o p o l i s , a p a t r i o t worthy o f b e i n g t h e Wonderboy's running mate or possibly even his f i r s t Supreme Court nominee...
...I am a decent-looking conservative, Catholic, male in twenties...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402...
...For lawyers and non-lawyers alike...
...I should like now to deal with another subject of great importance, the International Year of the Child . . . . When I spoke before this body last year I made the following statement: "Grenada takes no categoric theoretical stand on the question of unidentified flying objects...
...Is there some way to send Cheerios to Cambodia...
...Are there some personal favorites you would like extra copies of, for you or for a friend...
...The ugly Russian entrance into poor, unoffending Afghanistan is being called the renewal of a great East-West struggle...
...PERIODICALS So you have a healthy interest in literature and politics...
...PERSONALS Sunlight on the water can inspire even a lawless beast to dance...
...The bright red one that my wife uses had been O.K...
...Estonian Admiration Society...
...Publicity, advertising, beautiful books...
...Bates and Martin say this indicates quite a switch in roles...
...Anti-New Think, anti-Vatican II letters...
...Send for fact-filled booklet and free manuscript report...
...The reaction was so amusing that several of our Denver readers wrote us about the letters to the editor, the picketing of the News, and the follow-up story...
...The WRIT--A quarterly about law...
...Free catalog: Hamilton, 98-74 Clapboard, Danbury, CT 06810...
...Box 416, Littleton, Colorado 80120...
...They in turn would then love our human kind, and the Master would bless us and give us peace abundantly...
...January 5-12, 1980} The Berkeley Barb New f r o n t i e r s in sociological analysis as r e p o r t e d to the i n t e l l i g e n t s i a what read the Berkeley Barb and live to tell of it: Females have reportedly replaced males as the sex most likely to scribble their thoughts on bathroom walls...
...Write Dept...
...PROFIT through investment...
...AM, 720 Fort Washington Ave., New York, NY 10040...
...APWP, Box 28594, Sacramento, CA 95828...
...Island Flag Co., 166-11 20th Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357...
...Marcia Morrison Willcoxon "May I suggest that he 'liberate' himself from such an artificial restriction of his personhood...
...Box SG, The American Spectator...
...Why, we thought, should our Denver readers have all the fun...
...Box 53, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660...
...Again the pundits and politicians are trotting out the vocabulary that should have been forever discredited by the Vietnam War...
...Knowledge of public policy expected...
...Opera boxes, vinyl protectors, 78 RPM sleeves, etc...
...DRAFT PAT MOYNIHAN PRESIDENT '80 Let's put our energy behind someone who believes in America...
...Monthly newsletter for professionals...
...How odd depends on circumstances...
...The women graffitists, Bates...
...Politicians of both parties will be talking tough and they'll be proposing raises in the military budget like the boys at the Friday night poker club trying to outbluff one another...
...ASN, 84 Fifth Avenue, New York 10011...
...Medical ID information...
...Pay yourself first and invest in your future...
...Cheshire National Bank, 15 Main Street, Keene, NH 03431, (603) 352-5050...
...Box MW, The American Soectator...
...Box 1969 Bloomington, Indiana 47402 (Please attach address label here...
...But if you hold to complicated views of the world that bustles beyond your nose, if you delight in forming your own opinions, and if you want to know what some of the best writers in America are saying to discomfit some of the most preposterous lightweights, read The American Spectator...
...Now the drumbeat has increased with tough talk of retaliation, rapid deployment forces, blockading the Persian Gulf, selling arms to Pakistan, rejecting the SALT I[ treaty, even boycotting the Moscow Olympics--in short, not letting anyone, especially the Russians, push us around anymore...
...ABC, Box 1507/TR3, Kingston, Canada K7L 5C7...
...Plastic-lined inside sleeves, $.15...
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...THE INDEPENDENT JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY provides an international forum for the exploration of responsible, articulate alternatives to the positivist-analytical, Marxist, and narrowly academicist trends of contemporary philosophy...
...Carrie Richerson Such thoughtful comments suggest that The American Spectator is unlikely to become required reading for the sensitive and idealistic of the Republic...
...They are lightweight and fairly nonperishable...
...Sample copy $1.00...
...Hard intelligence on terrorism, Communist subversion, mercenary activities...
...Henry S t e e l e Commager, lifted solemn and s t o n e d m i d s t a t e s t i m o n i a l to S e n a t o r Edward M. Kennedy, s t a t e s m a n and bon vivant: The whole of his senatorial career might rightly be read as an extensive commentary on the preamble of our Constitution, for it has been devoted to realizing a more perfect union, justice, domestic tranquility, the common defense, the general welfare and liberty...
...United Nation's General Assembly F o r the moral and ethical s t i m u l a t i o n o f our r e a d e r s we hereby publish exc e r p t s from the historic October 12, 1978, pronunciamento of G r e n a d a ' s Prime M i n i s t e r Eric M. Gairy (whereabouts unknown...
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...I should think so...
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...They were a negative affirmation in that they affirmed what I did not want to be or be like...
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...I believe in freedom of the press, but was taughl that it implied responsibility--a responsibility to inform readers accurately...
...And while we're at it, let's round up our old cooking pots and send them along, too...
...Print your new address and mail this form to The American Spectator...
...But when I got my first glimpse of the entrails of Polly's dryer, a Conair Pistol Power 1200, model 0991, I shuddered involuntarily, ti,e way I have reacted upon seeing a rattlesnake in the woods...
...HAWAII: How to get a job...
...Changing Your Address...
...The Rockettes wheeled out an enormous birthday cake baked in the shape of Elizabeth...
...Indeed, it was with great pleasure that I met some of the undoubtedly most prominent of these scientists earlier this year, and together with them I met the Secretary-General of the United Nations to discuss how best we might make our presentation to the General Assembly in our continued efforts to persuade the United Nations to take positive steps in the matter of UFO research...
...Robert, c/o The American Spectator...
...3,000 titles, all subjects...
...Member FDIC) Flags--3'x5' cotton American Flag Set-$9.95 + $1.00 shipping ($6.50 for flag without pole...
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...The subject is "The rights of life on earth other than human life...
...One of these cereals is Cheerios, made by our very own Minnesota-based General Mills...
...The American Spectator has available many of the past issues you are looking for...
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...They offer essays and reviews on topics too numerous to mention in this small space, and feature many of your favorite writers...
...All subjects invited...
...The American Spectator, P.O...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR MARCH 1980 39 Recently, Denver's Rocky Mountain News published an article on women's liberation by The ,~merican Spectator's editor, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr...
...Gairy proceeds s e v e r a l s t e p s beyond a n y t h i n g the l a t e J u s t i c e William O. Douglas e v e r p r e s c r i b e d : And now, having presented our contribution on the subject of human rights, permit me to cross a new threshold and to dwell upon a subject somewhat innovative but at the same time not entirely unrelated to human rights...
...Inside the bright yellow plastic machine, the one I had bought my daughter less than a year ago, was a short, thin-walled cylinder of asbestos, a poison far more terrifying than rattlesnake venom...
...Reduce income tax Interest up to 50...
...Brochure 25 cents...
...January I0, 1980] The Great Books Series The sublime Dr...
...When writing to us about your subscription, always attach your address label or print your name and address exactly as they appear on your address label...
...An article in The New Yorker made a point that sticks in my mind: Among the countless things these poor people don't have are cooking pots, and since their staple and often only food is rice, which must be cooked to be eaten, the lack of pots creates as much hunger as the lack of food...
...Information $3.00...
...Send at least $1 to: Karen Roekard, 145 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024...
...Let us bring into focus for a moment some of God's other creations-the animals of the forest, the pets at home, the mammals, the birds, the fishes, the reptiles, the huge forest trees soaring high in splendour and elegance and the sheltering shrubs, the carnivorous and numerous o t h e r s e n s i t i v e plants, the flowers and the multifarious varieties of other plant and animal life...
...Impeccable spelling, literacy, diligence, and sense of humor required...
...Philadelphia, PA 19123...
...We have all American, foreign, state, Confederate, and Early American flags...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, Indiana 47402...
...129A, Plainfield, New Jersey 07061...
...To order, simply list the dates of the back issues desired (along with the quantities of each), and send it with your payment to: Back Issues, The American Spectator, P.O...
...Marchele Co., Dept...
...Full of ideas, wit, and provocative essays about law...
...Twenty-six years ago, sex researcher Alfred Kinsey found that women accounted for only a quarter of all bathroom graffiti...
...So as a public service to our non-Denver readers, we offer excerpts of the published letters to the Rocky Mountain News chastising our gentle editor...
...Send your resum~ or write for an application...
...Not academic or practice-oriented...
...and Martin report, expressed more concern than men about sexual conflicts, interpersonal relations and politics...
...Subscriptions-S12.00 (Students, $8.50): Cobenzlgasse 13/4, A-1190S Vienna, Austria...
...8 issues $7.00...
...Would like to correspond with like-minded attractive woman...
...Stick with Ms...
...Only a hundred people were invited, and the highlight of the party came when a naked black boy led a naked black girl on a white pony out from behind a curtain of gold streamers...
...So if you are an aspiring intellectualoid, The American Spectator is poison...
...The cold war, about to expire of old age, is rejuvenated...
...Box 1969, Bloomington, IN 47402...
...Box GL, The American Spectator...
...Be sure to include the line of information above your name...
...Carlton Press, Dept...
...This then might not be the popular moment to argue that we must try to reduce tensions with the Soviet Union...
...Halston gave Elizabeth Taylor a great birthday party there too...
...Box 1368, Dept...
...FEDERAL OIL LEASES Learn how you as an individual can compete with the oil companies in obtaining $1 a year per acre drilling rights...
...COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION OF THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Are you missing some back issues of The American Spectator...
...Movement starting...
...1 am both sad and angry that the News would print 'Women of the Fevered Brow' by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr . . . . blatant and ugly sexism . . . . " Megan B. McClard Asst...
...Buttons available...
...c o m e s this t a l e o f Victorian p l e a s u r e s and high adv e n t u r e , complete with involuntary s h u d d e r s : I took my daughter's bright yellow hair dryer apart carefully, laying all the parts out in order...
...The WRIT, 640 14th Place, N.E., Washington, D.C...
...or Ontology Today...
...THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR Circulation Department P.O...
...Our Day and Generation Edward M. Kennedy [Simon & Schuster, 1979] Book Digest Andy Warhol, the Giovanni Bernini o f middle Manhattan, vouchsafes cultural o b s e r v a t i o n s of capital import in the complicated syntax for which he is so widely renowned: "There have been so many great parties at Studio 54 . . . . The first really glamorous one was Halston's birthday party for Bianca Jagger...
Vol. 13 • March 1980 • No. 3