Current Wisdom
"Current Wisdom" Future Life Jose Alcarez, the eloquent associate publisher of Aura, Magazine, offers avisienary pronunciamento t...
...Guthrie's provocative letter in Future Life #17 #17 that we stillhave a long way to go before SF and gay r e l a t i o n s h i p s are depicted on the silver screen, or for that matter our television sets...
...September/October 1980] The Washington P o s t More sociological b i l g e f o r t h e nitwit n e o t e r i c s from Dr...
...August 27-September 2, 1980] 42 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR DECEMBER 1980...
...The children's eyes got very big...
...Now, however, not knowing what to say, and not wanting to say the wrong thing, we said n o t h i n g - - l e t them watch for a b r i e f instant, then herded them gently away...
...Daddy can no longer beat either his wife or his child without answering for his actions...
...The book treats minorities in ways that are d e r o g a t o r y , " explains J o a n Dillon, the library's director of children's s e r v i c e s . " I t ' s w r i t t e n from the old English view of the 'white man's burden.' _9 . . That is naturally offensive to minorities and others as well...
...Berkeley: Nilgiri Press, 1976] The V i l l a g e Voice S i s t e r Mary Michael Feingold brings t h e Chicken L i t t l e A e s t h e t i c s to a review o f t h e play Say Uncle, Sam: Miriam Fond's political revue, Say Unde, Sam is just good enough to make one furious that it isn't better...
...Italian feminists and writers are calling him a male chauvinist because of his latest declaration on sex...
...If man has decided to go beyond the Moon, and he has, he must pave the way for others and must explore not only the stars and their secrets, but the very secrets and gifts of his own body...
...Mary Poppins," as it turned out, had long since been reviewed by a committee of librarians here and found unsuitable for children...
...Who could be the one to travel through time and space, years, perhaps even a lifetime to worlds unknown to man...
...Possible solution to these problems were exhibited last weekend at Laney College in Oakland . . . . Demonstrations included canning and preserving food, and breast self-examination...
...Here is a lady who wanted a child but no husband and who, given her income and her education, was perfectly capable of going the entire motherhood route on her own... one scene, a black child had been referred to as a "pickanniny" and a black woman, welcoming Mary Poppins, had offered her a slice of watermelon...
...In the revised version, those parts are removed and the black woman, who before had said in dialect, "I been 'spectin' you," instead says, "We've been anticipating your visit, Mary Poppins...
...But thanks to writers like George Nader, David Gerrold and Samuel Delaney, who continue to incorporate gay lifestyles within their SF, perhaps someday w e ' l l be able to touch base with the filmmakers of the world...
...Early space travel could not possibly include "family...
...Anna Eminente, a spokeswoman for a feminist group called "Universal Womanhood," said John Paul's remarks "confirm the Pope is a male chauvinist_9 He talks about looking at women with lustful d e s i r e s but not a word about women doing the same," she said...
...So who would it be...
...September 9, I980] The Indianapolis Star The i n t r e p i d Associated P r e s s reports a n o t h e r curious kink in the f e m i n i s t fever" Vatican City (AP)--PopeJohn Paul II has whipped up a storm by bidding men not to look lustfully at women, not even their wives...
...October 7, 1980] The Daily Californian Miss Linda Burger r e p o r t s on t h e march o f science in the g r e a t s t a t e o f California: Not only is 1980 the beginning of a new decade, it is also the beginning of a new set of c o n s e r v a t i o n problems for the average American...
...It wasn't long after that before tuna sandwiches and then hot dogs faded into the past...
...The chance is too good to waste: All those giant political figures bloating like overripe plums, at the peak of the most absurd e l e c t o r a l campaign since Harding's, at a time of misery and humiliation in our crumbling culture, in the middle of a world situation that would be u t t e r l y l a u g h a b l e if it weren't so horrifying...
...If would be inconceivable to venture into places where man had never been...
...A gay person...
...C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M Future Life #19 J o s e Alcarez, t h e e l o q u e n t a s s o c i a t e p u b l i s h e r o f Aura , a a g a z i n e , o f f e r s a v i s i e n a r y pronunciamento t h a t - - i f t h e r e b e a j u s t Yahweh i n t h e Heavens--should a s s u r e him a p l a c e on the Kennedy staff: _9 . . As associate publisher of the first gay science fiction and fantasy magazine, I can only add with regards to Mr...
...It was a crucial moment...
...Corporate profiteering may mean an end to this native U_9 plant, and to o t h e r native plants elsewhere . . . . The most important endangered strains are located in the Third World, where a g r i c u l t u r e orginated...
...October 11, 1980] The Great Books S e r i e s From t h e v e n e r a t e d v e g e t a r i a n cook book, Laurel's Kitchen, whose dedication s i n g s " T h i s book is d e d i c a t e d to a glossy black c a l f on his way to the s l a u g h t e r h o u s e many y e a r s a g o , whose e y e s met t h o s e ofsomeone who could understand t h e i r a p p e a l and i n s p i r e u s , and thousands o f o t h e r s like us, to give t h e g i f t o f l i f e " ; we p r e s e n t a t h o u g h t - p r o v o k i n g , t r u e - l i f e , i n t e r k t d e : Chris missed hot dogs, and Julia hankered after her old favoite, tuna fish sandwiches...
...1 chose not to harass them about it, though, and in time it stopped happening...
...They'd have half bought the idea, and if it were reinforced enough times, t h e y ' d have started saying it themselves, even though all the time, d e s p i t e t h e i r attempts to dispell it the image of that poor, struggling creature would have remained locked in their consciousness...
...and space exploration will succeed through the e f f o r t s of men and women who have d e d i c a t e d t h e i r lives to withstand the complexity of space travel, and environmental and biological changes...
...Now and then, in the early days, I used to find remnants of dubious sandwiches in t h e i r lunchpails, the r e s u l t of playground trades...
...Why n o t - - i t ' s p o s s i b l e . And if s o - - sViould hypocrisy and small-minded individuals prevent the coming o i a new and exciting a d v e n t u r e to t h e c h i l d r e n of tomorrow...
...What is left after the bringing-homethe-bacon routine has turned into a farce is simple--not much...
...Companionship and sexual expression are a large part of the human heart, and biologically, the human spirit could not function nor survive to its total capacity without it...
...She opted for adoption, saying that there were already too many babies in the world but recognizing also that, thank God, there is a difference between a man and a rooster_9 I cite the case of this woman because it points up in an almost absurdist way just how irrelevant Daddies can be...
...Then one Sunday afternoon, with no ulterior motive, we took the children for a walk on the Marina . . . . Suddenly someone landed a fish right in front of us...
...Children have this sense instinctively anyway, so it was mostly just a m a t t e r of b r u s h i n g away some of the cobweb-rationalizations that had covered it over...
...It didbother them at f i r s t to be ' d i f - ferent' from their classmates...
...Even when it comes to a wife or child having an abortion, Daddies need not be consulted...
...Yes--I believe that gays are an important part of tomorrow's adventure, and beyond that, the future of Earth and its r e l a t i o n s h i p to the u n i v e r s e . But the future lies in what man has learned about himself...
...Laure/'s Kitchen by Laurel Robertson et al...
...When man can search within himself---and confess what his thoughts, dreams and feelings are--only then can we all begin and join hands as one human race, determined to explore together his place in the future...
...Who would be the bvst equipped to hopefully succeed in ~-.~an's most important adventure...
...Every day he (the Pope) is taking a step backward to the Dark Ages," author Lucia Druli Dembi told the Rome daily II Messagero...
...where danger and the possible loss of life are at every turn...
...Native varieties there are now particularly jeopardized because multinational seed companies are targeting p r i m i t i v e farming areas for new s e e d sales...
...Old prejudices must step aside in the course of progress...
...Travers made changes in the book...
...We exerted very little pressure-just tried to share with them our growing sense of f e l l o w - f e e l i n g with animals, birds, and fish...
...He's got himself a real dinner there...
...The husband must not use his wife, her femininity, to fulfill his instinctive desire," the Pope said...
...Success and discovery can only be achieved by hard work and dedication...
...She had written the stories years and years ago, with no intention of any racial slurs...
...Travers was very upset," recalls Bier...
...Now, if we could all sit back and watch this all on television...
...June 1980] The Los Angeles Times C u l t u r a l advances i n Renaissance America, a s r e p o r t e d i n t h e e n - l i g h t e n e d Times o f Los Angeles: Not long ago, a San Francisco woman went to the public library to check out a copy of "Mars/Poppins," the fanciful :bo~yk about an English nanny that has delighted children for years, But she was surprised to find that the book, made even more popular by the Walt Disney movie of the same name, is banned from the shelves...
...He can not tell his children about the birds and the bees when he w~nts to because the schools will do it when they want to and he cannot even stop a child from procuring contraceptive knowledge or devices...
...Richard Cohen, r e s i d e n t f o r w a r d - l o o k e r - a n d - l e a p e r o f t h e Washington Post: A single woman I know wanted a child...
...He s a i d : " A d u l t e r y in your heart is committed not only when you look with concupiscence (strong or excessive sexual desire) at a woman who is not your wife, but also if you look in the same manner at your wife...
...She had to decide be~,~c~a ad~pti~g one or using some man to do what neither she nor anyone else has ever been able to do alone...
...The Poppins book, wiitten by P.U Travers and first published in 1934, first came under criticism some years ago, according to Anna Bier, a senior e d i t o r for its publisher, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc...
...Who knows what the future holds for all of us--yes, including us gay Earthlings...
...There is Daddy as Ultimate Authority, but even here both the state and common sense have intervened...
...At an earlier time, we might have said, "Wow, what a catch...
...October 6, 1980] Mother J o n e s Another e s o t e r i c notification interl a r d e d amid the "general j u v e n i l i a o f t h e incomparable Mother Jones: Wave goodbye to the Hopi lima bean...
...Away from families, loved ones and many things that man holds dear to himself...
...No future is possible without the understanding of man's relationship to himself and his fellow men...
...It flopped down at our f e e t , gasping and writhing as it struggled to get free of the hook...
...T h i s Pope is t u r n i n g the Catholic faith into a punitive faith," said another writer, Edith Bruck...
...The f u t u r e belongs to the young and the still unborn...
...As for a husband, none was even on the horizon...
...In fact, when last heard from, both mother and son were doing fine...
Vol. 13 • December 1980 • No. 12