The Continuing Crisis
THE CONTINUING CRISIS . Is Mr. Leonid I. Brezhnev,* 72, sliding through dotage and about to give himself up to the worms? Is this loveable bear of a man, who not long ago took the diabolical Nixon...
...In sociological news, South Africa's Mr...
...Peter Snyman successfully completed 50 days of peaceful coexistence with 24 deadly snakes...
...From Berlin's Spandau Prison comes the good news that Mr...
...Then there was that Kremlin reception at the end of which he apparently lost his bearings and almost exited into a closet...
...Pope John Paul II became the first Pope to visit a Communist country when he visited Poland...
...The Massachusetts Messiah announced a health care plan that would cost $40 billion and turn every medical worker in the country into a pfc for life...
...As everyone knows, the United Nations has long maintained sanctions against trading with Rhodesia...
...A Brezhnev defunct and embalmed is probably still a step ahead of this American President...
...The fury over nuclear energy seems to be arousing both ends of the political spectrum...
...Ambassador Andy Young certainly did not...
...Marx's liberationism philosophy for over three decades, and so it was somewhat startling when something like a third of the country journeyed from afar to see the 59-year-old dispenser of Christian opium...
...The thing would cost a fortune...
...San Francisco was the scene of a prodigiously balmy spectacular as law and order advocate Mr...
...But that will not prevent it from putting an idiot smile on the faces of thousands of American policymakers...
...Giant pyramids would be raised, the course of mighty rivers would be reversed, and people would not get sick or hungry or sober...
...The Poles have enjoyed Dr...
...Now the old Bolshevik humanitarian must face the President of the United States for a summit...
...The land would be drenched in dollar bills...
...Still, if stipulations allowing unfettered use of the Backfire bomber, wide disparities in strategic payload, and that gentleman's agreement regarding verification are not enough to give Papa Brezhnev an easy time of it when he meets Jimmy in June, he can also take satisfaction that the treaty's protocol bans the Tomahawk cruise missile and the mobile basing of ICBMs -two programs essential to the United States if it is to remain a cloud on the Soviet horizon after 1981...
...In a recent meeting with France's President Giscard d'Estaing there were melancholy interludes when Mr...
...During May these questions lay especially heavy on the minds of all staunch disciples of the Marxist-Leninist Gospel, for early in the month came word of completion of the SALT II treaty...
...Here were the champions of liberation, equality before the law, due process, and liberality for all howling for White's head and endorsing every claim that proponents of capital punishment like Professor Walter Berns have made for retribution...
...It is unlikely...
...Moreover, the Soviets have been reselling that chrome to the United States for a handsome profit, even as our statesmen wring their hands over whether or not to buy chrome from Rhodesia...
...If they can sell the Americans on their integrity now, well,,it opens large possibilities for Soviet prospects in the future...
...It was a moment to remember...
...Brezhnev's mind wandered off and he became-let us not flinch from the truth-somewhat silly...
...And without even being a student at the University of North Carolina, Mr...
...And in Nashville, Tennessee, Mr...
...Alas, Americans must face the facts: Brezhnev will be sitting across from a man who came to Washington with just six years experience in high public office...
...A vivid demonstration of Soviet integrity was offered by London's Sunday Telegraph just four weeks after SALT II was announced...
...buying up vast quantities of Rhodesian chrome, tobacco, and corn...
...Hess, "the crisis at the Harrisburg atomic power station in America gave him a lot of concern...
...Truth be known, living up to treaty agreements has never presented them with a problem...
...And will Papa Brezhnev's prospering citizens be endangered by a treaty allowing Moscow unfettered use of the Backfire bomber, massive superiority in strategic payload, and vast opportunities to continue its vigorous strategic buildup...
...Brezhnev also serves actively as Chairman of the Communist Party, President of the Soviet Union, and Marshal of the Soviet Union...
...According to Mrs...
...Is this loveable bear of a man, who not long ago took the diabolical Nixon joyriding through the woods of Camp David, now a doddering wreck, hard of hearing, and unable to hold his water...
...According to a report compiled by Western diplomatic sources for the United Nations Sanctions Committee, that enterprising nation is none other than Papa Brezhnev's USSR...
...The economy moved from queasi-ness to the chills...
...Did the angry pederasts rejoice three days later when Mr...
...The 23 "handicapped preferred" machines will feature, among other conveniences, placards in Braille to describe payoffs and jackpots for the blind...
...Teddy would bring us Carter's foreign policy made sonorous and a domestic policy reminiscent of that of the late Mr...
...He compared the Florida execution with the legal system of modern Iran where men are shot down for scortatory engagements, political expressions, and being rich and Jewish...
...Suddenly the media whistled with talk of a Kennedy candidacy, a candidacy promising an end to amateurism and a return to quackery...
...Otherwise the month was a protracted misery for Jimmy...
...Is Papa Brezhnev up to it...
...In the United States Miss Jane Fonda and her lovely husband Tom Hayden stepped up their efforts against a well-lit tomorrow...
...Bert Lance was indicted for his unique banking practices that involved $20 million in shaky loans...
...Dan White evaded the guillotine by furiously manipulating the entire corpus of humanitarian law, even as thousands of humanitarian-obsessed pederasts rampaged, destroying property and battling cops...
...Grayland Duncan has been ordered to pay $107.50 for kicking a neighbor's cat to death...
...Yet which of these united nations has been *. Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, winner of the Gold Star medal, the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal, the Order of Lenin (five times), the Order of the Red Banner (twice), the Lenin Peace Prize, the Karl Marx Gold Medal, the Order of Victory, and the Lenin Prize for Literature...
...By the end of the month Jimmy seemed shorter...
...Furthermore, Papa Brezhnev will be able to count on certain influential Americans' adherence to the occult to keep the USSR strong and secure...
...Once the treaty is signed these Americans will be invoking "the spirit of SALT" every time one of Washington's capitalist roaders urges even the strategic force modernization programs that the treaty now allows...
...In Massachusetts a state legislator sought to assure his recognition in the Massachusetts House chamber during a momentous debate on nonreturnable bottles by dropping his pantaloons...
...Rudolph Hess is also following the issue closely...
...Moreover, the treaty contains what amounts to a gentleman's agreement regarding verification, which must be exquisitely satisfying to the Soviets...
...In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the Boardwalk Regency Hotel is installing slot machines for the handicapped...
...And so another of life's simple pleasures slips under the government's coil...
...The comrades need not worry...
...Joseph A. Califafio has won a fraternity-sponsored photo contest for the ugliest man on campus...
...Benito Mussolini...
...John Spenkelink was executed in the Sunshine State...
...His southern Africa policy was imperiled by a 75 to 19 Senate vote advising him that Rhodesia had met congressional criteria for an end to trade sanctions...
...Of course the spirit of SALT is claptrap...
...And left-wing Democrats began hollering for a return to the Camelot buncombe, even as Senator Edward Kennedy notified them that there is plenty available...
...Thus is Marxist historical inevitability to be aided and abetted by America's 1970s passion for amateurism...
...America would become a land of fat cows and ambrosiaand in Washington violins would fill the gentle night...
...Only one of his four recent energy initiatives passed his Democratic Congress, that being a bill giving him authority to control thermostats in public buildings...
...When Jimmy Carter forsook the all-night gas stations of Plains, Georgia, for his presidential inauguration Who's Who still listed his occupation as "farmer and warehouseman...
Vol. 12 • July 1979 • No. 7