CORRESPONDENCE Knee-jerk Iconoclasm Although I defer to few in my admiration for the rambunctious insights and savory prose of Tom Bethell, his dismissal of Margaret Mead (Capitol Ideas, April...
...The provision of the Constitution makes sense only when read against a fundamental commitment, arising out of the principles of lawfulness, to distinguish between the innocent and the guilty: Those distinctions may not be made in a reasoned way when torture is used to extract confessions, and it is that use of coercion which must be seen as the core of the provision against self-incrimination...
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...In this regard, she has shown more guts than most of the normally-dominant males in the conservative movement who can boldly stand up to General Torrijos but who collapse into incoherent mumbles when faced by a feminist...
...The Human Life Review, a new quarterly journal, provides the best anti-abortion arguments available anywhere...
...Those principles counsel lawfulness, which means that they oblige us to respect explicit provisions of the Constitution until they are lawfully repealed...
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...PERSONAL Dear Leo Joseph: Pourquoi, perche, warum, and cur do you not write to La Folle du Nord...
...van den Haag may preserve his respect for law, but the principled source of that commitment remains obscured, and it is hardly assuring to be told that it rests on grounds that are safely non-moral...
...idea of constitutional government...
...These kinds of features are useful, but there is no principle which establishes that either one of them is strictly necessary to a regime of law...
...Buttons, posters, bumper-stickers, and self-adhesive stickers...
...Most revealing book ever published with photographs, biographies of all Members of Congress showing committee and subcommittee assignments...
...It would take a leap of logic, then, to suggest that the very presence of a constitution indicates that moral understanding (or a sense of natural rights) has been displaced by positive fiat as the source of all law...
...And so would the real doctors, congressmen, students, and public-affairs specialists on your list...
...Arkes believes that we (including the judiciary) are bound by the Constitution and cannot replace, extend, or supersede it via natural rights when these are not granted by it, then it does not matter whether one believes that there are such self-evident natural rights and that they justify what the Constitution tells us to do...
...Arkes worries that, unless his view of self-evident moral values is accepted, rights and duties may be arbitrarily decreed by majorities...
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...van den Haag's puzzlement...
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...van den Haag himself has recognized all of this—i.e., he has recognized at different times that the provisions of the Constitution must often be understood in the light of the true ends or character of the Constitution, which depend in turn on the principles of constitutionalism...
...Box numbers $2 each...
...van den Haag better may HELP WANTED Auto Damage Appraiser...
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...Actually they areirrelevant and so is, therefore, Mr...
...This is a non sequitur in logic and has not happened in our constitutional history...
...Caveat emptor...
...A constitution may have a special importance in establishing the precise features that define the character of any particular regime and the way in which a government of law happens to be conducted...
...Conservative leaders, in general, still accept and propagate the myth that earning differences between men and women are caused by "discrimination" rather than by hormones and by the family roles that are indispensable to civilized society...
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...Arkes really believe that natural (moral, human) rights legally can supersede or extend those articulated by the Constitution, or that natural rights can legally give powers, or grant rights, not articulated in the Constitution...
...Excellent text...
...It may be useful to establish, for example, that we shall have a legislature composed of two houses, and that the veto of an executive may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both houses...
...Order from: Rich-Errington, Publisher, Box 546, Bay City, Michigan 48706...
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...And so the provision against self-incrimination would be absurd if it were read with literal strictness to free any person from an obligation to yield his fingerprints or to present his body in a court of law where he can be identified...
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...Arkes replies: I am reluctant to take up more space in these columns than I have already, but frankly I am puzzled by Mr...
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...For that reason Lincoln registered his obligation to respect the provision in Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution, which required the return of fugitive slaves—even though he understood that slavery was incompatible with the very...
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...Ernest van den Haag New York, New York Mr...
...Result of seven years' experience: it tells you in clear language how to avoid expensive replacements, stop those agonizing moments no one warned you about...
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...If so, of what use is the Constitution...
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...The self-evident truths mentioned in the Declaration of Independence are no more a matter of "belief" than the existence of Ernest van den Haag... are they, until and unless embodied in positive constitutional law...
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...Box 877 NAME Bloomington, IN 47401 ADDRESS Please rush me reprints of William Simon's article, "Preventing CITY Medicine...
...2) that the framers thought (a) that natural rights justify the rights, limitations, and powers articulated in the Constitution, (b) that natural rights are independent of, antecedent to, but consistent with the Constitution, and (c) that natural rights are self-evident truths...
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...Ronald Dworkin has lately succeeded in demonstrating (see his Taking Rights Seriously) once more that natural rights can justify anything one wishes...
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...On the contrary, Mr...
...But as Harry Jaffa has explained, Lincoln understood that the commitment to law arose from the same principle that established the wrong of slavery...
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...Revel's The Totalitarian Temptation...
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...Why did the framers, who believed in natural rights, frame positive constitutional law, if natural rights can replace it...
...In the Bakke case Dworkin's natural-rights interpretation leads him to the opposite conclusion from that reached by Mr...
...Else the Constitution would be redundant...
...These ties are identical to the ones worn by Milton Friedman, F.A...
...Be sure to include the line of information above your name...
...Arkes, who shares these beliefs (in some form), thinks that they argue against Mr...
...Box 163, Rosedale, NY 11422...
...In the current issue, two American social democrats debate J.F...
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...I am afraid that the only non sequitur I find in Mr...
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...suspect that he is seeking to achieve, through linguistic reduction, what he has not been able to accomplish with his substantive argument...
...honest, energetic, mechanically inclined with capacity for detail...
...Does Mr...
...CORRESPONDENCE Knee-jerk Iconoclasm Although I defer to few in my admiration for the rambunctious insights and savory prose of Tom Bethell, his dismissal of Margaret Mead (Capitol Ideas, April 1978), who remains one of the great figures of this century's thought, is an act of knee-jerk iconoclasm...
...But Mr...
...Write: Business Tours, Box 731, Sedona, AZ 86336...
...A high-quality publication you've got to see to believe...
...Arkes' practice is better than his theory, whereas Dworkin's practice is as good as his theory—shared by Arkes...
...Gateway Editions, 722 Western Ave., Glenn Ellyn, III...
...Arkes' belief in moral values and their objectivity and truth (whether or not correct) is quite irrelevant...
...We have a living constitution by following it, not by replacing it with whatever moral ideas we feel nature tells us to follow... experience...
...Box 6235, Washington, D.C...
...The most we can say is that we are obliged to establish provisions of this kind, and the ones I have mentioned are not inconsistent with the principles that underlie a constitutional order...
...Please renew my subscription for one year ($10.00...
...Hazan International, 38 Rue de Moscou, 75008 Paris, France...
...IT IS A MUST sourcebook of Congressional information...
...Moreover, her major work, Male and Female, is still the most lucid, sensitive, and incisive exposition of the differences between the sexes, and in recent years she has defied the entire feminist establishment by declaring the ubiquity and biological basis of patriarchy...
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...Arkes' argument...
...Berger's view that the Constitution must be interpreted as allowing the judiciary to grant only those rights and duties specified in it, however much other rights or duties appear morally (or naturally) justified...
...George Gilder Tyringham, Massachusetts Taking Rights Seriously In his reply to Raoul Berger (April 1978) Hadley Arkes proves at some length: (1) that the framers of the Constitution were inspired by natural-law ideas commonly held at the time...
...Like Bethell, Mead is never afraid to express her opinions and if a number of them are off the mark, they nonetheless retain a freshness and idiosyncrasy, a refusal to be abashed by new fashions of thought, and a matter-of-fact conservatism about family roles that are rare in an aging pundit, beloved of the media...
...Of course the dispute would move to the question of a priori and necessary truths, but I forbear to say more than I have already lest someone write in to tell us that a priori, necessary truths are nowhere mentioned in the Constitution...
...Send ads, with full payment, to: Classified Ad Department, The American Spectator, P.O...
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...In other parts of our Constitution it becomes evident that the literal provisions in the document make no sense unless they are informed by an understanding of the principles of constitutionalism that exist anterior to the Constitution, and which the Constitution is trying to express...
...von Hayek, and E.J...
...Checks, money orders...
...van den Haag makes a gratuitous gesture when he persists in representing my own views in the language of "belief" (continued on page 43) The American Spectator June/ July 1978 41 CORRESPONDENCE (continued from page 41) and "feeling"—a language that he knows is foreign to the argument I made...
...Cash and carry...
...If Mr...
...That is rather like saying that since George McGovern used the claims of "moral" argument in a zany way, "moral" propositions must have no meaning—and no binding force in our law...
...van den Haag's last paragraph is one of his own authorship: viz., that since "natural rights," in the hands of Ronald Dworkin, can be used to "justify anything one wishes," natural rights must be arbitrary and meaningless...
...74-33546, ISBN 915898-02-0...
...Positive constitutional law alone would be decisive in conflicts and litigations...
Vol. 11 • June 1978 • No. 8